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  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    katla - our airstream is 25' it's a safari. they do cost a pretty penny huh. ours is 2004. looks brand new tho. i'll show pics later
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    morning peeps,

    type type to ya later, gotta go to the gym
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Pip, sorry for the stabbing pains. I think we are all looking forward to your surgery. We want you back up to snuff.

    Mindy, do you have any idea of how far ya’ll did walk? I’d have called the taxi, too. Like you said, we aren’t 22 anymore. dunno.gif Hope you have a great first day!

    Joyce, you didn’t read something right. Trust me, no one makes frozen brownies!! Just forget you thought you read that, okay?? LOL Kudos on getting the table. It’s always nice to have as long as you’ve got room to keep it and they really don’t take up that much space. I have to say, I agree with Charlie on the landscaping. I love azaleas but would want a little something different sprinkled in. Have fun with the grands.

    Cory, what will you do with your little rooster? I had to giggle.

    Katla, your riding lessons sounds so interesting. I’m curious, do you have anyone to go riding with if you want to trail ride in between lessons?

    Lori, a huge Congrats on what sounds like a very Healthy and Happy Day!!! That is what I wish for all of us. You made some excellent decisions and felt better for each one. You will be the one giving all of us inspiration. Way to go!!!

    Deescrafty, welcome. You have found a great place for support and information. I was diabetic and with the help of these lovely ladies, I am now off my diabetes medication. I have also been able to get off of a couple of other meds just from losing 60 pounds. I have more to lose but feel great. You are doing a wonderful job of getting your steps up and if you eat right too, you will get where you want. Please sign each post with the name you want us to call you. It makes it easier for us to respond. Come often and join right in.

    Sharon, sounds like work is certainly keeping you on your toes. Wow, did you say the name of the business is “Payton Place”? You may not even know what that is… it was a movie way back in the 60’s with lots of scandal. Lol What precious comments from DGD to DH!!! I hope the appointments are helping and yes laughing together sounds like great medicine. ((((Hugs))))

    Penny, I’ll give you one, too. (((((Hugs))))) Where are you now? I can’t remember if you are back home or still in the states? Just remember a day of boring errands means we are still on the right side of the ground. Hang in there for a more exciting day.

    Lisa, glad you made it to a safe stopping place. Have fun at the wedding and go easy on the cake. Lol

    Heather, I’m sorry about your dinner but you know that you at least let us know you are human in the kitchen. All your meals sound so wonderful and often gourmet, so it’s encouraging to know that even you have a fail once in a while. (I hope that doesn’t sound mean, because it’s not meant that way.) I only like chicken breasts cooked a few ways because it’s so easy for me to have them end up dry. Ok, lay off the salt for a couple of days.

    Lillian, what fun to have a 2nd birthday! I hope there is a party involved? You have a great day!!

    Gayle, cool beans to be given a FitBit!!! How is that ankle doing? Are you able to walk on it okay? Stay safe in all those travels and check in with us when you can. ((Hugs))

    Pip, you make me feel like such a wimp. If I had that kind of injury I doubt I’d be doing all that you do and I have a rather high pain threshold. You are just a rock star!!!

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I just talked to my friend that I’m taking to lunch. She is so excited to be getting out of the house!!! The sad thing is, once they figured out that they had run the wrong test, it’s been 2 ½ days and still no reschedule. Sometimes it seems that things move so slowly!!!! I hate eating out because of the calorie challenges, but I’m looking forward to it also. Check ya later, ladies.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi gang!

    Haven't checked in here in months, but I'm still chugging along :smile:

    Lots of new members, fantastic! For those who don't know me, I'm in Portland, Oregon, artist, musician, music teacher and avid gardener with almost 3000 sq. ft. of vegetable space at a nearby community garden, and a yard full of perennial & annual flowers at the house. I get my exercise gardening and walking my dogs to the river daily. Weight loss holding steady, but I'm anxious to get back on a losing streak! Currently switching to a gluten-free diet, cutting out all processed wheat flour products, following Dr. Weil's anti-inflammatory food pyramid. Have a knee problem, had to stop doing jumping jacks, wah!! But I do love to dance in the mornings once gardening season slows down. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you like!

    Super busy harvesting the gardens now and canning like crazy - you can see what my kitchen table looks like! Lovely summer this year, hotter than a pistol, I've had to do lots more watering than normal, but the gardens are happy!
    Today is the beginning of the salsa-making episodes...off now to pick a bushel of tomatoes and get busy peeling, seeding & chopping.

    Happy weekend, eat your beans :tongue:

    jb in beautiful NW Oregon

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,973 Member
    a quick good morning,
    first thing this morning went for a 3 1/2 mile walk, then over to see DFIL, and then home.
    we moved all the furniture out of the living room an Tom pulled up carpet and taking it to the dump.. my job? trying to get all the darn staples out of the floor, there I am on my butt with needlenose pliers working away.. wish me luck wont be able to move by tonight
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif I have just a minute before I have to shower and dress to go to the County Fair for our performance.

    This morning while doing a routine computer check of some things related to our home based business, I discovered something that I had overlooked this month that could cost us about $300.00. I sent the right messages to the right people and tried to not obsess over it while walking the dogs. I told Jake about it when I got home and he suggested one other message I needed to send and reminded me to not feel stupid about it. But I realized how easy it is to let a small thing overtake my thinking and how important it is to let things go and stay in the moment after taking right action to set things straight.

    I am reading a great book about meditation that is renewing my resolve to make meditation a bigger part of my life. I guess I know what one of my resolutions will be for September.

    :) I hope you will all enjoy your Saturday and not let anything get you down and spoil the good times.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    Stat for the day-
    spin- 30min 74r 159w 11mi 14-17g = 249 total cal

    Thx damnit all I do is try
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have been reading back a few days and see that people are discussing marking meds. As a rehab teacher for the blind and visually impaired I recommend making ita tactile marking. Then you feel the difference and not depend on your eyes. One way is to use a piece of adhesive Velcro. The rough half on the morning cause mornings are rough and the softer half on the evenings. Our memories are better with a tactile reminder even if we "see". We also use rubberbands. One on the one a day meds, two on the twice a day meds.

    Just a thought

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member


    Michele, you are absolutely right that there are lots of exercises I could have done with my one new dumbbell and I still have my 15 pound pair, my problem was that I wanted my new stuff and childishly didn't want any substitute. Frequently, I am my worst enemy because I want what I want and I want it when I want it.

    <3 Pip, your Airstream is awesome...thanks for sharing the pix
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    deescrafty: The motivation comes from you, but we're really good at moral support, the kind of wise advice that comes from experience, and caring. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: No change in your weight means that you are holding steady rather than gaining. That is a good thing. The no change business is something I've always referred to as a plateau. I had zillions of them along the way. Changing things a bit can sometimes push you through a plateau. Examples might include new or different exercise, drinking more actual water rather than diet drinks, and moving more. Those things helped me along the way. I let MFP set my calorie goals and when I lost a few pounds they reduced my allowed calories. They said I had to cut back & I did. That helped, too. :heart:

    Lisa: You constantly amaze and impress me. I would like a big helping of energy and motivation like yours! Enjoy your travels. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Writing is hard work, especially the memoir that you are working on now. Cut yourself a little slack. I think a "dinner fail" from your pov is likely better than average food produced by me. If not, nobody is perfect. Hugs. :heart:

    Lillian: Thirty-eight years working at the same place is amazing. How long before you can retire? :huh:

    Pip: Your Safari is wonderful. The 25 footer was the airstream we liked best. It is just on the outside edge of what our car should tow. Empty it would be fine, but full might be on the wrong side of the line. What is your tow vehicle? :flowerforyou:

    Janet: I have a tub of chocolate brownie ice cream in my freezer. It is sinfully delicious. Portion control, portion control, portion control PLUS extra exercise. :wink:

    Gayle: Drive safely. I hope the fires and smoke are far from you. :flowerforyou:

    Janet: The last time I went trail riding other than with my teacher was with my son on my birthday last year. That is the picture you see. The lessons are filling an empty place in my heart. Trail rides from livery stables are abundantly available, but generally short, guided and filled with beginners. If I owned my own horse or had a lease horse there would be many opportunities. My life hasn't allowed either option so far. Who knows what the future will bring. DH would cheerfully allow me to buy or lease a horse but I'm dragging my feet. It seems overwhelming to be responsible for a large animal that I can't keep at home. I may investigate partial leases in the future. They seem to be the most realistic option if I want more than a lesson a week. :bigsmile:

    jb: Great to see you on the board! We followed the gluten free path for a while because DH thought he had issues with it. It turned out his health problems had nothing to do with gluten so we're back to including it in our lives. We found that some of the gluten free products are higher in calories, and right here in PDX, the Widmer brothers make gluten free beer that is quite good but also not a low cal product. :wink:

    Barbie: There is an old showbiz saying, "Break a leg." Somehow, it doesn't seem like the right send-off for a dance troupe. Evidently saying "good luck" is unlucky so I'll say that I hope you enjoy every moment of your performance. I am curious about your home business. :huh: :smile:

    My neighbor bought herself a paddleboard a few weeks ago, and has offered me the chance to try it out. I'd like to do that this weekend. I wonder if it will be possible.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    Had to trade in our Honda Element which I love, for the beast, a gmc yukon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    my prescription came in! my prescription came in! my prescription came in!, i'm off !
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    @exermom [/b]- sorry you can't find any chocolate brown short; was surprised that you were able to still find white ones or any shorts for that matter. :'(

    Boy, did I ever 'do it' Friday (early morning). I had turned off TV and the light in the den; and went to go to the bathroom. Was attempting to reach into the door and turn on the light and missed it royally and grabbed just 'air'; fell down and hit my head on 3 different things (door frame, small bookcase and the tiled floor (which I think I must have bounced on. Scared my sleeping DH to death. I must have sounded like an elephant going down. Wasn't a seizure, I was aware of everything. I was still lying there (crying) when he came in. He finally brought in a lantern we have that runs on batteries so that if I got up again during the night I could see where I am going. I guess we will find a 'night light' today when he takes me out for our anniversary (which was on the 20th), going early to miss the crowds. Still have a rather large 'goose egg' on the backside of my head. I told him that 'if' I did not wake up, he'd know that I had had a brain bleed. He did not like that very much. Did not want to call an ambulance and scare the children to death; so I put a cold pack on it and it only hurts a little bit today. Got in the pool yesterday, more to scrub it down; but that was good upper body exercise and then I did my usual routine when I got finished. DOS was very happy I had been able to do it; it had rained for the past 2 days. He vacuumed it out and later on will backwash it. I keep telling him that he needs to show me how to do that part, so he won't always have to do it himself. I think next year we might check into the price of a salt-water pump; or we might just wait until this one gives out.

    Lock on the freaking door still has not been fixed. Glassed in porch still hasn't got a 'real' door and nothing has been done to the rest of it either, so I can't uncover my furniture I have out there. I guess it is about time to start bitching about it a little. He finally got my kitchen faucet fixed and the disposal replaced. Gee, it has only been a year of the Chinese Water Chamber (which he doesn't hear).

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    @pipcd34 I absolutely love your Airstream! :) I grew up going camping with my family of 7. Started out in the ole pop-up style camper and ended with a big ole pull behind camper. I'll have to go digging for some pics. Loved camping! I also love your t-shirt quilt. I have made several for my 2 kiddos and there are such a reminder of all the good times and places visited.

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Mary:Thanks for the advice regarding the trainer.

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I think having your own counsellor would be a wonderful thing. For other activities since you have the grands around a lot... how about something like wii fit - that could be a lot of fun?

    Cheri:Thanks for the hug..I needed that.

    Heather:Sorry about the meal..but I'm sure glad I'm not the only that has boiled potatoes dry!

    Gayle: Wow..close to 50# - I'm so happy for you! What wonderful results on you wellness checkup.

    Pip: Thanks for the pics of the airstream, I've always wondered what they looked like...love the quilt!

    Katla, I've always wanted to try horseback riding but remember the only time I was on a horse. It was when I was about 8 years old and I was behind my uncle on this older plow horse bareback. I couldn't walk for a week. I think I'll do some investigating on riding lessons for scared stiff adult beginners and see what's available.

    Have a great weekend ladies..


    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    Sluts- sorry about your fall
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    This is us on one of our camping trips. God bless my mother for taking all of us little ones on these trips. I'm the one second from the right.
    Cheri NE Ohio
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Welcome Tina-im in the same boat.I need to loose wt also,dr never said how much.
    Nice day,sunny and about 80.
    hugs form Il
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    :) Cherie, love your family picture

    :'( Lenora, sorry to hear about your fall....hope you "bounce back" quickly

    :) Pip, yippee for getting your meds, finally.

    :) Katla, our home based business is Isagenix...we don't sell much but we have a few associates and make a bit of money....we use the products and love them.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gif The last thing one of my friends said to me before we danced was "break a leg" which is entirely appropriate before any performance including dance.

    Several people took pictures and someone may send me one so I can post it for you.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington