

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ohhhh my TOPS group makes me want to pull my HAIR out!! Ok latest drama is that we elected two new people for the weight recorders. So I go in to weigh, and I have lost 5 lbs. The one that is more "seasoned" recorder says way to go Becca. The other gal says..."ooh I beat you". Really? I was fuming. The weight room is a safe haven where there isnt' any competition or judgement. So I went fuming to the kitchen area( we meet at a church back room) and then I wait to revisit the weightroom on a lull in the people coming in. First I say, "this is the last time I say this, I felt really awful when you told me you beat me." "This is my place of no judgement, and I should feel proud of losing 5 lbs this week". She said, "I guess I should keep my mouth shut". I told her, while I am glad she lost 6 lbs, she needs to be empathetic to the weighee. Of course, she could not explain to the group how she lost that 6 lbs, while I had all the copies of MFP food logs to back up MY weight loss..(sticks my tongue out at that). Can you believe the GALL of some people. (I did however throw away her sugar that she brought to share for our coffee) The reason was it had fleas in it. I saw a bunch on the top of the sugar plastic container last week. In my madness I threw it away today, and washed the container. I will tell the group there were ants in it. Not that the weight recorder is infested with fleas. *sighes*

    Today I had an hr long call with my sis in Colorado. She is getting on a "Im tired of looking like this I need to get my act together" kick. I told her we should check in with each other. Its nice to have a supporter that is a family member!

    Well its dinner time and I am slacking! Be well all, and carry on!
    Becca in cloudy Oregon needing sun to make my cherry tomatoes grow!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Miriam: Sorry for your loss. :'(
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    stats for the day;
    1110 logging streak!!

    ride hm 2 gym- 11.196min, 13.8amph, 2.6mi = 106c
    spin- 40min, 87ar, 84aw, 9-13ag, 10mi =365c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.2.7min, 11.1amph, 1mi = 82c
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.32min, 9.7amph, 2.6mi = 193c
    total cal 746
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »


    You two are funny. :)
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Evening all! Your posts are awesome..I love the cohesiveness of this group. I am still learning who is who etc so I'm generally going to refrain for now on too many comments about others posts Cuz I'll prob get mixed up! I am having some difficulty sticking to daily excersize...idk which of my 1001 excuses is the real culprit. I do k that I feel and sleep much better on days I do. I have been very sedentary for a decade as I was caretaker of my parents who had cancer and ALS. Now that I have the option to do things for me I find I have become quite addicted to the tv and my iPad. It is very hard to unplug! I went a couple weeks ago to my brothers Apple farm in Northern Maine and had a forced unplug as they have neither tv nor Internet. It was an eye opener for me! And girls he grows cherry trees too and they are scrumptious! Overall I have done better on my first week w activity..four half hour sessions on my recumbent bike and an hour kayak on a lake plus recording EVERYTHING on MFP has resulted in an 81/2 pound loss in a week! Honestly I think half of it was poop ( sorry ladies) Cuz I hadn't been eating any produce for years mostly and my reintroduction to them kept me near to the facilities for a few days. Hoping for another healthful week...
    Yours, Melinda
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    MIgranny61 wrote: »
    Why can't I see my scale ticker I made??? forgot how to use this sight after 2.5 years. lol :p

    On your home page, click on Apps, then click on Tickers, then click on Get code for ticker....copy the BB code for your ticker and you can paste it on your post.....I keep the code for mine on a word document that I use to compose my reply so I can use it easily.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :) Hi, Melinda, I hope you will keep coming back and join our conversations....you have made an awesome start...just take it one day at a time....as you read the posts, you'll get some new ideas about how to stay on track....never, never,never give up.

    B) Barbie from hot and sunny NW Washington
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Melinda - Welcome, what a terrific start. Congratulations. Your brother's place sounds like a story book to me. I'd love to see a place like that. Keep up the good work, I hope that big of a lose is motivation to keep logging and moving. Every bit helps. Join in when you feel comfortable.

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of a DVD called "sweet step". Really, it's a little hard to follow. But some of that might very well have been the fact that where I had the plantar wart removed is still healing. I don't need a bandage on it, but I can tell that it's still healing. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD by Cathe Friedrich called Power Hour.

    Joyce - you cracked me up -- ED standing for Erectile Dysfunction. You know, I never thought of that!!!

    Alison - so glad that your blood work came back fine and that you don't have any major dietary restrictions.

    miriam - most plants I like, but if it has throns, then I really don't like it. Please don't ask me to explain this, but the person who landsaped this house before we bought it for some reason planted a rose bush right alongside the garage. If you have a new car, rose bushes have thorns, guess what happens when the thorns touch the car?

    Lisa - how wonderful that you're getting to see your son while you're in Montana! Sounds like you have lots of plans. I can't get over how much you're doing in the restaurant. Amazing.

    When we go away, Vince knows that I'm a BIG water drinker so he'll ask me if I need to use the bathroom. Usually, I do. But I also think it's good for him to get out and stretch.

    Sylvia - happy birthday to your son. You are so good to him always

    Just saw that the Play It Again Sports near me went out of business. Boohoo, I wanted to look for ankle weights. Guess I'm just going to have to go elsewhere

    Welcome everyone new!

    mimi - so glad to see you. You've been missed. Now be sure to come back often, ya hear?

    Cheri - that B&B is just gorgeous! Thanks for posting the pics

    DJ - the only thing I really couldn't think of how to do is to make the "stand" for the tiles. So I used a noodle that we cut in half and then put a cut down the middle. Admitted, it would roll in the water, but I really couldn't think of anything else. We did learn that the "tiles" should probably only be 1/2 as tall. Vince says that I won't be able to remove the velcro and reuse it, so I might wind up having to buy more velcro. Hey, I'll use the coupon again! The glue that I used to hold the felt onto the styrofoam did eventually pull away from the styrofoam when the felt got wet (since it was so heavy). Vince has this "craft glue" that I'm going to try to use. It says that it's waterproof. but if anything, we had a fun time. Admitted, we only played one game, but part of that was because we were laughing so much. I'm thinking that maybe I'll do this again next month with the new modifications and see if this glue holds.

    Heather - oh, I hope your rental sells. How wonderful that you got an offer you can live with!

    Tracie - I've found that if I have something not sweet (like a salad with vinegar on it or tofu with unsweetened cocoa in it), after a time I found that I no longer craved sweets at night. That was wonderful for me! I know some people will freeze Cool Whip and use that as ice cream. I freeze grapes and use that instead of ice cream.

    miriam - it's always so hard to lose a pet. My deepest sympathies.

    Lenora - I don't watch soap operas, either. And for the exact same reason you don't

    Becca - good for you telling that lady how she made you feel! Yuk, fleas in the sugar! Yuk and double yuk

    Exercised, went to the general meeting of Newcomers, came home & went in the pool, started to re-glue the "cover" on the "table" for Rummikub, hope this works. Then went to ceramics. I'm very surprised that they ran out of the white paint that I used for the ring around the neck. That's a very popular color, I would think they'd always keep an extra bottle. I was hoping to get the first coat of paint on and show you what colors it'll be, but they didn't have one of the colors in stock. Basically, it's a blue with yellow feathers. You'll have to see when I get the first coat done.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, I am so thrilled for you on the offer. That is wonderful, when you sounded like you had about given up. Wow, after your day I’d probably be “knackered” too. (Whatever that is? rofl.gif Wow, I’m glad you weren’t hit with the falling light!! Wonder what happened.

    Tracie, welcome and thanks for telling us about yourself. Congrats on the “all clear”!!! This is a great place for support and information. Come often and post whenever you feel like it.

    PJ, it does take time to read every post, but do what you can. The goal is to eat right and get in your exercise and reading what we have to say is just gravy. Keep up the good work.

    Vicki, great report at the Doctor!!! Your DGD will be sitting on a ball??? What the hell?? I don't know that I would like that all day. You have lost over 125 lbs?? That is fantastic!!! Just keep it up and you know you will get there.

    Mia, I'm glad you found your Prince Charming. With how late the ladies today are getting married it sounds like I was a child bride at 21. LOL

    Heather, don't keep putting off doing or updating your wills. You know that we never know when this is our lasy day. I don’t mean this to sound morbid but you ladies helped get me moving to get mine done a few months ago.

    Miriam, sorry for your pet loss. Many of us know how that feels.smiley-sad021.gif

    FPJ2015, I agree with Pip. Stay at or close to 1200 calories a day. I have heard it suggested that you go for two or three days with very, very low carbs. Then go back to regular healthy diet. That will sometimes give the boost needed. The other thing is, are you weighing and measuring your food? Sometimes we think we are eating 1200 calories when in fact we are getting more. Hang in there and don’t give up.

    Melinda, welcome. Come often and post when you like. Congrats on your loss. That’s a great way to start!!! Love your lab on your profile picture!

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I am packed for my trip tomorrow except for make-up. I don’t have to be at the airport until 10:30 and we live about 10 minutes away. Even though I may not have time to post, I assure you I will be thinking of all of you, especially every time I eat. smiley-eatdrink021.gif

    I wish the best for all of you and I wish you all health and happiness. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Evening everyone

    Well my cold is better - I gave it to DH ...ha ha

    apparently ha ha is the in thing to use now - not lol...thank you CBC for keeping me informed and up to date

    I listened to CBC all the way to Pinehouse, Saskatchewan today. 715 kilometre round trip. So sad to see all the burnt trees from the forest fires last month.

    Well... DGS is not coming for a sleep over. Apparently they have company coming on Thursday afternoon and he will have someone to play with. I offered Friday, but not sure yet. DGD is coming though - her parents are golfing in a fundraiser on Friday.

    I have to go to bed ...my butt is tired!!

    So...((((hugs)))) to everyone.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Ok, I've gotten behind again so I need to skip ahead and then catch up. I had a good weekend. Had a massage and a manicure with my daughter on Friday then we drove to Dubuque and had dinner with my BIL/SIL. Saturday we spent the morning in Galena, IL then drove to Milwaukee for a graduation party. Then saw the Milwaukee Brewers game. And back home on Sunday. This week I've been working on stuff for our booster club, trying to finish painting another bedroom, and preparing to send my daughter off to college this weekend. Oh and we may be getting those foster kitties after all. One of the babies just needs to get checked out to make sure he doesn't have ringworm.

    With all that I seem to keep battling the same 3 pounds. Scale went up again at the start of the week and is slowly coming back down now. But I don't want to use my busy schedule as an excuse because I've been doing that for the past several years. Difference is that this time I have all of you to keep me motivated. THANK YOU!

    Profile picture is us at the game. Can't seem to post it from my tablet so will do that later.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ - Have a wonderful time in Dallas. I lived there for a while, now I'm a 3 hr drive north of Dallas in Oklahoma City. I know you will enjoy your visit with family and meeting little ones you have never seen. Take care, we'll miss your smiling face around here for a few days :)

    I made plane reservations today for my oldest niece to come visit me in Nov. She will come on my 66th birthday. She's only 6 yrs younger than me and has always been more like a sister to me than her mother. Her mom was pretty much an adult from the time I can remember. Only one of my sisters has ever come to visit m3 in OKC and I have lived here for almost 14 years now. :( I told her we would go get mani/pedi's, go out to dinner, go shopping and just have a fun girls long weekend. She's been going thru some struggles in her marriage, etc. They've been married for 39 years and I think she has just "put up" with him most of that time. That's kind of sad.

    Didn't go to water aerobics this morning. FitBit says I slept for 4 hours. I just was tired and dragging. My sinuses have been acting up all week and that doesn't help. I did ride the stationary bike later. Going to bed a little earlier than normal to make sure I'm rested and feeling like going to the Y in the morning. Night, ladies. Have I mentioned lately how glad I am I found y'all???

    Janetr OKC
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Ditto!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I had a very rewarding NSV tonight. My sister in law rode with me 4 hours to the cities to drop my sister off at her house. On the way home we stopped and picked up a pizza and snacks. When we got back on the road she said I can't believe how much food you can eat and not get fat. I said it's because of the weight lifting the muscle burns so much more calories than fat. My sister in law will be 70 years old next month. She then said can you show me how to lift weights I would like to tighten up my tummy! Starting next Tuesday she is going to be coming over to my house to start lifting with my 12.5 lb barbell.

    Michele - you are so creative! It sounds like you had a lot of fun playing!

    Becca - good luck on your weigh in!

    Barbie - push ups will get some muscle tone. I did them for 5 years before I started lifting. I started on my knees then a plank. I could never really ever get down very low. The most I could do in a row was 12. I haven't done them since I started lifting. I got unbelievable muscle tone in my arms since March but it is a combination of the 5 different lifts. You would have to agree that 6 months is a very short time. I really believe that if you had my equipment and did the program every other day like I do your results would be better than mine because you are in much better shape than I was when I started. And you eat a lot more healthier than I do. Don't you belong to a gym where you do your line dancing? Do they have weight bench and squat cage?

    Terri - I think that we should all send you a dollar and have you go buy us lottery tickets so we can win the power ball! You are so lucky! Anyone else want to get in on this?

    DJ - stress makes me snap! I hate flying too. I remember snapping at my DH right before our Vegas trip! You are going to have so much fun!!!

    Heather- congratulations on the offer! I remember that feeling! I am so excited for you! Fingers and toes are crossed!!!! Sad about your light.

    Miriam - (((hugs))) sorry to hear about your beloved cat.

    Becca- congratulations on your 5 lb loss! You are right that is a big deal!

    Pip - still inspirational!

    Janetr- I'm glad you are here! We are lucky to have you!

    Gayle Mpls- how are you doing? I'm hoping to get to visit the three of you next time!

    Have a great night everyone! Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sharon, does your brother have to take Remicade the rest of his life or go off of it when he goes into remission? Charlie does seem to not have as much diarrhea but about the same amount of gas build up. We keep stocked up on GasX all the time. I have looked for a good support group for Ulcerative colitis I could join but so far no luck. Any suggestions???

    Allsion, good news, no great news, Wonderful fantabulous news!!! I hope both you and Tom feel much better. Wish you could have had more of a response from him on your letter but you can not control him, only yourself.

    lisa, looks like a few things at the restaurant are looking up.

    Sylvia, your dogs sound like so much fun. Happy birthday to Sylvia's son! Sounds like you have a nice day planned for his special day but in the back of his mind he might be concerned about his children spending a whole week with their Mom. Did she know this was his birthday when she planned on having them for a full week? Sure hope you can pick them up early so you can got o the cat show. Litnbug, glad you joined us. We have plenty of encouragement to go around! We all need it no matter where we are in this journey.

    Heather, HAPPY DANCE!!!!! FREEDOM! so sorry the light broke. I would have peed in my pants right there. I think a living will is very important. As a nurse it sure can save a lot of heartbreaking decisions on the families part. As a dauhgter, we knew exactly what Mom wanted and didn't want. She became very ill real quick and she had it all taken care of for us. It was her last gift of her caring and loving attitude for us.

    Vicki, my grand kids would be over the moon if their school provided iPads. Ours provide them for the middle schoolers and the high schoolers get a laptop. If my youngest DGD classroom had only exercise balls to sit on, her teacher would be requesting a chair for her after only a couple of hours. I have known a lot of companies to use them instead of office chairs but never a school.

    Miriam, so sorry about your old buddy and friend, your fur baby. Yes, it really hurts.

    MIgranny, MFP 'enhanced' the site about a year ago and took away the automatic ticker on your post. You have to put it in every time you post. I hope some one will come along and tell you how because I can't. Welcome back.

    Melinda, you must be my twin! In the living room I have my lap top and iPad sitting with me. I am either on one or the other and sometimes both at the same time. I need to cut the umbilical cord. I am using the lap top less. I do my face book game when I first wake up and then shut the lap top and usually don't get on it until after supper. So that is better. Wow, 8 1/2 pounds in a week! Fantastic. We are all OK talking about bodily functions here. After all, we all do have them.

    DJ, what am I going to do without you to kick my butt when I need it???? I guess Pip would do it, well I know she would do it but I'm afraid of hers! Plus she might fall again doing it.

    Janetr, Charlie's Mom was the oldest of 12 children and she was pretty young when she had Charlie so he has 4 aunts that are younger than him. When I met him he was about 25. He had 4 aunts or uncles in their early 20's, 4 in their 30's and 4 in their 40's.

    Are we all going to have a fist fight over Shemar??? You know we have to give him time to make movies and tv shows.

    Hasn't been a good day for me. Our tree removal team started Monday of last week. I am sure if he knew it was going to take this long he wouldn't have taken the job. Waking up in the morning to either a chain saw to a stump grinder was grinding on my last nerve. Well they really wanted to finish today. And that 40 year old silver maple had a huge base and he was grinding it down and then grinding down about 3 inches. They have never done a good job in communicating that they are going home, leaving for lunch. etc. Sometimes they would have equipment break down and have extra long lunches. So tonight we are both leaving at 6:45 to get to either choir practice or Karaoke. I go out and tell them that we are leaving but they should feel free to stay as long as they needed. We did not know they wanted to finish today. So the wife of the main guy comes out and tells us she wants us to leave them the check. I told her that there were concerns I had, deep tire ruts in neighbors yard, some stumps shavings in her back yard, no load of fill dirt. So he came out and talked to me. Says husband and him talked about the tire ruts and Charlie was going to fix them. Very little shavings in her yard and said she had been sitting on her porch a lot watching them. As far the dirt, he said the dirt was going to be brought if they had been able to pull bushes out and leaving a big home. They couldn't pull them out and did the sump grinder instead and then filled in everything with all the shavings (which now contain all the weeds and vines in them) He said he could bring us a load of dirt and dump it in our front yard if that is what we want but then we have to deal with it. Also he wanted check made out in his name and not companies name. he said the company doesn't have a checking account, just him. So I finally give in, I jsut wanted to get rid of him and get to choir practice that I was already late for. So I open door, put keys on ledge and get my check book to rewrite check. Then I close door and walk out to back yard. I then walk to car and no keys. OOPS. I automatically lock door when I leave and so keys were still on the ledge in front of locked door that I am outside of. Am I going to have to sit on the porch for 4 hours until Charlie gets home. They were going to Kentucky tonight to sing. He was 40 miles away. My daughter was keys to our house but she is at work. I know she usually takes supper about that time so I call her. Boss said it was OK so she left work, let me in and I fixed supper for her. Between the tree guy and my stupidity in locking myself out of my own house, I was so upset. I felt like such a failure at that. I failed at confronting tree guy, I failed at not keeping keys. Yesterday morning when flyers come in mail that have all these coupons, I was drooling over cookies and brownies. I anted them SO bad. I knew I had gained 30 pounds and was working my butt off to conquer this. So what I wanted was to go to Walmart and get a bog of candy, not just a candy bar but a bag or a 1/2 gallon of ice cream, or pan of brownies. But ( good news) I have lost 4 pounds and was so proud that maybe I had finally broken through and would start loosing. But there I was wanting to buy a bag of chocolate. So when a woman gets like that, she needs retail therapy. So I go to Walmart but don't park in front of the grocery section and go in the other side of the store and bought some make up that I was getting low on and finger nail polish. I find a check out lane that is not in the grocery end and pick up just a single Milky Way. It tasted so good but I still wanted more. But I jsut had that bar.

    So I had a bad day but I guess it ended well. Charlie called me around 9 to see if the tree guys left and I told him what happened. He asked me if I wanted him to come home. No, no stay out. But instead of his usual midnight, he came home at 10 just to make sure I was OK. All of these bad experiences regarding bad contractors hopefully teaches us but so far it hasn't.

    So did you catch the part when I said I had lost 4 pounds???? I didn't want to say anything but this has been a very slow but consistent loss over a week. I have really been working on the steps. I tried a Fitbit challenge but I chose the wrong person at the wrong time. I chose Allison on the weekend she goes to the shore!!! So now I have a face book friend. Our average had been about the same but where I am getting 10,000, she is getting about 2000. So I don't think she is working on it!

    Night nite, Joyce, Indiana. The one who lives in a yard full of shredded up tree and bushes.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    So did you catch the part when I said I had lost 4 pounds???? I didn't want to say anything but this has been a very slow but consistent loss over a week. I have really been working on the steps. I tried a Fitbit challenge but I chose the wrong person at the wrong time. I chose Allison on the weekend she goes to the shore!!! So now I have a face book friend. Our average had been about the same but where I am getting 10,000, she is getting about 2000. So I don't think she is working on it!

    Night nite, Joyce, Indiana. The one who lives in a yard full of shredded up tree and bushes.
    Congratulations! That is a great accomplishment! You are working very hard to achieve your goals!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Enjoy the wedding, visiting your friend and hugging your son.

    Sylvia - A cleaning service is always a welcome gift.
    It take a lot of steps to make 69 miles. Good for you.

    Heather- Yeah for the offer! Keeping my fingers crossed.
    I love fish and chips. Lucky for me that I have always removed the batter. In the Okanogan, my friend would always get the batter and slaw while I took the actual fish.
    Wow! That is scary to have a light fall like that.

    Joyce- My brother has been on Remicade for about 7 yrs. He watches his diet (sometimes) and spends a lot of time walking. He just had his annual in Calgary. They says he has a lot of scarring but no inflammation right .

    Good night
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member