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Calling all Freaks, Geeks, Dweebs and Nerds alike!



  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Gotta love Borderlands, who doesn't have a love hate relationship with Claptrap too. It is great to have RPGs like that that don't take themselves too seriously and are genuinely funny along the way (Tiny Tina). Great one to be playing with your SO too, used to have a lot of fun on it with my ex, even if she did get all the best loot lol

    I think Ocarina of Time (Zelda) was my first ever RPG many moons ago <3, Final Fantasy died for me after VIII though but an amazing series before that.

    Surprised to have not seen more mentions of Minecraft, I thought everybody in all the universes had played that one!
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    How cool is this?

    Such simple technology at it's core yet the implications of this sort of tech are insane. Admittedly this is a prototype, it is noisy, I'm sure they will reduce the size of each piston in later versions too.

    I think the poker game bit was my personal favourite, though the ability for the table to bring things to you is amazing! What do you all think?
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Oooooh, that is a really, really good point. Smart mind you have there. There is that hydrophobic material, that could allow potential liquid spillages to drain safely to somewhere.
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Lol at the button sticking, we've all been there way too many times.

    I think if it is hydrophobic then it wouldn't get sticky, all the liquid would just roll off/down into drip trays.

    Certainly the pistons would be powerful enough to overcome the friction caused if there was a sticky residue, the springs in keyboards are rather weak by comparison. However there are likely very precise forces applied to gain this level of control on the objects being moved by table and even a slight imbalance could have significant effects. That would be my hypothesis anyway, what about yours?
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    That was amazing, you should write sci-fi/horror fiction!

    At first I wanted to hide under the table in fear but just caught my potentially life threatening mistake in time. Now I feel bad for the poor, misunderstood table. It just needed to be loved, so I'm going to get it off the streets and take it home so we can get to know each other better. I want to find out about its dreams and hopes so together we can work on them and give this adorable table the life it deserves. *Hugs table*
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    Henchmen 21 and 24 from Venture bros costumes will be done next week. I dont think the new scorpion and sub zero costumes will make it in time for the convention :/
  • Luke_I_am_your_spotter
    Luke_I_am_your_spotter Posts: 4,179 Member
    edited August 2015
    can you take pictures of constellations close up?

    It's on my to do list... i started with the moon, then did planets (Venus, Juipter and its moons, Saturn...one day I'll get Mars), now I want to try some deep space stuff...I want to try to take a pic of M13 aka " the great globular cluster" located in Hercules... not sure if I can track it long enough though to get a pic. (over 30 seconds and i cant do it without buying more equipment.)

    @Jersey__Devil what scope have you got?

    just saw this @Mr_Stabbems. I have a few. lol The one I use the most is a 6" Skyquest Dobsonian. After that a 4.5" orion reflector and a Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain. What do you have?
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    The behavior is observed as an unfixable malfunction and eventually the table thing is set outside on the curb in the rain, to await being taken away to the metal recycling facility and/or dump. The table thing plays the worlds saddest song while the screen we are watching this on fades to black. Fin.

    Well that escalated quickly. ._.
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    Surprised to have not seen more mentions of Minecraft, I thought everybody in all the universes had played that one!

    Aha! Knew I forgot something. I absolutely adore Minecraft. Right now I'm working on a mountain castle in survival mode. There is soooo much digging but the results of it so far look pretty cool. :)
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    edited August 2015
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    Last time I did anything remotely like Minecraft was on Halo 3 Forge... I miss that game :/
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member

    Thanks to you I now have coffee up my nose. -_-
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member

    Thanks to you I now have coffee up my nose. -_-

    You are welcome
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    Alright folks so a friend of mine made me extremely jealous this morning in mentioning that he got to fiddle with a certain Oculus VR over the past weekend. So of course I need to bring this topic to here because why not?!

    Oculus Rift, love? Hate? Need? Ignore? What's your verdict?
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Surprised to have not seen more mentions of Minecraft, I thought everybody in all the universes had played that one!

    Aha! Knew I forgot something. I absolutely adore Minecraft. Right now I'm working on a mountain castle in survival mode. There is soooo much digging but the results of it so far look pretty cool. :)

    <3 survival mode, so much more satisfying that creative. Lucky you as well seeing as how you have a workforce (your SO) to help you get things done :D You a P.C. rather than an Xbox player I'm guessing? I also have much love for a game called Space Engineers, think Minecraft in space, even had a bit of fun learning to model when I made a little mod on Stream. I'm waiting for it to be ported onto Xbox though as I much rather lounging back with a controller lol
    Last time I did anything remotely like Minecraft was on Halo 3 Forge... I miss that game :/

    The Halo forge was nice, highly restricting though. Far Cry series have always come with pretty in depth level editors too that are a lot of fun. Trials games have amazingly fun level editors also so lots of options if you enjoy level design :)
  • Jonny15121983
    Jonny15121983 Posts: 573 Member
    Alright folks so a friend of mine made me extremely jealous this morning in mentioning that he got to fiddle with a certain Oculus VR over the past weekend. So of course I need to bring this topic to here because why not?!

    Oculus Rift, love? Hate? Need? Ignore? What's your verdict?

    Tell him I hate him, purely from jealousy but I still hate him :D Super hyped for the Xbox Hololens too, have you seen the demos from E3 when they use it to play Minecraft?
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    edited August 2015
    Alright folks so a friend of mine made me extremely jealous this morning in mentioning that he got to fiddle with a certain Oculus VR over the past weekend. So of course I need to bring this topic to here because why not?!

    Oculus Rift, love? Hate? Need? Ignore? What's your verdict?

    I heard it's coming back for pc and xbone. I know that it fell through big time and EVERY developer was just like "yeah, we dont wanna use that", for 2 or 3 years. I used it once for this crappy horror game. Always wanted to try it with skyrim...