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  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    my prescription didn't come in the mail today :0(... i came home and drove my bike (yes, i can drive) to the bike shop to get it tuned up for the MS Bike Ride. i won't be ready til the 1st ;0( which means i'll have to ride my winter bike next week (it's heavier and i'm a bit slower). i am blessed and shouldn't complain because i have another bike to continue riding. the guy looked at it and said right off the bat, yeah, you can tell this bike is ridden! she needs new break pads, new chain and probably a new cassette since it's probably warped due to the stretched chain. i wanted to pick it up on wednesday when kirby's next day off is, but they said they are booked but could have it for me on the 1st. i'm okay with it because the ride is on the 12th.

    3 times today, at separate times, my shoulder gave me a stabbing sharp shooting pain which i had never had before. i'm kind of excited for this surgery. i've never had what i call serious surgery before (i guess gall bladder removal was one).

    kirby is off this weekend so we are going to go workout when the gym opens (7am) and then we're going to where the airstream is and change a tire on it (i guess it keeps loosing air). will be a busy day.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    nite peeps
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey All,
    Just got back from a relaxing overnight down the Cape. Had an embarrassing adventure. My bestie and I went for a day hike in Beebe woods Falmouth Ma. We had a difference of opinion about wether the sign said 4.92 miles or as she insisted 0.492 miles. Mind you it was in the eighties and so humid my glasses were fogging. So we amble off slowly..after 45 minutes of traveling straight away from parking lot she still insisted. Even after meeting up w a serious hiker and dog coming the other way who informed us it was 5 mile loop. I haven't been on a walk in along time and have COPD. At seventy minutes in I saw a rooftop and put my foot down. We plowed through the underbrush to their yard hugged the perimeter and came out on a road. Looked on our GPS for the street name and called a taxi! We have never had to do that before. And we've been day hiking for thirty years. Granted when we were younger we went a lot farther w ease. I actually hike most of the Appalachian trail right after college..but I was twenty two and a hundred pounds lighter. Calling a taxi was very humbling. I kept a cheery demeanor and didn't chide her. But like Becca? I drove home got down on the floor w dogs and fell asleep for two hours! The floor never felt so comfortable! Oh and BTW. My first day working at Whole Foods is tomorrow. Happily I am to tired to be nervous! Love all your stories and posts. Wish me luck!
    Mindy from Boston
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    First of all I must admit that I wasn't reading with full attention. We are getting up way to early to see daughter and family. We are getting up at 7:30, yes ladies. To some people that is way to early!!!! So I am trying to get to bed early. Then Michelle texts me to say she will be here after work to pick up our lawnmower and my old laptop. With her postage stamp size yard she has no use of owning a lawnmower. I have tried to get her to just keep my old laptop but she doesn't want it. But she has used it several times so I don't want to throw it away.

    Lisa, have fun on your vacation. I would tell you not to think about us but I know you will.

    Terri, that's a good idea about colored pill keepers but Sam's ones are free and they are extra deep. Oh, my heavens. What Charlie does with his pill keeper. We are going to get back pretty late tomorrow night and I always fill them up on Saturday night so he suggested filling them up tonight. Instead of a bag, he jsut takes a pill keeper with him when we make these one day trips. So found individual empty pill bottles for him to put his AM, Mid afternoon and PM medicines in. was so proud of myself. But with him, a pill may be in the PM container but he gets up at 8 AM and takes it and goes back to bed. So part of his AM meds are taken mid afternoon and some of the PM are taken early AM. Only he knows what he is doing. So he put all his medicine in one keeper. That meant I couldn't get all of his filled tonight. He tried to tell me which ones to fill and which ones to not fill. I just gave up and said that would upset my organization and would jsut do it tomorrow night. Or better yet, he could do it. But he does all the driving and that's a lot of driving in one day. He says I am more than welcome to drive part of the way but that isn't a pretty site. He lets Christina drive all the time when we are on vacation but she 'says' that she gets car sick if she is in the drivers side. But when he is driving his grand daughters around, he is able to hold his temper and road rage down to pretty much none at all. Is there anyone around who understands men????

    DJ, basically our stove is just an extra counter top surface, an ugly one but it does work as one. Sorry about your friends test. What a bummer. I hope they didn't charge her for it. At least if she itemizes her deductions on her taxes, she can count the mileage.

    Mia, some one makes frozen brownies????????? And I wasn't told. Now I have dangerous knowledge in my brain. Oh my, this is a predicament. I think you and I need to sit down and work out why we do the things we do.

    Hi yourself Tina, let's get you up walking so you can get that surgery.

    Linda and Miriam, when I was a foster Mom to Melody, their policy is that you provide the love and food and they provide ALL of the medical care. Good luck

    Michele, doe's anyone ever dye anything anymore. That might be possible since those shorts were white to begin with.

    I am so baffled about my weight. Monday it was 194, today 199. Every single day is has crept up. Got a free 6 foot table today. A long time church member died about 6 weeks ago and her daughter had a 'house' sale. It was opened up for church members only and they just opened up her house and people just bought from inside her house. They used the tables and am now giving them away. Her son in law put up a face book post and I was the first of 3 to respond so I got it. When we have our family dinners, there are 25 to 35 here according to whether or not the families in Alabama come. We have several tables that we set up in our family room but for Christmas when the Alabama crew comes in we need for tables. My sister has a very heavy 8 foot table but brother in law is very stubborn in getting it here. We have enough junk in our garage and my husband is just as stubborn about not storing it long term as BIL is about bringing it over. Besides that, he has atrial fibrillation and refuses to do anything for other people that might put his heart in jeopardy. So now we don't have to ask for it anymore. DBIL gets on top of his roof, cleans gutters, carries big loads of paving stones and rock but it is for his own home. I love him but as you can tell, he isn't my favorite person.

    Yes, we get to see the grand kids tomorrow!!!!! Wont be for a long time but I will take every minute I can get. Yesterday we went out to Lowes and talk to the guy that will more than likely be doing our landscaping. He had a mock set up of all the plants he suggested. It was almost all azaleas instead of any bushes. Now that would be OK with me but now for this man I am married to. We will be interspersing Esther plants, and some small varigated grass that I can't remember the name of and then plant every year petunias. We have the paver barrier all figured out. Oh, on one end and possibly another will be Crepe Myrtle. In the front by the street will be a Japanese maple. When we have time and money we will do something to the back yard where the tree was.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Pip - nite. I think that surgery cannot come quickly enough. Take care of you. Sleep well :)

    Cheri - thanks for the hugs, they're always needed and welcomed.

    Michele - thanks for the kind words about my DD.

    Mindy from Boston - forgive me, but I did have to chuckle a little in my sleeve. These things happen somttimes to the best of bestie's. Glad you made it home relatively unscathed. Good luck tomorrow, you'll do great. :)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - have fun line dancing tomorrow! Have your DH take pictures so you can post them!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,454 Member
    Mia - send those brownies far away! give them away. Whereever you are, it's just a few hours to a new day and fresh start. (What brownies?)
    Fluids !!! Realized haven't been drinking my water all this week and haven't been eating well. Going to bed earlier, though and not as tired.

    My four chicks are growing up and one appears to be a he and will have to go. dH says can't keep it as trying to crow (3 1/2 mos) and he doesn't want the attention. Couple of the grandkids were here this pm and the oldest grandson was carrying them around, the cockerel the most.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2015
    tdigell1955: You have found a superlative place for support. I lost about 70 pounds and it took just over a year. There were drops and plateaus along the way. I let MFP set my calorie goals, and as I reached each new level it automatically reduced my allowed calories. It wasn't fast, but I've been on crash diets before and ended up regaining. This time I'm keeping it off. I hope you'll be just the right combination of pushy and patient, and reach all of your goals. Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: It takes a little bit of getting used to, but an empty nest is a fine thing, especially when you know your kids are doing well and are involved in worthy work. Enjoy the time you have with your son at home, and look forward to a new adventure when he moves on to his new life. Congrats on the four mile walk with your ladies. :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I hope you're happy with your new dumbells. Be sure to let us know what you think as you try them out. :flowerforyou:

    Cheri NE OH: Thanks for the hug. I needed that! :laugh:

    Michele: I'm a lactose intolerant "ice creamaholic." I take lactaid just before eating ice cream. It usually prevents problems, but sometimes I get a bit uncomfortable. Too little lactaid, or I've taken it too late. :ohwell:

    Beth in WNY: I hate pressure to make quick decisons. They just don't turn out as well as I want them to. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: How big is your Airstream? DH wants an RV and we looked at Airstreams. Ca-ching! Holy Moley they were costly at the trailer lot. Then again, they're well made and last almost forever. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Is there a chance you are retaining water? That is the quickest way I've ever put on weight. You're lucky the grandkids are coming tomorrow. Enjoy every minute. :heart:

    Today I told my riding teacher that I want to work on my hands, intending to make them steadier and less likely to jerk the horse's mouth. I correctly judged myself heavy handed during the trail ride last week, and I want to improve. So she took my reins away and made me direct the horse with my legs, balance and posture. She wanted me to realize that hands are a tiny part of communicating with the horse. I made a little progress today and will need to keep working at this.

    At the end of class my riding instructor told me I had met my original goals. I'm ready to trail ride whenever I want. I told her that my goals have changed, and just being able to trail ride isn't enough. I want to be better at riding than I am now. So I'll continue to take lessons as long as she's willing to teach me.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Peacefultoo
    Peacefultoo Posts: 3 Member
    Only my second post on this community. I live the encouragement I see in these posts. I'm about 10 days into this app and fir the most part, I've been pretty honest about logging my calories :-) Today, I was looking forward to the end of a very long and productive week. I'm coming to the end of a month or two long cycle of mild depression. I've come to realize this had been going on, the cyckes, fit a few years now, I was just pushing through, at the expense of my health. When I heard about this app on a segment of Good Morning America, I knew it wound be a good tool. So today, when I came home and tried to convince myself to put off mowing my lawn, I thought about my health (physical and emotional ) and came home and mowed. I felt good physically and mentally, halt with the accomplishment. Then I was inspired to do some other housework before sitting diem to enjoy a healthy dinner. Then, I was once again having a debate in my mind about going out a late night walk. I thought about this community and got excited, thinking I could use the map it fitness app. As I started walking, some things that needed to be processed got resolved which felt good. I was enjoying the brisk pace and cool breeze. Then, I came upon 2 fawns, sitting so picturesque in a field. We all looked at each other as I walked by, simply acknowledging each others presence. By the time I came home, I had walked 4.2 miles and felt great. I did a little floor work and weights and I finished a load of laundry and am now relaxing, thankful that I had inspiration from this community. Have a wonderful weekend all.

    Lori in Woodridge. Il
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lori in Woodridge. Il - Way to go Lori. I do that too and ask myself what would the ladies in my chat group do, or what would they said if they knew I ate this. At least it gives me time to slow down and give it a second thot. Good for you. You should be very proud of yourself. Hang in there, that weight will go. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,690 Member
    Joyce – MS or not; gas efficient or not, going the way the makes sure you don’t get lost is good judgment!

    Tere – good to see you.

    Alison – so glad you held your head high and moved on from the Troll

    Kateraevyn – welcome

    Sylvia – read Mia’s comment – great advice!!!

    Pip – you are amazing

    Heather – glad you are going to the pub for dinner, and taking a break after company

    Terri – Martian language---LOLOL

    Lisa – enjoy vacation

    Becca – congrats!!!!!!!

    Tina – welcome!

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles, 8/16 95 miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Visiting with niece Emily - a trip to SF
    W2 – BFF came for 2 days and a dinner party
    W3 –
    W4 –
    Kim from N. California
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this site. I have been on MFP since July. I have lost 16 pounds on a low carb diet since being diagnosed as prediabetic. I do need to lose weight but my primary goal is to live a healthier lifestyle so that I won't need to go on medication. I am 62 and live in S. CA. My goal for this month is to get to 7000 steps a day. I have a bad back, but am up to 6000 or more most days. Really need a group like this to motivate me. Twelve lb. to go to my first goal.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    made it to pg 52 tonight. Determined to catch up with you ladies. Some of my comments may not be up to date with what is happening.

    Gloworm - i have such respect for you raising your grandsons. Not sure I could do it but like to think I would. Enjoy your massage.

    Heather - We all need our down time. A bright pink top always puts me in a good mood.

    Lillian - Hopefully all the fires will be under control by time you get to the Okanogan. Where are you going there? We lived in Westbank and in Peachland. Hardy Falls/Deep Creek was one of my favourite spots.
    Such sad news about the 3 Washington firefighters.

    Alison - We are the only ones in control of our futures. I need this reminder myself.
    What are saliva stones? I've never heard about them.

    Lisa - Enjoy your well deserved vacation.
    That is quite a happy milestone to be halfway to your goal. Celebratory dancing?

    Miriam - I love that your house is so lovely and unique. The flowers are gorgeous.

    Chris - Posh resort? Let us know what it is like to be a lady of luxury.

    DJ. - Great NSV. Congratulations.

    Sylvia - You might be worrying too much . Are any of your DGD's friends going into middle school with here? As Grandmas we would fight dragons for them and we never want them to suffer through some of the pain we have experience. You can't do this for her.
    I just read that your DGD had a wonderful day. This must ease your mind a bit.

    Barbie - I wish I could see your performance.

    No change in my weight. I need to change something up. I think my body just wants to hang on to my fat like a security blanket. I may need to see my own counsellor, separate from our marriage one.
    Trying to ramp up my activity but every step feels like such an effort.

    DD has a booth at Whoop Up Days. I look after the kids most afternoons. Finding the almost 13 DGS a bit of a challenge. There are days I want to take his new IPhone and just chuck it. DD paid for their vendor's booth after the first 2 days. Yesterday was pure gravy and she had quite the line ups. Today's rain had most stuff closing up early. I think DSIL is having a hard time with her becoming a local celebrity and success story.

    DH got home from Merritt last night. Tomorrow he is on his way to Estevan. I hope he make the profit on this compressor that he is expecting. He makes poor Chico go with him. Poor Dog over 9 hrs in truck is just too much. Chico has not left my side since they got home from BC

    Work - Can of worms. There was some harassment that happened in the truck bay. The 2 associates that it was directed at decided to come to me. Crap! I had to call in my director as one of those involved is above me so I can't really deal with him. I couldn't believe the things that were said. Hello! You are a manager and you teach about harassment. You should have shut it down instead of joining in. We almost lost 2 valuable people. They are writing explicit letters that I will send to HR. What next? Oh, yes. Someone crying on my shoulder because they are pregnant and don't really know who the father is. Maybe the whole store should just go on Maury. 22 yrs. and I have never seen so much drama. Retirement. Where are you?

    Today, Keira (aka DGD) said to DH. "Grampa, I love you better when you aren't mean and grumpy"
    A little later "Grampa, I'm proud of you. You didn't make anyone mad this week"
    Well, Me, a little when he said he didn't drive drunks but she doesn't need to know that. Our appointments must be helping so I'll give him this week. She then climbed up on him and snuggled in. She hasn't done that in so long. Wrapped her arms around his neck and said "I really, really love all of you" Grampa melted.

    tonight was a hurry up and have fun kind of date. It turned out well. He decided to go to Edos because I hadn't made supper yet and he wanted to go to a 7 p.m. movie. I work better with notice.
    Not a big fan of Edos but had their Chicken teriyaki then off to the movie. Dang. I can not resist movie popcorn and diet pepsi to go with it. Spy was funny, I thoroughly enjoy Melissa McCarthy. It was good to laugh together. Trying to make it through to the 25th and our next appointment. Laughing together should help.

    Had lunch with DSIL and DB after his remicade infusion. He craves Caesars after. I asked if he craves them or just wants one. He thinks it is the clamato. We were definitely the noisy table with an active 2 1/2 yr. old, 5yr. old, and the nearly 13 yr. old who is so good with kids except his sis sometimes.
    We managed to get in a pretty good visit.

    Long day without accomplishing much.

    Hurrah. It has been a steady rain since about 3 p.m. and we definitely need it. I hope it continues all night.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Cheri NE Ohio

    Ohhh Cheri, I GOT it, I totally GOT IT! Maybe it wasn't specifically for me but boy-oh-boy did I eat it up! (No calories either.) I went out for a morning jog despite feeling a bit "off". My coffee doesn't taste good. My digestive system is being weird. I've got boring errands to run. Anyway, your hug absolutely hit the spot. THANKS!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hello, my peeples...

    It's 6 a.m. in Great Falls, Montana. We were supposed to be up in Columbia Falls, about four hours north and west, up near the Canadian border... but a combination of flying in late, a storm here, a fire between here and there closing the highway we planned to take, and sheer exhaustion made us decide to stay here for the night. It was a good decision... The DH is sleeping the sleep of the justly tired, and our usual hotel routine has me downstairs in the business center rattling away on the laptop.

    The wedding isn't until 5 tonight, and though my best friend had wanted to see us this morning, we won't make it up there before she leaves for the venue. So... I think we'll try to stop there on the way through, hug her neck, tell her we're alive, and then head over to the hotel, about a half hour away. They were kind enough to move our reservations to Sat./Sun., so we didn't completely waste last night's reservation.

    First morning in a month that I haven't woken up thinking about the restaurant. The piece for the water heater came in and was installed as we were on our way to the plane--the GM's admin is an amazing human being, and made sure it happened. Before I left, I did go ahead and send them my requirements to take the job permanently--sent them a proposal for a pay rate that's high for the local area, but not completely unreasonable, plus a bonus structure to give me incentive to get the net revenues up where they ought to be. Basically told them I see it as a year or two, at the outside, to get a local management team grown and trained to take over. It's important that management have the investment in the community.

    Eating wasn't too bad yesterday--stayed barely under my burn rate, but under. Still had horrible gas pains last night, but travel has always been hard on my stomach. Hopefully keeping it to just driving for four or five hours will help today.

    Think I'll go up and get my mp3 player and hit the elliptical for 30/40 minutes, work up a sweat. Will probably help my gut, as well. Have a great weekend, all!

    Lisa from West Texas, but in smoky (from forest fires), chilly Montana. Dropped down to 36 degrees last night, but will be in the 90s by Tuesday! :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,578 Member
    We are expecting a high heat today. Weather from the continent coming over. It might be followed by big storms tonight.

    DH is going off to local football this pm. I will watch a TV film I recorded. A French detective. I must pick some sweet peas, but other than that I'm staying in. Don't like the heat.

    I did a bit of memoir typing this morning so feel virtuous. o:):D Got the paper to read and I've defrosted some squid for an afternoon snack. :laugh: Yesterday I had salty popcorn and salty cheese so my weight was up this morning. :cry:

    Been reading up on weight training and body recomp. Don't think I want to go at it too seriously, but I do have some flab that would be nicer converted into muscle. Gradually adding a few new moves into my weight training.

    I had a complete failure with dinner last night. The chicken breasts were tough and I forgot about the potatoes and they boiled very dry indeed! At least the runner beans were delicious. D H couldn't even chew the chicken! :embarassed:

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Heather - sorry about the dinner fail, you're such a wonderful cook, I'm sure it upset you. I think I'm a horrible cook and I don't enjoy cooking, ugh. Good job on plowing on with the the writing.

    I made baked chicken with honey mustard sauce for dinner last night, from a recipe I saw yesterday here on MFP. DH loved it.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    made it to pg 52 tonight. Determined to catch up with you ladies. Some of my comments may not be up to date with what is happening.

    Lillian - Hopefully all the fires will be under control by time you get to the Okanogan. Where are you going there? We lived in Westbank and in Peachland. Hardy Falls/Deep Creek was one of my favourite spots.
    Such sad news about the 3 Washington firefighters.

    No change in my weight. I need to change something up. I think my body just wants to hang on to my fat like a security blanket. I may need to see my own counsellor, separate from our marriage one.
    Trying to ramp up my activity but every step feels like such an effort.

    Work - Can of worms. There was some harassment that happened in the truck bay. The 2 associates that it was directed at decided to come to me. Crap! I had to call in my director as one of those involved is above me so I can't really deal with him. I couldn't believe the things that were said. Hello! You are a manager and you teach about harassment. You should have shut it down instead of joining in. We almost lost 2 valuable people. They are writing explicit letters that I will send to HR. What next? Oh, yes. Someone crying on my shoulder because they are pregnant and don't really know who the father is. Maybe the whole store should just go on Maury. 22 yrs. and I have never seen so much drama. Retirement. Where are you?

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.

    Sharon - we will head to Keremeos, and Oliver. 5 days to me is just a lot of sitting in the car and not a lot of visiting!! I don't really feel its a vacation - I feel 5 pounds coming on....ha ha!! yuck

    WORK - I totally agree, I can't believe some of the s*&t that is going on at my work either!! I have 38 years in on Sept 27th ..... I really feel retirement should be SOON!!!

    I have six months done on my company books. I have a very busy Saturday - nowhere near my desk :(..... but DGD 2nd birthday party will be the best part of the day.... And I will get my 10,000 steps in working at the Blueberry Festival this morning....

    Later everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Sorry not been on for very much this week. I now have to travel each week for work. Which makes it stressful at home and work. I have to see my clients in my areas then travel 2.5 hours North and then help my co-worker take care of her clients as she is sick. I drove another 2.5 hours further North on Thursday almost to Canada to see her client. Upside is one of the ladies in the three people office is going to give me a fitbit.

    The positive of all this is the Hotel I am staying at has a 24 hour pool so I worked out in the water Weds and Thurs. I am slow close to the 50 lbs weight loss and keeping trying to push might self to get there. which helps keep the pressure off my sprained ankle.

    I had my wellness check up yesterday and all my blood work numbers, and blood pressure our good. The only number that is not healthy is my weight and I am working on that. We have a wellness part of our health insurance and if I can earn $250 if I complete so many wellness points with video classes and the wellness check up. The $ will be in time for Christmas presents.

    Lisa-you are 6 hours east of were I live and we are burning in the area. I have driven a lot this week and the area is very smokey. My eyes are burning badly. I have been to Great Falls in my travels of this area.

    gayle north idaho.