
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    My name is Mary and I'm an insomniac!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2015
    Oh Heather! Somehow I missed the post about your daughter-in-law and the emergency. Sorry to have barged in and asked you for cooking tips in the midst of all that! I went back and read up and was relieved to see that everything appears to be on the mend. ((hugs))

    And good for your husband attempting the diaper change! It's never too late to start.

    We've been having a humdinger of a storm up here, the first of the autumn season. The wind picks up and literally picks things up. The children all get new toys because whatever was left outdoors blows down to the next house. I feel sorry for the kids in the westernmost house because all they get is building supplies from farther down the hill. (Though maybe that's just as much fun as new toys.)

    It's the kind of wind that frightens and exhilarates. If you're caught out in it you have to walk with a broad stance and great deliberation, constantly planning what to do if you topple over. It almost pushed me off the side of the road yesterday. That would have been bad because I would have gone right under the guardrail and down the 30-foot scree slope. All night the wind has been booming across the tundra, shaking the house on its piles.

    Yesterday I met a newcomer from Rhode Island. She had heard about the Arctic wind but never previously experienced it. She said it sounded like a myth; she figured people were exaggerating – until she actually felt it. Now she understands.
    Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Penny - oh, that wind! ! ! ! :noway:
    For the celeriac, I sometimes just have it boiled and pureed just as it is, but some people find the flavour a bit strong. You can mix it up with any other root vegetable, like carrots, but most people mix it with potatoes 50/50. More calorific of course.
    My favourite is celeri remoulade, the French salad, which is grated raw celeriac in a mustard and garlic mayonnaise. I use light mayo and thin it with a bit of yoghurt these days. It always reminds me of my old trips to France, buying that and a carrotte rapee in the deli with some pate, then going to the boulangerie for a baguette and the epicerie for some cheese and melon or luscious peaches. We would drive on and find a picnic spot and eat that by the side of the road. In those days we probably had a glass of red wine as well! ! ! :embarassed:

    DDIL is having a kidney scan this morning and then the normal 12 week pregnancy scan at 12.30. Hope she will be let out today - she HATES hospitals - insisted on being discharged 24 hrs after her Caesarions. I have written her a card and will post it on the way to yoga. When I know she is home I will send flowers. Unfortunately I went off with DS' s house key, so need to post that as well. :embarassed: He has pre arranged cover today in the house so she can let him in.

    Kim - love that diaper story! Read it to DH. Got a chuckle!

    I have my fingers crossed for DDIL. Thank you all for your good wishes. :love:

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    morning dear friends~
    well I will not be out for a walk or go to the gym today as when I went to the beach on sunday I burned the top of my feet :| . was able to do the riding mower yesterday.. and have been slathering on the aloe vera gel...
    long day of work today and as usual the day after a holiday will be crazy at a dental office..
    have to be at work at 9 am, will go check on DFIL and then go take care of Jean's mom Faith before I go to work. take care of the dogs ... so I will be busy...
    Joyce~ will keep both you and Charlie in my prayers...
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Feeling the hugs that were sent my way. Crawled out of the wallow pond now sweeping to the side. Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to stop arguing with a 10 year old. :s

    Still consistently losing 2 lbs a week. Most of my life I was a stress eater but by some miracle I am no longer eating when stressed. However, while I have my food under control I can't seem to get out of my chair to exercise. I know I need to do it for my health and I think about it everyday but my body is not responding to my mind. My plan is to start back at the Y as soon as the boys start school in 2 days. So if you don't see me post that I've been to the Y on Wed the 9th someone please give me a swift kick in the bootskee! :#

    Off to bed for me - hugs to you all! <3<3<3

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited September 2015
    Heather, glad your daughter-in-law is doing better!

    Joyce, keep blabbering, dear, it lets us know you're still hanging in there.

    I'm sitting on my hands to keep from going and jumping in the shower and putting in too many hours again today. I have writers' group directly after work, so being at work from 7 am to 6 pm and then writers' group until 8 leaves me staggeringly tired for my 45-minute drive home past the suicidal deer set.

    Instead, I will run or bike a couple miles as soon as it's light enough to see, then shower and head in to arrive by 10 a.m. I promised myself this is the week I get back to taking care of me first, then taking care of work. I Also need to get my eating back under control. I've gained a pound on TOP of what I gained during vacation--it's like I can't get my mind back around controlling my intake. Annoying.

    But, it was a lovely, quiet weekend, in which we accomplished very little and were happy to do so. Recharged and ready today, one hopes. Plus, this weekend was the first of the winds that cool instead of just make you even hotter. The first hint of fall to come... hopefully tons of pecans coming down soon. The figs never got bigger than my thumb most of them, but were lovely. Still bearing, too--but that will end as soon as the nights cool completely. The first cold snap, and they'll all fall and be food for the squirrel and the birds.

    Got to get back to the homework I brought with me, and I did get that breakthrough I needed... so I'll be able to get a per-plate cost for each menu item at the restaurant. The news isn't good, but it will lend itself to analyzing possible fixes. They've been trying to fix it by dropping personnel, when what they need to do is get more butts in the seats, and that was easy to figure out from the very first costing.

    Off to the races, kids, after our three-day weekend in the US. Have a grand week!
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning. First day back to school for the kids (I am an elementary school secretary). It will probably be a zoo in the office. Bussing is the biggest headache. It will be good to get back in the routine. I usually walk on my lunch hour, which I haven't been doing lately.
    Have a good day, everyone!
    Maryann in Michigan
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning!

    Week one results;
    1. Stay within calorie limits 4/7
    2. Log my eating honestly YES
    3. Make conscious effort to exercise NOT YET
    4. Ignore eating back exercise calories YES
    5. Lose 2 pounds per week YES!!
    6. Meal plan and reorganize pantry, fridge and freezer to help with above goals ... Started sorting freezers and so I can begin batch cooking.

    A better week than I've had for awhile ... Now the real work begins with building consistency again!


  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Haven't had my coffee yet so this will be very brief.

    Gloria, what you and I are doing is HARD WORK! Don't feel guilty if you take a reading day now and then. It is the only thing that keeps me sane- I am an introvert and have to escape the commotion. I read every day, but some days that is ALL I do besides feeding the kids. And some days our old bodies just hurt from all the activity. I am glad that you are feeling more energetic.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited September 2015
    My name is Mary and I'm an insomniac!
    oh I understand insomnia. I average weekly around 4.5 hours a night. Then I'll break it and sleep for 7 or so one night. ugh Praying for sleep for you too my friend. Gentle (((hugs)))
    Janetr OKC
    Insomnia is my companion again. Hope to get some sleep before time to get up. LOL I tried two nights in the bed as PT requested but had to move back to the couch last night just so I could get se sleep.
    Praying for sleep...

    My name is Cheri and I think I belong to this group but wish I didn't!? smiley-sleep006.gif Sleep deprivation is such an insidious ailment. I no longer have any idea what it feels like to wake up refreshed after a good nights sleep. My husband and I have such different sleep styles that several years ago we made the decision to become one of those happily married couples who sleep in separate bedrooms. Each of us trying to eeek out some "quality" sleep hours. It certainly helped me but I still do not get the sleep I know I need. Ugh!!!

    Cheers for another zombieish day!smiley-sleep027.gif

    Cheri in HOT NE Ohio
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member

    I finally found the post with my August goals!


    August Goals
    * Lose 2 lbs a week by logging in Food Diary every day and planning daily meals (success)
    * Use elliptical every day to gradually increase my time to 30 minutes (used 1 day )
    * Drink at least 8 cups of water a day to include 2 with 1 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) (avg 4)

    September Goals
    *Lose 2 lbs a week by logging in Food Diary every day and planning daily meals
    *Go to Y to swim at least 3Xs a week starting on 9/9
    *Drink at least 5 cups of water a day or more to include 2 with 1 Tbs ACV
    *Be in bed by midnight M – F starting 9/8
    *Start each day by thinking of one thing I am thankful for
    *End each day thinking of one positive thing that happened

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I, too, am in the insomniac category. Sometimes my brain won't turn off. Sometimes my body hurts too much. I was very sleep deprived when my apnea was diagnosed, so I know how much better I feel with good sleep. It is a struggle.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    To the insomnia group... I have had insomnia for years. One hope maybe, after my weight loss I started to sleep better. When I exercise, I sleep even better. I have not had to take insomnia meds in months.

    Cat in San Diego
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Kim thank you for telling me about DSIL. It does give him a chance to rebuild his life.

    DS defended him by saying he likes alcohol. I said I like chocolate cake, but that doesn't mean it is a good idea to eat the whole cake. I also said alcohol worked for him when he was younger.( He uses it to self medicate.) It no longer works for you. (It never really did, I wanted my message it doesn't work to get across). For him he has no brakes once he starts he cannot say an internal NO. I also said it is like pouring gasoline on a forest fire. What happens when you pour gasoline on a fire. I also said that was awfully expensive five bottles of rum. It put him back in the hospital and got him evicted from his apartment.

    The combination alcohol and bi-polar destroyed the life he had. If he wants to rebuild any kind of life alcohol doesn't belong in it. I continue to pray he takes ownership for his problem, so he can start to heal.

    Looking forward to meeting with Gayle and Mary tomorrow. :smile:

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    My name is Mary and I'm an insomniac!

    Aw, Mary. I feel your pain, so sorry. I Went to bed at midnight was up at 4:00 am, ugh
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Carol, I’ll send you some “deep sleep thoughts” so you can get some rest. I hate it when I can’t sleep! That is when I finally did something about menopause because I couldn’t take the sleep deprivation any longer. I’m sure when you are in bed, you’ve tried propping pillows under your shoulder? Good luck, my friend.

    Mary, smiley-sleep017.gif ROFL at your statement,” My name is Mary and I'm an insomniac!”. I feel for you fer sure!!!!

    Penny, thanks for the laugh when reading your description of the kids toys being moved down to the next neighbor. But it sounds a bit scary with the wind that strong! I guess everyone keeps the kids inside or you could end up with some neighbor’s kid? Be careful up there near the North Pole. (((((Hugs)))))

    Heather, I don’t know if it’s just me, but when you start talking about food and cooking it is just so darn “sexy”. No wonder you have such a doting DH !!! smiley-chores004.gif I can actually imagine you on a cooking show, doing a demo of preparing celeriac while listening to your British accent. Sending prayers for DDIL and the whole family.

    Allison, gosh I am exhausted just reading about all you have going on, even before you face a busy day at work. I sure get the impression that you don’t give yourself enough credit for all that you do. Ah, by the way, when you are going to be out in the sun for any length of time, USE SUNSCREEN!!!! Oops didn’t mean to yell. Take care, my friend.

    Glow, so glad you got that taken care of. Good for you!! Now, on the exercise, I am a good one to give a swift kick, but also one that most often needs one. It is something that I just don’t want to do and yet I feel it has helped me so much. If you have to, start out by doing just 10 reps of anything. A push up on the wall, squats, lifting a bottle of water over your head….anything. A start is a start. All exercise doesn’t have to be aerobic. Just make yourself get up and do a little today and tomorrow you can add to that. It is actually easier than making yourself go to the Y. We are all with you and rooting for you, so get goin’ with a baby step. (or two)

    Lisa, so glad you had a relaxing weekend. And kudos on figuring out how you wanted to do the per plate cost. I’m glad you are back to concentrating on you because you know how important that is. Have a great week.

    Maryann, here’s hoping you will get back to walking on your lunch break. You have a hard job that I’m sure no one appreciates like they should. Have a great year.

    Beth, I had to laugh looking at your goals. You said you aren’t back to exercising, but haven’t been eating back your exercise calories (that you don’t have). That sounds about like me, but when I did exercise regularly, I rarely ate back my calories. I never even put in my exercise until after I finished my log, cause I didn’t want to see them there. Lol I know you will get there and we are behind you. *can you feel us pushing?* A huge CONGRATS to you an others that are still losing 2 pounds a week. That is fantastic!!!!

    Cheri, oh no, not you too?? I wonder how many people working heavy equipment, driving and doing other things out here, have not had enough sleep this week? It’s a little frightening when you think about it.

    MNMargaret, it is so sad that we can’t make someone help themselves. I’ll keep my prayers headed your way. Have a good time tomorrow and know I wish I were there!!!!

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.
    Reading about all the insomniacs here makes me sleepy. I may have to go back to bed. Actually I got a good night’s sleep last night. I have line dancing this afternoon which will be my exercise for the day. We are in another week of rain nearly every day but at least the temperatures are under 90.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Just skimmed through over 200 posts so they are all a blur. Welcome to new people, thanks for advice on pedometers. Hugs to everybody struggling.
    Too hot to exercise and two days in a row of overeating do not mix for weight loss. Going back to my half pbj sandwich for lunch regimen today.
    Oven ignition AND toaster wound up busted this weekend. Hair dryer acting up too. Appliances decided they needed a Labor Day too, I guess, but now that the weekend is over and I have to go to work they are not doing the same.
    Betty WNY
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Week one results;
    1. Stay within calorie limits 4/7
    2. Log my eating honestly YES
    3. Make conscious effort to exercise NOT YET
    4. Ignore eating back exercise calories YES
    5. Lose 2 pounds per week YES!!
    6. Meal plan and reorganize pantry, fridge and freezer to help with above goals ... Started sorting freezers and so I can begin batch cooking.

    A better week than I've had for awhile ... Now the real work begins with building consistency again!


    You are on your way to getting all six of these goals in the YES column , Way to Go !!! Awhile back I balked at exercising .....for months.....which is really unlike me. Anyways, I grabbed the leash one day and took my dog for a walk...I told myself " just to the corner and back ". I did that a few days then started to walk further along my route....eventually the walking got me energized enough to dust off an exercise dvd...I chose the " easiest" one I could find and set the timer for 15 minutes...once it rang I was done. The next day I picked up where I had left off for another timed session.... And continued on..... The point is, set a mini goal with your exercise. No one said you have to be walking 3 miles the first day!! In order to get exercising, You have to take the first step...inertia and momentum all come into play here... You can do it ! You already are doing everything else on your goal list!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    morning peeps -

    sorry I haven't responded to your posts individually. I've honestly been skimming thru them, have had a lot on my mind, well actually shoulder, lololol!!!... hugs to all that need them, congrats to all that deserve them and strapping on the boot for all that want it!

    I am so thankful that so far the riding position is not making the nerve pain flair up and stab me.

    gloworminwa - CONGRATS on your 2lbs a week loss.! keep it up!!

    this weekend is the ride, looking forward to it.

    my bike is out of the shop and ready for the ride. the other is at the shop getting it ready for winter. things are moving.

    type to ya later
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies..haven't posted in a couple of weeks but have been keeping up with everyone. I continue to admire the strength you all have and wish you all the best.

    Things are winding down after a whirlwind August during which I had an awful lot of fun and the scale shows it. Still 3 lbs. up from my lowest weight the morning I left for Mexico on 8/8. I have to learn to stay on the plan when I am socializing and that will be 1 of my goals.

    Today I have logged in for a full year and I reflected on that year this past weekend. Last year I was in a terrible place both mentally and emotionally and was not in the best of physical shape, although nothing major was wrong...yet.

    Year in review:
    Lost almost 40 lbs.
    Went from size 14 to size 8
    Off all blood pressure meds

    What is not visable are the changes within, my new found confidence, ability to deal with challenges thrown at me and overall happiness.

    I found this group in December and jumped in around February (I'm not a joiner so this was big for me). I found a great group of women willing to share their lives, struggles and accomplishements with grace and humor. I have learned alot and want to thank each and every one of you.

    I have adjusted my "plan" for the coming year a bit. I have decided to incorporate Mary in Minnesota's stronglifts program and began yesterday. I will have to ease up on my beloved elliptical a bit. Any advise Mary would be welcome.

    Goals for September:
    Stronglifts 3x/week
    drink at least 64oz water/day
    log in everyday
    Do something everyday that makes me happy

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
    Chris in very hot and steamy MA