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    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @exermom - I don't know where you live but "KIM" puts out some nice shorts (get them at Belk's; got a pair of brown ones this year because I wear so many 'fall' colors in my wardrobe. Of course, they have already moved in the 'fall' stuff. Only thing on the racks (sale items) are XS or XL (few of them) and XXL or larger. In SW GA (USA) we pretty much have warm-ish weather all year except in January and February when we occasionally have bad snaps of really 'freezing' weather. We had 3" of snow about 5 (maybe 6) years ago. Pretty to look at; but, I would not live somewhere that it snowed consistently for all the moola in the world.

    @annr - funny story about 'hair' on bodies. My niece, who is deaf, walked in on my husband while he was getting ready for bed! She looked up at his bald head then to his very hairy chest and said, 'Your hair fell down'.

    @MollyWhippet and @annr - this past April when I had my mammogram the technician that did it was rough, rude, and short with me. I told my GYN how she had talked to roughly, set the plates so that I practically had to stand on my toes for it to be in the right place and that she was outright 'rude'. He said they were looking into that because all the MDs had been getting the same remarks made to them that week. I don't care to have my breast literally smashed between 2 piece of hard acrylic. It does not have to be 'painful' and should not be.

    When our DMGD was in middle school (5th and 6th grades); she was being 'bullied' by a girl in her class. DOS and DDnL reported it to the school and they did nothing about it. It began the 2nd year and once, my DOGD took a movie of it on her cell phone and faxed it to DDnL ... she left school, got there when they were 'still' outside and steam and fire were coming out every part of her body that it could. She told this little girl that 'IF' she ever bullied Madison again, she would have permission to sock her in the face. Then she went to the principal, still really mad, and told him the same thing. She had even arranged for a police officer to come out and talk to the class [this little girl did not even listen to the speech]. It let off until my 'baby girl' was in a wreck with me and had to use crutches. Nothing happened until she stopped using them and this girl purposefully tripped her. That was the breaking point with DDnL - she told the school that they were legally bound to take care of that sort of problem by law; and she would go to the next PTA meeting about it if he did not do something about this girl. She was from a family that were divorcing, not an excuse, older brother stayed with his Dad so that he could stay 'in his regular school' but would not pay for his daughter to continue going there. At the end of the year the Head Master told this woman that she could not enroll her for the next year. This little girl had made every single girl in the class 'cry' and once looked like she was going to hit Madison until one of the boys jumped between them. Taylor the oldest one would be out on the grounds during the same period of time; and she filmed her doing the same thing to other girls in her class as well as other younger girls. Her remark to everybody would be, 'my grandfather is a Federal Judge' (in Texas - not here). When she made that comment my DGD said, 'so what'? We've always taught our sons and influenced our DGD not to 'fight'; but, if someone else starts in on them and won't stop after being told once to do so, the next time they can 'deck them'.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to the end of pg. 48. I am so far behind.

    Gloworm -
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, you figure out your future now and make sure he knows that since he can't figure out his future
    for him and he just can't deal with it right now that your are taking over the reigns for yourself.

    Lisa, I hope this catering for 10 people was not for and by the restaurant. They should give him payment for private contracting by a non employee. Have fun on your vacation, but I really don't need to say that. I just hope the place is still standing and in good working order when you come back.

    Sylvia, you also have to the anesthesiologist. Many times they use ones that aren't covered by your plan. So many things we have to check.

    I love old Victorian homes. But they are risky because of all the potential problems that come with them.

    PIp, please watch out what you are putting on your phone about getting narcotics or any medicine for a friend. Quite illegal.

    DJ, we eat breakfast and lunch here at home and it is never backed. Supper is out. I have gotten pretty good at researching on the internet and also asking for things the way I want them. I also ask for a carry out box. They usually bring it out with the drinks. Or I ask that they be delivered with the meal and I can automatically cut a meal in half. Charlie just has no self control over any meal I fix at home. I do good at fixing meals for 4 but they end up him eating one meal to feed 3 and I end up eating one. I have never gotten him to subscribe to the idea of using the smaller plate. He fills one up and then fills another one. I have taken food and immediately put the other half in the freezer. But by the time we sit down to eat, they aren't frozen yet and he just takes it out of the freezer and reheats it. Now the older he gets, the less appetite he has. So there is hope for him yet. And the only time I have gotten to drink water is after his walks. But he has figured out that grape juice is good. Yes, the phone was in the choir loft as I expected it to be. But I had to call someone to go open the door for me.

    Sylvia, no you didn't fail her. You have provided all the tools for her to succeed but you can't make her do them. I do know that Ellie really loved her long hair but as active as that little whirlwind of a kid is, it gets messed up real quick. So she consented to having it cut short. Could you help her make a checklist in girly colors and glitter of all the things she has to do in the morning?

    Mia, if your husband is anything like mine, I will have and voice and idea but Charlie will offer what he thinks is a better solution for me. He is really good at wanting everyone to agree with his opinion and quite insistent in getting his own way. I don't know if that is an expression of low self worth or not.

    Heather, you really have a revolving front door!!!

    Janetr, so sorry, it seems like your extended family has really had a hard time this year. Big hugs sent your way.

    That stupid weight is up another pound again today. Am so frustrated with it. Today, I have felt very out of sorts most of the day. When I went out to the church to get my phone, I felt like I could very easily go to sleep while I was driving. Even walking on the thick grass, pretty rainy and can't mow it, was difficult. But tonight when I went to take my medicine, I reached for the pill keeper in back and dumped it out in my and. Then I always look for the pill I take right before I go to bed. Wan't there so I looked in tomorrow nights to see if I had accidently put two in tomorrows. Then I finally noticed that it wasn't my bedtime medicine. So I closed it up to see what the initials were. Sure enough, it said AM instead PM. And then of course I saw my PM medicine keeper the first one in line. So this morning I took all of my full days worth of medicine at once. No wonder I felt out of sorts! I have done so may things wrong this week. My appointment with the neurologist next month, I guess I need to talk to her about it. My sister does it all the time but she is pumped so full of medicines all day long due to her blood pressure, fibromyalgia, orthopedic problems and difficulty sleeping. I don't know how she survives with all that medicine. But 2 big glasses of tea sure woke me up!!!!

    We had a birthday party for Trinity when they were here in July 4th. But her birthday wasn't until August 16. So Charlie wants to take her shopping Saturday!!!! I have already bought her 2 dresses, a jeans jacket and 2 necklaces in July. Sometimes I have to put my foot down for how much money that man wants to spend on the rest of the family. He is hesitant to get any landscaping done because he hasn't gotten the bills yet for the 2 Remicade infusions. But I want that landscaping done before the rainy season starts and we have a bid that is decent that can start in 3 weeks. We went and picked out plants tonight except the guy wants a whole row of azaleas. So we nixed that and want at least 2 or 3 bushes (Charlies idea)

    Nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,975 Member
    morning ladies~
    hip still bothering me,but am up and dressed and will try taking a walk.. if I only get so far, then I will come back to the house, have to be at work at 7:30.
    Chris from Ma.~ what resort are you coming to down here in Ct.?
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    grandmallie - reading about your DIL having surgery to remove saliva stones reminded me of when I had them for awhile. My PCP had me massage my cheek to keep it draining. Then one day I was at my chiropractor and when he adjusted my neck his hand was on my jaw and out popped a stone! I laughed so hard. I never had another one after that.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,580 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:

    I'm DEFINITELY feeling in recovery mode this morning. Had to drag myself to my machines, but I did the whole thing, moaning and groaning, but it's done. :p
    It's also a temptation to not do any writing today, but we will see. :ohwell:
    I'm keeping the food easy today, but we have a lot of beans in the garden need picking and eating. Hope DH will help.

    The good, very good, excellent news is that I haven't put on any weight! ! ! :drinker: I do feel a bit bloated, but it's not showing on the scales. :)

    Now I'm not in hostess mode I will be able to reply to you all better. You are always in my thoughts.

    Rori - your DH must be worrying you. Glad you have an appointment for him. My DH got VERY thin when he had IBS and I had to fatten him up with cake. It was quite disturbing to see, but I knew the reason. He is fine now. Sending you both best wishes, :flowerforyou:

    DJ - Super congratulations on the seat belt! I love that kind of NSV! :flowerforyou: Yesterday I did nearly two hours of fairly fast walking with two tall, fit men. I survived! I did prepare myself with two lots of painkillers so my hips were only mildly protesting! :laugh: Once that kind of effort would have laid me up for two days. And I had done half my machine exercise and weights beforehand. :D

    Barbie - I will be very interested to hear how you get on with your new dumbbells. I am doing a little bit more on my weight training. Today I used heavier ones for the side arm raises. I will try the weighted squats more often.

    Mary - I truly believe you are on the right track with your weight training. I have bookmarked the dumbbell website and will study it. I don't think DH will go for the cage etc. I love the muscle definition on my body and feel I don't look nearly 66! ! ! !
    Strong women stay young! :drinker:

    Got to get off now and make my quinoa salad for lunch. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce - thank you for the hug. I think when you get to our age, some of these struggles are expected, but it does seem like they always come at once. Sorry about your meds mix up. I've done it on occasion myself.

    Heather - you look terrific and no, you don't look 66. Lol. I'll be 66 in Nov., bug I look it.

    Mary - I agree with Heather, you look terrific and a definitely in inspiration to the rest of us.

    Janetr OKC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Slept 7 hours last night, would have been 8 if I hadn't been up with gas pains. The DH made some amazing frozen yogurt with zero fat greek yogurt, frozen strawberries and splenda... and I only had a half cup, but my lactose intolerance cut in. Some yogurts don't bother me at all, and never have a problem with cheese... but this episode was rough. And for those who point to Splenda... it's something I use all the time without issue.

    Laundry's running, never had a moment to pack or even think about what to take, so packing this morning. Need to be out of here in three to four hours, so we have time. Got to clean my house as I go, as well, as I hate coming back to chaos.

    But, had to come on for a minute to say that I made it to the halfway mark! My original goal was to lose 74 pounds... and as of this morning, I'm down 37. My original weight was 210 on April 1, and I'm down to 173. I'll have time to check in on vacation, as much like home, I'm always up early when traveling, and I'm taking my laptop so I can hopefully get some writing done... Later, peeples... :)


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa - Way to go, whoo Hooo. Have a wonderful tim e.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    smiley-sport017.gifHeather, when I started doing weight training I had my 5 pound dumbbells on a table and a visiting friend picked one up and marveled at how heavy they were. That helped me realize that the lifting I was doing with 10 and 15 pound dumbbells was fairly impressive. When I finally get to use my new dumbbells, I'll start them at 18 pounds (36 for both together) for lifts and 23 (46 for both) for squats.

    :) Rori, I'm reading a great book about meditation called "10% Happier" by Dan Harris

    :) DJ, we're dancing only once on Saturday. When we perform for assisted living homes in December we do six performances

    :# Joyce, yesterday I accidentally put out the evening pills in the morning so poor Jake had his niacin in the morning that makes his face flush bright red and his diuretic at bedtime so he got up to pee a lot all night.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Now it's time to walk dogs again

    <3 Barbie
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Chris from Ma.~ what resort are you coming to down here in Ct.?[/quote]
    Waters Edge in Westbrook, CT. I saw there is a Goodwill store in Clinton so we'll be stopping there on Sunday.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Lisa I am glad Splenda agrees with you. I mentioned before I knew one on the people who worked on its creation and he is a wonderful guy, Bob Nellums is his name. I do point out if a food has artificial sweeteners in it because for health reasons I cannot have them. Others might need to watch out for them too. Sometimes you have to read the label to discover whether they have them. Although usually if it is no calorie, and it is sweet it is a big clue. Unfortunately I do not like Stevia either. It is sweet, but I find the bitter after taste off putting. Fortunately I like my coffee and ice tea with no sweeteners. I also rarely drink we call it pop here others might call it soda. If I do it is the sugared variety so I'll only let myself have a small glass of it with lots of ice.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    I think the next full moon is almost here, because people are getting "crazy" again.

    Joyce – So sorry that you did that “wrong time of day medicine” thing again. I understand how AM and PM markings would help, but I even do it wrong with mine being different colors. My nighttime sorter is dark green and my daytime sorter is clear. I wonder if some other dark, obvious marking would help you lessen the chance for mistakes?

    Barbie – How frustrating about your second dumbbell. I hope it arrives soon. And I’m excited to hear how the Fair goes tomorrow. I hope you have perfect weather. It should be fun ! ! !

    Janetr – Congrats to your Daughter.

    Lisa – congrats on making the ½ mark. So excited for you !

    I am getting used to splenda and agave nectar, but most other artificial sweeteners bother my stomach and digestion.

    Teenage Hygiene – I don’t think I will ever understand teenagers, or boys. My DS will also get into the shower without any soap or shampoo. What makes him think he is actually clean? He is good about applying deodorant, but it doesn’t do much good if the underarm is still smelly from before the shower. And that tiny patch of hair on his cheek (yes, only 1 patch, and only on 1 cheek). Why won’t he just shave it off? I bought him a very nice electric shaver so he won’t hurt himself. // I guess bullies is one way that I have been lucky with both of my kids, in that neither acted like bullying was bothersome to them. DD is now claiming that it happened because of her weight her entire life, but she and her group of friends were always the girls that “took in” the other girls that were being bullied. DS is the same way. If someone tries to bully him he just ignores it or stands up for himself. But . . . if someone tries to bully one of his friends, the bully will NOT end up on the winning end. I guess that’s what happens when you have a preemie redhead and name him Payne – that kid had to come out defending himself.

    After what DH did to me last night, I know he is trying to sabotaging my healthy lifestyle efforts (although I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now that it may be on a subconsious level). Shortly before leaving work I sent him the text asking if I should stay at work to work-out, or come home so we could walk together around the neighborhood. He said I should stay at work. So, about 4 minutes into my work-out he calls my cell to tell me DS needs to be picked up at a friends’ house. I told him I had about 15 more minutes of working out to do, so he gets all passive/aggressive with “I suppose that means I have to get dressed and leave the house just to do it since you can’t be bothered”. Wow, I can be bothered, just not until I am finished with the plans we have already discussed. When I got home and called him out on it, he got VERY defensive and over-explained and talked loudly, constantly denying any attempts to be anything except supportive. Really? 2 nights in a row you try to prevent me from my work-out? That is NOT supportive. I’m glad I stood my ground, and if he has a problem with it, that is his monkey, not mine !

    Tonight DS and I are volunteering at the High School football game, running the concessions. If my foot feels better, I should get in plenty of steps, but I’m still going to work-out a little during lunch today. I have to take a shorter lunch, to make up for the time I missed for this stupid tooth. BTW the tooth is healing itself (magic wand?). It still hurts if I chew hard on something on the other side and 2 teeth bump each other, but it is not the stabbing pain I was having earlier this week. But I still plan on taking the sample medicine this afternoon, so it keeps working while I’m volunteering tonight.

    Other than that, life is boring, and I kinda' like it that way.

    Hope you are all able to make wise choices. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :'( My other dumbbell didn't arrive today but the Amazon tracking says that the shipment was delivered so I contacted the sender.....one dumbbell isn't much use to me.

    <3 Barbie


    Um I have one dumbbell....poking my husband when he ain't lookin.....
    Becca snorting.......
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lisa I am glad Splenda agrees with you. I mentioned before I knew one on the people who worked on its creation and he is a wonderful guy, Bob Nellums is his name. I do point out if a food has artificial sweeteners in it because for health reasons I cannot have them. Others might need to watch out for them too. Sometimes you have to read the label to discover whether they have them. Although usually if it is no calorie, and it is sweet it is a big clue. Unfortunately I do not like Stevia either. It is sweet, but I find the bitter after taste off putting. Fortunately I like my coffee and ice tea with no sweeteners. I also rarely drink we call it pop here others might call it soda. If I do it is the sugared variety so I'll only let myself have a small glass of it with lots of ice.

    :heart: MNMargaret

    I use TRUVIA..and it has the consistancy of sugar, except for the flavor being a wee bit "bright" it doesnt have any aftertaste (for me).

    sucking her finger after sticking it in the packet...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @Poerava14 Yep he appreciates me! He is taller than me, and he daily leans on me when we are sitting on the couch, and hugs me like when he was little. He still is my cuddle bug.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Dj: Whoo Hoo...seat belts that fit...how wonderful is that !!!

    Becca: What the heck is wrong with shampoo suds?? It lathers don't it. (says my boys) :smile:

    Michelle: So happy the lightheadness seems to be over! I went into a goodwill and value village lately and couldn't believe the price they wanted for used clothing...I can get it cheaper new in many cases. How do they expect those on minimum wage to be able afford those prices I don't know.

    dim4mom: You say you eat whatever's handy...have the good stuff handy.

    Janetr: You should be proud of your daughter going back to school is very difficult and takes great determination. I went back as a single mom when my boys were 5 and 9 ...it was the best thing I could have done and improved our lives tremendously. She might have her father's brains, but I'll bet she has her mother's determination!

    Lisa: Have a great holiday and congrats on the 37 lbs!

    Terri: You keep standing up for yourself... way to go!

    Personal trainer on the agenda today. The workouts are causing a lot of pain in my hip and not the good kind. My arms are sore but it seems to be more of the muscular type ... kinda like after the 1st baseball practice of the year. I never knew I had so many muscles in my arms. Bet it's from all the rowing...now that is a full body effort.

    Breaky is calling me...later ladies

    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    mentally doing the "happy dance" and completing perfect cartwheels in my head now... I have hit the lost 25 lbs mark on this site. I am proud of myself, but also know this is just one of many stepping stones in my journey. Not time to sit back on my laurels. Thanks all for being my cheering squad when I needed it, and my support system for life. ((((hugs))))
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Joyce, I was reading what you wrote about Charlie and his eating. I have for years cooked for a family of 4, although if using canned veggies, they keep shrinking. We have both always liked leftovers so this works fine. But if Charlie wants to eat all that you cook, I can see how that would be a problem. So I think I am reading that you use your stove and just not the oven? I couldn’t imagine not using either. But I could gladly go for a few weeks without cooking if the food would magically appear in my kitchen. smiley-eatdrink021.gif I feel your pain in that pesky pound. I don’t think I have lost a single pound this month but watch 1 ½ lbs go up and down on the scale. Bummer!!!

    Gloworm, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard, about the saliva stone.smiley-laughing001.gif

    Heather, so proud of you for dragging yourself to your machines and getting it done. I need to take a lesson from you. Now do just a little writing for the day and you’ll feel great. (This is the laziest person in the room talking.) Wow congrats on keeping up with the guys on that walk. That is a NSV in itself!

    Lisa, so glad you got a good night’s sleep. Congrats on getting to the half way mark. Don’t you just love milestones like that? **Happy Dance**You know we are all wishing you a wonderful vacation.

    Barbie, it’s not funny but I did chuckle about poor Jake taking his diuretic at bedtime. I drink right up until I go to bed so I’m already up anywhere from 1 to 3 times a night. That would be all I needed. I have gotten in the habit of putting my pills in my hand and counting to make sure I have the right ones before they go in my mouth. For a while, I took the same number at night as in the morning so I had to pay attention to the size, shape and color also. Even in the pill minder it’s easy to take the wrong ones at the right times. Or is it the right ones at the wrong times???? I think your dumbbell exercises are impressive. I’m still using 3 lb ones and feel like they do a little good. (Of course that is, when I use them.)

    MNMargaret, I wish I liked my coffee and tea without sweetener. I have really cut down over the years but I still use sweet n low in mine. It wouldn’t be iced tea if it weren’t sweet. I will say, when I was in Texas, my family was shocked at how much water I drank. I never saw anyone else in the house have even a sip of water. 

    Teri, Good For You on telling DH how the cow age the cabbage!! It’s not like we just love to work out so much that we need things to always try to slow us down! I’m sure he doesn’t realize that what you need is for him to do everything possible to make it easier and more convenient for you to work out. You have to remember, “He’s a man”. I’m glad the tooth is getting better.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have to get moving so I can go visit my friend who is having the hip problems. Bless her heart, she went in for more tests on Monday in preparation for probable surgery, and found out late yesterday that they did the wrong test. Now they have to reschedule it and go again. Ppffttt She has been housebound and in pain for two weeks now and this just delays things even more. Life is rarely dull.

    I hope all of you have a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC