

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Pip – Yay for California, congratulate Kirby for me. My DH is so tight he squeaks when he walks. Go Kirby Go ! ! ! Enjoy :D

    Becca – Nice job on the NSV of your swimming suit.

    Beth – so sorry your son learned the hard way about packing pies. My pet-peeve at grocery stores is when they put my produce in the same bag as my raw meat.

    NCCarol – Nice work with the hand bike and those PT exercises. You will be back to normal REAL soon. Way to keep motivated ! ! ! ROFL about dropping your phone on your face. I thought I was the only one.

    DJ – As soon as you mentioned I should have found a way to get a cake to DD I remembered the 3-2-1 cake, so I just texted her the instructions. I’m also working on DH to spend some time in Wisconsin Dells this weekend. It is only a 2 hour drive from our house, I can get a room at a waterpark (Mt. Olympus) for $50, and he and DS want to go “home” to get some bowling balls drilled anyway, so that is just another 2 hours north of The Dells. Super Plan ! ! ! What better Rx for a broken heart than sun and water with Mom, brother, and step-dad ?!?!? I hope we are able to do that, because it should be a win/win/win/win for our family.

    Maryann – congrats on the NSV of fitting into the Capris ! ! !

    Polly – Hugs and Prayers for your son.

    I think the Pixies are all running amok again today because my computer is being crabby again. Not responding, timing out in just a matter of minutes, etc. (and the patients and schedules are crazy, too)

    I am so excited about last evenings Big Lots purchases. I found Bear Naked Granola, and it has very few fat grams, so I will measure and use it in my yogurt instead of the frosted flakes. I was actually hoping I would wake up hungry with a hot flash last night just so I could have some, but I’m pleased to say I slept through the night (much better than midnight heat and eat). But the trip in general was frustrating. I bought way too many heavy items, and couldn’t handle the walk back to the bowling alley, so DH had to pick me up. DS did well bowling though. His average last night was 181. Plus, DH started changing his approach, so now he has a shin-splint, so we will add a few exercises to his evening tonight after supper. DH goes bowling alone tonight, so I can make healthy food that will get eaten. Yay !!! for hungry teenager that enjoys healthy food in addition to the junk his dad makes for him.

    I picked up my Heart/Joan Jett concert tickets last evening, and they are "nose-bleed" seats, so I'm pretty bummed about that. Hopefully it is not a sold out concert, so I can stand up and dance. My Dad wants to go, and he doesn't care if I act stupid (at least he doesn't try to stop me). He plans on taking me out for Steak that evening. That sounds like a fair trade, since it will be my Birthday that day. If he drives I might even enjoy an adult beverage.

    Time to get back to work.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    It only took 3 weeks but the scale finally moved 1/2 pound. I think I might be the slowest loser on here!
    Down 15 since I joined MFP, though.
    Pip, glad you have a surgery date! You have been through the wringer...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    Mary I was in Minnesota a few weeks ago. New Hope.

    I use to live in New Hope!
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Good Thursday dear friends. It is going to be another HOT one. I am working my short shift 7-3 and then DH and I are going to the State Fair. Going to meet my cousin and his family and also friends from our CMA group. Looking forward to the concert and a good time. Didn't go for a walk last evening as way to hot. Planning on a lot of walking this evening at the fair.

    Have fun at the Fair!
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Thank you Mary and Barbie! Uhh

    Mary, we are neighbors !!! Lol. Well if you consider Bemidji close enough ! Small world eh?

    My DH's daughter, husband and their 2 boys live there! We shop there all of the time. My DH lived there 7 years ago and he works with the cooks at the school district.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Pip - good to hear you have a tentative date. Too bad we are closer, together we would be one whole person. My knee replacement is the 29th and I will be using a walker for a few days then physical therapy for a month or so. :) You'll be good as new in no time.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    We came home from the lake this afternoon. It was beautiful again this morning. Its very hot here at home this afternoon. I'll now start cooking and freezing food now to take on our MO trip. We leave a week from today. It will be nice to visit with his Mom and brother. We haven't seen them for 2 1/2 years. They have not seen me, but have seen pics, since my 125# weight loss. I did not sleep well in the new motor home the two nights we were out. I'll do better as I get used to it. Jack is napping so think I may go lay down on the sofa myself. I don't do that very often cuz I for sure don't sleep at night if I nap much during the day.

    Jack and I too need to see about a will, POA and living will. His daughter was asking over the weekend about "what she will get". Irritated me so badly. I wanted to say what you GET is a loving, caring father. Why would you even want to consider some other situation. The have believed their mother tho, thinking Jack has a pile of gold some where. Man are they going to be surprised lol

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member

    surgery is scheduled for 8am 9/24. I'M THE FIRST ONE IN!! check-in at 6:30am!

    was trying to coordinate it w/Kirby's schedule and he said (before it was confirmed) that the following week would have been better if possible, that would have brought it to oct. 1st, but that couldn't happen because another person was on vacation and would have had too many people out. the next choice would have been the 15th. I couldn't do that because, I wouldn't have been able to fly 2 weeks after, so that meant I couldn't have gone to California. soooooooooooooo, that brought me back up to 9/24 again. oh well....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    news peeps - I scheduled a tentative app. for surgery on the 24th. she will call back 2c if it's confirmed.!

    Yeah! You will be so happy when you are able to get back to your normal routine, pain free!
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    It only took 3 weeks but the scale finally moved 1/2 pound. I think I might be the slowest loser on here!
    Down 15 since I joined MFP, though.

    Awesome! sometimes when the scale doesn't move and you are doing everything right it could be you are building muscle and losing inches.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy thurs.Off to dr with daughter to find out about abnormal labs
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Mary, just sent u a email, please let me know if you ree
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Received it??? It's about next wed . Thanks Gayle Minneapolis
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    It only took 3 weeks but the scale finally moved 1/2 pound. I think I might be the slowest loser on here!
    Down 15 since I joined MFP, though.
    Awesome! sometimes when the scale doesn't move and you are doing everything right it could be you are building muscle and losing inches.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Not only has the scale not moved but it is up a pound or two since upping my weights....eek :sweat: ....I won't let this deter me as I am really liking how I look and feel....but it is discouraging. Onward!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Received it??? It's about next wed . Thanks Gayle Minneapolis

    Yes! That will work! I will be there!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-happy032.gif On the subject of knowing passwords and stuff in case you have to handle things.....Jake and I worked together to create a document that includes passwords, the location of important documents, names and phone numbers of important people to contact, what to do with the pets, location of the direction books for all the appliances, name and contact info for attorney, insurance, stuff about the safe deposit box, where the wills are and a zillion other things that someone would need to know if both of us fell over a cliff. We brainstormed what info we needed to include and each of us located and contributed the info that was needed. The document is on both our computers and a hard copy was sent to the executor of our will and another placed where both of us can find it. We update it every year in the month of our anniversary at the same time that we review our will to see if changes are needed.

    smiley-happy032.gif.DJ, my plan B is to let Jake walk the dogs a lot. This morning I felt OK after breakfast so instead of waking Jake to walk the dogs, I walked each of them for 25 minutes instead of 60 and even though I felt fine, I came in anyway. I changed my steps goal to a monthly average so even if my count is low for a few days, I can make it up later in the month when I'm healed.

    smiley-happy032.gif Katla, I used your idea of using the same goals every month and kept three of my basic goals the same and then added a few others (tasks that needed to be done that I had been putting off, and new attitudes that I wanted to practice)

    smiley-happy032.gif I just had a visit with my friend who had a stroke and has relearned how to talk and is battling health issues of her own and her husband's and yet still says "it is what it is" and spends a lot of time helping others. She is always inspiring to me.

    smiley-happy032.gif Mia, I have been carrying a pedometer for years....I didn't start out with my high step counts, it has come gradually to me....the best thing is to compete with yourself to walk more.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    September resolutions
    *walk an average of 15,000+ steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *15 minutes a day organizing photo files on computer and phone
    * meditate for five minutes four or more days a week

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Cheri etc - when you up your weights your muscles temporarily retain water. That can make a small difference on the scale which will resolve itself eventually. As you say, you can look more "buff", even though you weigh more.

    NSV for me in collecting four men from the cricket, in the dark, and driving them home, when I never drive in the dark, have terrible night vision, hardly know how to find the headlights and never drive with other people in the car. I never drive my husband. :ohwell: But I did it, even though I spent some time in 2nd gear without realising it, I was so nervous. :laugh:
    Also managed to get through the day without going over calories. :bigsmile: Resorted to calorie free Waldorf sauces with raw veg to keep me going. But I did it!

    Heather UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    I made it here for another day and have read everything. It was supposed to rain here today but we have had clouds and sun. I ran out this morning when we had a little sun to get the horses fed because I thought it would rain and now nothing. Oh well.

    Pip - Mount Vernon is a beautiful area, have been horseback riding there a couple of times. I was lucky the horse was doing most of the work on the hills!

    Have looked into having a freesale to get rid of some of the stuff in the old mobile home and have looked at companies that will pick up junk. We have a very large pile of broken dog kennels, goat equipment, gates, pallets, etc. that they left. It is really somewhat funny that they said they should not have to clean up part of the mess because it was left by the people they bought from and was therefore not theirs. Really? They lived here for ten years. How did it not become theirs and why did they not clean it up long ago?

    We of course have lots of wild blackberries right now. I am thinking of trying to make some oat bran muffins with added protein and using blackberries. They should have lots of fiber, ha ha.

    Thanks for the reminder we have to change our wills since moving. Our lawyer in SD told us the laws regarding that are not the same in WA.

    Healing angels to those that need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Last night we attended an open night to visit with teachers at the local High School here. Our son will be a Junior, and he was so excited he was almost GIDDY! For a teenager that is saying A LOT :-) I told most of his teachers to challenge him! Some of the teachers know of Owain and his awesomeness....lol so they said, "Oh, we will do our best!" He has Pre-Calculus, Physics, but also has SIW (Success in the Workplace), and Pop Culture, so he should have a glorious year. My husband and I always try to be home at 3:30pm when he arrives home, because he is so pumped about the day, its just plain cute! He is always bounding up the stairs, singing and opening the door with a "GUESS WHAT happened today" look about him. Its hard not to coddle the kid, but I try to not tie the mental apron string too tight. He is my last son, and I know it will be hard letting go of this one...

    On the good side, we shall have both our other sons here in October, so that will kind of be our Christmas Time. I am thinking of putting up the Christmas decorations for all three of them! With the Navy you plan out your leave time and MAKE the holidays work whenever they happen to land.

    Today after a great swimming session, husband treated me to a salad bar at a local pizzeria that has buffetts. The good side was that he had ordered enough to be entitled to a free buffett's for both of us. The bad thing is that I made use of that! So I started out slow, eating a small salad with a hard boiled egg, a couple of marinated mushrooms, and some cottage cheese. It went kind of downhill after that.. I did have a slice of a chicken with cheeses pizza, then another slice with pepperoni and olives on it. No regrets. Oh also a fountain root beer. Again no regrets. The fact that it was free, all of it, at least didn't make me over-eat TOO much. I enjoyed it immensely! We watched tennis on the big screen, and I explained scoring to my dear husband.

    So to be brave I am posting my new suit for $8 pics...(this are like my before pics)


    This morning my husband woke me up quickly whispering...they have returned....
    So with much fanfair....my ELK (at least part of the small herd we know)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    NSV for me in collecting four men from the cricket, in the dark, and driving them home.
    Also managed to get through the day without going over calories. :bigsmile: Resorted to calorie free Waldorf sauces with raw veg to keep me going. But I did it!

    Heather UK

    Yeah! Way to go!
    Annr wrote: »
    So to be brave I am posting my new suit for $8 pics...(this are like my before pics)

    This morning my husband woke me up quickly whispering...they have returned....
    So with much fanfair....my ELK (at least part of the small herd we know

    Great pictures! Thank you for sharing.What a score on that swimsuit!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • L_Cass
    L_Cass Posts: 19 Member
    edited September 2015
    Can I join this thread? Looks like a wonderful group! Love all the positive encouragement here. A little about me: I'm 51, 2 years post menopausal and am currently trying to lose the lbs I put on at menopause. It started as 7, then crept all the way up to 15 at one point. I am now at 8 left to lose (would actually like to lose 10 or 12 so I have some wiggle room) but it is a struggle. I have to count every calorie (even gum!) and have been really watching my macros closely. I tend to do really well during the week and overindulge on weekends which sets me back to square one by Monday. I blame wine :wink: Looking forward to reading about all your tips and tricks and getting to know you all.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi ladies,
    a good day tracking my food, and getting my steps in going for 15,000 a day. Have a few hundred left for the day.
    looking to get the smart scale m not to sure about it.

    Also been looking for friends for motivation. But the requests are from young girls who may have weight issues but don't look it. And is it really necessary to pose in corsets, bikinis and look seductive. It's weight loss not a modeling for support. I would prefer ladies who have lived life and know my struggles, raised kids,have had hard times,over come them etc.

    thank you ladies
    Michelle in Washington

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi michelle, i was thinking the same thing, must be a generaltional thing with all the selfies! Me?I just want to keep my b.p. healthy and feel fit, so i am glad to have found folks that support each other with this group.
    I am on the treadmill and recline bike, work is so busy i am sticking to the food i prepare, only snacking on ny apples, yeah fall!
    Dont know about a smart scale, i am a little wishy washy with exact counting , just trying to move more--eat less. Cheers, momabird from. Ny