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    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks all, I have bounced back ... have to put an ice pack on my head ... hopefully the swelling will go down. I hate it when I fall - I'm usually mad with myself for not doing something I should have or embarrassed because I did it in public. My DGDs say they are just worried about me, not embarrassed. That's good, because I am embarrassed enough for all 4 of us.

    I've been trying to get my DOGD to let me have some of her cheerleading T-shirts to make a quilt for her. She won't give them up. Oh well! Maybe someday soon. They have T-shirts for anything that goes on at their school. Just 2 now in it, so it won't be quite as expensive for their parents.

    @pip34 - that way y'all can live at the beach, mountains or even travel to find someplace you want to live for a while. I take it that y'all don't have any children/grandchildren to visit.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited August 2015
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I WANT THIS ^ ^ ^

    Becca drooling ......
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,197 Member
    Pip love the Airstream.

    Lenora sorry about the fall.

    Cheri think the two family photos are great!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    DH and sabotage #3 for the week:

    I can't eat white bread, I'm on a healthy lifestyle eating plan so I don't eat ice cream. Of course taking me to Kopp's (fast food and frozen custard) when I'm hungry and thirsty makes perfect sense to the man who claims to love me yet attempts to sabotage my efforts. When we get back in the car he says: "What happened? You said you were thirsty, and I brought us here to eat and get something to drink. You make a little scene in front of the cashier when you order your bottle of water and go stomping away, just to walk around the block several times. I don't get it." "Yes, Greg, I know you don't get it. If I wanted to eat junk I would have said let's go get some junk. Since you are obviously never going to "get it" let's go to SerbFest, so at least I can try some food I've never tasted before". Yuck, you can't make me eat anything I've never tried. Never mind, just take me home so I can eat some vegetables and buy more life insurance while you stuff yourself with junk.

    Complaining done and swept into the corner. Thanks Friends ! ! !
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    Annr- no human kids. 4 kids 2 goldens, 1 lab, 1 cat. By the time we retire n move, bullwinkle, Floyd and bootz will probably be gone and yogi will b the only survivor. We plan on moving to California where I am from, where my family is at
  • FitNFabulousByFifty
    FitNFabulousByFifty Posts: 25 Member
    I'm looking for MFP friends to share this amazing and challenging journey with!!
  • RAmelia63
    RAmelia63 Posts: 32 Member
    Well, my August goals spill into September as I am hoping to be at goal weight for my 52nd birthday.
    If if doesnt happen, I'm happy knowing I tried hard.
    Ramona - Boston MA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,466 Member
    Did 45 minutes of a Double Down DVD. I like this one, you can really push yourself. I don't think I pushed myself today as much as I could have. The plan for tomorrow is to do some pilates and then go to WalMart. I need to make the cake for the social this weekend and I need eggs. I also need to buy gas so I'll get some while I'm there. One good thing about being here in the South is that going to WalMart early on a Sunday means there's practically no one there -- everyone's at church. I go to church on Saturdays so that works for me.

    Barbie - I'm thinking that the weights like you have aren't for me. Like today I could add an extra 3lb weight. To have to go and unclip it, put on another weight, reclip it -- that would be too much time. It was just faster to pick up a 3lb weight. I also need different size weights depending on what part of the body I'm working on. Like you can go heavy on legs and back -- those are big muscles. But I need lighter weights for shoulders -- those are smaller muscles. Especially when I'm going lateral raises with both hands

    DJ - I wish there was some sort of pill to take to get rid of that "bloated" feeling you get when you eat different foods. Like yesterday, even tho I had an egg white omlet, I think they put some sort of cheese in it, and to me there was a lot of butter. There probably wasn't but to me there was. Don't get me wrong -- the food was good. Just that my system isn't used to all that butter so I felt "yuk" for a while. Fortunately, they didn't give me any toast. I don't remember if I asked for none or not, but not getting it was just fine with me. I remember when we lived in the Poconos we had a freezer. Well, with three little kids, there were many days when by the time I'd bundle all three up, I wanted to buy EVERYTHING I would need for the next week or so. But then my freezer got a real good workout. Well, it does now, but that's because there's only the two of us and I prepare meals in advance, freeze them, then take them out of the freezer a few days in advance. I usually will have some bread in the freezer. But I laugh when there's the threat of the "s" word

    pip - yes, I'd call gall bladder removal serious surgery. I don't know how you're doing it with that shoulder. Yea that your prescription came in! lovely airstream. You do know that you and Kirby can take a road trip to NC, don't you? Great quilt.

    Mindy - hope your first day at WF went great. I'm sure it did

    Joyce - understand men????? You HAVE to be kidding!!!! When you're using your stove/oven as a countertop can you lock out the burners so they can't be accidentally turned on? I can and love that feature. Like for the social I can put a cooler with water on it and know that someone can't accidentally turn on the stove. Bad part is if someone needs to use my oven or stove, they can't. Oh well...they really shouldn't be expecting me to cook their food for them. I don't think dying the shorts would work only because at the seams the dye would be a different shade. I'll just wait until next season. That is...unless I find a pair of white shorts at a really really good price. Then I might try dying them myself. I can't even find white ones at the Salvation Army. At their prices, I wouldn't mind experimenting with dying the shorts. Great on getting that table. I think we have two 6 footers, a 5 footer, and a card table. I can't understand what's happening to my body. I seem to have this "pooch". I watch what I eat, you know I exercise a lot, drink usually over 100oz of water a day, but for some reason it's there. Wish I could somehow get it to go down.

    katla - try that Arctic Zero. It's really good but not creamy at all since it's for lactose intolerant people. I think you'll like it. Good for you making new goals for your riding. Sounds incredible.

    Lori - so glad we were able to inspire you. Keep coming back for more inspiration

    Welcome everyone new

    Sharon - what a lovely GD you have there. I can see why hubby would melt

    Heather - I bet your failure was delish, as everything you make is

    Oh, made key lime cupcakes to take to bowling Monday and then iced them. Everyone is supposed to bring something. They're going to be serving "bbq" but I'm thinking that I'll just take a few pieces of fruit with me

    Gayle - I've often wondered why hotels don't have their pools open 24hrs. I could understand if they had a lifeguard, but many of them don't but they don't open until later in the a.m. You are so lucky to have one that's open 24hrs

    jb - can you do the low impact jumping jacks? Those are the only ones I do

    Lenora - OUCH!!!! Glad you weren't seriously injured. When I clean the spa or the steps for the pool, you just can't have the broom at an angle so as much as it pains me (especially in 90 degree weather) I just HAVE to get in the pool/spa. Isn't that terrible? Our pool is a salt water one.

    Carey - I had this DEATHLY fear of horses. At the time we lived in Kennett Square (PA) which is right next to Unionville which is BIG TIME horse country. If you remember Barbaro, his owner went to the same Y that I went to. When he was injured, the hosp he went to was right around the block from us. Jessica worked there, she got to pet him and all. The media didn't but she did. She knew his vet and all. Anyway, I digress (so what else is new?). When I first started taking horseback riding lessons because I wanted to get over my fear, the instructor had to keep reminding me to breathe. The horse I started on had a lame leg so he couldn't go fast at all. I only got to where I would walk the horse, trotting a bit, went on trail rides, but that's about it.

    Cheri - what a neat pic. Thanks for sharing it. All of you were so cute. Your mother must have had the patience of a saint...and she was probably very good at improvising when something was forgotten. And then to see you all grown up! Amazing

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,
    Jb, good to hear from you. When shall we all expect our deliveries of those fresh canned veggies??? hiya.gifI hope there are no fires in your neck of the woods? Come back a little more often.

    Allison, good luck with your tedious job of staple removal. Talk about exercise for the day.

    Barbie, don’t beat yourself up about your slip up. It happens to the best of us and yes, sometimes it’s costly. Hopefully you caught it in time to fix it. Have fun at your performance.

    Pip, wow is your rolling home in good shape!! Can tell someone takes good care of it. Nice!!

    Katla, when I was a teen, there was a stable just out of town that we could take the horses out trail riding for a certain amount of time. Looking back, I’m surprised they trusted us with their horses. Lol

    Pip. I wonder when your prescription will come in?? Or if your prescription will come in?? Maybe you’ll let us know if your prescription comes in?? And then I’ll bet you will be off to the store to get it filled. Maybe??

    Lenora, glad you have a hard head and didn’t hurt yourself worse. Late happy anniversary.

    Cheri, I love the picture of your family. Bless your mom, is right. Thanks for sharing.

    Katla, I hope the firefighters stay safe, too. And now they have civilians going to help. That is scary.

    Teri, the next time “that man” takes you to some Ice Cream Joint for lunch, you just tell him what this Healthy Lifestyle is all about. Sorry I couldn’t leave it in the corner. I just had to drag it out and have one more chuckle. Actually, I’m proud of you for letting him know how you felt. And I don’t know what is so hard about understanding and supporting but it must be a foreign concept to some of them. When I got home from Texas, DH had a package of Honey Buns on the Dining Room table. I mean, REALLY?????

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I took my friend to lunch and we had a wonderful time. We went to a nice Mexican restaurant on the ocean and both ate too much, even though I put ½ in the To Go box as soon as I got it. Way too many calories, but I did savor every bite. A cold front came through last night so it was a beautiful day. Temp was just under 90 and the humidity was down significantly. Oh yes, and this Carolina Blue sky is gorgeous. I did miss it when I was in Texas. Each state has things that are better than any other. That’s what makes it so nice to get to travel around.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    I got it damnit
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora - Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your time with your DH! I hope your head feels better!

    Carey - how is your hip feeling? I know that my knees can act up when I do squats if I don't stand just right. Even though I have been doing squats for over a year now my form still goes south on occasion.

    Cheri - I love the picture of your family! I bet you all have great memories! The grownup pic is awesome!

    Pip- I love your Airstream! I heard they appreciate in value!

    Barbie- can't wait to see the pictures!

    Vicki - your DGD sounds precious!

    Hello ladies! Today we traveled 4 hours south for a surprise 30 th wedding anniversary of our friends. We are spending the night at a hotel. We're in our room now and were watching the Viking football game but because of stormy weather it's been delayed for now. Maybe we will hit the hot tub.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,030 Member
    fanncy - they do
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Thank you for sharing the quote. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    I have never heard that one before. I am going to try to etch that in my mind
    It is really hard for me to reach 10000 steps per day but i did it yesterday BY PLANNING!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    Thank you for sharing the quote. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    I have never heard that one before. I am going to try to etch that in my mind
    It is really hard for me to reach 10000 steps per day but i did it yesterday BY PLANNING!

    I have a plan for walking that includes getting to bed early, getting up early, and having my walking clothes in a special place so I can walk first thing...I also eat the same breakfast every day so I don't waste time trying to decide what to eat....congrats on getting to 10,000 steps....that milestone does not come easy. :)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    edited August 2015

    Michele, I agree that my new dumbbells would not work for your exercise plan. The plan I follow has only three different lifts with five sets of each lift in a row and at most would require three readjustments of weights. What I had worked fine until 15 pound dumbbells were too light and I couldn't see myself buying a bunch more sets of dumbbells.

    Here is a picture of the last RV we had.


    We sold the RV in 2009 but we still have the same car

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Linda, after we were gone a good part of the summer, I had a lot of cats having soft and even mushy stools. Took samples to the vet to check them and nothing showed up. Then my shelter's manager told me that they were probably stressed from us being gone and gave me some B12 shots for me to give them weekly. Just one dose and many of the cats are "cured". So momma kitty may just be stressed from having kittens, moving, etc. and may very well just need a shot of Vitamin B12. I give my cats their vaccinations so I know how to give them shots so I did this myself, but most folks will need to go to the vet. In your case, the shelter you are fostering them for may just give her the shot for you if you call them.

    Thanks for the B12 suggestion. There is a vet tech at the shelter and I have a call in to her. Hoping she will call me back tomorrow. Right now, we are continuing with the pumpkin and trying to put some probiotics in her food as well.


  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    edited August 2015
    bwcetc wrote: »
    We are taking a "quick" trip to Nashville on Monday so son can tour two schools he's interested in ... Belmont and Lipscomb. Husband is going too since it's a 12+ hour drive from New York. I wouldn't even consider these schools but for the fact I have a good friend who lives just 10 miles outside of Nashville. Even so my stomach is in knots about this. We will be looking closer to home for our next prospective school. Son is behind the eight ball on the school search ... So we're feeling pressure to move quickly on all of this.

    I was in exactly your same spot a year ago and now I've sent my oldest daughter off to college. Luckily she is only two hours away and I will see her in another two weeks. Cherish the upcoming senior moments. This year will fly by quickly. I have to admit, I had a small breakdown and cried my eyes out after talking to my daughter today. I really miss her. But that's probably not helping those knots in your stomach. So I'll give you a quote that a friend keeps reminding me of... We give our children two gifts - roots and wings. You've helped your son grow the roots to give him a strong foundation and soon it will be time for him to test his wings and fly.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Got in about 15 minutes ago. Due to another silly mistake I made with my medicine tonight and bad food choices I made, am not reading anything tonight. Will catch up tomorrow. Nite nite Joyce, Indiana