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Let's have an actual chat - no "would you date/*kitten*/marry/add the person below you" games



  • uwouldluvme2
    uwouldluvme2 Posts: 188 Member
    Well christmas tree finally up..presents wrapped and all cards sent..Im ready..
    Im normally still wrapping gifts the night before..Im pretty damn happy..I can relax now...cheers..I've earnt a rocket fuel.. B)

    Wow! Good for you! I'm sending cards out tonight. Just ordered most of my Christmas presents on Amazon. Three more things to get tomorrow and I'm done!
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    So I was wondering how many MFP'ers were on dating sites? I joined PoF a few months ago and I get some really crazy messages - even worse than the PM's I get here.

    dating sites are terrible for that... I'm not on one anymore but used to be and the messages that you get from guys are terrible. you are the finest thing to walk the earth until you turn them down and then you are instantly "fat" "ugly" etc lol don't take it to heart. on the bright side though, I did find my boyfriend on there... well he found me so I'm not saying it's all sex crazed idiots but 99.9% are haha good luck girl!
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So I was wondering how many MFP'ers were on dating sites? I joined PoF a few months ago and I get some really crazy messages - even worse than the PM's I get here.

    dating sites are terrible for that... I'm not on one anymore but used to be and the messages that you get from guys are terrible. you are the finest thing to walk the earth until you turn them down and then you are instantly "fat" "ugly" etc lol don't take it to heart. on the bright side though, I did find my boyfriend on there... well he found me so I'm not saying it's all sex crazed idiots but 99.9% are haha good luck girl!

    I politely turned down a guy a few days ago after me messaged me about 4 times. He responded by calling me a "used up crack *kitten*"...it's insane!!!

  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    So I was wondering how many MFP'ers were on dating sites? I joined PoF a few months ago and I get some really crazy messages - even worse than the PM's I get here.

    dating sites are terrible for that... I'm not on one anymore but used to be and the messages that you get from guys are terrible. you are the finest thing to walk the earth until you turn them down and then you are instantly "fat" "ugly" etc lol don't take it to heart. on the bright side though, I did find my boyfriend on there... well he found me so I'm not saying it's all sex crazed idiots but 99.9% are haha good luck girl!

    I politely turned down a guy a few days ago after me messaged me about 4 times. He responded by calling me a "used up crack *kitten*"...it's insane!!!

    yeah you can be as polite or as rude as you want and you will get the same response... guaranteed. it's bad. where are all the momma's at teachin' their boys how to treat a lady?!? lol good lord. I really hope you can get some good out of it though. and if nothing else, you have to laugh at how they act because it's so ridiculous

    speaking of... not sure if you have instagram but there's a really hilarious account called @byefelipe and it's all about the messages women get on dating sites and their smart *kitten* responses. it's quite hilarious.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So I was wondering how many MFP'ers were on dating sites? I joined PoF a few months ago and I get some really crazy messages - even worse than the PM's I get here.

    dating sites are terrible for that... I'm not on one anymore but used to be and the messages that you get from guys are terrible. you are the finest thing to walk the earth until you turn them down and then you are instantly "fat" "ugly" etc lol don't take it to heart. on the bright side though, I did find my boyfriend on there... well he found me so I'm not saying it's all sex crazed idiots but 99.9% are haha good luck girl!

    I politely turned down a guy a few days ago after me messaged me about 4 times. He responded by calling me a "used up crack *kitten*"...it's insane!!!

    yeah you can be as polite or as rude as you want and you will get the same response... guaranteed. it's bad. where are all the momma's at teachin' their boys how to treat a lady?!? lol good lord. I really hope you can get some good out of it though. and if nothing else, you have to laugh at how they act because it's so ridiculous

    speaking of... not sure if you have instagram but there's a really hilarious account called @byefelipe and it's all about the messages women get on dating sites and their smart *kitten* responses. it's quite hilarious.

    I actually took a screen shot of his response and submitted it to @byefelipe lololol

  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    So I was wondering how many MFP'ers were on dating sites? I joined PoF a few months ago and I get some really crazy messages - even worse than the PM's I get here.

    dating sites are terrible for that... I'm not on one anymore but used to be and the messages that you get from guys are terrible. you are the finest thing to walk the earth until you turn them down and then you are instantly "fat" "ugly" etc lol don't take it to heart. on the bright side though, I did find my boyfriend on there... well he found me so I'm not saying it's all sex crazed idiots but 99.9% are haha good luck girl!

    I politely turned down a guy a few days ago after me messaged me about 4 times. He responded by calling me a "used up crack *kitten*"...it's insane!!!

    yeah you can be as polite or as rude as you want and you will get the same response... guaranteed. it's bad. where are all the momma's at teachin' their boys how to treat a lady?!? lol good lord. I really hope you can get some good out of it though. and if nothing else, you have to laugh at how they act because it's so ridiculous

    speaking of... not sure if you have instagram but there's a really hilarious account called @byefelipe and it's all about the messages women get on dating sites and their smart *kitten* responses. it's quite hilarious.

    I actually took a screen shot of his response and submitted it to @byefelipe lololol

    haha oh I hope I see it on there! that's too funny. you are way ahead of me :p
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    I was surfing buzzfeed and came across this... it was meant to be buzzfeed.com/daves4/unwanted-dicks#.rlon4qv9aP
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited December 2015
    What I find worse're the hypocrites, the guys that complain on their profile; that no one returns their messages but when I message them, to see if they're hypocrites; they don't message me back. Don't complain about something, that you do to other's; being done to you. I don't respond to every message I receive, therefore I don't complain about it; being done to me but I'll confront hypocrites.

    I was hoping to find a nice guy, that finishes last. Instead I've found that, all of those; are already taken & what's available're the narcissistic sociopaths, that no one wants. I mean why else would guys, whom're drop dead gorgeous on the outside; be on a dating website? Unless they're also, drop dead garbage; on the inside.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    What I find worse're the hypocrites, the guys that complain on their profile; that no one returns their messages but when I message them, to see if they're hypocrites; they don't message me back. Don't complain about something, that you do to other's; being done to you. I don't respond to every message I receive, therefore I don't complain about it; being done to me but I'll confront hypocrites.

    I was hoping to find a nice guy, that finishes last. Instead I've found that, all of those; are already taken & what's available're the narcissistic sociopaths, that no one wants. I mean why else would guys, whom're drop dead gorgeous on the outside; be on a dating website? Unless they're also, drop dead garbage; on the inside.

    Or their profile says that they're a nice guy and blah blah and they send me a message that says " u r sexy. wnt 2 chat". Like - that's not nice!

  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited December 2015
    What I find worse're the hypocrites, the guys that complain on their profile; that no one returns their messages but when I message them, to see if they're hypocrites; they don't message me back. Don't complain about something, that you do to other's; being done to you. I don't respond to every message I receive, therefore I don't complain about it; being done to me but I'll confront hypocrites.

    I was hoping to find a nice guy, that finishes last. Instead I've found that, all of those; are already taken & what's available're the narcissistic sociopaths, that no one wants. I mean why else would guys, whom're drop dead gorgeous on the outside; be on a dating website? Unless they're also, drop dead garbage; on the inside.

    Or their profile says that they're a nice guy and blah blah and they send me a message that says " u r sexy. wnt 2 chat". Like - that's not nice!

    I just had that last night & this morning, from the same guy but sexually graphic. I just disabled my account, not because of him; in particular but because I am just so beyond exhausted & livid, with dealing with 30ish guys; that have teenage mentalities.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    What I find worse're the hypocrites, the guys that complain on their profile; that no one returns their messages but when I message them, to see if they're hypocrites; they don't message me back. Don't complain about something, that you do to other's; being done to you. I don't respond to every message I receive, therefore I don't complain about it; being done to me but I'll confront hypocrites.

    I was hoping to find a nice guy, that finishes last. Instead I've found that, all of those; are already taken & what's available're the narcissistic sociopaths, that no one wants. I mean why else would guys, whom're drop dead gorgeous on the outside; be on a dating website? Unless they're also, drop dead garbage; on the inside.

    Or their profile says that they're a nice guy and blah blah and they send me a message that says " u r sexy. wnt 2 chat". Like - that's not nice!

    I just had that last night & this morning, from the same guy but sexually graphic. I just disabled my account, not because of him; in particular but because I am just so beyond exhausted & livid, with dealing with 30ish guys; with teenage mentalities.

    I'm just about there myself...I was messaging with a guy this morning who seemed really nice. So he asks me if I'm free for a drink tonight. I tell him I'm not but ask him if he's free any other time over the weekend. Then he blocks me. He just...blocked me. Out of nowhere. WTF?
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    @tracy don't feel bad. It was probably his wife that did that.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    @tracy don't feel bad. It was probably his wife that did that.

    hahhaha @TFaustino67 - so true!!

  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Ls I'm just watching for now til I can tag in on something. Probably killing the thread cause I'm a boy :(
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited December 2015
    What I find worse're the hypocrites, the guys that complain on their profile; that no one returns their messages but when I message them, to see if they're hypocrites; they don't message me back. Don't complain about something, that you do to other's; being done to you. I don't respond to every message I receive, therefore I don't complain about it; being done to me but I'll confront hypocrites.

    I was hoping to find a nice guy, that finishes last. Instead I've found that, all of those; are already taken & what's available're the narcissistic sociopaths, that no one wants. I mean why else would guys, whom're drop dead gorgeous on the outside; be on a dating website? Unless they're also, drop dead garbage; on the inside.

    Or their profile says that they're a nice guy and blah blah and they send me a message that says " u r sexy. wnt 2 chat". Like - that's not nice!

    I just had that last night & this morning, from the same guy but sexually graphic. I just disabled my account, not because of him; in particular but because I am just so beyond exhausted & livid, with dealing with 30ish guys; with teenage mentalities.

    I'm just about there myself...I was messaging with a guy this morning who seemed really nice. So he asks me if I'm free for a drink tonight. I tell him I'm not but ask him if he's free any other time over the weekend. Then he blocks me. He just...blocked me. Out of nowhere. WTF?

    That was so ridiculous & hurtful. I mean I am 35 years old (36 in 3.5 months) & I am not healthy. I don't have any children yet because of my disability. So since the average healthy woman, shouldn't birth children after age 45; I was giving myself until age 40. At this rate, I'll never have a family; of my own. That's also why I'm here to lose weight, to be the healthiest vessel; that I can be for a baby(ies). I figure I have a year & a half, until I am at my goal weight. I began 6 months ago (June 22nd) & I've lost 17.5 pounds, so far. That realistically would've given me, enough time to find someone & evolve into a sustainable relationship, with them; before have their baby(ies).
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I gave up on those sites. If you're older, the guys are all looking for women 20+ years younger than them. As if. B)
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I gave up on those sites. If you're older, the guys are all looking for women 20+ years younger than them. As if. B)

    Or the young guys are just looking to hook up with older women like me :(

  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    @tracy don't feel bad. It was probably his wife that did that.

    Hahaha..I spit my coffee....too funny and probably true