30 day shred 21st of June till the 21st of July



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Level 2 Day 2 done. Also 4 miles of walking workouts. (Not all at the same time!)
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    L2D14 almost there, I was very tired but I did it!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Finished L2 D3. Tomorrow is my day off from Shredding. Good thing, too, as it's SO warm here I want to go into work early (I work outside!) so I can leave before it gets too hot.
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    L3D15 half way there :) I can't wait till tomorrows worklout cya later
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    Did L2D4 today. I've been doing the shred for 12 days now total.
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    Good Job!
  • belkyc
    belkyc Posts: 17 Member
    :mad: I ended up having to rest Wednesday night, My neck was killing me. Apparently my neck did not get the memo, that it wasnt invited to the party. LOL. Anyhow, I got back on track last night with slight pain and completed L2D17.If anything Im back to my initial weight and all I can think about is that stupid Fried OREO. Im convinced Im just gaining muscle ;)
    And Im a bit afraid to take measurements since I dont want to get discouraged.
    How is everyone else doing?
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    Took day off but I will continue tomorrow
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :mad: I ended up having to rest Wednesday night, My neck was killing me. Apparently my neck did not get the memo, that it wasnt invited to the party. LOL. Anyhow, I got back on track last night with slight pain and completed L2D17.If anything Im back to my initial weight and all I can think about is that stupid Fried OREO. Im convinced Im just gaining muscle ;)
    And Im a bit afraid to take measurements since I dont want to get discouraged.
    How is everyone else doing?

    Don't keep stressing about the fried oreo! You are back on track and that's all that really matters. Everyone who is working out and eating right is a winner--YOU included. Remember--stress can stall weight loss so just move on and do your best.

    Level 2 Day 3 done!
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    L2D5 done!
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    L3D16 done, I had some much to do today that I was afraid that I was not going to have time to do the 30 day shred but I DID IT!!! :flowerforyou: What happen with everybody else??? It's OK we can do it!! Good Night and don't give up!
  • I know it's kindof late for me to jump on the wagon with you guys but I will update my progress here as well. I hope you guys don't mind. I have been reading thru all of your posts and must admit that you all are doing great! I just bought my DVD tonight and started tonight. I am a VERY big girl...my starting weight when I started here on MFP was 330lbs...I am now down to 308lbs. I normally do my stationary bike every single night for up to 45 mins to one hour. I also do ab crunches about three times a week, 100 each time...leg lifts, etc..and sometimes on the weekend I will go walking at a local park and walk about a mile or so. Oh and I am on a 1500 cal a day intake, but thinking about lowering it to maybe 1300. This first workout with the DVD killed me...lol. It is very hard for me to do the squats...HELLO I am over 300lbs! But ya know what, I actually did them. I was very shocked that my first cardi workout in a very long time I actually made it thru the whole dvd and only had to stop maybe three or four times. I do have to modify the pushups, no way I can do those yet and I did the jumping jacks, but because I am still so heavy they really hurt my knees, so until I loose quite a bit more weight I am going to start modifying those as well. Everything else was fine. It is a bit annoying though moving from floor, to stand, floor to stand..lol. I am using 2lb weights and they are ok for now but I would like to get 3lb soon and try those. I really hope I am not sore tomorrow, but will push thru it if I am and do it for my second night in a row. It deffinately isn't a pretty site to see my big butt doing it but let me tell ya what..at least I am doing it and I feel so great after the workout! Good luck to everyone else. I have noticed that alot of you are noticing more inches dropped than weight, and that is fine with me, I would be so happy to loose inches! I can do other exercises and adjust my caloric intake to loose the actual weight. The inches are what makes us look HOT in our clothes..lol
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    MissVee--I don't think it is EVER too late to join ANY workout program! (After all, I was in my 50's before I started any real exercise!)

    Do modify anything you need to modify--remember that the people at the Biggest Loser have all kinds of medical personnel and therapists on call--we don't! You don't want to hurt yourself--and you need to be able to run after those twins of yours! 22 mont- old twins--I don't envy you at all. I bet they are a real blessing, though.

    (Level 2 Day 4 done.)
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    NEVER to late to start, Good luck and welcome!!!
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    L3D17 better late than sorry!
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    Sundays are my day off. Did L2D6 today.
  • pmjsmom: Thanks hun....yeah..the twins will be turning 2 years old in about two weeks..they hit the terrible 2's about three months ago so yeah I have been dealing with tantrums, fits, you name it..lol...but they are a blessing, they are my little angels.

    Unfortunately I wasn't able to do the Shred more than one day..I had to take a break last night from it because my legs on the tops of them were so sore that I could hardly walk! I kept telling myself that I needed to push thru the pain but the soreness was so bad I could barely support my own weight for more than a few seconds, so I knew I had better not try it for another day in a row. On top of that soreness I also had to majorly clean house yesterday, mopping, rearranging closets, sweeping, spring cleaning type cleaning and oh boy that didn't help my legs much either. However, I did make myself ride my stationary bike last night and I did weights on my arms (which are now sore this morning..lol) and I plan on getting right back to my Shred dvd tonight even though my legs are still pretty sore, they are alot better than they felt yesterday. I don't think I stretched propperly afterward, I think that was most of my problem. Lesson learned and back on the horse so to speak..lol

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    One question...for those of you who have been doing the Shred longer, what is your progress? Weight lost? Inches lost? I am curious.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    pmjsmom: Thanks hun....yeah..the twins will be turning 2 years old in about two weeks..they hit the terrible 2's about three months ago so yeah I have been dealing with tantrums, fits, you name it..lol...but they are a blessing, they are my little angels.

    Unfortunately I wasn't able to do the Shred more than one day..I had to take a break last night from it because my legs on the tops of them were so sore that I could hardly walk! I kept telling myself that I needed to push thru the pain but the soreness was so bad I could barely support my own weight for more than a few seconds, so I knew I had better not try it for another day in a row. On top of that soreness I also had to majorly clean house yesterday, mopping, rearranging closets, sweeping, spring cleaning type cleaning and oh boy that didn't help my legs much either. However, I did make myself ride my stationary bike last night and I did weights on my arms (which are now sore this morning..lol) and I plan on getting right back to my Shred dvd tonight even though my legs are still pretty sore, they are alot better than they felt yesterday. I don't think I stretched propperly afterward, I think that was most of my problem. Lesson learned and back on the horse so to speak..lol

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    One question...for those of you who have been doing the Shred longer, what is your progress? Weight lost? Inches lost? I am curious.

    The first time I did this workout I did it every other day. It took me 3 times longer but I knew better than to hurt myself!

    I do think she needs a longer cooldown for this. I have been skipping the stretching that Jillian does and doing a 1 mile walking video by Leslie Sansone that has a better cooldown and stretching section. So far it seems to be working!

    I haven't been losing much since I quit smoking but that seems to be changing--finally! I am down about 4 pounds since I started but I haven't checked my measurements lately. My clothes are looser, though.

    Today was my day off--I'll be back tomorrow.
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    Took day off, will start Chalean Extreme and will continue will Jillian, Wish me luck, be back tomorrow.
  • belkyc
    belkyc Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am back, had a very busy weekend so took Sat and Sunday off but last night I was back on track.
    So Im at L2D19. today will be Day 20 and then I'll move on to Level 3. Not that Ive mastered Level 2 , no where near it.
    But I am bored and mentally feel progress. So love hate relationship. Glad to see people still around posting, motivating me
    and others. Still no super weight loss figures but Im hanging in there and taking advice not to get stressed.
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