

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all!

    Chillaxing this pm. Phew! :bigsmile: How lovely it is to have our house to ourselves. For a few days!

    Cleared out the disgusting bathroom carpet this pm. Yuck, yuck and double yuck! :# Underneath it was a sandy beach from the decaying rubber backing. Swept all that up and mopped the floor.
    Good job the cleaner couldn't come as the upstairs is chaos. The vinyl fitters come tomorrow and she may make it on Monday if her back is better. I hope so as we are away Monday in London with the grandchildren and another visitor arrives on Tuesday. :*

    Duck legs tonight. Slowly roasting right now.

    I have posted a photo of DH and my friend in the New Forest yesterday. Long walk!

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    talking about names - first and foremost, I have ALWAYS hated my first name (and DON'T tell me, awwwww, but it's such a beautiful name, yeah yeah, blah blah blah), I did LOVE my maiden last name. so when I was home. we never had a first name as a middle name, we had our mothers maiden name in there then our dads last name, so it was:

    Isabel Garcia Melgoza

    when you get married, you drop the maiden name and your last name becomes your maiden name then you take the last name of the person you married. After each divorce I changed my name back to my maiden name.

    Husband #1 - name became Isabel Melgoza Garcia
    Husband #2 - name became Isabel Melgoza Ketchum
    Husband #3 - name became Isabel Melgoza Goodell

    After Lenny died (#3) I decided to keep his name the way it was

    When I got to marry #4, I decided to drop my maiden name because it would have been too long if I would have kept it. so my name is now Isabel Goodell Schlotterback

    NO ONE addresses me as Isabel, I won't answer to it. The only people that I will take it from are family because I have to and people that I initially meet. but I do tell them that I prefer to be called izzy or iz.. I prefer iz the best. in this group, I prefer pip or poop.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Carol - I'm sorry the dark has got hold of you at the moment. Just remember it's not permanent and that people care about you.

    Terry - Hands off Vin Diesel, he's mine! My husband says if I bring Vin home I can keep him.

    Heather - Ginger ice cream sounds delicious! I love ice cream, and at least if you make it at home you can control what's in it.

    Miriam - I'm so sorry about your cat. Those of us who share our lives with animals have to have brave hearts, because we go into it knowing they'll be broken over and over again. One of my cats is getting up there in age, and I already know I'm going to be devastated when the time comes.

    Lisa - I still reread Little Women now and then!

    Katie & GRITS - I also go by my middle name. I like my first name just fine but it was the same as my mom's and she was using it. Now that security everywhere has gotten so tight I use my first name much more often, but only on paperwork (which I sign first initial, middle name, last name). If people ask for Camille on the phone, I know they don't know me. Anyhow, I changed my name to middle, maiden, married for my first marriage but it was always a struggle to preserve my middle name legally. I took my full maiden name back when I divorced, and that was plenty of name changing for me. My husband likes to tell people he kept his own name when we got married.

    I'm somewhat stuck on weight loss at the moment, mostly because I've been too lazy to work out very much, but this has been a great week for discoveries: 1) Cooking Light's shrimp and grits recipe, so yummy and under 300 calories a serving! 2) Elizabeth Duncan's Penny Brannigan mysteries. 3) The suggestion of bumping down the fat content of peanut butter by mixing half and half with canned pumpkin. I must try that last one - I've been a greyhound foster mom for years and we always have unsweetened, canned pumpkin puree on hand for various doggy digestive crises.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    O'Connell - Is there a name you go by other than your profile name.

    Janetr OKC

    Janetr: Hi Janet! Yes, my name is Tracie. :smile:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes! Taking it a day at a time...

    Quick question: I've never suffered too much from hot flashes (had my share when I was doing simulated menopause back at age 27). I have been suddenly getting hot without reason and I would chalk it up to hot flashes but I also get very nauseated at the same time. It's been happening for about 10 days or so. Normal? Or just another weird thing to add to my litany?

    Carol in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    afternoon kiddo's~
    well i just down 10 minutes ago from 7 this morning,and im not even close to 4,000 steps geesh..
    went and fed my DFIL,then went grocery shopping...i did well, and my produce and fruit drawers are full...
    bought soem things for our little get together saterday night.
    we are selling our 3rd car which is a chevy traverse, wonderful wonderful suv great on long trips, but we will get a good price and we will pay off my car...
    didn't get to the gym today as I have been running since 7, and now onto making beds and dinner and lunches
    I go by my first name.. or nickname Allie,but I had CB radio as a teen and my handle was Ace.. so a few people call me that.. I use my 1st husbands last initial as my middle.. and Tom's last name.. when I married Tom I used his last name but if it had to do with any school issues I would use it hyphenated
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    I eventually went back to my maiden name after my divorce. It took ages notifying everyone. When I married DH my passport was still in my old married name so I changed it to my maiden name and decided to keep it all like that as I couldn't face changing everything all over again. It occasionally causes a small confusion, but it's more common these days to have a different name. I do get called Mrs though when I prefer Ms.
    The only trouble was that I had forgotten I had booked my honeymoon plane ticket in my old passport name. That took a lot of unravelling and some money. :s

    Heather UK
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Holy moly, it's hot out there. We're having a big party the first week of September and we have a lot of yard work to do before then so my husband and I went out to start taking out some overgrown cactus. I managed a few minutes of chainsawing and was already dizzy and shaking when I came back in. I think we'd better leave the yard work for the mornings from now on. This is why the only exercise I'm getting is the kind I can do in the house.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I had a very rewarding NSV tonight. My sister in law rode with me 4 hours to the cities to drop my sister off at her house. On the way home we stopped and picked up a pizza and snacks. When we got back on the road she said I can't believe how much food you can eat and not get fat. I said it's because of the weight lifting the muscle burns so much more calories than fat. My sister in law will be 70 years old next month. She then said can you show me how to lift weights I would like to tighten up my tummy! Starting next Tuesday she is going to be coming over to my house to start lifting with my 12.5 lb barbell. Mary from Minnesota

    Curious if I could do the 5x5 program with dumbbells at home? I have fashioned a program for myself but don't feel I am getting the max results that I could be.


    You can use the Dumbbells but you don't get ttsupport of the bar resting on your back during the squats but it is still doable. Just continue to up your weight a lb or so after the first week. Good form first.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Happy Thursday ladies! Well I am working my long shift today 6-5:30. Not working with the boss so that starts my day out well. Last evening DGD and DH and I took the dogs to Hall County park for the walk. Not sure what happened but about 3/4 the way I got really light headed and dizzy. Made it back to the car and felt better after awhile. I asked DGD about her first day at school and how the ball worked out. She said 4 of the children fell off their balls. So tonight have to make sure I take a drink with me and not leave it in the car. Ate well again yesterday so happy about that.

    DJ-- I put $2 bills in all my grandchildren's birthday cards. They look forward to them. My DGS that started college last year told me he has kept all his and my DGD in Omaha that is 15 also has. I guess I think it is making memories.

    Allison--Great news on the doctor report.

    Lisa--That person sounds like a real nut. Glad the DM is backing you up. Sure hope you enjoy your trip and visit with DS.

    Cheri--Thanks for sharing the pictures. Sure looks like a real nice place.

    Heather--Great news on the sale of your rental. Pray everything goes with any problems. So glad you were not hurt when the light fell. How scary. Like the picture, beautiful country.

    Tracie--Welcome, you have come to a great place for support and friendship.

    miriam--Sorry about the loss of your furbaby. HUGS

    Joyce--HUGS! Why is it we have so much trouble talking to people about a job we hire them for? I do the same thing and when all is said and done, they are paid and I am unhappy.

    Linda--Nice looking group at the ball game. Thanks for sharing.

    Well I am caught up and out of news. Having some pain in my neck today and head hurts. So will go for now and be back tomorrow.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Thanks to everyone who commented on the pic of my family. I do think my hubby and daughters are quite the cuties.

    @Terri_mom – Milwaukee was good, but there were no hotel rooms due to the state fair. Those cream puffs really do draw a crowd. I have to agree they are good; I had one a couple years ago. We ended up driving to Madison after the game which was fine because it took a little time off our drive on Sunday. My daughters come home from their church trip every year with henna tattoos. They are usually gone within a couple of weeks or sooner if they are in the pool a lot.

    On the name… I couldn’t wait to change my name when I got married. My maiden name was Stephany and I can’t tell you how many times people thought I was giving them my first name instead of my surname. I never thought of keeping it as my middle name at the time. But we did use it for daughter#1’s middle name.

    Looks like we will become foster parents to a family of kitties. We are getting a nursing mom and 4 kittens tonight. More than we originally wanted but we should only have them for a couple of months before they are ready for adoption.

    My scale went down this morning so those 3 pounds that keep haunting me are gone for the moment. Hoping they are gone for good this time. Need to kick it up a notch if I'm going to meet my pound a week goal for August.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    NCCarol - There are times when my hot flashes are so severe that I feel nauseated. There are times that I lie on the kitchen floor in front of the open refrigerator. I am not a candidate for HRT, so I take vitamins with high levels of soy and/or black cohosh.

    Yvonne - you're just going to have to share. Since I'm already sharing Shemar, I shouldn't need Vin more than once a week o:)

    Names: My legal name started as Theresa Lynn Stamm. When I married the first time I changed my last name to Riley. Since we had a daughter, I kept it after my divorce until years later when I remarried and changed it to Fakler (daughter wanted to hyphenate her name, but her dad refused). I have always been called Terri, which right now is convenient, because my current MIL's name is Theresa E. Fakler. For Facebook I use Terri (Stamm Riley) Fakler. I know, boring.

    My Dad found someone who wants to see Justin Moore tonight, so he just stopped in to take my tickets to her. It's not worth sitting in that 90 degree heat (after all, he's no Aretha).

    Today at lunch my guacamole tasted gross, so all I had was romainne and tomato. Luckily I had some greek yogurt and an peach. I forgot my cherries at home, but I have a mango for my snack later. Lots of roughage, yay !

    TaTa and Hugs !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tracie, thanks. You had probably told us that sometime before, but I missed it and/or forgot lol Sorry.

    My maiden name was Kerr, so I grew up Janet Raye Kerr, marriage #1 Litz, #2 Leonard and now #3 Smith. My second oldest niece used to call me Janet Ray Kerr Litz Leonard Smith. Finally said that's just too long and now just calls me Janet Smith, duh, that's my name lol

    Janetr OKC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been reading!!

    My back (hurt Saturday) is finally feeling better ... Probably at 90%

    Had to take the week off from work ... I'm a large church's custodian / housekeeper ... Which is Partly responsible for overtaxing my back to begin with. The rest has done it wonders. My husband took off too ... We've both decided we really like NOT working! :smiley:

    A variety of circumstances delayed my husband's and my August 11th anniversary dinner ... We're planning to go out tonight if husband gets older son's 55" TV installed at his place. It was s gift, but really, who needs a 55" TV??

    Yvonne ... Pumpkin for doggy digestive problems?

    Heather ... Hurray on the rental sale!

    Alison ... Your comment that your husband was back to his "crotchety old self" after learning you were ok made me wonder if some of his recent problems have been in part because he's been frightened about your health? Granted, a very backwards way of dealing with it ... Wanting to run ... But a possibility ?And I'm going to put another thought out there ... You are a person of value and great worth ... I and others admire your great generosity and kindness with others. But you rarely see yourself as being worthy of the same treatment. When we project a message that we somehow have less value than others, we are often treated that way. Terri wears a princess crown when her guys are forgetting her worth ... You might want to send Tom a similar message. I've probably said too much but I really do wish you recognized how valuable you are and that you are owed the same considerations you give so freely.

    Pip ... I loved ALL of your names! Well, except for poop ... :neutral:

    Miriam ... Glad to see you back!

    Carol .... Hope you're soon out of your dark place ... :flower:

    Vicki ... 125 pounds! Fantastic!

    Joyce ... I consider one Milky Way a huge success!

    Betty in WNY ... I initially lost 72 pounds, but over the past year have allowed 21 to find me again ... :(

    Well, time to move my back ... One position too long aggravates.

    Beth in WNY
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Beth and Allison - Heck yes. In fact, I just bought an new tiara, just to mix it up a bit. o:)
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Beth - Canned pumpkin is one of the essentials in the doggy emergency kit. Doesn't matter if the dog is constipated or has diarrhea, it helps in most cases and I've never had a dog that didn't like it. It's pretty common for foster dogs to have problems because their diet changes as they transition from wherever they started to foster care to a permanent home. When a dog has digestive problems, I'll withhold regular food and give pumpkin for 24 hours or so, along with Pedialyte if I'm worried about dehydration. If that doesn't work we head for the vet, but pumpkin has saved a lot of vet trips.

    I also use canned pumpkin and/or banana mixed with plain yogurt to make doggy popsicles in the summer.

    -Yvonne in TX (getting ready for foster dog #50)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Beth~ thank you for the vote of confidence <3 and I guess you are right.. because at work all I get is *kitten* ...
    I keep quiet at work and dont complain to much because I dont want to get fired...
    It has been a busy busy day for me.. so even though I didn't work out.. I haven't been lolly gagging either...
    but the fridge and the freezer are full, truly blessed.. got DFIL, his Wheaties, candy and cookies... the poor man worked all his life and we like spoiling him now, and the mini candies are real handy with getting his pills down him.. if Im not there when they give it to him they just tell him there are nuts in it :D
    he went crazy in the dining room last night I guess throwing cups and stuff.. so I am sure they gave him tramadol to chill him out...
    I said I dont care what you give him so long as it isn't depakote...
    tomorrow is another day.. the female Dr that we have now is buying out the original owner/dentist's share which is 60% which will now make her our boss... wondering what changes will be implamented...
    Keri's last day of work is a week from tomorrow and we are going to miss her,, she has such a wonderful laugh,,
    we are taking Mary(troll) and Diane out for brunch on the 30th at a vineyard.. they both turn 50 this month...
    will get up early and get to the gym.. as next week will be a doozy. not used to working 40 hrs, Zina will be on vacation...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Yvonne ... Thanks for that info! I have a 10 yo black lab who had had digestive woes off and on since his puppy days (he eats what he shouldn't). I usually go to boiled beef and rice ... This would be good if unable to go to my regular route.

    Alison ... Changes in the office might be a good time to assert yourself!

    Terri ... Shaking my head ... Keep them on their toes!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    good eve.Back is a lot better.saw dr yesterday,off the muscle relaxants.Gonna give it a week or so and try again with some stretches etc.
    Welcome new ladies.
    hugs jane