

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks peeps for the positive words on how I handled the weight recorder. Next week there is no meeting so I PLAN on having a big loss and showing her...(and myself) on the glorious tactics of payback come the 26th of this month.
    Today I swam next to my mentor. A lady named Sue that is training for competition in Portland soon. At 77 years old she can swim twice the laps I can, and was still going strong when I limped out and went to the hot tub. Amazing lady. She did notice my arm curls I was doing on the platforms where you dive in, in every lane. I put my knees on the side of the pool and lift myself out 10 times. Also did some aquarobics on the side as my Sue was zipping by.
    When we came home I promptly took a power nap! This healthy eating, and exercising takes a toll on my body!!!!

    My eldest sis did give me a call back. I called both of them saying simply, "I MISS YOU, please call me." After having that frank discussion with the weight recorder I was in the mood to mend more fences. Set things straight. My thinking is not settling for what I get from people. Say what I mean, and mean what I say! My older sis and I have not always gotten along. She is 7 yrs older than me, and we have always been in different worlds so to speak. So many years of me calling her and she telling me, "Oh I was just about to call you", has a way of taking its toll on how you view your sister. I was just low on her priority list. I sent her a letter many years ago stating I was tired of our relationship being so one sided, and I was going to just stop trying so hard. Then 4 yrs ago both my middle sis, and her got divorces. Strange to be the one that has a marriage longer than my own parents and my sisters.
    Now its kind of reversed. My middle sister is the one that doesn't give me the time of day, and my oldest sis is the one I can count on.
    My middle sister lives 2 hrs away from me, and never came to help me, as I cared for my husband pre-transplant. I put too much pressure on her I guess, and it was easier for her to not mentally or physically "show up" for me. I guess if you don't show up, you don't feel so guilty because no one expects anything from you.
    Last January I called my middle sister up, asking her how her Christmas was, (we didnt't get together, we had just spent money on traveling down to California in Sept for my middle sons wedding). Anyway, as I was talking she fell asleep. She has Fibromylasia (sp?) and used to take, or still does, viccodin, and morphine for the pain. I am supposing she is more into alcohol than pills. *sighes*
    So then she calls me on my birthday in June. We talk and its wonderful, but I am cooking dinner, and she said she would call me after we get done. In 30 minutes. Of course that comes and goes. I call the next hour no answer, the next hour no answer. Crazy.
    So now its August, and I am back feeling those same feelings of being low on the priority list with my middle sister. I call but I just get the machine. You would think that if you get a message from a family member saying, "I miss your voice, please call me" that you would care enough to call.
    Thinking I need to maybe consult my therapist on letting go of all the expectations of what I family is supposed to be. My present life is idyllic, and wonderful. Why do I try so hard with such one sided relationships, like the one with my middle sister? She has definately given up on ours.

    OOh going to make chicken fried rice for my son and husband. My son came to me today asking if I would pluuuease make it. So cute. I had yogurt/berries and bran cereal for my dinner...I know strange.

    Be well all, thanks for letting me vent!
    Becca feeling better in Oregon......
  • Jenmfp
    Jenmfp Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good evening, I'm new to myfitnesspal and this group. I just turned 55 and looking for some help and support. Over the past 2 years I managed to lose 30 pounds (that's the good news). This year though my emotional eating is getting the better of me. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I go for the bread and lots of butter.... I love the goals of the group. I'll have to work up to the 15,000 steps a day. My goal is 150 minutes of exercise per week: 1 "functional" training class, 2 weight training sessions and 1 elliptical session per week. Jen in Maine
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Carol given all your symptoms and depression being one of them might be worthwhile checking out what your doctor says. ((())).

    Beth glad back is feeling better.

    Putting painting chores off until Monday. Too humid. I'll work at getting our windows and window treatments cleaned.

    DH is looking into AC. I am just glad we waited in a way because now we are both on the same page as what type to get. DH was for a awhile for the system of running tubes through the house. My brother tried that and prefers the wall system. This is the type I have wanted all along.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol in NC - do you have any problems with your blood sugar. It sounds a lot like I would do when my blood sugar levels would be too high or too low. If you aren't eating well, it could be the problem.

    Janetr OKC
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies, another good day today..PLENTY of room for improvement..I'm on my third movie of the day...during which I do bills play Yahtzee turn laundry over suck up to the dogs etc..generally wasting time
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Not sure if that was a God thing but the rest of my 1000 word reply got cut. Anyway in brief I ate really healthy and did thirty min on recumbent. Planning another healthy food only shop tomorrow.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just checking in. I went shopping today for clothes to wear for our anniversary picture. I got a royal blue top with matching pants and then some blue and black crazy pants that the Chico's sales clerk picked out. The crazy pants are a size smaller than I normally wear, but they looked fine. Then I got DH a silky polo shirt in the same shade of royal blue. I'm going to wear the crazy pants and he is going to wear plain black dress pants. We should be cute!

    Miriam, I am sorry about your cat. We list ours back in May. I still miss him.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    23,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking
    32 minutes on the exercise bike
    two hour line dance class
    one hour practice for the line dance performance

    smiley-happy032.gif Joyce, congrats on the four pounds.

    2157045gp85zev8ri.gif Mary, I've considered joining a gym several times but it's not a good option for me for a lot of reasons so I continue to seek ways to do strength training at home. We don't have the space here for the equipment you have. I am currently considering several choices of adjustable dumbbells that would allow me to lift a total of 100 pounds eventually....right now my heaviest dumbbells allow me to lift up to 30 pounds. The pushups I do now are full body pushups with my hands on the seat of a very sturdy chair. 5X5 pushups is a pretty good challenge for me and I hope to get to the point of full body pushups on a mat on the floor before long. I do full body forearm planks as part of my workout. I look forward to hearing about how your sister in law does with the lifting since she is my age.

    smiley-happy032.gifLinda in IA...you and your family look great

    smiley-happy032.gif Tracie, there is a lot of research showing the bad effects of sugar...your 52 small changes book sounds great. I hope you'll tell us each week what the next change is

    smiley-happy032.gif jenmfp, welcome to our friendly community....take it one day at a time...when I started here, I logged my food plan for the day and stuck to the plan no matter what..when stressed why not consider a walk rather than bread and butter (they are on my list of foods I never eat because I am incapable of being moderate with them)

    smiley-laughing025.gifJake bought a new tablet (Microsoft Surface 3 with keyboard, blue tooth mouse and blue tooth pen)...he downloaded the newest version of Microsoft Office and Windows 10 and is trying to figure out how to use all of it.....I know nothing about any of it since I have a laptop with the old Office and Windows 7. His learning style is to ask is questions out loud so it sounds like he's talking to me but he isn't so while I'm working on my projects I hear an unending monologue of sentences that start "How do I___?" and I keep having to remind myself that he's not talking to me

    smiley-happy032.gif Today was the next to last practice for our line dance performance at the County Fair. We practiced with the narrator and all the hats, sunglasses, and scarves that we'll be wearing for the performance. There's only one dance that I still need to practice more.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    PPS I also would like to hear about the book mentioned 52 things...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.43min, 14.6amph, 2.6mi = 75c
    spin- 35min, 79ar, 76aw, 9-15g, 8.3mi = 279c
    ride gym 2 dome- 4.56min, 12.2amph, 1mi = 61c
    ride wk 2 doctor- 61.22min, 11.5amph, 11.8mi = 596c
    ride doctor 2 wk- 12.56min, 11.7amph, 2,5mi = 181c
    total cal 1192
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Janet OKC - I've never noticed the hit spells being related to food/blood sugar but I will pay attention to that. Thank you! I have not been eating enough (let's hear it for THAT rare problem).

    Terri - These are not particularly severe. I just get really warm. Not like the floating in sweat ones I had almost 30 years ago!

    Margaret - I will bring it up with the doctor if the warm spells continue along with the nausea. I just don't feel good in general, but I've been chalking it up to stress.

    Y'all have been one of the bright spots in my life for, well ever since I started posting here, but particularly over the past couple of months.

    As an update on the shoulder, since the six week mark has past, they seem to feel free to move my arm at will. Well, sorta. They definitely are more aggressive! On Monday, it was brought home to me that I can not lift my left arm. At all. It was very disconcerting to have my brain giving my arm a direct order to move and there was simply no response. Freaked me out a little!

    I had a long conversation with God this morning and asked to have the depressing obsessive thoughts removed from my mind. There has been a loss (NOT by death) of a very close friend and that has sent me into a total obsessive state that has been a major player in the depression. That conversation, mixed with some Valium, has kept me reasonably functional today.

    Oh! And the boy child finally got his financial aid figured out so we know where he will be in school this semester! Now, if I could drive and put on my own bra, I could have my house back in a week or so.

    I hope some of this rambling makes sense...

    Carol in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi ladies. The last two days at work have been sooooo frustrating, nothing but meetings. Yesterday I was in meetings from 830-430! How are we supposed to get our classes ready! The kitchen guys were supposed to come today but didn’t…the foreman called and said they were having trouble getting the seams to look good and he knew I wouldn’t like how they looked. So those finally got done and they will be here tomorrow. Can’t wait to see them. Only downfall is they have to come back Monday for the backsplash.

    We had our lanai (deck) mudjacked yesterday; the concrete had sunk in several places so they drill holes in the concrete and pour more underneath it to raise it up. Now we are waiting for the caulking to get done on the lanai and the driveway. Get this…the business is called the Caulk King. Sounds bad! 

    Carol: sending you hugs! Wish I could come help you.

    GRIT: that judge sounds like someone I would like

    Pip: I am wondering the same thing as GRITS

    Sylvia: my kids loved Justice, but boy its expensive! Great news about the weight! And the steps!

    Joan: great news about the weight loss!

    DJ: well my hubby has his colonoscopy scheduled for Sept 1, so I will see how I like his dr. then I will go in and meet her and DISCUSS the procedure (which actually doesn’t bother me). She will have to agree to the sedation I want (actually I want light general anesthesia because I HATE those other meds). I am most worried about the meds. Plus I think it’s really very invasive for a screening procedure. Then we shall see LOL

    Lilian: feel better soon!

    REnny: always nice to see you

    Michele: I love board games, so I will have to look into it. I just wish I could find real instructions for mah jong (sp?)

    Joyce: no relaxing at that “retreat”. Our boss got really feisty and cranky about some comments we made… she was doing an action plan (part of our QI) about student satisfaction and all her actions were about improving teaching!!! WHAT I don’t think so. So we all bickered about it for a long time. At first people were very professional, but she was so defensive that the professionalism didn’t last too long.

    Alison: that sounds like great news from the dr! I agree with whoever said you should write a list of pros and cons

    Litnbug: welcome!

    Pat: so nice to see you again!

    You too Mimi!

    Tracie: good to have you

    Bkrimpet: congrats!

    OK that’s all I have for tonight. I’m behind about 4 pages still! I decided to up my step goal to 8500 which will be very challenging and cut my cals to 1650; I’m not going to change my diary settings yet because I want to see how feasible that is for me to do first. If I increase my morning walk to 15 minutes and do a couple other small things, I might make the step goal. Today I’m over 9,000
    Well take care all. Meg from gorgeous Omaha
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Beth in WNY - I had to laugh at the TV remark. A couple of years ago I sent hubby to buy a new TV he came home with a 42" or 45" or something. I said I wanted a 55", SO he took it back the next day and got a 55". I love it. :)

    Barbie - I'd like love to be able to see the line dance performance, sounds great. I know you'll be terrific.

    Janetr OKC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member

    New x ray of shoulder
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I have lost 4 pounds and was so proud that maybe I had finally broken through and would start loosing. But there I was wanting to buy a bag of chocolate.
    Night nite, Joyce, Indiana. The one who lives in a yard full of shredded up tree and bushes.


    Yeah for the 4 pound loss!!!

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Thanks for all the support with the loss of my precious Cobweb (aka Cobbie Wobbie). She was a tortie that spent three years at a poorly run shelter before I took her in. Slept in my arms under the covers in the winter, but never when it was hot!

    Linda, darling family!

    Thanks for the info on dogs and pumpkin. I would have to have someone else open the can since I am deathly allergic to pumpkin of all things! My kids could not even carve pumpkins or have them in the house or I would have an asthma attack!

    Names. I was born with the last name of Fippinger. (We have been able to trace every Fippinger in the USA to one family with 14 kids that immigrated from Bavaria.) No one can spell it and a lot of people were confused about how to pronounce it. Then when my mom remarried, she changed our names, against our wishes, to our stepfather's name because SHE was embarrassed calling the school to say "This is Connie Stevens, and my daughter Miriam Fippinger will be absent today." I hated my stepfather, who beat me up a month before I left for college, so when I started college at 16 I changed my name. I am named Miriam after my maternal grandmother. She was Miriam Beth and I am Miriam Ruth. Since she was the only adult who really gave me unconditional love, I changed my last name to my mother's maiden name, Righter. She was so thrilled, she always signed herself as Miriam I and addressed letters to Miriam II. I did not want to change my name again when I got married, but I let the jerk talk me in to it since we were moving to a tiny town (200 people) in Mormon Idaho. Very old fashioned. So I insisted in my divorce that I get the name Righter back. I have one sister who persists to this day in calling me my childhood nickname of Mimi, the only person who did, and it is her grand-daughters that I am adopting, so they call me Mimi! I was intrigued to learn that Miriam means "hope for change" or "rebellion" and Ruth means compassion. It is like my name directed me to my occupation of mental health advocate, pushing for change in the system and righting wrongs that the system perpetuates. Anyway, that is my name story.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    edited August 2015
    lillymay - YEAYYY FOR YOUR LOSS!!!

    Well kids - came home from the boner doctor as i call him and it looks like surgery after all. they took another X-ray and remember my list of questions? i didn't get to start on them before he started talking.
    he said that it looked like it was poking up more than it was before.
    also thinks that just pins and screws would be enough.
    he now realizes that i am more active than the standard office worker that he wants to refer me to his colleague to do reconstructive surgery. he will be able to see how it can be done in the least invasive way with the least down time.
    he said they could probably get it done b4 the end of the month, i told him i can't because i got the bike ride to do.
    i asked if i can do this AFTER the bike ride and before november (so i can be fully covered while my deductible is pd for)

    a lot of questions will have to wait until i see the new guy (the assistants all said this guy is GOOD, (which makes me feel good knowing that). i also asked if it will be covered by ins. he said it should be cuz they will ask for approval
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Really hot today... went for a walk early - 8 a.m. - and then in the house. Doing those pesky company books - I set the timer on the stove so that I would get out of the chair every hour and walk all around the house and then downstairs and back up....and did some laundry too...

    tomorrow - DGD comes to visit... so will need to find lots to do in the house out of the heat

    Nite everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan