True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    The first time I read this I read

    I have sympathy and respect for married cheaters.

    Lol..hmm best change it then....
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    I'm a little tipsy. I also don't care. It's fun. :#
  • nolan44219
    nolan44219 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    Hmmm...good question ....
    I have sympathy for wives and husbands who have had this done to them ..
    Uhh yeah..divorce would be best..I have so much that could be said ..but I won't. .I like this thread and prefer it remain open..

    Good luck to you sir ..enjoy your single life .. :)

  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    I confess this morning I signed up to quit drinking for 30 days and I have already failed. After careful consideration I don't see the fun in that.

    I'm thinking about signing up to drink for thirty days.

    That's easy. I can't even go dry for a week. :(
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    No one is perfect. We can only try to be the best we can be. I hope you and your SO can find happiness and contentment again.❤
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    I confess this morning I signed up to quit drinking for 30 days and I have already failed. After careful consideration I don't see the fun in that.

    I'm thinking about signing up to drink for thirty days.

    That's easy. I can't even go dry for a week. :(

    I made it 2 day this week yay me!!!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    I confess this morning I signed up to quit drinking for 30 days and I have already failed. After careful consideration I don't see the fun in that.

    I'm thinking about signing up to drink for thirty days.

    That's easy. I can't even go dry for a week. :(

    I actually made a whole week last week ..was a surprise to me :D
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    Good for you for getting to a place where you're ready to work on yourself. And really, good for you for divorcing. I know some people can make it work after someone cheats, but IMO if someone is cheating that usually means things are very broken.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    I confess im mentally trying to talk myself out of working out when i get off of work

    DO IT!!!!!

    Do it like talk myself out of it? Lol

    Lol. No! Get your butt to the gym!!!


    prefer to workout at home, but i did it, got the sweat to prove it lol.

    Excellent job!!!

    Thanks a lot, thanks also to @slimgirljo15
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    I confess im mentally trying to talk myself out of working out when i get off of work

    DO IT!!!!!

    Do it like talk myself out of it? Lol

    Lol. No! Get your butt to the gym!!!


    prefer to workout at home, but i did it, got the sweat to prove it lol.

    Excellent job!!!

    Thanks a lot, thanks also to @slimgirljo15

    Proud of you ..I know you didn't want to..
  • mrwineismybf
    mrwineismybf Posts: 4,088 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    I confess this morning I signed up to quit drinking for 30 days and I have already failed. After careful consideration I don't see the fun in that.

    I'm thinking about signing up to drink for thirty days.

    That's easy. I can't even go dry for a week. :(

    I made it 2 day this week yay me!!!

    Ahhhh where was I....oh that's right ...sober and sick :'(
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    Hmmm...good question ....
    I have sympathy for wives and husbands who have had this done to them ..
    Uhh yeah..divorce would be best..I have so much that could be said ..but I won't. .I like this thread and prefer it remain open..

    Good luck to you sir ..enjoy your single life .. :)

    Ladies & gents, here is a shining example of taking the high road.

    Mad Re5pext!
  • nolan44219
    nolan44219 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I got my first mfp warning today!!!!!! I feel like a mf' boss! I'm so thug life!! I'm strapped up and all that gangsta stuff!! I'm pretty excited! Don't rain on my parade! I'm seriously a rebel and a bad dude!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    Hmmm...good question ....
    I have sympathy for wives and husbands who have had this done to them ..
    Uhh yeah..divorce would be best..I have so much that could be said ..but I won't. .I like this thread and prefer it remain open..

    Good luck to you sir ..enjoy your single life .. :)

    Ladies & gents, here is a shining example of taking the high road.

    Mad Re5pext!

  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    *kitten* happens good for you for owning up to it and being introspective.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    edited January 2017
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    Your personal business is your own. Doesn't need to be out here on mfp forums nor should any other person bring it out here for you. You are my friend I'll be watching out for ya :)

    Nobody bought it out for him ....he posted himself so not sure what you meant by that..
    You are right though ..not something for public forums..
    Aww we all need friends to look out for're a great friend Laura :)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I have little sympathy or respect for married cheaters ...

    Do not have any sympathy or respect for me then. I've been tempted and fallen into that temptation. I'm currently going through a divorce but I think it's for the best. Right now the single life sounds pretty awesome for me in my case. I am going to go to a counselor and sort out some things I feel like I should sort out. I don't think I'll ever marry again but right now I think I'm OK with that. I'll have grandkids to focus on in probably 5-10 more years and I love ME time I'm learning but I don't think I'm evil. I pay taxes and try to be good to people.

    Your personal business is your own. Doesn't need to be out here on mfp forums nor should any other person bring it out here for you. You are my friend I'll be watching out for ya :)

    Nobody bought it out for him ....he posted himself ..
    You are right though ..not something for public forums..

    just like for Nolan we all have different life experiences and *kitten* happens. as @motorsheen said you set a perfect example of how to take the high road. bravo
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    I respect the honesty, whether in private or publicly.