The low calorie liquid diet (LCLD) part 2



  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member

    I'm wondering about this-16 stone, isn't that about 224 lbs? (Maybe my calculation is wrong). While that definitely puts you into the obese category I'm still surprised that your doctor thinks surgery is necessary at this stage, especially as young as you are. For the record, I also have PCOS and my SW was a bit over 230 lbs back in April. I'm also 51 years old. While my doctor was on my case about losing weight due to heart and cholesterol issues he did not think bariatric surgery was necessary. He told me to start tracking calories and get more exercise. I've lost 50 lbs so far by practicing moderation which isn't always easy but was way better than liquid diets and surgery. Still, I'm glad you are under medical supervision. Hopefully they will be counseling you on developing healthy eating habits. Good luck!
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Many here have had experience with liquid diets, and know people who have had weight loss surgery. These were sad, sad experiences. That is why so many are advising eating real food that you weigh on a digital scale to make sure you are only eating the amount of calories you think you are eating. Try to keep fewer calories going in than calories going out. Try your absolute hardest and best before surgery.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    The OP's picture does not look like someone with nearly 100lbs to lose.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You hungry?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Versacam wrote: »
    Versacam wrote: »
    Also, watch out for the uncontrollable urge to eat when you come off it.. it's crazy.

    Lol I had that urge since day 1 so not looking forward to that. :neutral:

    No, it's worse than the normal urge, and that's why it fails for a lot of people. :/

    Once you start to eat it's like you've come out of a famine and you want to eat everything, especially carbs and sugar. My experience was of a 650 kcal a day liquid diet, so you may not be so bad if it's 1100-1200.

    I've tried all sorts over the years, still fat.. I'm finally realising now that there is no easy option, quick fix etc.. it's all hard and ANY diet will work, you just have to stick to it.

    Are you planning to exercise on this diet? and if so, will you be able to eat more?

    Hiya yes they've advised me not to excersize for the first four weeks but I have been a bit naughty and gone on a couple of walks.

    Yes after the four weeks I'll be having more and more food each month aswell as excersizing.

    I really hope you get to your weight soon. It's so tough :neutral:

    No your can not have more food.
    Like you stated before you dont lose on 1000 to 1200. So you wont lose it after your liquid diet either isnt it...And remember you have PCOS which makes it even harder for you. That fact wont be gone after your 4 weeks either.
    All according to your own words.
    I'm not sure why you would want to go on a liquid diet of 1100-1200 calories when you can EAT and have the same affect though? I'm pondering that while choppin' down on some Popcorn...nom nom nom.

    I've tried eating that many calories before an didn't lose anything :neutral: that's why I'm on this, it's drastic but I've tried so many other things. Geuss our bodies are all different. Also I have PCOS so it's harder for me to lose weight than anyone else

    You know what you are saying here???

    That even after a surgery or this never ever can eat more than 1000 to 1200 calories...because when you lose weight you have to even consume less to maintain the smaller body or lose weight.
    The more you lose the smaller your deficit is ( or becomes). Just because your smaller body uses less.

    Now for the second are not special and certainly not like anyone else...there are lots on here that have to same medical issue PCOS. And lose weight just fine...slower yes. But they lose!

    Than which obesity hospital is doing this? Just so we know were we have to stay away from
    You seem to be happy about them so please provide the name so people who want this can go there too. And people who dont want to, stay away.

    Also the whole non exercise story sounds off to me...Never heard that advice from any doctor or clinic. What was the reason for that? They must have giving you a reason for that...i am intrigued!

    And finally when is your surgery?
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    The OP's picture does not look like someone with nearly 100lbs to lose.

    Pretty sure pictures of just my face, or even my body at the start would make a lot of people think I had 100lbs (Actually aiming for less, about 80lbs) to lose. Appearances can be deceptive.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    So many red flags. Calories are calories whether they are solid or liquid. You can't "jump start" weight loss. Not eating proper nutrition for a month is a terrible idea. You're listening to your doctor about this diet, but not about exercise? That's a huge contradiction.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I started around the ops weight.I was miserable and hated the way I looked. I went to my doctor and told him I couldn't lose weight. He said ," your eating more then you think. Weight loss comes down to calories" so I had to face the facts , and stop making excuses. Finally , I ate at a reasonable yet responsible deficit. I enjoyed the foods I loved , and learned portion control. I weighed my foods on a food scale. I learned how to hit my macros and give my body the nutrients it needs .

    I'm now 135lbs. No surgery . No liquid diets . no fad diets. no mlm marketing products .

    It took hard work . I learned everything I needed for long term success.

    Often people who take the easy way out, end up back in the same situation again.
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Versacam wrote: »
    Versacam wrote: »
    Also, watch out for the uncontrollable urge to eat when you come off it.. it's crazy.

    Lol I had that urge since day 1 so not looking forward to that. :neutral:

    No, it's worse than the normal urge, and that's why it fails for a lot of people. :/

    Once you start to eat it's like you've come out of a famine and you want to eat everything, especially carbs and sugar. My experience was of a 650 kcal a day liquid diet, so you may not be so bad if it's 1100-1200.

    I've tried all sorts over the years, still fat.. I'm finally realising now that there is no easy option, quick fix etc.. it's all hard and ANY diet will work, you just have to stick to it.

    Are you planning to exercise on this diet? and if so, will you be able to eat more?

    Hiya yes they've advised me not to excersize for the first four weeks but I have been a bit naughty and gone on a couple of walks.

    Yes after the four weeks I'll be having more and more food each month aswell as excersizing.

    I really hope you get to your weight soon. It's so tough :neutral:

    No your can not have more food.
    Like you stated before you dont lose on 1000 to 1200. So you wont lose it after your liquid diet either isnt it...And remember you have PCOS which makes it even harder for you. That fact wont be gone after your 4 weeks either.
    All according to your own words.
    I'm not sure why you would want to go on a liquid diet of 1100-1200 calories when you can EAT and have the same affect though? I'm pondering that while choppin' down on some Popcorn...nom nom nom.

    I've tried eating that many calories before an didn't lose anything :neutral: that's why I'm on this, it's drastic but I've tried so many other things. Geuss our bodies are all different. Also I have PCOS so it's harder for me to lose weight than anyone else

    You know what you are saying here???

    That even after a surgery or this never ever can eat more than 1000 to 1200 calories...because when you lose weight you have to even consume less to maintain the smaller body or lose weight.
    The more you lose the smaller your deficit is ( or becomes). Just because your smaller body uses less.

    Now for the second are not special and certainly not like anyone else...there are lots on here that have to same medical issue PCOS. And lose weight just fine...slower yes. But they lose!

    Than which obesity hospital is doing this? Just so we know were we have to stay away from
    You seem to be happy about them so please provide the name so people who want this can go there too. And people who dont want to, stay away.

    Also the whole non exercise story sounds off to me...Never heard that advice from any doctor or clinic. What was the reason for that? They must have giving you a reason for that...i am intrigued!

    And finally when is your surgery?

    I didn't think for one minute I'm special so please don't jump to conclusions

    I can't excersize as this diet can make me feel dizzy

    My surgery will be in a year but only if I don't lose weight, but they have told me that if I stick with their methods I shouldn't have to.
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Versacam wrote: »
    Versacam wrote: »
    Also, watch out for the uncontrollable urge to eat when you come off it.. it's crazy.

    Lol I had that urge since day 1 so not looking forward to that. :neutral:

    No, it's worse than the normal urge, and that's why it fails for a lot of people. :/

    Once you start to eat it's like you've come out of a famine and you want to eat everything, especially carbs and sugar. My experience was of a 650 kcal a day liquid diet, so you may not be so bad if it's 1100-1200.

    I've tried all sorts over the years, still fat.. I'm finally realising now that there is no easy option, quick fix etc.. it's all hard and ANY diet will work, you just have to stick to it.

    Are you planning to exercise on this diet? and if so, will you be able to eat more?

    Hiya yes they've advised me not to excersize for the first four weeks but I have been a bit naughty and gone on a couple of walks.

    Yes after the four weeks I'll be having more and more food each month aswell as excersizing.

    I really hope you get to your weight soon. It's so tough :neutral:

    No your can not have more food.
    Like you stated before you dont lose on 1000 to 1200. So you wont lose it after your liquid diet either isnt it...And remember you have PCOS which makes it even harder for you. That fact wont be gone after your 4 weeks either.
    All according to your own words.
    I'm not sure why you would want to go on a liquid diet of 1100-1200 calories when you can EAT and have the same affect though? I'm pondering that while choppin' down on some Popcorn...nom nom nom.

    I've tried eating that many calories before an didn't lose anything :neutral: that's why I'm on this, it's drastic but I've tried so many other things. Geuss our bodies are all different. Also I have PCOS so it's harder for me to lose weight than anyone else

    You know what you are saying here???

    That even after a surgery or this never ever can eat more than 1000 to 1200 calories...because when you lose weight you have to even consume less to maintain the smaller body or lose weight.
    The more you lose the smaller your deficit is ( or becomes). Just because your smaller body uses less.

    Now for the second are not special and certainly not like anyone else...there are lots on here that have to same medical issue PCOS. And lose weight just fine...slower yes. But they lose!

    Than which obesity hospital is doing this? Just so we know were we have to stay away from
    You seem to be happy about them so please provide the name so people who want this can go there too. And people who dont want to, stay away.

    Also the whole non exercise story sounds off to me...Never heard that advice from any doctor or clinic. What was the reason for that? They must have giving you a reason for that...i am intrigued!

    And finally when is your surgery?

    Also I can have more food. All my calories are from milk, so I will be replacing the milk with food more and more until my diet will be all food.
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    The OP's picture does not look like someone with nearly 100lbs to lose.

    Lol you made my day thank you.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.

    Yep. It makes me sad and makes me angry. The idea that a doctor prescribed something that is only drinking milk and is so deficient that if she works out she'll get dizzy and sick....let's me know that some doctors are more into their business model than making the correct medical decisions. IMO.

    But not being able to work out is a bonus lmao.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.

    Yep. It makes me sad and makes me angry. The idea that a doctor prescribed something that is only drinking milk and is so deficient that if she works out she'll get dizzy and sick....let's me know that some doctors are more into their business model than making the correct medical decisions. IMO.

    But not being able to work out is a bonus lmao.

    Is inactivity your long term goal?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.

    Yep. It makes me sad and makes me angry. The idea that a doctor prescribed something that is only drinking milk and is so deficient that if she works out she'll get dizzy and sick....let's me know that some doctors are more into their business model than making the correct medical decisions. IMO.

    Tbh we dont know all the facts, but if she is being medically supervised then its just a VLCD, which is not unusual. The liquids appear to be nutritionally dense, so id give them the benefit of the doubt. As its the UK and would imagine on the NHS, then im not sure the Dr stands to gain anything at all, unless it was private medicine.

    I would have more reservations of missing out on portion control and eating a balanced diet for the long terms would have more chance to be effective.

    Suggesting surgery or even a VLCD for someone so young and with so little to lose seems questionable.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.

    Yep. It makes me sad and makes me angry. The idea that a doctor prescribed something that is only drinking milk and is so deficient that if she works out she'll get dizzy and sick....let's me know that some doctors are more into their business model than making the correct medical decisions. IMO.

    But not being able to work out is a bonus lmao.

    Yet you're doing it anyway AMA (against medical advice). I thought the point of this was to prove you could follow doctor's instructions... which you're not doing.

    I'm not here to bash you, I just have read your thread and hope that at some point in the next year you can start being more honest with yourself and more accountable for failures when you clearly don't follow instructions, even when they're given to you by a doctor. If you and only you know what's best for you, then great, have at it. But telling us "my doctor says it's fine to do this! :)" but then out the other side of your mouth imply "but they don't know me, so I'm gonna exercise anyways" sounds like you don't quite understand what the words "following directions" means.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OP the dizziness is probably a strong sign that you are lacking in nutrients. Just more reason, why you shouldn't be doing a diet like this.
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    OP the dizziness is probably a strong sign that you are lacking in nutrients. Just more reason, why you shouldn't be doing a diet like this.

    I had to do blood tests and various other tests for them to see if my body would be fit for it. It's not for everyone. This diet is medically supervised so there's nothing for me to worry about
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.

    Yep. It makes me sad and makes me angry. The idea that a doctor prescribed something that is only drinking milk and is so deficient that if she works out she'll get dizzy and sick....let's me know that some doctors are more into their business model than making the correct medical decisions. IMO.

    But not being able to work out is a bonus lmao.

    That's a bonus to you??? I am also saddened by this.

    Its called a joke. I'm not a big fan of excersize but obviously I don't want to get dizzy
  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I started so much fatter than you, and if a doctor told me to do this, then have surgery, I'd have slapped them. What a horrid thing to do to your body, especially when so young.

    Yep. It makes me sad and makes me angry. The idea that a doctor prescribed something that is only drinking milk and is so deficient that if she works out she'll get dizzy and sick....let's me know that some doctors are more into their business model than making the correct medical decisions. IMO.

    But not being able to work out is a bonus lmao.

    Yet you're doing it anyway AMA (against medical advice). I thought the point of this was to prove you could follow doctor's instructions... which you're not doing.

    I'm not here to bash you, I just have read your thread and hope that at some point in the next year you can start being more honest with yourself and more accountable for failures when you clearly don't follow instructions, even when they're given to you by a doctor. If you and only you know what's best for you, then great, have at it. But telling us "my doctor says it's fine to do this! :)" but then out the other side of your mouth imply "but they don't know me, so I'm gonna exercise anyways" sounds like you don't quite understand what the words "following directions" means.

    I took a walk. Big deal. Not exactly excersize is it?
This discussion has been closed.