

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Joyce~ great news 4 lbs whooo hooo
    well darn I woke up late so no zumba, and going to grocery shop and see DFIL have to stop at work and open door and get implant kit for another office..
    get laundry done and hopefully get to the gym...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce - sorry about the trees, but yeah! on the four pounds. And wanting food that you know you don't need isn't failure. What you're wanting isn't the chocolate, it's the way the chocolate makes you feel--and you understood that, and kept it to a reasonable amount of calories with the Milky Way. You went on to change the way you felt with retail therapy instead of grocery therapy--and that was a great decision. Proud of you!

    I'm not sure why we beat up on ourselves for doing things like locking our keys inside, either--not saying I don't do the same thing, I do! Just saying that I read somewhere a woman's mind is liking having 240 browser windows open at the same time. It's an accurate description of what's going on in my head most of the time, clicking back and forth between whatever is the worry of the day/week/month, etc. You were on one browser window and your keys were on another.

    Mary in Minn - was so glad to see your closings! And your NSV is cool, too...

    Michele in NC - So looking forward to seeing our son--November would be a year, and it had been more than two before that while he was stationed in Germany. We'll hopefully get to meet his new wife, as well, if she's not at work during that short time we're there. He married on the way up to Montana, and she seems very sweet and very good for him.

    Monday was my "Slough of Despond," for anyone who read Little Women as a child, and things have rapidly gotten better since. Fully staffed except for one floater cook to take shifts for all my base crew... and that's almost a luxury, rather than a necessity. We'll see how it all goes.

    Off to write my weekly report, and run. Haven't been able to fit a daily run in, but I'm up to every other day! And my crew chief is on notice that she will be taking on many of my nitnoid, day-to-day things as of today. I have to be able to get to the system to make improvements--just got the financials yesterday and the restaurant has never made a profit since they gave up the IHOP franchise and went to a proprietary brand. NEVER. It is just barely self-supporting... and I'm hoping to change that. But I need to get out of playing personnel games and get into the guts of the marketing/promotions/menu costing, etc., to make that happen, and it starts today.

    And I hired a potential future manager yesterday--my instincts in the interview were correct, confirmed on her first day. She'll need some seasoning, but she could run the place with some leadership in front of her to guide her away from the determination to do everything herself so it's right, to helping others step up to make things right. One of the few people who's made me think that... We'll see.

    Happy Thursday my chickens, hope yours is amazing...
    Lisa in dusty West Texas
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    mtowne002 wrote: »
    Evening all! Your posts are awesome..I love the cohesiveness of this group. I am still learning who is who etc so I'm generally going to refrain for now on too many comments about others posts Cuz I'll prob get mixed up! I am having some difficulty sticking to daily excersize...idk which of my 1001 excuses is the real culprit. I do k that I feel and sleep much better on days I do. I have been very sedentary for a decade as I was caretaker of my parents who had cancer and ALS. Now that I have the option to do things for me I find I have become quite addicted to the tv and my iPad. It is very hard to unplug! I went a couple weeks ago to my brothers Apple farm in Northern Maine and had a forced unplug as they have neither tv nor Internet. It was an eye opener for me! And girls he grows cherry trees too and they are scrumptious! Overall I have done better on my first week w activity..four half hour sessions on my recumbent bike and an hour kayak on a lake plus recording EVERYTHING on MFP has resulted in an 81/2 pound loss in a week! Honestly I think half of it was poop ( sorry ladies) Cuz I hadn't been eating any produce for years mostly and my reintroduction to them kept me near to the facilities for a few days. Hoping for another healthful week...
    Yours, Melinda

    Welcome, Melinda!

    My given first name is also Melinda, but I am called by my middle name, Kay. I always thought Melinda was prettier, but I dropped it and made my maiden name my middle name when I married. Less confusion!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I had a very rewarding NSV tonight. My sister in law rode with me 4 hours to the cities to drop my sister off at her house. On the way home we stopped and picked up a pizza and snacks. When we got back on the road she said I can't believe how much food you can eat and not get fat. I said it's because of the weight lifting the muscle burns so much more calories than fat. My sister in law will be 70 years old next month. She then said can you show me how to lift weights I would like to tighten up my tummy! Starting next Tuesday she is going to be coming over to my house to start lifting with my 12.5 lb barbell. Mary from Minnesota

    Curious if I could do the 5x5 program with dumbbells at home? I have fashioned a program for myself but don't feel I am getting the max results that I could be.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Joyce, you made some good decisions. And don't beat yourself up about the keys. My son's potential landlady did the same thing when she was showing the apartment to him! It is so easy to do. I am so relieved that my car does not let me lock it without the keys or key bob. That feature has saved me from locking myself out of my car numerous times. We have so many things bouncing around in our brains, then you add stress from dealing with a contractor, and bingo.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    @mtowne002 - In grammar and high school my BFF lived across the street from me. There was a cherry tree on the corner of the Methodist Church in the next block. We'd climb up in the tree and sit and eat cherries until we could not eat another one. Big red cherries. One day we got the bright idea to make a cherry pie for our boyfriends. It looked beautiful; however, one thing . . . we forgot to pit the cherries. Oh well, at least nobody broke a tooth on it. One other time we decided to make some peanut brittle (again with no recipe). It was like taffy and we finally were able to pour most of it out of the pot we had cooked it in and did so in the side road. It looked like vomit and when the cars would run through it, it would stick to their tires and it would pull it like taffy. We ended up throwing the pot and spoon away - up at the 'mill' so my mother would not get mad and/or make us clean it up. When she asked about where this particular pot was I acted 'dumb'. "I don't know" . . . :o

    I go by my 'middle' given name; and as an adult - MDs and hospitals called me "Nancy" (my legal name). I have hated being called this; but, at least I know when someone calls me, if they call me "Nancy" it is either a medical professional or they do not know me. I like my 'middle' name best; but when my oldest DGD was born, I told her mother who had decided to call her MacKenzie Taylor (after some soap opera character) to swap the names and spell the McKenzie (without the 'a') as it is a 'family' name. I was surprised that she did so. IF one has a baby 'girl' they need to name her and call her by whatever her legal (first) name is because when she goes off to college or gets married, that will be the name that goes on her SSN card and they only allow 3 names on it (at least in the state of Georgia). My first SSN card had my 'middle name', my 'middle initial', and my 'married' name on it. I should have put my 'given' name, my 'maiden last name', then my 'married' name when I realized this. They had changed it to "Nancy". I think the will put a 4th name on the care so long as it isn't over a certain number of characters. In Georgia your drivers license is supposed to be consistent with you SSN - mine isn't because I got the drivers license place to add my 'maiden' name initial because I sign everything as 'middle name', middle maiden initial, and married name. I have had a lot of places look at me when I hand it over to cash a check because of it. Oh well, at least besides the 'legal' name the other is exactly as I signed the drivers license without the 'legal' name. Now the drivers license place won't remove the "M" and they tell me that I'd have to go through a 'legal name change' for them to do it. "Forget it" . . . as long as they continue depositing my SSD check into my account I don't care. When I had to fill out my paperwork for my job, I had to put all 4 names on the form; I have to sign my 1040 as 'first name', 'middle name', 'maiden name', and 'married name'.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 400 Member
    Vicki GI NE -- I am in awe of your weight loss! I am wondering how much weight other people on this thread have lost. Have not yet gotten to the 20 pound mark myself and I am amazed at how much weight some of you have lost.

    What is it with that weight checker group anyway? Do you really need those people? Personally I am getting too old to deal with that. One of the few advantages to aging that I can see.

    Miriam, sorry you have lost one of your furry friends -- I have only had one cat, but when he died it was so awful that I could not bear getting another one. Now I think I will only get one in my dotage if there is no one else left in the house-- then I would become a cat lady.

    Has anyone else had any trouble with entering recipes/foods into MFP lately? I tried twice to enter a recipe for vegan muffins and the matches went okay, but it came up with 1200 calories per muffin. It also gave someone else I know a very high count for a banana.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Lillian, at my age I’ve decided not to care about what’s in. I’m sure I’ll still be using “LOL” out of habit. Plus, I love to laugh out loud. So glad your cold is better. DH woke up with a doozie of one this morning and won’t let me try to get him in to see the doctor. He has COPD and colds can get dangerous real fast plus with me leaving town I won’t be here if he gets worse. Lots of coughing this morning so far. 

    Linda, I feel for your battle with that same 3 lbs. That is what I’m doing this month. Grrr

    Joyce, I’ll check in so if you need a swift kick, you can count on me. I agree that Pip might just enjoy it too much. Lol Congrats on that loss. I am to the point that I don’t lose 4 pounds in a month. You have to be pleased!! Those kicks are working.

    Lisa, it sounds like you are making progress. First thing we know you’ll be saying you see light at the end of the tunnel. Keep up the good work.
    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.
    I skimmed the posts quickly this morning so I wouldn’t start my trip being behind. I would say I’ll miss you but I am taking you with me so I’ll just miss knowing what’s going on with you, if I don’t have time to keep up. I’m all packed and dressed and heading out to the airport soon. I love you ladies and am so glad you are now part of my life. I'll be back in force next Wednesday.

    I wish the best for all of you and I wish you all health and happiness. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just popping in to say good morning and happy Thursday! :)

    And here is that pic of us at the baseball game.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Linda ~ What a nice looking family!

    DJ ~ I also prefer LOL. I am a slow learner and had no idea what most of the internet short cut abbreviations were until about a year ago.

    Joyce ~ Hopefully your week of tree removal is over. When our son was renting a house from us, we gave him the money to pay for some trees to be removed and he made the mistake of giving them the check before they got the fallen trees up. My DH and I ended up having to haul the pieces into a wooded area nearby. What a job.

    Lillian ~ Hope your cold is better.

    Michelle ~ You are one of the busiest people around. Making the game playable in the pool was so clever.

    Grits ~ You have some really fun memories of childhood.

    Have to go to the post office and the Walmart Market so must get up and get going. I want to get my hair cut to just below my ears but can't decide whether to do it or not. Having it hanging down around my face is no fun.

    Carol ~ Peach
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    morning peeps and new peep-seeezzzzzz-

    mtowne - i have been here for a bit and i STILL don't know who is who. i just know them from their profile name... don't worry about it. LOLOL. maybe you should get addited to music and an ipod. good music that gets you going and makes you wanna dance. make a playlist, you'll find you'll burn more calories cuz you're moving more. good luck! 8-1/2lbs in a week, that is AWESOME!!, everybody's gotta poop.

    fanncy - that is awesome to hear about your NSV!

    jmkmom - why did u have the milky way :0(... there are ALWAYS going to be a time when you feel bad, but you can't let food be what you turn to. you know what there needs to be around here? a sponsor phone thing like AA has. when they feel like drinking, they call their sponsor. so when you feel like eating shi$t you call a sponsor.

    lhannon - hope your new hire works out for you

    well, today is bone doc day. I get off at 2:45 and my appointment is at 4:15. this will give me time to ride there and not push myself, I would guess maybe 12 miles? uphill ones, :0/. got my list of questions and we'll see what shakes. Kirby told me to ask if we do decide on surgery, will I be able to drive. i'm right handed so i'm confident, i'll be able to drive if I had to no big deal. you bet that i'm gonna c if I will still be able to ride the bike or not... still below my goal weight so i'm okay with it. this Saturday we are going to meet a bunch of Kirby's co workers at a dog park place that is by water and everyone is going to bring their dogs. everyone is eager to meet Yogi. he's become quite the catcher and retriever and LOVES the water. I have to make sure that Kirby does watch them more than me cuz i'll have FULL use of the right hand and not as much power on the left. oh, there will be booze and food there too.

    yesterday for a bit we had thunder which was unusual. I love thunder but it's not as loud here as it is in the Midwest, that thunder there is cool!

    type to ya later

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited August 2015
    Grits, that's exactly why I changed my name when I got married. I vowed that my own children would be called by their first name, not middle. Nobody questioned it. Got my SS card first, showed my marriage license and filled out a change of name form. I used that to get a drivers license. Filled out a change of name on my teaching certificate and just started using it. When I went to graduate school at GA Southern: new name. The only places where Melinda still appears are my birth certificate, my marriage certificate, my high school and my UGA diplomas. I still think Melinda is prettier than Kay. For some reason I've ways liked two syllable names better. That's why I like it when you guys call me Katie. You are the only ones who do. My daughter, who is also on MFP, thinks it is hilarious.

    I do have two cousins who still call me Katiebug, my nickname from Daddy's side of the family.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce, Indiana -
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    So did you catch the part when I said I had lost 4 pounds????

    I’m so glad you went back to that point. Good not to lose the happy in the midst of the frustrating. Yay you!!!!

    DJ Myrtle Beach, SC – I suspect you and I would be great friends if we ever met face-to-face. I love to laugh out loud. Life is too short to take everything too seriously. Besides, I think a good belly laugh is good medicine. Now, how do you feel about hugs? I once read that 8 hugs a day is the minimum needed for optimal health. I make sure I get my minimum every day and usually exceed my requirement.

    Miriam – So sorry to read you lost one of your cats. It’s so hard to say good-bye to our furry companions.

    Interesting to read about names and how each of us has decided to do different things with our names. When I was trying on wedding dresses the sales clerk asked me what my married name was going to be. I replied that I didn’t know. “You don’t know who you are marrying?” she squawked. “Of course I know his name.” was my reply, “I just haven’t decided what last name I am going to use.” She was horrified. Seemed reasonable to me. After all, none of my father’s family had boys to carry on the last name. My cousins and I were the last of the family line bearing my maiden name. I had a deep dislike for my middle name. The only time I heard it was when I was in deep trouble and about to get a sore rear end. My final decision (and I made it legal) was to drop the middle name and use the maiden name as my middle name and DH’s last name as my last name. I had a friend who kept her maiden name and it caused all sorts of havoc when her children were young and had two parents with different last names.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    Tracie – when I have enough strength, while DS and DH are eating ice cream, I have a big glass of skim or 1% milk. Most of the time that works. But I’m at the beginning of my journey still, so my strength comes and goes.

    Hugs ! Terri in Milwaukee[/quote]

    @terri_mom : I'll try it. Thanks. That might be just enough to take the nausea away. I take medications in the evening that make my stomach nauseous and ice cream was my go-to, but a glass of milk might be just enough to coat my stomach. Thank you!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Drkatiebug – No, I never watched daytime Soap Operas. I always worked either first or third shift. I bet he was a cutie, though. Yes, Linda/ca, I am willing to share with you, too.

    Gayle – you are not alone having some of your post “disappear”. I type mine in an e-mail to myself, then copy/paste into the box. That way if I hit a wrong button along the way, I can get it from my sent folder, and just have to start again where I left off. But I don’t see the 3 dots you mention.

    Miriam – Hugs for you and your cat.

    Becca – That’s awful behavior from your TOPS member in the weigh room. I’m so proud of you holding your tongue until a quiet moment. That’s a hard thing to do. I hope you and your sis are able to support each other.

    Melinda – Welcome. Let me know in advance next year of Cherry season, so we can invade your brother and eat all his cherries (lol). 8 pounds in 1 week, WOW ! ! ! I understand the produce situation. We have been discussing colonoscopy prep, so your issue is right on task (but be forewarned about using the word poop, because Pip likes to be called that sometimes lol ).

    Mary – The most I have every won in a lottery is $7, and one time I won $100 on a scratch off. I win stuff from the radio stations because my Dad and his friend and I share code words to get tons of points. But it is supposed to be 90 degrees tonight, so I think I’m going to walk to get my last box of cream puffs and see if I can give away or sell my tickets. At 9:00am I’m going to try to win Heart tickets at Riverside Theater on my Birthday. Wouldn’t that be a fun birthday present? We’ll see if I can get through. // Update. I won ! I was the 15th caller, so I won tickets for the December 7 performance ! ! !

    Joyce – your shopping trip was a wonderful NSV. It is so frustrating to have other stressors in our life, then lock ourselves out of somewhere. I’m glad everything is okay now. And Congrats on the loss !

    Linda – what a beautiful family. You all look so much alike it amazes me. I hope everyone in Milwaukee was good to you (the driving can be crazy).

    Last night I held all 3 planks for 30 seconds (I stopped doing them again for some reason, so I'm hoping this is the re-start of a habit). I also rode the bike for 10 minutes (my toe isn't as swollen as yesterday). I should have time for the handbike at lunch again. Add that to the walking I will do regardless of what my decision is about the State Fair, and I should be having a pretty good day today. If I stay home tonight I will try baking the cod in the oven instead of the Foreman Grill (it tends to fall apart).

    At the Fair on Sunday I got a henna tattoo of a Peace Flower. My DH just noticed it Tuesday night. He asked me last night how long it will be there, because he thought it should have washed off the first day. I said "you touched it, does it feel temporary?" He curled his nose at me and refused to respond until I told him it will only last 1-2 weeks (neither of us has any real tattoos, and he likes it that way).

    DS is lifting weights with the basketball team again today, and Sport Bowling starts next Wednesday. I'm SO looking forward to my Big Lots trip. :)

    Back to work. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce - hap, hap, HAPPY dance for you. Four pounds is terrific. If I lost that much you'd probably hear me squealing clear to your house. No fist fighting over Shemar, can't promise there won't be a little cat fight and hair pulling. Ha!

    Mary - thanks for the sweet words.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Linda/IA - beautiful pic of your family. Had to look close to decide which was you. You're a spring chicken as us oldies say. :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited August 2015
    MNMargaret: That has been the hardest thing for me. Nutrition advice is the one thing I really wish they would have focused on during and after chemo. My body has never really bounced back so I've begun seeing a wellness and lifestyle coach to try to get back on track. I agree with you that I need to watch sugar intake and watch the insulin spike. That's a biggie. I have pretty much cut out all sweets except my nightly bowl of ice cream and beginning this week am really working on that one. Last night I went without...one day in a row. ha! But one day at a time, right?

    linda/ca: I like the idea of ice, banana and almond milk blended. I'll have to pick up some bananas and try that tonight. At least I won't feel left out. :wink:

    I picked up a book yesterday called "52 Small Changes: One Year to a Happier Healthier You". Each of the 52 changes is a chapter on a small change for each week of the year. I'm working on chapter 1 this week which is called "Week 1: Drink Up!". So my focus this week is on drinking ten 8-oz glasses of water throughout the day, one before each meal and one almost hourly besides that. There are other hints for hydration in the chapter but that is the small change I'm trying to incorporate this week. Next week I will add another small change, and on and on. Hoping if I take this in small steps instead of making myself a huge goal and then quitting when I feel like I've failed, I might actually feel good again sometime in the near future. Now, wouldn't that be something?!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! I love this forum. <3

    Tracie in Green Bay
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    O'Connell - that indeed "would be something". Hang in the and stay focused on that one day y at a time goal. As Barbie says, "now" is all we really have. You go girl! Is there a name you go by other than your profile name.

    Janetr OKC