All pills are not snake oil



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Funny when you read this thread

    First of all almost all the people on here lost their weight with CICO

    Second one or two people in this thread lost no weight or a bit and believing in the snake oils

    And also does the snake oil companies dont have a site were you can discus the success of there products. And advice poor victims there?

    This whole magic pill ( not talking about vitamins/minerals or supplements) business has been discussed hundreds of times here. I really dont see this thread as different as all the other useless garbage threads then this one.
    If OP thinks otherwise than i ask this...why join a calorie counting site..why dig up old threads. Why no weight loss of the OP when it is so good and successful to use the stuff.

    And for MFP ( and moderators) why do you let this go on? Why open a closed thread? Thought you were all about a healthy way of managing weight? Is that not something that is written in the TOS?
    And sure everybody has his/her own opinion and right to express it.....but hasn't this gone far enough? I really wonder about this kinda things? Maybe big sponsors that need to be protected and not pissed off?

    Actually I've lost 31 pounds since February. I find weighing in with my trainer and doctor to be enough record i don't need to do it here also all the time. You don't know anything about me or my friends. Way to deflect though.'ve done a lot of deflecting in this thread yourself...that's really not a fair thing to accuse someone else of.

    Deflection- snake oil - mean people - all we need is a dumpster fire to make this a typical mfp Friday ! ( its 10 mins from Friday in my area ,so close enough )
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    OP apologies if I missed it. But what pills have you used that have helped you lose weight? :smile:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    OP apologies if I missed it. But what pills have you used that have helped you lose weight? :smile:

    She hasn't answered that yet .....
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    OP apologies if I missed it. But what pills have you used that have helped you lose weight? :smile:

    She hasn't answered that yet .....

    Deflecting, dontcha ya know.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    OP apologies if I missed it. But what pills have you used that have helped you lose weight? :smile:

    She hasn't answered that yet .....

    Deflecting, dontcha ya know.

    100% deflection
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    OP apologies if I missed it. But what pills have you used that have helped you lose weight? :smile:

    Excellent question.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Funny when you read this thread

    First of all almost all the people on here lost their weight with CICO

    Second one or two people in this thread lost no weight or a bit and believing in the snake oils

    And also does the snake oil companies dont have a site were you can discus the success of there products. And advice poor victims there?

    This whole magic pill ( not talking about vitamins/minerals or supplements) business has been discussed hundreds of times here. I really dont see this thread as different as all the other useless garbage threads then this one.
    If OP thinks otherwise than i ask this...why join a calorie counting site..why dig up old threads. Why no weight loss of the OP when it is so good and successful to use the stuff.

    And for MFP ( and moderators) why do you let this go on? Why open a closed thread? Thought you were all about a healthy way of managing weight? Is that not something that is written in the TOS?
    And sure everybody has his/her own opinion and right to express it.....but hasn't this gone far enough? I really wonder about this kinda things? Maybe big sponsors that need to be protected and not pissed off?

    Actually I've lost 31 pounds since February. I find weighing in with my trainer and doctor to be enough record i don't need to do it here also all the time. You don't know anything about me or my friends. Way to deflect though.

    op. so you have a trainer and you are losing weight. Interesting.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    This is an incredibly boring discussion. So much shaking of the head I'm unsure if people are dizzy, epileptic, have a tick or what.

    Just let her take her pills and see what happens next. Some people need to learn the hard way.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    This is an incredibly boring discussion. So much shaking of the head I'm unsure if people are dizzy, epileptic, have a tick or what.

    Just let her take her pills and see what happens next. Some people need to learn the hard way.

    That's the thing... Is she, or is she not taking pills??

    Hopefully she'll come back and answer, and let us know her results.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Funny when you read this thread

    First of all almost all the people on here lost their weight with CICO

    Second one or two people in this thread lost no weight or a bit and believing in the snake oils

    And also does the snake oil companies dont have a site were you can discus the success of there products. And advice poor victims there?

    This whole magic pill ( not talking about vitamins/minerals or supplements) business has been discussed hundreds of times here. I really dont see this thread as different as all the other useless garbage threads then this one.
    If OP thinks otherwise than i ask this...why join a calorie counting site..why dig up old threads. Why no weight loss of the OP when it is so good and successful to use the stuff.

    And for MFP ( and moderators) why do you let this go on? Why open a closed thread? Thought you were all about a healthy way of managing weight? Is that not something that is written in the TOS?
    And sure everybody has his/her own opinion and right to express it.....but hasn't this gone far enough? I really wonder about this kinda things? Maybe big sponsors that need to be protected and not pissed off?

    Actually I've lost 31 pounds since February. I find weighing in with my trainer and doctor to be enough record i don't need to do it here also all the time. You don't know anything about me or my friends. Way to deflect though.'ve done a lot of deflecting in this thread yourself...that's really not a fair thing to accuse someone else of.

    Deflection- snake oil - mean people - all we need is a dumpster fire to make this a typical mfp Friday ! ( its 10 mins from Friday in my area ,so close enough )

    With a little more effort I'm sure we can work a Carbista vs NoCarbista jihad into this, too.

    Come on, people, work harder!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    OP I don't know if I posted the long list of weight loss supps I've tried here on your thread or not. I couldn't be bothered going back through all the pages to look...

    But to my shame, I have tried a lot of them! And not one of them did a single thing for weight loss. From Garcinia Cambogia to carb blockers, the latter had unmentionable side effects :confounded:

    The one and only thing that worked, was to simply watch my calories. It cant get any easier or cheaper than that :smile:
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Funny when you read this thread

    First of all almost all the people on here lost their weight with CICO

    Second one or two people in this thread lost no weight or a bit and believing in the snake oils

    And also does the snake oil companies dont have a site were you can discus the success of there products. And advice poor victims there?

    This whole magic pill ( not talking about vitamins/minerals or supplements) business has been discussed hundreds of times here. I really dont see this thread as different as all the other useless garbage threads then this one.
    If OP thinks otherwise than i ask this...why join a calorie counting site..why dig up old threads. Why no weight loss of the OP when it is so good and successful to use the stuff.

    And for MFP ( and moderators) why do you let this go on? Why open a closed thread? Thought you were all about a healthy way of managing weight? Is that not something that is written in the TOS?
    And sure everybody has his/her own opinion and right to express it.....but hasn't this gone far enough? I really wonder about this kinda things? Maybe big sponsors that need to be protected and not pissed off?

    Actually I've lost 31 pounds since February. I find weighing in with my trainer and doctor to be enough record i don't need to do it here also all the time. You don't know anything about me or my friends. Way to deflect though.

    I didn't say anything about your friends, and you lost it with your trainer and doctor you say?

    And a proper deficit i suppose.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    In all fairness. I have seen posts saying multi vitamins, vit B and C etc etc just result in expensive wee.

    yes thats common because they are water soluble. Your body abosrbs what it needs and gets rid of the rest. You should be getting enough from a balanced diet. Are vitamins the type of supplement we are talking about, this jozzmenia person seems enjoys starting threads , but fundamentally failing to answer questions or give examples of the mean people she is complaining about. The fact she cant discuss intelligently the subject matter of her own thread is breathtaking.

    Intelligently meaning:
    To identify the supplements we are talking about.
    To formulate your points.
    To back them up
    To explain and give examples of claimed behaviour.

    Why does she do all this shakes her head it just makes her look ridiculous. Because she knows better and is more knowledgeable? Ironic.

    Christine have a look at this documentary, it shows you about vitamin supplementation and how it started and then looks into each vitamin. Supplements can be useful from a general health point if your diet is lacking, but most people are ok and waste a lot of money on them. One of the industry's most important sells are to the just in case im missing something and to be on the safe side people. one of the other markets is the more is better hence people taking many times more than their body needs.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    rjmudlax13 wrote: »
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I'm sorry I just get annoyed that I've read so many questions about supplements, and people just cut and paste "only a calorie deficit works".

    Can you provide specific examples? "Only a calorie deficit works" when it comes to purely weight loss is a 100% true statement.
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    Or instantly post the thing doesn't work and is snake oil and will only lean your pockets.

    Again, we need a specific example. There are about 1,000,452,506,130 threads on here asking whether green bean coffee extract and raspberry ketones work. There is very little scientific evidence, if any, that show these specific supplements actually do anything. Most of the regulars here know it, so they give the advice that it is useless and just a scam. Are you saying they should just shut up?
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    People have posted about medical issues and that's the response without reading, i.e. "my doctor prescribed such and such for my bad liver. will it make me gain weight"? response: "there are no magic pills." smh.

    And the broken record continues. Please give a specific example. I have never heard anyone on hear say that medication prescribed by a doctor is just a magic pill. I could be mistaken though. If someone did say this, it's probably someone on the fringe who has a mistrust of the medical industry as a whole.
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I realize there are no pills that you eat whatever you want and live on the couch and lose 50 pounds a day. But some supplements might effectively curb your appetite, or give you the energy to work out, etc. and even if it is a placebo effect on some of them, so what? If you're eating better and working out more and blame the pill, what's the harm unless it's actually dangerous.

    Some supplements do work to curb appetite or give energy, etc. Caffeine and creatine to name a few. The benefits and side effects of the 2 specifics I mentioned are well documented and proven. I doubt any of the regulars here would call these snake oil. However, there are some reasonable and legitimate concerns on the efficacy and safety of these. If you need a placebo to motivate you then fine. However, I see no problem with someone suggesting that you can do it without the placebo and save some of your hard earned money too. In fact, I think it would be very good advice.
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I think posting that a supplement is snake oil without knowing anything about it is just as reckless as promoting something you know nothing about. Supplements obviously work for some people. I think it makes more sense to talk about specific research and what the pros and cons and potential dangers are rather than just jumping on people whenever they mention any sort of pill. If you don't know, you don't have to answer.

    Again, specifics are needed. Most people here do not call a supplement snake oil without knowing anything about it. A lot of people here are very knowledgeable. Also, if someone promotes a supplement that know one knows about, the burden of proof is on the promoter. For example, I can say that monkey spit will burn body fat. I am perfectly entitled to that opinion. Also, others are perfectly entitled to criticize my opinion if they don't agree. However, it is up to me to provide the scientific proof that it works. I can't make the claim and then say "well if you don't think it works, prove me wrong." That would be illogical.

    But I didn't read your post obviously. I just read the title and assumed you were obese. So my opinion can be discounted.

    So if a new member comes here and posts "hey, guys, I'm new to the boards, looking for some support on this journey. I've had some success with xyz but it made me to jittery. My friend recommended abc and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it"

    You think saying "there are no magic pills" is better than actually having a discussion about abc? And you think being sarcastic and condescending towards new posters is a good style for people here to learn? If you do, fine we disagree. If you don't then why are you arguing with me? I didn't ask for a supplement lesson.

    It. Doesn't. Work. There is as much conversation to be had as there is about the tiger repelling prowess of skittles.

    So what I'm hearing is that I should take skittles on safari


    Thanks mousehead :kissing_heart:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    We did talk about Alien which was by far the best bit of the thread.
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    Well, I've read the whole thread and now I'm all confused !!!!

    1) I went to my local health store and they did not carry any kind of oil snake !
    2) I went to the pet store to inquire about the best snake to use and they kicked me out !
    3) I tried to catch a snake in my backyard but they're sneaky little *kitten* and it took me all day to find one !
    4) How do I make it myself ? I really want to go for the "organic extra virgin" snake oil !
    5) My wife is a vegan and is kind of mad at me for killing a snake now ! Is there a suitable vegan alternative ?

    How can I get the benefit of those essential snake fatty acids while avoiding snake bites and saving my marriage at the same time ?

    Any help would be appreciated !

  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Azexas wrote: »
    Why is this thread back from the dead?

    I don't know. I want to burn it with fire.
    Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    Dude you just quoted my favorite movie ever....ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 you!

    Because it's the greatest movie ever!!!

    I waver back & forth between Alien & Aliens. I love both movies so hard and Ripley was such an inspiration to me!
    I like Alien better. Aliens was cool in that the xenomorphs had more intelligence than we thought. Alien was cool because the xenomorph seemed like much more of a badass. The ones in Aliens were too easy to kill and succeeded more from sheer numbers than pure awesomeness as in Alien.
    The xenos were deadlier in Aliens - the xeno in Alien was a drone, while there were warriors in Aliens. The difference was a Burke pointed out: "these marines are some real tough hombres." That set up did make Aliens more of an action than horror film.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    They were different srots opf films. I'd agree with Tex though the original Alien was just about unkillable, but the ones in Alien died all over the place. It was inconsistent, but ok as the film itself was great.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
This discussion has been closed.