When you SHOULDN'T count calories



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Whether I am or am not speaking with a professional regarding some of the issues I am going through is my concern. I'd rather not get into any details regarding that right now.

    I understand that calorie counting isn't hard, but I, personally, just cannot (and probably should not) do it. I own a kitchen scale and measuring cups (including serving spoons that hold 1/2 cup and 1 cup portions). Most of the time, I eat off of 8.5 to 9 inch plates- and when I don't, it's because I went overboard on vegetable servings or because I need a little extra room for a little container of dip for something on my plate. I drink water, seltzer (no sweeteners, but flavored), and unsweetened iced tea primarily. However, I do enjoy indulging in a bottle of Synergy, a glass of organic whole milk, or a Naked/Bolthouse Farms/True Organics juice on occasion. (More rarely, I'll go to Starbucks for a Frappucino).

    I wish I could get more into IF, but I'm just not sure how to do it with my eating schedule. Ideally, I'd like a window from around 1pm to 9pm (or 12 to 10 if I were to do a 14/10 fast rather than the 16/8). However, there are many days where I don't eat lunch until after 4pm. I'm not sure I'd be able to function going that long without eating. Or, rather, I know I'd be able to function, but it would set me up to binge later on. I've gained weight the few times I've attempted IF, so I'm hesitant about trying it again.

    I've lost all my weight once before by just writing down all of my foods in a food journal at a forum set up by Tocsa Reno (figure competitor) which was based loosely on her Eat Clean Diet books. The diet is basically no, or very few processed foods with no sugar added. At the time I modified it so I ate thing I would have recognized from nature with a few exceptions for foods with very few ingredients (like tzatziki - greek yogurt, garlic, cucumber). Most people did not count calories there, and we were all experiencing success with weight loss.

    Logging food was simpler because I was logging it for me. For example, if I made a 12 egg fritata, I just eyeballed my piece and said "~3egg fritata w/ peppers, mushrooms and onion".

    I'm sure I ate over my attempted deficit once in a while, but I think varying your diet probably helps with weight loss and health. I'm guessing it is like a sport and if you switch it up you'll keep your body guessing.

    BTW IF seems fairly common among the LCHF group over at Low Carbers Daily forum. My guess is that because many are fat adapted, they don't notice missed meals as much. I'm pretty new to it, and (shockingly) find it very easy to forget about a meal because I'm just not hungry - my lunch is often at 3:00. LOL Perhaps check out the threads in there on IF and see if you find anything helpful.

    Best wishes. :)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Whether I am or am not speaking with a professional regarding some of the issues I am going through is my concern. I'd rather not get into any details regarding that right now.

    I understand that calorie counting isn't hard, but I, personally, just cannot (and probably should not) do it. I own a kitchen scale and measuring cups (including serving spoons that hold 1/2 cup and 1 cup portions). Most of the time, I eat off of 8.5 to 9 inch plates- and when I don't, it's because I went overboard on vegetable servings or because I need a little extra room for a little container of dip for something on my plate. I drink water, seltzer (no sweeteners, but flavored), and unsweetened iced tea primarily. However, I do enjoy indulging in a bottle of Synergy, a glass of organic whole milk, or a Naked/Bolthouse Farms/True Organics juice on occasion. (More rarely, I'll go to Starbucks for a Frappucino).

    I wish I could get more into IF, but I'm just not sure how to do it with my eating schedule. Ideally, I'd like a window from around 1pm to 9pm (or 12 to 10 if I were to do a 14/10 fast rather than the 16/8). However, there are many days where I don't eat lunch until after 4pm. I'm not sure I'd be able to function going that long without eating. Or, rather, I know I'd be able to function, but it would set me up to binge later on. I've gained weight the few times I've attempted IF, so I'm hesitant about trying it again.

    I've lost all my weight once before by just writing down all of my foods in a food journal at a forum set up by Tocsa Reno (figure competitor) which was based loosely on her Eat Clean Diet books. The diet is basically no, or very few processed foods with no sugar added. At the time I modified it so I ate thing I would have recognized from nature with a few exceptions for foods with very few ingredients (like tzatziki - greek yogurt, garlic, cucumber). Most people did not count calories there, and we were all experiencing success with weight loss.

    Logging food was simpler because I was logging it for me. For example, if I made a 12 egg fritata, I just eyeballed my piece and said "~3egg fritata w/ peppers, mushrooms and onion".

    I'm sure I ate over my attempted deficit once in a while, but I think varying your diet probably helps with weight loss and health. I'm guessing it is like a sport and if you switch it up you'll keep your body guessing.

    BTW IF seems fairly common among the LCHF group over at Low Carbers Daily forum. My guess is that because many are fat adapted, they don't notice missed meals as much. I'm pretty new to it, and (shockingly) find it very easy to forget about a meal because I'm just not hungry - my lunch is often at 3:00. LOL Perhaps check out the threads in there on IF and see if you find anything helpful.

    Best wishes. :)
    In case you missed this in the original OP
    ftsolk wrote: »
    So, how do you lose weight without counting calories or cutting out any major food groups?

  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    EDNOS. BED. Orthorexia. There is recognition that ED comes in way more flavours than anorexia and bulimia. ED can affect people of every weight. Food is just food. Eating food doesn't have morality attached to it. It doesn't define what kind of person you are. Neither does your weight. Maybe it would be better to focus on health and not lose weight right now. Including your mental health...with an ED therapist.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    Actually, the book Ditching Diets recommended by @msf74 looks like it could address some of the issues the OP may be having.

    Yep, there are a number of useful and simple strategies in that book to help with mindful eating (as opposed to intuitive eating) to curb over eating and give people the confidence that they have control over compulsive behaviour.

    They can be applied to anything really - it can be used in conjunction with calorie counting for example or a non counting approach.

    I don't agree with all the nutritional advice outlined in the book (the author seems to have been convinced by the "wheat is bad" rhetoric for example) but the strategies are very helpful.
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    When you SHOULDN'T count calories
    'When YOU shouldn't count calories'
    There...fixed that for ya ;)

    Have a great one, everybody!

    ^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period. On top of that if you are worried about your mental issues when doing a diet, then don't diet! Get right with yourself first and fix your mind before you even attempt to fix your body.

    If your mind ain't right then it will be near impossible to be consistent in any part of health and fitness.

    Of course you can lose weight without counting first - and many people do.

    They cut out sweets or second helpings or snacks between meals or sugary drinks or whatever or start exercising regularly and by doing so create a caloric deficit and thus they lose weight.

    I like calorie counting ( although I approximate a lot too) and I have done it for over 2 years - but I don't claim it is the only or the best method for everybody.

    Yes and many people who do the small changes who look in the mirror after a long time of doing that still look in the mirror and are depressed that even though they are lighter, they don't like themselves. Hence the fix your mind first then do the work. Everyone is different so yes some people are good with "average" and mediocre and the whole nine but those same people are right with themselves and their heads are on straight. I was speaking more in terms of the worrying that past mental issues being the reason for not calorie counting and backing off cause of that
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited July 2015
    Alluminati wrote: »
    In case you missed this in the original OP
    ftsolk wrote: »
    So, how do you lose weight without counting calories or cutting out any major food groups?

    I don't think processed foods and sugar have their own food group. I still ate meat, some dairy, fats, veggies and fruit and some grains (rice, steel cut oatmeal).

    When I ate (mostly) unprocessed foods, I lost weight at the same rate that I am now, when I am counting calories. I think not counting calories can work well, but one must be somewhat educated in what foods are like nutritionally. Logging your food is just a tool to help you eat mindfully. If someone does not realize that eating a large, loaded pizza may not be a good idea for them from a weiht loss stand point, then logging will not be helpful.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Of course, it is not always an exact science. The 3,500 calories= a pound rule is an estimation, and it doesn't take into account the 20% margin of error allowed on nutritional labels here in the USA (as well as personal user error in calculating portion sizes, etc).

    Slight correction. 3500 calories == 1 pound of body fat IS an exact science, and it can be replicated time and time again in a calorimeter, with a slight margin of error (We're talking +/- 5%, a statistical blip).

    The 20% margin of error on USDA required labeling has nothing to do with that.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Of course, it is not always an exact science. The 3,500 calories= a pound rule is an estimation, and it doesn't take into account the 20% margin of error allowed on nutritional labels here in the USA (as well as personal user error in calculating portion sizes, etc).

    Slight correction. 3500 calories == 1 pound of body fat IS an exact science, and it can be replicated time and time again in a calorimeter, with a slight margin of error (We're talking +/- 5%, a statistical blip).

    The 20% margin of error on USDA required labeling has nothing to do with that.
    And the 20% error in nutrition -- even if it really existed -- wouldn't always be in the same direction.

    Again, that whole argument is like saying speedometers aren't 100% accurate, so they can't be helpful. It's silly. A reasonable basis for decisions is better than pulling something magical out of the air.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Whether I am or am not speaking with a professional regarding some of the issues I am going through is my concern. I'd rather not get into any details regarding that right now.

    I understand that calorie counting isn't hard, but I, personally, just cannot (and probably should not) do it. I own a kitchen scale and measuring cups (including serving spoons that hold 1/2 cup and 1 cup portions). Most of the time, I eat off of 8.5 to 9 inch plates- and when I don't, it's because I went overboard on vegetable servings or because I need a little extra room for a little container of dip for something on my plate. I drink water, seltzer (no sweeteners, but flavored), and unsweetened iced tea primarily. However, I do enjoy indulging in a bottle of Synergy, a glass of organic whole milk, or a Naked/Bolthouse Farms/True Organics juice on occasion. (More rarely, I'll go to Starbucks for a Frappucino).

    I wish I could get more into IF, but I'm just not sure how to do it with my eating schedule. Ideally, I'd like a window from around 1pm to 9pm (or 12 to 10 if I were to do a 14/10 fast rather than the 16/8). However, there are many days where I don't eat lunch until after 4pm. I'm not sure I'd be able to function going that long without eating. Or, rather, I know I'd be able to function, but it would set me up to binge later on. I've gained weight the few times I've attempted IF, so I'm hesitant about trying it again.

    If you find yourself binging with fasting protocols, best to avoid that. I'd say really that any kind of diet with sharp restrictions like that, whether it's to do with meal timing, avoiding categories of food, etc., is probably not ideal for you.

    Would include some of the diets people have suggested in that. However, I have also found my hunger attenuated when I've focused *more* on proteins, veggies, legumes, whole grains, fruits, and dairy; it's true that this helps many people with satiety (not all, of course, but many).

    If that appeals, a way of looking at it might be that you're ADDING nutrients and tasty things , rather than restricting (and negatively judging) other foods. It helps to experiment with recipes and use your creativity to make these additions as appetizing as possible, and to aim to get some pleasure out of that effort, as well.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You could try the MyPlate method. 1/4 of your plate is lean protein, 1/4 is starch, 1/2 is nonstarchy vegetables and fruit.
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    you have just described exactly to the t why I cannot count calories. I tried at first but I was far too obsessive. now I just mentally track everything I eat and use common sense. it's working and I've lost 10lbs/month.for 2 months in a row so I know I don't NEED to track calories like everyone says, which is so much better for my mental health! I just weigh myself every morning to make sure I'm on track and don't regress into old habits. I have treats in strict moderation but when I do slip up (like way too much movie theater popcorn) I'm just extra conscious of what I eat for the next few days
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    If the counting part will trigger OCD, there are other ways to do it. I've never been strict about counting my calories. I did weigh things at first, and from time to time to check myself, but most of the time I estimate. What I do a lot of times is check the package to see what the calories say, then estimate a serving. It's not perfect, but it's been working because I err on the side of caution and over-estimate what I enter. Once it becomes a habit, it's much easier. That's how I can estimate decently now; I worked hard at first to retrain my brain into seeing what listed portion size is. I wouldn't start some kind of diet plan though. Diets don't work because they're meant to be temporary. Now, if you find an eating plan that aims to change how you eat for the long term, that might be the best thing for you. I personally would find that too restrictive, but you might not. Maybe talk to a licensed nutritionist and work out a daily plan with them.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Whether I am or am not speaking with a professional regarding some of the issues I am going through is my concern. I'd rather not get into any details regarding that right now.

    You are correct, it's your monkeys, your circus, etc. In reality, this is the first time I've ever seen you post an actual QUESTION with your huge-paragraphs post, so it appears something is working somewhere. However, as someone else pointed out, maybe you should focus on THAT before you focus on THIS. You haven't started fighting all the advice yet and making excuses yet (although other people are correct in that you seem to be needing approval to not do this). But your long history of making excuses and fighting everyone or ignoring everyone with questions or suggestions suggests to me that you should fix the elephant in the room before you attempt any kind of weight loss program.

    If nothing else, just try mindful eating of the things you know are filled with nutrients (your average protein, veggies, fruits, grains), throw in a bit of exercise or just a walk a couple times a week, and focus on fixing the mindset. You are smart, definitely smart enough to realize how health isn't all about weight.

    As always, I'm left with the question of "what do you want from US, the MFP community?" if you have never thought about that, now would be a good time. If you have thought about that, let us know (and if the only question you asked is truly all you want from us, let us know if anything is helping.)
  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    I am not asking for approval. I'm asking for diet plans/advice that don't necessarily involve counting calories (or points)- but also don't involve eliminating foods. Limiting? Sure. I can even give up some of my favorites for weeks at a time, but I don't want to go on a plan that says "no ice cream; no exceptions." That will ultimately lead to failure.

    A plan that says I can indulge in one pint of premium ice cream (Ben and Jerry's, Talenti, etc) or I can only have ice cream if I am out with friends as part of a social event? That's more reasonable.

    Avoiding all added sugar and processed foods? That's not going to happen for me. But I'm definitely ok with making smaller changes in that department: picking the more expensive, organic chicken tenders over Perdue or Tyson ones, or opting for Cheddar Bunnies over Goldfish. I rarely eat any of those things, but if I only allow myself to have the slightly "better" versions of those foods (which are also usually more expensive), I'll eat them even less frequently.

    I'm just looking for other ideas to help me lose weight without counting/measuring. I'm not so much against TRACKING, but rather than my diary looking like this (all estimations below):

    Van's Multigrain Waffles....2....200 calories
    Raspberry All Fruit Spread.... 1 tbs....40 calories
    SR All Natural Peanut Butter... 2.5 tbs.... 300 calories
    Hardboiled Egg....1 Large....70 calories
    Raspberries.... 168 grams.... 75 calories

    It'll look more like this:

    PB&J Waffle Sandwich
    Hardboiled Egg

    No numbers (aside from, perhaps, noting the number of cookies eaten after church [usually none], or that I only had 1 bite of the cheesecake someone brought to the church picnic). Just listing the food itself.

    Perhaps starting out with tracking in that sense- noting the times eaten- could be beneficial. I also invested in some new lunch containers and a lunchbox, so that should help me make better choices at work. I've learned that if I pack lunch- no matter how unhealthy it is- I am more likely to eat fruits and vegetables. Today, I'm having mac and cheese with hot dogs, but I also added broccoli, roasted carrot fries, and pureed butternut squash (mixed into the pasta).
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you just want to track what you ate and not have any of the NI or amounts along with it, then get a notebook and a pen and keep track that way.

    One thing hasn't changed, you still like to make things more complicated than they need to be, even when trying to simplify things.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    I am not asking for approval. I'm asking for diet plans/advice that don't necessarily involve counting calories (or points)- but also don't involve eliminating foods. Limiting? Sure. I can even give up some of my favorites for weeks at a time, but I don't want to go on a plan that says "no ice cream; no exceptions." That will ultimately lead to failure.

    A plan that says I can indulge in one pint of premium ice cream (Ben and Jerry's, Talenti, etc) or I can only have ice cream if I am out with friends as part of a social event? That's more reasonable.

    Avoiding all added sugar and processed foods? That's not going to happen for me. But I'm definitely ok with making smaller changes in that department: picking the more expensive, organic chicken tenders over Perdue or Tyson ones, or opting for Cheddar Bunnies over Goldfish. I rarely eat any of those things, but if I only allow myself to have the slightly "better" versions of those foods (which are also usually more expensive), I'll eat them even less frequently.

    I'm just looking for other ideas to help me lose weight without counting/measuring. I'm not so much against TRACKING, but rather than my diary looking like this (all estimations below):

    Van's Multigrain Waffles....2....200 calories
    Raspberry All Fruit Spread.... 1 tbs....40 calories
    SR All Natural Peanut Butter... 2.5 tbs.... 300 calories
    Hardboiled Egg....1 Large....70 calories
    Raspberries.... 168 grams.... 75 calories

    It'll look more like this:

    PB&J Waffle Sandwich
    Hardboiled Egg

    No numbers (aside from, perhaps, noting the number of cookies eaten after church [usually none], or that I only had 1 bite of the cheesecake someone brought to the church picnic). Just listing the food itself.

    Perhaps starting out with tracking in that sense- noting the times eaten- could be beneficial. I also invested in some new lunch containers and a lunchbox, so that should help me make better choices at work. I've learned that if I pack lunch- no matter how unhealthy it is- I am more likely to eat fruits and vegetables. Today, I'm having mac and cheese with hot dogs, but I also added broccoli, roasted carrot fries, and pureed butternut squash (mixed into the pasta).

    You don't need anyone's permission to track however you would like. The disadvantage of tracking in the second way is that if you run into weight gain or a stall, you may not be able to tell why (a peanut butter sandwich can have 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or it can have 1/4 cup of peanut butter, for example).

    The methods recommended here are recommended because they have worked for people. That doesn't mean that nothing else has ever worked or that nothing else will work for you. But I get a certain sense of swimming upstream here. "Raspberries" can mean anything, so it's not especially useful for ME in terms of tracking. But if you think it will work for you, why not try it?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Counting calories is not for me either. Neither is cutting out food groups. I just eat less. I do focus on eating a healthy balanced diet, but otherwise I just don't overeat. I know what foods are high calorie and what aren't. If I think I'm overeating there is a really good chance I am, so I don't do that very often. Works fine for me.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited July 2015
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    In case you missed this in the original OP
    ftsolk wrote: »
    So, how do you lose weight without counting calories or cutting out any major food groups?

    I don't think processed foods and sugar have their own food group. I still ate meat, some dairy, fats, veggies and fruit and some grains (rice, steel cut oatmeal).

    When I ate (mostly) unprocessed foods, I lost weight at the same rate that I am now, when I am counting calories. I think not counting calories can work well, but one must be somewhat educated in what foods are like nutritionally. Logging your food is just a tool to help you eat mindfully. If someone does not realize that eating a large, loaded pizza may not be a good idea for them from a weiht loss stand point, then logging will not be helpful.

    In case you missed it:
    ftsolk wrote: »

    A plan that says I can indulge in one pint of premium ice cream (Ben and Jerry's, Talenti, etc)*** snip snip***

    Avoiding all added sugar and processed foods? That's not going to happen for me.

  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Of course, it is not always an exact science. The 3,500 calories= a pound rule is an estimation, and it doesn't take into account the 20% margin of error allowed on nutritional labels here in the USA (as well as personal user error in calculating portion sizes, etc).

    Slight correction. 3500 calories == 1 pound of body fat IS an exact science, and it can be replicated time and time again in a calorimeter, with a slight margin of error (We're talking +/- 5%, a statistical blip).

    The 20% margin of error on USDA required labeling has nothing to do with that.
    And the 20% error in nutrition -- even if it really existed -- wouldn't always be in the same direction.

    Again, that whole argument is like saying speedometers aren't 100% accurate, so they can't be helpful. It's silly. A reasonable basis for decisions is better than pulling something magical out of the air.


    And I'd argue that energy expenditure is the more difficult side of the equation to figure out anyway. You can get pretty close with intake, even with the allowed deviation, but if you're grossly overestimating activity, it's all wasted.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    LloydGK wrote: »
    When you SHOULDN'T count calories
    'When YOU shouldn't count calories'
    There...fixed that for ya ;)

    Have a great one, everybody!

    ^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period.

    This is 100% false. I know many people who have lost weight without counting calories. You don't have to count anything to lose fat. You just have to consume less than you expend. How do you know when you are without counting? You lose fat.