Fast food?



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    I have no problems finding fast food items that fit in my calories and macros. Especially Wendy's! They have delicious salads , which are fresh and tasty ! They have bottled waters , or diet colas , and have a wonderful baked potato that really tastes good . I'm sure there's many other things like sandwiches that can fit into almost any calorie allotment. ( I'm just not much of a sandwich eater but have seen many friends on here fit in a burger and fries !! )

    Plain baked potato and small chili is my go to. Decent cals and filling.

    Totally forgot about their chili ! Its great !! I've ordered that exact combo many times and was within calorie and macro goals.

    It doesn't have to be a disaster eating sensible at a fast food place. Do some research op and look at the calories online .
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    I have no problems finding fast food items that fit in my calories and macros. Especially Wendy's! They have delicious salads , which are fresh and tasty ! They have bottled waters , or diet colas , and have a wonderful baked potato that really tastes good . I'm sure there's many other things like sandwiches that can fit into almost any calorie allotment. ( I'm just not much of a sandwich eater but have seen many friends on here fit in a burger and fries !! )

    Plain baked potato and small chili is my go to. Decent cals and filling.

    Totally forgot about their chili ! Its great !! I've ordered that exact combo many times and was within calorie and macro goals.

    It doesn't have to be a disaster eating sensible at a fast food place. Do some research op and look at the calories online .

    I tend to get a small order of fries and the chili. Dip french fries in chili and profit. Totally filling.

  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    If you have to eat there, for breakfast the egg white delight is actually pretty good. For other meals the sweet chili grilled chicken wrap is good as well as the artisan grilled chicken sandwich which doesn't have any greasy or creamy sauces. Only thing is of course the sodium is high. These are what I get when my kids beg for Mickey D's.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I work at McDonald's...our salads are actually a spinach-baby kale mix and the grilled chicken bacon one with the vinaigrette dressing is somewhere around 300 calories. The grilled chicken is actually decent overall for being fast food.

    You can order anything without the bun and they should either give you leaf lettuce to use as a kind of wrap or a fork and knife to eat it with. Parfaits are 150 calories. You can order scrambled eggs and bacon ala carte for breakfast...2 pieces of bacon is about 80 calories. I know someone who comes in and orders the round eggs with bacon, since the round eggs are real eggs while the scrambled are the kind you buy in a carton. You can do this at just about any fast food place...

    Yup, calorie info is right there on the menu.
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    An Egg McMuffin has only 300 calories. The Fruit & Yogurt Parfaits are 150 each.

    The chicken snack wraps aren't too bad either.

    All of this info is right on the menu in the restaurant. Sounds like you went in there with a preconceived notion about McD's and didn't even try.

    no. I did. I got the quarter pounder because it was about the calories I needed for that meal based on what I had that day. Since I didn't know when we would eat next and only had one snack it made sense calories wise, but I wasn't just thinking about calories I was thinking I saw the calories but assumed it was high in sodium, fat, carbs, etc., and in terms of a well rounded meal there seemed to be horrible options. the parfaits seemed to be loaded with sugar for example. so I just wondered what other people get who look at the total picture. but thanks for telling me I didn't even try. :neutral:
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    I'm surprised so many people are strictly about calories and not fat, carbs, etc. when talking about fast food. Since I've been logging and have mfp premium I've been watching those numbers a lot more, and fast food seems to be sky high in sodium. I don't have blood pressure issues but don't want to either, and since I got some tips from a nutritionist on how to watch fiber vs. sugar content on labels, I feel like a lot of things are loaded with sugar too. So I wasn't just thinking calories. I grabbed something in my calorie limits for the day but just felt like I was eating slop after not eating fast food for so long. I feel like their salads are so flimsy with iceberg lettuce but admittedly haven't had one in awhile. the calories were posted in the restaurant but the rest I was going online and when I found something with decent calories the rest of the numbers seemed off and a lot higher than what mfp was telling me for the day. that's been my biggest challenge balancing out the protein/fat/carbs. I get to the end of the day and it's like "hmmmm I need 20 more grams of protein but can't have any more fat or sodium!" things like that.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Azexas wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    I have no problems finding fast food items that fit in my calories and macros. Especially Wendy's! They have delicious salads , which are fresh and tasty ! They have bottled waters , or diet colas , and have a wonderful baked potato that really tastes good . I'm sure there's many other things like sandwiches that can fit into almost any calorie allotment. ( I'm just not much of a sandwich eater but have seen many friends on here fit in a burger and fries !! )

    Plain baked potato and small chili is my go to. Decent cals and filling.

    Totally forgot about their chili ! Its great !! I've ordered that exact combo many times and was within calorie and macro goals.

    It doesn't have to be a disaster eating sensible at a fast food place. Do some research op and look at the calories online .

    I tend to get a small order of fries and the chili. Dip french fries in chili and profit. Totally filling.

    I really wish I would have seen this 7 hours ago. McDonald's today. . . . Deluxe(ate it all. . .. .ALL), fries a handful and 6 ounces of Coke. If you have 7 ounces Dr Lustig reaches in your throat and says "NO! OMG NO NO NO!!!" hehehe Somehow I think my MACROS will survive this trip.

  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    I actually don't pay attention to sodium. I've been blessed with lower than normal blood pressure and am constantly told to add salt to my food. I really don't like much salt in my home cooked meals. I also will choose fat over carbs because of doctor's orders and gf, too. In the end it's all about priorities and what you think you can give in versus be strict about.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    edited August 2015
    I personally have no medical reason to watch my sodium, my carbs, or actually anything else, so since weight loss is simply cico, that's what i focus on. I do keep a general eye on protein because i would like to preserve my lean body mass. Typically, ensuring that you meet your macro targets will ensure that you are meeting your micro targets...

    But everyone has different goals.

    ETA i make my own yogurt parfaits at home, my own scrambled eggs and bacon, my own oatmeal...and i doubt there is much of a macro or micro difference between how i make it and just buying it from McDonalds. Actually, the biggest difference i can think of is that i use greek yogurt instead of regular..
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I don't track sugar or sodium; solves that problem.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I'm surprised so many people are strictly about calories and not fat, carbs, etc. when talking about fast food. Since I've been logging and have mfp premium I've been watching those numbers a lot more, and fast food seems to be sky high in sodium. I don't have blood pressure issues but don't want to either, and since I got some tips from a nutritionist on how to watch fiber vs. sugar content on labels, I feel like a lot of things are loaded with sugar too. So I wasn't just thinking calories. I grabbed something in my calorie limits for the day but just felt like I was eating slop after not eating fast food for so long. I feel like their salads are so flimsy with iceberg lettuce but admittedly haven't had one in awhile. the calories were posted in the restaurant but the rest I was going online and when I found something with decent calories the rest of the numbers seemed off and a lot higher than what mfp was telling me for the day. that's been my biggest challenge balancing out the protein/fat/carbs. I get to the end of the day and it's like "hmmmm I need 20 more grams of protein but can't have any more fat or sodium!" things like that.

    I look at calories first.Then I look at meeting my protein, fiber and fat goals. I'm perfectly fine going over the fat goal a bit.
    Carbs take care of themselves pretty well I find.
    I pay attention to sodium. I try not to go too much over but I don't stress about it if every once in awhile I have a high day.
    I am almost always under my sugar goal so if I eat a little more one day I don't worry about it.
    I don't have health conditions that require me to be very strict about any of these things.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I'm surprised so many people are strictly about calories and not fat, carbs, etc. when talking about fast food. Since I've been logging and have mfp premium I've been watching those numbers a lot more, and fast food seems to be sky high in sodium. I don't have blood pressure issues but don't want to either, and since I got some tips from a nutritionist on how to watch fiber vs. sugar content on labels, I feel like a lot of things are loaded with sugar too. So I wasn't just thinking calories. I grabbed something in my calorie limits for the day but just felt like I was eating slop after not eating fast food for so long. I feel like their salads are so flimsy with iceberg lettuce but admittedly haven't had one in awhile. the calories were posted in the restaurant but the rest I was going online and when I found something with decent calories the rest of the numbers seemed off and a lot higher than what mfp was telling me for the day. that's been my biggest challenge balancing out the protein/fat/carbs. I get to the end of the day and it's like "hmmmm I need 20 more grams of protein but can't have any more fat or sodium!" things like that.

    OP - See the breakdown of my favorite fast food sandwich. The fat, carbs, etc. are all well within reason and, to be honest, quite well-rounded from a nutritional standpoint.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I'm surprised so many people are strictly about calories and not fat, carbs, etc. when talking about fast food. Since I've been logging and have mfp premium I've been watching those numbers a lot more, and fast food seems to be sky high in sodium. I don't have blood pressure issues but don't want to either, and since I got some tips from a nutritionist on how to watch fiber vs. sugar content on labels, I feel like a lot of things are loaded with sugar too. So I wasn't just thinking calories. I grabbed something in my calorie limits for the day but just felt like I was eating slop after not eating fast food for so long. I feel like their salads are so flimsy with iceberg lettuce but admittedly haven't had one in awhile. the calories were posted in the restaurant but the rest I was going online and when I found something with decent calories the rest of the numbers seemed off and a lot higher than what mfp was telling me for the day. that's been my biggest challenge balancing out the protein/fat/carbs. I get to the end of the day and it's like "hmmmm I need 20 more grams of protein but can't have any more fat or sodium!" things like that.

    op most of us here are in the weight loss run, so yeah we (I) take more attention to my calories than anything else, and no, I don't do it strictly, as matter fact I don't do anything that involves the word strictly cause I naturally have a very white/black personality and that's why never before no diet/eating habits would stick, cause I was always going for perfection, and I thank every day for mfp forum for changing my mind setting about that.

    what most of us here told you was basically lots of meal options that we get when we are in the same scenario that you (since you ask what's good about McD's).

    about mcdonald's if it is healthy or not? that's completely up to you to judge, but what many want to prove is that one or 2 meal in the context of an exception like your case, a) won't do any harm and b) that would be so awful (for me again) to survive a whole trip with just protein bars

    and sodium? my friend I drink tonsss of water, that takes care of that sodium, so I got no worries in that department.

    Ideally almost no one here would choose first hand fast food as top option (ok I effing love popeye's) but sometimes we are in a position were we have to grab something to eat like you, we log it and move on.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I actually don't pay attention to sodium. I've been blessed with lower than normal blood pressure and am constantly told to add salt to my food. I really don't like much salt in my home cooked meals. I also will choose fat over carbs because of doctor's orders and gf, too. In the end it's all about priorities and what you think you can give in versus be strict about.

    Please tell me gf doesn't stand for goofy foot.

  • violabec
    violabec Posts: 11 Member


    Um, I posted that on the first page, where many of the posts were about how people never went to McD's and/or had NOTHING they could order there.

    I realize that subsequent posts said otherwise, but I didn't think I needed to go back and edit my post.

    Um, right on the first page most peeps were talking about what they ate AT Mcdonalds. Just sayin'
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    I actually don't pay attention to sodium. I've been blessed with lower than normal blood pressure and am constantly told to add salt to my food. I really don't like much salt in my home cooked meals. I also will choose fat over carbs because of doctor's orders and gf, too. In the end it's all about priorities and what you think you can give in versus be strict about.

    Please tell me gf doesn't stand for goofy foot.

    LOL! No, gluten-free. Thanks for the giggle.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You guys are talking about McD's. Seriously! How bout a :
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    I actually don't pay attention to sodium. I've been blessed with lower than normal blood pressure and am constantly told to add salt to my food. I really don't like much salt in my home cooked meals. I also will choose fat over carbs because of doctor's orders and gf, too. In the end it's all about priorities and what you think you can give in versus be strict about.

    Please tell me gf doesn't stand for goofy foot.

    LOL! No, gluten-free. Thanks for the giggle.

    I had visions of the dance in a Seinfeld episode. Phew!