Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story




  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Wish I could figure out what’s going on in my brain right now. Yesterday I went to Gordon Foods and bought a box of frozen brownies that I haven’t had for 18 months. I really wanted one. Got home and promptly took 2 out of the box (I think that is because that is how many I ate in one sitting pre surgery and weight loss) and popped them into the microwave. I ate both of them even though I was satisfied with one. About 10 min later I was ill from too much sugar.

    As if that wasn’t bad enough I didn’t have time to fix breakfast this morning so I stopped in the cafeteria to pick something up. I got an English muffin and I have Laughing Cow cheese here at work so I had ½ of an English muffin with a wedge of Laughing Cow. Just right. Then I decided to get a full order of bacon. 4 strips! Again, I ate it all even though 2 strips of bacon is my limit and now I sit here feeling queasy.

    Why oh why am I reverting to old habits when I know I cannot eat that much? What is going on in my thinking that I am allowing (even forcing) myself to eat to the point of feeling sick? I’ve got a serious need for some introspection here.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,174 Member
    Tart cherry juice to sleep? Will have to try that.
    As far as sweeteners go, anyone try Stevia (Truvia is a type)? It is all natural and does not have any calories.
    Alison, take care of that hip! and take care of yourself.

    Me, I slept better last night. Didn't shut the lights off until 10:30. No headache this morning, but dust allergies making my eyes blurry. If it is not one thing, it is another!

    Well, I made 5 days posting here. Not sure if I'll post this weekend, but having the ability now to use my iPad and iPhone to post gives me a better option.

    Back to work! Been slacking off. Have a great day everyone!

    Rita in Cromwell, CT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
    HEY there PeEpS!!

    poerava - thanks. not amazing really, more like astounding!! llololol.. just kidding. been doing this awhile, you'll get there.

    damnit - it was for the Y but at someone's home. if i wanted to go i could have gone alone if i wanted to go that bad. we stayed home and kept the kids company. it was only from 5-7:30 and we could have left after an hr. oh well. i emailed back thanking them for thinking of us but we wouldn't be able to go after all.

    Jmkmomm - i am aware thanks

    annr - WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning lovelies!

    I'm just stopping by to say hello and send good thoughts to all. I am still exhausted from being up at 0230 Thursday to drive back to the town I'm working to get to work at 0630.

    Thank you for the well wishes! Other than being sooooo tired, I feel fine. Maybe some cramping yesterday, but nothing major.

    I've adjusted my daily calorie goals downward by 15% beginning today. I'm in the Eat More to Weigh Less (EM2WL) group, and have been eating at an increased level for several weeks.

    Going to visit my mom and stepdad this weekend. He is getting on in years and starting to decline slowly, and I want to make sure I visit before fall/winter.

    Have a healthy and fantastic Friday!!!

    Hugs from Colleen in Virginia

  • tdigell1955
    tdigell1955 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina, and I'm from Rockford, Illinois. I will be 60 in Dec. This year, and I need to have a knee replacement. My doctor won't do it till I lose 100#.. I have tried several times failing without reachout for accountability. But I really need to do this. I am starting this time just trying to eat healthy. I have not set any goals yet, I know I need to do that..
    Thanks for having this group.
    Tina :):)
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Well, I got behind on reading posts again and so I just skipped from page 49 to the end. Life has been busy as we prepare for the start of school again. Seems like every activity has "camps" before school starts. And they all have parent meetings or family potlucks to attend. Show Choir parent meeting and potluck is this weekend and I'm in charge of that one, so I've been trying to prepare.

    Last night, I got off track because my hubby and I were asked to chaperon a get together for the show choir kids. I thought I would have time to eat before the event, but got busy and ran out of time. The get together was planned by the kids, so the only food options were pizza and desserts. Anyway, that was yesterday, today is today and I'm starting over.

    Our foster kitties are doing great, but poor Momma Carly is not feeling too well. Been feeding her pumpkin for her soft stools, but she's been pooping and peeing outside the litter box. Worst is that she pooped and pee'd on the sofa. Those cushions are now in the garage with about their third dose of pet stain remover. We put a second litter box in the room and switched to a different litter. So far, so good. But, if that doesn't help, we will have to call the vet tech to see if she needs some meds. I think the poor girl's body is stressed from having to nurse four kittens. She's not a very big cat herself. Anyway, maybe more than you wanted to hear/read.

    On all the sleep discussions... I don't have much trouble sleeping myself, especially since I started exercising regularly. But, I read that you need to put your phone away at least an hour before bedtime. The bluescreen from the phone causes people to not sleep well.

    I've got the afternoon off today and heading to the state fair to sell ice cream at the dairy barn. Our high school band staffs the ice cream stand for the entire state fair. It's a great fund raiser. Hoping I can stay away from that ice cream this year. It is pretty darn delicious.

    Hope everyone has a great day today!

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Welcome, Tina!

    Great job, Becca! Maybe someday I will be in the 25 club.

    Had a pretty awful night followed by routine mammogram this morning and lots of Adult Child Worry Syndrome.

    Took all week, but lost the weight gained by that vegan crisp earlier in the week.

    Do not despair, all you hungry, non-weight losing folks -- if you keep at it it will come off. And do not beat yourself up if there is a day when you fall off the wagon -- it is not a race even if part of your brain thinks that way. Why are we ladies all so hard on ourselves?

    Hugs to all from Betty WNY

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: You are the best grandma ever. Middle school is a transition period & I hope your DGD is lucky enough to have some friends from grade school in her classes. It sounds as though the first day was a success. I hope day #2 is also good. :bigsmile:

    Rita: Sending good thoughts your way. You'll figure out the sleep situation but it will likely take patience & persistence. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I hope you get your second dumbbell, pronto. We do DH's pills together. We both use pill keepers that hold each day's dose of everything in a compartment, and there are morning and evening compartments for 7 days. He counts out the pills and I put them in their places because I have better fine motor control than he does.

    JanetR: Congratulations to your daughter for her hard work and success! :flowerforyou:

    Rori: It is good to see you here. Your question about our friends moving here is one that I ask myself. I suspect they would make high maintenance neighbors. We've known them for decades and really like them but have never lived in the same town. I'm glad that your DH will be going in for a skin check. I hope the news is positive. :heart:

    I'm nowhere near the end of the list, but I'm out of time. Spent a long time helping DH solve a problem with getting a necessary prescription, and I need to leave for yoga. I really need yoga today.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Linda, after we were gone a good part of the summer, I had a lot of cats having soft and even mushy stools. Took samples to the vet to check them and nothing showed up. Then my shelter's manager told me that they were probably stressed from us being gone and gave me some B12 shots for me to give them weekly. Just one dose and many of the cats are "cured". So momma kitty may just be stressed from having kittens, moving, etc. and may very well just need a shot of Vitamin B12. I give my cats their vaccinations so I know how to give them shots so I did this myself, but most folks will need to go to the vet. In your case, the shelter you are fostering them for may just give her the shot for you if you call them.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited August 2015
    Becca Truvia is the brand name for Stevia. Not everyone gets a bitter aftertaste with it. I Unfortunately do.
    Agave has more fructose in it than table sugar. Fructose can sometimes bother digestion.

    I plan to work on the yard weeding and seeding at least until it starts raining. Cool and cloudy today looks like it might rain.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    @Poerava14 Yep he appreciates me! He is taller than me, and he daily leans on me when we are sitting on the couch, and hugs me like when he was little. He still is my cuddle bug.


    Wow, Becca, that's great most kids and especially boys won't do that by this age. Soak it up :)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2015

    Mary - I truly believe you are on the right track with your weight training. I have bookmarked the dumbbell website and will study it. I don't think DH will go for the cage etc. I love the muscle definition on my body and feel I don't look nearly 66! ! ! !
    Strong women stay young! :drinker:

    Love Heather UK

    Thanks! I'm glad that you are going to start weight training. I hope the use of dumbbells works as well as the barbell. I am so thrilled with my results as I know that any strength training and muscle development will produce. Follow the stronglifts 5x5 program while using the dumbbells as shown for the lifts and your results will be amazing.
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Mary - I agree with Heather, you look terrific and a definitely in inspiration to the rest of us.
    Janetr OKC

    Thanks. I got the inspiration from other women on MFP on another thread called Halp Heavy Lifting Made Me Supah Bulky as well as other lifting sites on here. Just like this site has helped me emotionaly and given me friends to go through this lifechange with. Everyone here is inspiration to me.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Terri, thanks so much regarding my daughter. I'm thankful she saw the need to further her education and has really applied herself in going for it. How old is your DD? You go girl, not sure I'd be able to confront hubby like that, but then my hubby has been SO supportive and absolutely my strongest cheerleader and praises/compliments me every day. I know they aren't all like that, unfortunately. I think it scares them sometimes, and that, as you said, is their “monkey”.

    Margaret/Terri – I use Splenda all the time, but used to use other sweeteners. None of them have ever bothered me so I'm lucky in that respect. Sometimes I think I have a stomach of steel. :)

    Carey – Edmonton – Thanks regarding my daughter. I usually call it “stubbornness” but “determination” sounds so much better. :) I love the sore feeling in my muscles, makes me feel like I really have done something. Lol

    Becca – Right there dancing with you girl. Oops, was that your toe I just stepped on? Not much of a dancer, sorry. BUT I can celebrate with you!! That is terrific!!!!!!!!!

    DJ – You crack me up, I love reading your posts. I've not heard anyone say “how the cow ate the cabbage” since my Mom's been gone. Lol Also, I think unsweetened tea in the South is probably against the law????

    Mia – I did the same thing with birthday cake at my husbands party. I did eat the amount I had “allowed” for but also had a ½ cup of ice cream with it and got sicker than a dog. When did you have your surgery, did you have a bypass? I had bypass surgery in Dec. of 2013 so will be two years soon. Unfortunately, no surgery can cut out the addiction. :( Hang in there, get back on track and just keep on going. Maybe remind yourself next time BEFORE you eat it, of how sick you felt last time. I know easier said than done. You own evaluation of “introspeciton” is the key. What is making you do this? Do you need a closer support group? Something to remind yourself of “how it used to be” and we don't want to go back there? I had gained almost 17 lbs when I started here. I was eating everything in sight, but hiding to do it. When I got on the scale I was in tears. Said NO WAY, this has been too hard to go through to gain it all back (I lost125#). Keep on moving forward, you know you can do it.

    Rita – Certainly glad to hear you slept better. I too am going to try the tart cherry juice. My allergies have been driving me nuts the last 2-3 days. Guess its that time of year.

    Katla – thanks regarding my daughter. I'm glad she figured out that it will really pay off for her in the long run. Enjoy your yoga time. :)

    Mary – I feel that way too, that every one here is an inspiration to us. Its so wonderful that it works that way and continues to grow and grow. Thanks for being here. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Personal trainer on the agenda today. The workouts are causing a lot of pain in my hip and not the good kind. My arms are sore but it seems to be more of the muscular type ... kinda like after the 1st baseball practice of the year. I never knew I had so many muscles in my arms. Bet it's from all the rowing...now that is a full body effort.


    The weight training program that I am on founder says that we should never have pain when we strength train. I have never had pain unless I do not have my toes pointed correctly. I also donot have muscle pain the next day. The workout is a slow and steady increase in weights which allows the muscle to repair the rest day and I am ready to increase the weights the next. I am not trying to talk you into changeing workouts because we do what we like to and that is how we are successful. I just suggest that you have your trainer look into your form because not having your toes pointed correctly or feet positioned just right can cause joint or muscle pain. On the other hand I do ocassionally have cramping of my leg muscles at night time.

    Becca -Yeah on the loss of 25 lbs! that is a huge success. You should be doing the Happy Dance! I would love to see you do the Cartwheels!

    Mia - it is hard to change our habits. I had a horrible time the other day and wanted to eat everything in sight. I went on here and got support from the ladies here and have done well the last couple of days. You just need to do what you just did and recognize that you can do this! We are here to help you and you can do it!!!
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Do not despair, all you hungry, non-weight losing folks -- if you keep at it it will come off. And do not beat yourself up if there is a day when you fall off the wagon -- it is not a race even if part of your brain thinks that way. Why are we ladies all so hard on ourselves?

    Hugs to all from Betty WNY

    Great advice!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    The above link is the thread that inspired me to start stronglifts 5x5. If you have time to read it and look at the ladies on it and read their stories I am sure you will be as inspired as I was. I owe the loss of 24 + inches, being able to increase my calories to what I consider almost normal, increased strength, and the dramatic change to my body to this thread and the ladies on it. They may also inspire some of you that have been thinking of strength training.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina, and I'm from Rockford, Illinois. I will be 60 in Dec. This year, and I need to have a knee replacement. My doctor won't do it till I lose 100#.. I have tried several times failing without reachout for accountability. But I really need to do this. I am starting this time just trying to eat healthy. I have not set any goals yet, I know I need to do that..
    Thanks for having this group.
    Tina :):)

    I hear you!!! I'm in the same boat!! Just finished 6mo of ED rehab n know on food plan. Weighed today n lost 8# with normal eating!!! We can do it!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    evening ladies~
    well my week of working full time is over,and Keri is done working with us.. so sad.. but she has moved on to receptionist job with full bennies at pediatric office.. so happy for her.
    Zina is enjoying her vacation , and dont know what we will be doing this weekend except going down to see DFIL
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina, and I'm from Rockford, Illinois. I will be 60 in Dec. This year, and I need to have a knee replacement. My doctor won't do it till I lose 100#.. I have tried several times failing without reachout for accountability. But I really need to do this. I am starting this time just trying to eat healthy. I have not set any goals yet, I know I need to do that..
    Thanks for having this group.
    Tina :):)
    Good to meet you Tina,
    I have found that for any long lasting changes for me happen a little at a time. It allows my body to adjust. I have read many post reciently that just getting use to tracking and seeing how much calories and nutrients are in what you are eating helps you make adjustments that are doable. I know that the experience for me was shocking, I had no idea of how much salt I was eating, and even though I like to eat a lot of vegetables it couldn't make up for all the calories I ate because "it there was more to eat and a little more wouldn't hurt"
    I know you will do great