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    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @kevrit - there are so many factors that go into needing a CPAP; one is age, one is weight, one is medical issues, and the snoring is very fitful sleep and if it is bothering others - that should be something that also gets discussed. I literally can 'snore' in any position; my husband knows when I have turned in the bed because quite often the mask comes off or gets cattywhampised [sp] (I use the smallest mask they make, because I am so claustrophobic) and I start to snore and it wakes him up. As for me, I can sleep through a close lightening and thunder storm (especially with the CPAP on). Missed an exciting storm a couple of months ago, missed my children and granddaughters coming over because the tornado radio went off in their house. Reminds me, I need to have mine checked. New batteries did not help.

    @miriamwithcats - 11- and 12- years of age is a very difficult time. We had the same problem with our DMGD; she did not want to take a bath, wash her hair, comb it, anything ... she would lie about it as well; she'd wear the same thing to school - at least the 'hoodie' which she wore all year long. Don't know about our oldest DGD at that age, we did not have her then; but, the school consular told my DOS and DDnL that they could ALWAYS tell when she was with them versus being with her mother. She did not reek of smoke. About the time they reach their teens they are beginning to notice the boys and that will all change, most likely. If she is not rinsing out the conditioner, she is probably using way too much of it. I'd portion it out for her - no more than a 1/2 capful (and only on the ends where it is needed); send it in with her when she takes her shower/bath - that way she can have her privacy and more of a chance of not overusing the conditioner. I've put way too much in my hair from time-to-time and it is almost impossible to rinse out; it makes whatever shampoo left in you hair start sudsing up again. I only use conditioner once a week; and I use a wide tooth comb to comb through my hair when it is wet. Often at this age, they are right before starting their menstrual cycles and a growth spurt (both putting them into 'horrific' moods and swings). DGDs' pediatrician says that it is a 'phase they will outgrow' - when they start their cycles (usually).

    @DamitJanit - looked today at K-mart and no swim suits are out; so I guess I will need to see if the swim suit I had several years ago (that had black bottoms) will fit me. Got to clean out the pool tomorrow. Last 2 days have been a deluge of rain. Just have to scrub the sides with the brush. Son with put bleach in it on Sunday night.

    @MollyWhippet - is your DGD going to a 'middle school' that draws from different areas of the city/town she lives in, or will she 'move' up with the friends she had in elementary school? Either way, she will make and lose friends and some of her 'closest' friends will snub her and that hurts. My MDGD does not like the 'snobby' girls in her class and although a couple of years ago, they were all friends, she stopped being asked to parties and things. However, she hides it very well. My ODGD started HS in a new town and in a private school; so she had to make new friends; but, she sort of kept her hand close to her heart. Knowing that there would be girls and boys that had gone to the private school together since kindergarten. She joined things, that way she felt like she would get to know them better. Even was chosen to be on the Homecoming Court her Junior year and that was the year that a lot of the girls were giving her a lot of 'guff'; but she also had made 'friends' with a lot of the boys, too. She was a cheerleader all 4 years as well as on the dance line and captain of both her Senior year. Her class of 'girls' were all 'snobby' - a bunch of rich kids who threw their Daddies and Mommies name around, like 'do you know who MY Dad is, or Mom is'? "Not really what is so special about them?" She's happy that none of the people she went to HS with went to college where she does. She was the Star Student in her Senior year which means she made the highest score on her SATS. One of the girls REALLY had a conniption fit when it was announced (two weeks later after they had told her that she was it). She's a smart kid and 'trying' to 'impress others' just isn't in her repertoire of things that must be done. I've noticed that some of the girls in her class had their mother trying to relive their lives vicariously through their daughters and that rarely ever works for the child (at least).

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @jmkmomm nope we don't have to cook the food thank goodness! they come in really early and do the meals on wheels programs, and then cook for the luncheon. We had about 50 people attend today.

    @mollywhippet Wow, did you raise hell with the doctor about what their radiologist was doing? Its so hard to know the questions to ask, and half the time you spend doing jobs that they should be doing. Heaven forbid you tell them to just contact each other and complete things that need to be done...that would be amazing effecient. I was so mad at my insurance company one time, that I called her names out of sheer frustration. Not something I am proud of, and my husband rescued me before I literally imploded. I too have busy dreams...waking up tired!
    From reading about your worries about your DGD all you can do it just keep tabs on her. Keep your door opened. Middle School is rough I hear, and there is that "where do I fit?" feeling being a kid still but wanting to be a teenager. There is a program (I am thinking the Boys & Girls of America puts it on?) that talks to only girls. It focuses on self-esteem issues, hygiene, and how their bodies are changing. I know DOVE soap had a campaign about "empowering girls" whatever their size to be thinkers, math whizs, scientists, anything they wanted to do...but mostly about accepting themselves.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    On hygiene with teenagers, boys are notorious on forgetting stuff. My eldest showered for a month in his shower without telling me he was out of body soap. I yelled at him saying...what the heck did you use??? He replied, "Oh my shampoo suds". *long sigh* My middle son was the efficient one, always on the ball, and more concerned with himself. My youngest one is shaving now, (thank the Lord)...and we demand him to shower every morning. Its him standing under the water doing nothing but....well, not using the shampoo or body soap that is for sure. I just yell saying..."you're wasting water buster!" *long sigh* My son is going to be a Junior. When he was a Freshman I noticed his calf had a cut on it...he confessed he was cutting off his long leg hair with a pair of scissors... Some girl had told him he had hairy legs. So I had a LONG TALK about accepting the fact that all his brothers have hairy legs, its just what happens...but don't EVER take scissors to them... *longer sigh*
    What can we do...whether we have kids or see grandkids doing stuff...that we cringe at. One sentence that comes to mind. "We can all be perfect with our imperfections."
    Kids can be so cruel sometimes, but what I always told my boys is that if anyone treats you unfairly, you tell them, or if you can't you let me tell the principal. What ever it is, it will get handled. I will speak for you if you can not speak for yourself. It's tough today when you have to be vigilant in fair treatment of your child at school. So easy can issues if not addressed be swept under the rug.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,032 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.55min, 14.9amph, 2.9mi = 128c
    spin- 30min, 80ar, 79aw, 9-11g, 11.9mi = 203c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.03min, 13.4amph, 1.3mi = 68c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.59min, 8.8amph, 26mi = 219c
    total cal 618

    we had an invite from the Y as a thank u from 5-7:30 today. our dogs are inside dogs. i rushed home, he called while i was on the train saying he was still on the bus. i got home, fed the dogs, let them out to pee/poop, made the coffee for tomorrow, made the dog food ready for tomorrow, gave bullwinkle her meds. he comes home saying he isn't going because its not fair to the kids (dogs) that we have to put them in the house again while we leave. :0/
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice and stories of dealing with similar issues. I called my son and asked how it went for her and it said it was wonderful. She had a great time. So, I worried for nothing - and I'm glad it was for nothing. She had one really special best friend last year, Emily, and it turns out that she and Emily don't have any classes together but they do have the same lunch period, so she said they got to sit together at lunch. I'm so relieved!

    This is a pretty small town (less than 20,000 people) and there are four elementary schools but only one middle school and one high school, not counting the catholic school. So, she's bound to be meeting lots of other kids and hopefully will make even more friends. I told her to turn her beautiful smile on people and they will be putty in her hands.

    Tomorrow morning I take the younger two to school while my son takes Adrienne to middle school. It's a shame they start at the same time so I can't take them all. It's a little hard for him to get out and about sometimes. And hubby has 8am classes, so he can't help. Hopefully it will work out.

    But tonight I'm going to bed early and hopefully can get some sleep. Hubby still has a cough but otherwise is feeling better. He coughed a lot the last few nights.

    Good night everyone!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did 40 minutes of a DVD with resistance bands, then did a 10 minute stretch DVD with Tami Lee Webb. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Horizontal Core DVD. We shall see what that's like

    Exercised, had breakfast, went to get my hair cut and bangs trimmed, stopped at Big Lots and got Vince another loaf of bread, then went to the farmer's market here (it's small), then to Aldi. Came home and the weather was nice so we cut the front part of the lawn. Vince said that the aminodopone (or however its spelled) says "to be careful in the sun" and he could feel it burning him so we only did 1/2 of the yard, we'll probably do the other 1/2 tomorrow. Then went in the pool, had my dinner, now here. Cooked up some of the mushrooms that Aldi had on sale, now doing the rest and I'll freeze them (I am runing out of freezer space)

    Becca - it really bothers me when I'm in WalMart (or someplace like that) and they have their child in the child seat and give that child a bag of fries to keep the child quiet. I feel sorry for when that child grows up.

    JanetMMc - your egg in a cup sounds really delish. Do you know the calories of it?

    Joyce - when we moved into this house, I swear the oven had never been used. Now, that stove and oven are used all the time! Unfortunately, it's an LG with a black top. We were told that they no longer made the black top. Don't know what I'm going to do when it does finally go

    Lisa - that restaurant saounds like it's one thing after another. But I know it'll be absolutely wonderful when you get it done. Say....maybe we should have an MFP meeting there? Have a great vacation. You've certainly deserved it.

    Rita - that's scary almost falling asleep at the wheel

    Lenora - I've been looking for a pair of brown shorts (chocolate brown), I would have thought they'd have at least SOME, but no way. There are white and black some beige, but no brown. It's so frustrating when things go out of the stores so soon.

    Chris - have fun at that resort and be sure to tell us all about it

    DJ - for the first day since Sun, I didn't feel lightheaded at all. Wonderful NSV!!!!

    katla - I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to get in the middle of the dispute

    Yvonne - how I wish I could get pants at Goodwill or Salvation Army. But I need petite sizes and they don't have many (if any) of them. I can get by with their shirts and shorts, tho

    Roasting mushrooms right now. I swear, if I have to hear Vince say one more time "oh, that smells disgusting" I'm going to scream!!!

    janetr - so sorry about exDIL's mother. So sad

    Michele in NC
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Tonight has been a get home from work and lay on the couch night. I am worn out and was over on my calories. It has just become obvious to me that when I am tired I do not control my eating very well, eat what is handy and am way low on the steps count.
    Early in the week I do well but by the end of the week I do not. The end of the week is erasing all that I did in the beginning-probably the reason for my slow weight loss.
    Does anyone have ideas or suggestions. Every one on this site seems so disciplined and in control.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,032 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif Today was the final practice before the line dance performance at the County Fair on Saturday. We practiced all the dances along with the changes of hats, sunglasses, and scarves that we'll wear. It went great. I love dancing with these three women but I'll be glad to have my Thursday afternoons back. Errands have been piling up so I texted Jake about going to Costco and he agreed so we had a quick supper and went off to Costco, Petco, and the gas station so now I have fuel, Jake has coffee and some other goodies, and the pets have food.

    :'( Pip, sorry to hear about your not getting to the Y....we have the same discussions here about leaving the dogs home too much.

    :'( My other dumbbell didn't arrive today but the Amazon tracking says that the shipment was delivered so I contacted the sender.....one dumbbell isn't much use to me.

    <3 Barbie
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sylvia - I am so glad all went well today for your DGD. We do worry about them because we love them so much. Glad DH is beginning to feel better and hope you sleep well. You are such a terrific grandma.

    Michele - You always have such busy days. I need some of your energy. :) I've never roasted mushrooms but can't think they would smell that bad.

    Barbie - I would so love to see your dance performance at the fair. That always worries be about deliveries they say have been made. That happened to me recently, then they delivered it the next day. Hopefully it shows up quickly.

    DJ - WHOO HOOO way to go. What a great feeling to buckle the seat belt in the plane and have the kind of room to spare. You go girl!!

    I am so proud of my oldest daughter, she's 41, and decided three years ago to get her college degree. She's a single Mom, has three teenagers, works full-time and going to college full-time. She has all As & Bs and was on the Dean's Honor Roll a couple of times. She will get her Bachelor's Degree next Spring and today applied for the Master's program. She's going to be a CPA. She started a new job as Accounting Manager/Office Manager a month ago. Monday they are raising her salary to $24 an hour and told her how pleased they are with her. GOOD thing she has her father's brains. Lol.

    Janetr OKC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hi Friends.
    Vicki: I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I hope you find peace and comfort in the memories of her.

    Penny: Loved the description of Rolf and the free wandering goats.

    Pjnva: I hope you get the green light for your Alaska cruise. Sounds fun and relaxing. I’ve been up there 5 times, but never on a cruise.

    Linda/IA: Jealous of you and the little kitties that sleep on your lap. What a blissful sight that must be.

    Gloworm: How great that your DGK get to go to specialty camps thanks to the organization. Enjoy that quiet time.

    Rita: Good to see you again. It’s never too late to get healthy again. Hang in there.

    Lillian: Good luck with your business trip. A Facebook friend just posted a bunch of photos from the Okanogan. He and his father visited over 20 wineries up there.

    Pip: You’re amazing. Even with your injury you manage to burn more calories than I do.

    Terri: Hope you get the tooth pain under control…ow!

    Margaret: You’re so right about the benefit of white noise for sleeping. I use a fan every night. Also, I believe you were the one who recommended tart cherry juice. I’ve used that with success, too.

    Tere: Get back in here. You have been missed.

    DJ: That pound and a half from the trip will be gone in no time. What an awesome NSV to be able to buckle up on the airplane, with room to spare.

    Becca: Bravo to you for raising a healthy, lean teen. Hope he appreciates you.

    Lhannon: Safe travels, and much rest for you in Montana. Most deserved!

    Katla: Glad you had a good time with visitors. Would it be good news if they bought the damaged home near you?

    Sylvia: Our 50+ standards don’t apply to kids. Relax. Her hair and clothes are probably fine and a lot like what the other kids have. So sorry you feel weepy today. (((hug)))

    Michele: I know what you mean about seeing people feed their kids junk. Pains me.

    After three weeks of being home, I’m READY to hit the road again. In short succession I’ll be working in San Diego; Hickory, NC - home of our good friend Michele Exermom; and New York City.

    We had a couple days this week that were a little on the cool side, especially at 5 AM when I walk out to the condo gym. Today, we’re back in the 80’s with smoke from the western states causing hazy skies.

    DH has had no appetite in the evening, so I haven’t pushed it. He is getting thinner every year. This stubborn man has NEVER had a physical in the 30 years we’ve been together. At 71, he has basal cell melanoma, and even with that diagnosis and unsightly growths on his forehead, he fights me when I bring up suggestion that it’s time he get another skin check. Well, we got the appointment for right after Labor Day, and I will be here to make sure he makes it. Sheeesh…

    I loved all the kitchen makeover photos. We’ll be closing on a refi this week, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that our Colorado condo appraised much higher than I thought it would, even without an updated kitchen. It’s a white hot market over here right now. Next year, I have a goal to renovate the kitchen in our Hawaii rental. That should be fun.

    Speaking of goals, here is my progress to date for August Goals:
    • Burn 2300 calories per week: on target
    • Eat mindfully: doing well
    • Meditate 3x per week: slipped this week
    • Call someone once a week just to check in: failing miserably
    • Finish reading “Clean Gut”: complete

    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Rori/Margaret - you mentioned about "Margaret: You’re so right about the benefit of white noise for sleeping. I use a fan every night. Also, I believe you were the one who recommended tart cherry juice. I’ve used that with success, too." What does the tart cherry juice do? I'd love to hear.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,032 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Janetr: Tart cherry juice is a sleep aid. It's naturally loaded with melatonin.http://prevention.com/health/sleep-energy/tart-cherry-juice-increases-sleep-time
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Rori I am going to drink some tart cherry juice right now. :drinker: Sleep well!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks Rori/Margaret, I might try that.

    Janetr OKC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Katla, I think you were wise to give your friends the contact info on the house. I wouldn’t want in the middle either.

    Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia, get a grip!!! No matter what happens or how her hair looks, it will be fine. For Pete’s sake, take a breath. Here, take this hug too. ((((Hugs)))) You know it will be fine and yes you have to give her a little space. As much as we’d like, we can’t protect them from everything in life.

    Mia, great suggestions, both for friends that want to lose and for Sylvia and her worries.

    Yvonne, have a great weekend. Wish we would get some heat relief here. It is hot and oh so humid.

    Terri, I have worn a night guard ever since my root canal about 24 years ago. It was made by the dentist and keeps me from grinding my teeth to death. I’ll be interested to hear how the one you ordered works as mine will be very expensive if I ever need it replaced. (I have cracked the back corner from grinding so hard.) Great walk to Big Lots. I would have just taken the keys and then gone on my walk. Lol

    Heather, you mean you have a whole week and 2 days before the next round of visitors? Gee, enjoy all that down time. Hee hee

    Allison, that is the most frustrating thing about any kind of work being done….waiting on construction people!!! I guess it is just too much to ask that they think to call and say they aren’t coming.

    Vicki, that sounds like such fun to go garage saling with DGD for her baby dolls.

    Pip, did you go to the Y or did you both stay home with the kids?

    Sylvia, so glad your DGD had a good first day. I hope you rest well.

    Dim4mom. Trust me lots of us are not so disciplined and in control. I find that I do best when I plan. If I know what I’ll have to eat, it won’t matter how tired or hungry I am but if I have not planned, it’s trouble.

    Barbie, will ya’ll just dance once on Saturday or more? I know you will do great and have fun. I’m laughing as I picture you using one dumbbell. Lol

    Janetr, you should be proud of your daughter. I’m sure she is proud of herself too. Very nice!!

    Rori, when you do the reno at the Hawaii rental do keep us in mind if you need someone to be there to oversee things. LOL

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Ya’ll enjoy your tart cherry juice. I’m off to bed without the aid of anything and think I’ll be able to sleep just fine. (I hope)

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :'( My other dumbbell didn't arrive today but the Amazon tracking says that the shipment was delivered so I contacted the sender.....one dumbbell isn't much use to me.

    <3 Barbie

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Just quickly checking in... tart cherry juice, burning worry lists and more...great advice ladies.
    My eyes are at half mast so I'll just say goodnight all.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - Thanks so much. I do think she is pleased too. She needed this for herself. She was in a pretty abusive marriage for 13+ years and was beaten down and totally self-defeated. I'm glad she has seen how much she has to offer in life and to put it to use.

    Dim4mom - DJ is so right. None of us is so disciplined and in control" or we wouldn't be here. We do have to plan ahead, know what you are going to eat, have it as ready as you can get it, then heat it up, microwave it, whatever you need to do. But have a plan. Remember the old truism, "Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail", if you need to plan food over the weekend then do it. Hang in there, take it one day at a time and we are here for you and so many of the ladies have terrific ideas to help you along.