When you SHOULDN'T count calories



  • VeganKay92
    VeganKay92 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't count calories. Personally, to me, its a waste of time.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    When you SHOULDN'T count calories
    'When YOU shouldn't count calories'
    There...fixed that for ya ;)

    Have a great one, everybody!

    ^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period.

    This is 100% false. I know many people who have lost weight without counting calories. You don't have to count anything to lose fat. You just have to consume less than you expend. How do you know when you are without counting? You lose fat.

    Had a response to this, I suggest you read it. "Just consume less" means you lose fat but also more likely than not muscle as well if you are not counting. So yes a lose weight without counting, yes my bad but is it the best thing to do to just lose weight without realizing what's actually happening to you body...not so much. But hey do you

    How does counting calories prevent muscle loss?

    I could have sworn adequate protein and resistance training did that.

    Maybe they meant, not counting your calories makes it harder to track your macros??

    I wouldn't have much of a clue how much protein, fat etc. I was eating everyday if I didn't track on here

  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    If you just want to track what you ate and not have any of the NI or amounts along with it, then get a notebook and a pen and keep track that way.

    One thing hasn't changed, you still like to make things more complicated than they need to be, even when trying to simplify things.



    Uhhuh. Mfp forums are just a personal diary for some people who feel the need to talk to themselves, lol
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    When you SHOULDN'T count calories
    'When YOU shouldn't count calories'
    There...fixed that for ya ;)

    Have a great one, everybody!

    ^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period.

    This is 100% false. I know many people who have lost weight without counting calories. You don't have to count anything to lose fat. You just have to consume less than you expend. How do you know when you are without counting? You lose fat.

    Had a response to this, I suggest you read it. "Just consume less" means you lose fat but also more likely than not muscle as well if you are not counting. So yes a lose weight without counting, yes my bad but is it the best thing to do to just lose weight without realizing what's actually happening to you body...not so much. But hey do you

    How does counting calories prevent muscle loss?

    I could have sworn adequate protein and resistance training did that.

    Odds are, if you are properly counting calories you are looking at macros and micros and back to my original statement you have to see what works for you...but then again I am on the forums so I need to stop being so general... Oh mylanta smh
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I am a recovering bulemic/EDNOS and I weighed my food for about a month, teaching myself about portion sizes and what a proper serving looks like.
    Now I guestimate, weigh myself every day, and only start weighing my food if I've gained more than 5 lbs (I'm in maintenance but could lose another 10 lbs to be honest). I do weigh my cereal every day though since I can't seem to get that one right.
    I also exercise often. I find that it's hard to not weigh every single thing, but I know it's better for my sanity to do so, since my husband will often cook and doesn't weigh things when he cooks for me/us.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think NOT weighing and counting my calories would do my head in more then weighing and counting calories does.
    I'd drive myself nuts wondering if my portion sizes were right, or did I or did I not hit all my macros today...
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    I was anorectic and bulimic and it is a constant battle to stay clean even after many years. But I have found that counting calories is actually a good thing. I use it as a mechanism to ensure that I am eating enough every day. When I don't count calories, I know that I don't eat enough. And that leads to binging and purging...well, it could. So I think it really is in your mindset. If you can't adjust to count calories for your own benefit then don't count calories. But if you can do it and you can make it about ensuring that you're being healthy by eating enough and not too much, then it is really beneficial.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    If you just want to track what you ate and not have any of the NI or amounts along with it, then get a notebook and a pen and keep track that way.

    One thing hasn't changed, you still like to make things more complicated than they need to be, even when trying to simplify things.


    Love this !
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    As a former ED sufferer, I feel like counting calories IS the way to go. When I see the numbers and I see that I can eat way more than I thought I could, it helps me calm down and not get anxious that i'm eating too much, while allowing me to have the feeling that I still have control over my diet.

    I never saw a therapist, I cured myself with myfitnesspal. I was never hardcore anorexic, but i starved to the point where the doctor gave me weight gain pills and my ovaries almost stopped working. Then I fell into the binge eating phase, where I would gain enormous amounts of weight while feeling miserable. My weight used to always fluctuate, my clothes fit me one week but not the next.

    Counting calories is the only thing that helped me realise that i CAN eat more and still get fit, without getting anxious about my intake - which is the main issue that happens to ED sufferers
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    If you just want to track what you ate and not have any of the NI or amounts along with it, then get a notebook and a pen and keep track that way.

    One thing hasn't changed, you still like to make things more complicated than they need to be, even when trying to simplify things.


    Love this !

    Haha I've used this line on my hubby a couple of times today :naughty:

  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    If i had to work on a way of eating that didn't include weighing and calorie counting, I'd try taking a picture of each meal i ate every day and weighing myself each week. If I'm gaining weight then I'm eating more than i burn, so I'd eat the same stuff but smaller portions, continuing to take pictures for comparisons. I'd keep reducing portions sizes until weight is being lost instead of gained or maintained.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    When you SHOULDN'T count calories
    'When YOU shouldn't count calories'
    There...fixed that for ya ;)

    Have a great one, everybody!

    ^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period.

    This is 100% false. I know many people who have lost weight without counting calories. You don't have to count anything to lose fat. You just have to consume less than you expend. How do you know when you are without counting? You lose fat.

    Had a response to this, I suggest you read it. "Just consume less" means you lose fat but also more likely than not muscle as well if you are not counting. So yes a lose weight without counting, yes my bad but is it the best thing to do to just lose weight without realizing what's actually happening to you body...not so much. But hey do you

    How does counting calories prevent muscle loss?

    I could have sworn adequate protein and resistance training did that.

    Odds are, if you are properly counting calories you are looking at macros and micros and back to my original statement you have to see what works for you...but then again I am on the forums so I need to stop being so general... Oh mylanta smh

    But your original statement was not to "see what works for you". It was:

    "you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period."

    Sure, counting can be helpful. It might even be the best method for some people. That doesn't mean it's the only way that works. It's possible to reduce calories without counting them (portion control, set menu plans, calorie density, etc etc), just as it's possible to increase protein without counting calories or protein grams (additional portions, larger portions, more protein sources, etc.)

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'd say the majority of the population has lost weight without counting calories. For me however, this works best.

    I do think that if someone has stalled or plateaued then weighing and logging would be prudent. But if you can lose weight without it, then good for you :smile:
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    When you SHOULDN'T count calories
    'When YOU shouldn't count calories'
    There...fixed that for ya ;)

    Have a great one, everybody!

    ^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period.

    This is 100% false. I know many people who have lost weight without counting calories. You don't have to count anything to lose fat. You just have to consume less than you expend. How do you know when you are without counting? You lose fat.

    Had a response to this, I suggest you read it. "Just consume less" means you lose fat but also more likely than not muscle as well if you are not counting. So yes a lose weight without counting, yes my bad but is it the best thing to do to just lose weight without realizing what's actually happening to you body...not so much. But hey do you

    Obviously counting calories is in no way tied to muscle retention. But if a person has a lot of weight to lose, chances are they will lose muscle even if they eat high protein and lift as heavy as possible.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    I'd say the majority of the population has lost weight without counting calories. For me however, this works best.

    I do think that if someone has stalled or plateaued then weighing and logging would be prudent. But if you can lose weight without it, then good for you :smile:


    And the majority of the healthy population stay healthy without tracking macros.

    The assertion that one has to track macros to lose weight in a healthy way is as silly as the assertion that one has to count calories to lose weight.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I don't think this is a matter of you SHOULDN'T count calories. It's more of a you DON'T WANT TO count calories.

    Some of us on MFP have been here long enough to remember your old account and threads, which provide much more context.
    I've been struggling with sticking to a diet. I've tried just about everything in the past. Since November, I've tried South Beach, Weight Watchers, counting calories on both Sparkpeople and MFP, and just trying to eat healthier in general. I also tried a Paleo diet for a week. I've lost a few pounds here or there, but I've never been able to stick to anything for more than a week or two. Most of the time, I'm lucky if I last more than a day or two.

    I'm just not sure what to do. When I tried South Beach and Paleo, I did alright to start (I lost 6 pounds in a week on a Paleo Diet),but I constantly craved all I couldn't eat. I definitely do better with calorie counting in that respect. I think having forbidden foods is a recipe for disaster- at least for me.

    At the same time, I've never been a math person, and I HATE dealing with numbers. On top of that, trying to plan out my meals ahead of time is a challenge on MFP simply because I don't know how many calories I'll have to spend each day based on my activity level (I wear a Fitbit 24/7). I might have 1,200 calories total for the day (estimated by dinnertime), or I might have 2,000. It really can vary, and it's hard for me to keep up.

    Plus, like I said before, I HATE NUMBERS. They stress me out immensely. I always feel like I'm hungrier when I'm counting calories.

    Not to mention that eating things like whole eggs, whole milk, nuts, and full-fat cheese seem like waste of calories compared to lower-fat options- but I definitely prefer the full-fat dairy and whole eggs. I almost feel like I'm being "punished" when I pour a 150 calorie cup of whole milk when I know I can save about 50 calories and have skim milk- even though i know there are benefits to drinking the full-fat dairy (plus, it tastes better, in my opinion).

    I will say, however, that in the past, I was successful with counting calories for about a month or so, but that was nearly 2 years ago, and I have not had any success since then.

    Certainly, you CAN lose weight without calorie counting. But I think your problem is consistency and actually sticking to something. I mean the above quote is from 2013, 2 years ago, and you're STILL having the same issue. Either commit yourself to one thing or nothing at all. But it's obvious that what you're currently doing, is not working. And if you're not already, seek out some professional help.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I don't think this is a matter of you SHOULDN'T count calories. It's more of a you DON'T WANT TO count calories.

    Some of us on MFP have been here long enough to remember your old account and threads, which provide much more context.
    I've been struggling with sticking to a diet. I've tried just about everything in the past. Since November, I've tried South Beach, Weight Watchers, counting calories on both Sparkpeople and MFP, and just trying to eat healthier in general. I also tried a Paleo diet for a week. I've lost a few pounds here or there, but I've never been able to stick to anything for more than a week or two. Most of the time, I'm lucky if I last more than a day or two.

    I'm just not sure what to do. When I tried South Beach and Paleo, I did alright to start (I lost 6 pounds in a week on a Paleo Diet),but I constantly craved all I couldn't eat. I definitely do better with calorie counting in that respect. I think having forbidden foods is a recipe for disaster- at least for me.

    At the same time, I've never been a math person, and I HATE dealing with numbers. On top of that, trying to plan out my meals ahead of time is a challenge on MFP simply because I don't know how many calories I'll have to spend each day based on my activity level (I wear a Fitbit 24/7). I might have 1,200 calories total for the day (estimated by dinnertime), or I might have 2,000. It really can vary, and it's hard for me to keep up.

    Plus, like I said before, I HATE NUMBERS. They stress me out immensely. I always feel like I'm hungrier when I'm counting calories.

    Not to mention that eating things like whole eggs, whole milk, nuts, and full-fat cheese seem like waste of calories compared to lower-fat options- but I definitely prefer the full-fat dairy and whole eggs. I almost feel like I'm being "punished" when I pour a 150 calorie cup of whole milk when I know I can save about 50 calories and have skim milk- even though i know there are benefits to drinking the full-fat dairy (plus, it tastes better, in my opinion).

    I will say, however, that in the past, I was successful with counting calories for about a month or so, but that was nearly 2 years ago, and I have not had any success since then.

    Certainly, you CAN lose weight without calorie counting. But I think your problem is consistency and actually sticking to something. I mean the above quote is from 2013, 2 years ago, and you're STILL having the same issue. Either commit yourself to one thing or nothing at all. But it's obvious that what you're currently doing, is not working. And if you're not already, seek out some professional help.
    Gawd I wish I had your memory. This is pure awesome.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I don't think this is a matter of you SHOULDN'T count calories. It's more of a you DON'T WANT TO count calories.

    Some of us on MFP have been here long enough to remember your old account and threads, which provide much more context.
    I've been struggling with sticking to a diet. I've tried just about everything in the past. Since November, I've tried South Beach, Weight Watchers, counting calories on both Sparkpeople and MFP, and just trying to eat healthier in general. I also tried a Paleo diet for a week. I've lost a few pounds here or there, but I've never been able to stick to anything for more than a week or two. Most of the time, I'm lucky if I last more than a day or two.

    I'm just not sure what to do. When I tried South Beach and Paleo, I did alright to start (I lost 6 pounds in a week on a Paleo Diet),but I constantly craved all I couldn't eat. I definitely do better with calorie counting in that respect. I think having forbidden foods is a recipe for disaster- at least for me.

    At the same time, I've never been a math person, and I HATE dealing with numbers. On top of that, trying to plan out my meals ahead of time is a challenge on MFP simply because I don't know how many calories I'll have to spend each day based on my activity level (I wear a Fitbit 24/7). I might have 1,200 calories total for the day (estimated by dinnertime), or I might have 2,000. It really can vary, and it's hard for me to keep up.

    Plus, like I said before, I HATE NUMBERS. They stress me out immensely. I always feel like I'm hungrier when I'm counting calories.

    Not to mention that eating things like whole eggs, whole milk, nuts, and full-fat cheese seem like waste of calories compared to lower-fat options- but I definitely prefer the full-fat dairy and whole eggs. I almost feel like I'm being "punished" when I pour a 150 calorie cup of whole milk when I know I can save about 50 calories and have skim milk- even though i know there are benefits to drinking the full-fat dairy (plus, it tastes better, in my opinion).

    I will say, however, that in the past, I was successful with counting calories for about a month or so, but that was nearly 2 years ago, and I have not had any success since then.

    Certainly, you CAN lose weight without calorie counting. But I think your problem is consistency and actually sticking to something. I mean the above quote is from 2013, 2 years ago, and you're STILL having the same issue. Either commit yourself to one thing or nothing at all. But it's obvious that what you're currently doing, is not working. And if you're not already, seek out some professional help.

    Your Google-fu is strong. You are my senpai.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    edited July 2015
    The root cause of obsessive thinking and behavior needs to be dealt with before or in parallel to CICO.

    You are dealing with a symptom of the root cause. You need to address the root cause, not the symptom. Not going to happen via internet advice.