True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I ate yogurt tonight, but I had already logged chicken, and I didn't change it. I didn't feel like cooking.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    PamelaW41 wrote: »
    I confess that I have unfollowed about 75% of my facebook friends/family. We might be friends and/or family, but I can't stand the *kitten* out of their facebook personas.

    I will confess i unfriended and blocked my kids and their wives from my fb bc everything i did or everywhere we went they had to call or text with a petty comment. Nobody has time for that crap.

    I just blocked my bro-in-law! Maybe I should block them all.
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    I'm a rebel and I judge all of these true confessions.
  • PamelaW41
    PamelaW41 Posts: 287 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    PamelaW41 wrote: »
    I confess that I have unfollowed about 75% of my facebook friends/family. We might be friends and/or family, but I can't stand the *kitten* out of their facebook personas.

    I will confess i unfriended and blocked my kids and their wives from my fb bc everything i did or everywhere we went they had to call or text with a petty comment. Nobody has time for that crap.

    I just blocked my bro-in-law! Maybe I should block them all.

    LOL, it's liberating! They got mad but, oh well, they were looking for a reason to be mad anyways! :D
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    lauranorr wrote: »
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    lauranorr wrote: »
    I confess that although people say they appreciate what is on the inside more...and that the obvious external physical appearance flaws don't bother them (sags,wrinkles, buddha mama belly)... I have trouble believing that. Who wants a station wagon? I'm sure the Ferrari's are whats in demand. And I confess that I wonder if its even possible to turn a broken down old station wagon into something else...besides a mini van. Maybe a vw beetle lol. They are round...

    You've obviously just not met the right people.
    I think anyone who says physical attraction doesn't matter to them atall is a liar, BUT what people find attractive differs from person to person.
    Some people want a mini van and don't like ferrari's one bit.
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    lauranorr wrote: »
    I confess that although people say they appreciate what is on the inside more...and that the obvious external physical appearance flaws don't bother them (sags,wrinkles, buddha mama belly)... I have trouble believing that. Who wants a station wagon? I'm sure the Ferrari's are whats in demand. And I confess that I wonder if its even possible to turn a broken down old station wagon into something else...besides a mini van. Maybe a vw beetle lol. They are round...

    I am soooo on the same page as this confession @lauranorr. Just park that station wagon at a Ferrari dealership and see what happens. You can rebuild that station wagon from the inside out, and shine it up real nice, but next to the ferraris, it's still a station wagon to the people looking for ferarris.

    @Louise1491 I'm not saying that physical attraction isn't important...I'm saying I find it hard to believe when people say they find a station wagon appealing no matter what, despite the flaws. Station wagons are reliable, dependable, trustworthy, solid but they sure don't look like a Ferrari. They get parked in the back where nobody sees. And get it.

    I get what you are saying but all you can do is be the best version of yourself possible and guess still won't be the most attractive or the smartest but who gives a *kitten*? My point is that we should stop comparing ourselves to others (and cars/vans ha!) and just be what and who we are.

    And just for the record, i think ferrari's are nice to look at but i'd much rather a classic with a nice solid engine :wink:

    I think perhaps you're not completely grasping what Laura and I agree on. All it takes is one quick look at the selfie thread to see that the the "minivan" people are clearly being compared to the "ferarri" people. It's not a matter of comparing ourselves (although there are some like myself that do out of insecurities), it's a the state of society. The pretty people win. It doesn't matter how hard we work and how far we've come... you can get to work in a minivan, but everyone is dreaming of Ferraris.

    Isn't this just human nature? In everything really? Sucks. You guys are right though. The "flashy" pics get way more attention in the selfie thread than the old standards
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    lauranorr wrote: »
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    lauranorr wrote: »
    I confess that although people say they appreciate what is on the inside more...and that the obvious external physical appearance flaws don't bother them (sags,wrinkles, buddha mama belly)... I have trouble believing that. Who wants a station wagon? I'm sure the Ferrari's are whats in demand. And I confess that I wonder if its even possible to turn a broken down old station wagon into something else...besides a mini van. Maybe a vw beetle lol. They are round...

    You've obviously just not met the right people.
    I think anyone who says physical attraction doesn't matter to them atall is a liar, BUT what people find attractive differs from person to person.
    Some people want a mini van and don't like ferrari's one bit.
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    lauranorr wrote: »
    I confess that although people say they appreciate what is on the inside more...and that the obvious external physical appearance flaws don't bother them (sags,wrinkles, buddha mama belly)... I have trouble believing that. Who wants a station wagon? I'm sure the Ferrari's are whats in demand. And I confess that I wonder if its even possible to turn a broken down old station wagon into something else...besides a mini van. Maybe a vw beetle lol. They are round...

    I am soooo on the same page as this confession @lauranorr. Just park that station wagon at a Ferrari dealership and see what happens. You can rebuild that station wagon from the inside out, and shine it up real nice, but next to the ferraris, it's still a station wagon to the people looking for ferarris.

    @Louise1491 I'm not saying that physical attraction isn't important...I'm saying I find it hard to believe when people say they find a station wagon appealing no matter what, despite the flaws. Station wagons are reliable, dependable, trustworthy, solid but they sure don't look like a Ferrari. They get parked in the back where nobody sees. And get it.

    I get what you are saying but all you can do is be the best version of yourself possible and guess still won't be the most attractive or the smartest but who gives a *kitten*? My point is that we should stop comparing ourselves to others (and cars/vans ha!) and just be what and who we are.

    And just for the record, i think ferrari's are nice to look at but i'd much rather a classic with a nice solid engine :wink:

    I think perhaps you're not completely grasping what Laura and I agree on. All it takes is one quick look at the selfie thread to see that the the "minivan" people are clearly being compared to the "ferarri" people. It's not a matter of comparing ourselves (although there are some like myself that do out of insecurities), it's a the state of society. The pretty people win. It doesn't matter how hard we work and how far we've come... you can get to work in a minivan, but everyone is dreaming of Ferraris.

    "Pretty" people always win? That isn't true atall. Think of all the people throughout history that are truly remembered and legendary for their life's achievements, how many of those people were models or even considered attractive atall?
    If your idea of winning is that you have to be "pretty" then i guess the problem lies with you.
    I also think you will find that most people on the selfie thread have different tastes and find different people attractive.
    And not everyone wants a ferrari!

    Nobody said pretty people always win. This started with the confession that my insecurities make it hard for me to believe when others say they don't mind what I perceive to be my flaws...And this is because I see and know how human nature is...we look at the ferrari's..the beautiful people..the fittest and strongest.... and see perfection. Where is blame coming into this equation?

    Look at you Laura causing trouble. :p

    I confess I didn't know you were such a troublemaker
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    lauranorr wrote: »
    I confess that although people say they appreciate what is on the inside more...and that the obvious external physical appearance flaws don't bother them (sags,wrinkles, buddha mama belly)... I have trouble believing that. Who wants a station wagon? I'm sure the Ferrari's are whats in demand. And I confess that I wonder if its even possible to turn a broken down old station wagon into something else...besides a mini van. Maybe a vw beetle lol. They are round...

    Let's just say that while a built 69 Camaro is great I am a Ferrari fan all the way.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    I confess I judge people for stupid stuff (like too many selfies or posting asspics) but not for meaningful things like (cheating on a spouse). B)
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Maximus wrote: »
    @J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I confess I judge people for stupid stuff (like too many selfies or posting asspics) but not for meaningful things like (cheating on a spouse). B)

    Can I confess the same?

    Why yes you can. :)
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Why would you wanna be a Ferrari?! Don't you realize how much those things depreciate right as you drive them off the lot.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    i confess that i do not think anyone will ever fully love me and want me because of the sagging excess skin all over my body and if someone does love me they will probably always wish my body was different and look at other woman who have what i should have

    i confess that it makes me so angry that i worked so hard to lose a mega tonne of weight and i am left feeling like this still
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Why would you wanna be a Ferrari?! Don't you realize how much those things depreciate right as you drive them off the lot.

    And think of the repair costs!

    I confess....ok this is hard...that I *think* I've developed a crush on Harry Styles. I have no qualms about admitting I like One Direction's music but this....this is big.

    And it doesn't help that I'm like 900 years older than him. :)
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I confess that when life gets stressful, or my depression gets the best of me, I turn to food for comfort. D: I have no willpower when I am in that mindset. It's a viscous cycle.
  • JUiCY_KiSS
    JUiCY_KiSS Posts: 8,512 Member
    edited June 2016
    Wish I could relive the past and make different decisions.
  • JUiCY_KiSS
    JUiCY_KiSS Posts: 8,512 Member
    lulufit5 wrote: »
    I am happily married but I confess I did highlight the scruff thread. Because that's my favorite :) and sometimes it's fun to look

    Where is this scruff thread:-0?
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    JUiCY_KiSS wrote: »
    Wish I could relive the past and make different decisions.

    +1 I have this same confession.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I confess I judge people for stupid stuff (like too many selfies or posting asspics) but not for meaningful things like (cheating on a spouse). B)

    Hahah! We are two peas in a pod.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    lulufit5 wrote: »
    JUiCY_KiSS wrote: »
    Wish I could relive the past and make different decisions.

    I also confess I would make different decisions

    Yep. A huge different decision.
  • rmfindleyjr
    rmfindleyjr Posts: 529 Member
    JUiCY_KiSS wrote: »
    Wish I could relive the past and make different decisions.
