

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    drkatiebug: LOL! The cucumber Gatorade actually WAS a surprise, because I didn't know he'd bought that flavor. I didn't have my glasses on and I just grabbed the first Gatorade I found in the fridge. Nearly lost it on that first sip, though.

    Janetr: I've often wondered the same thing about motivation myself. I know I feel better when I get regular exercise, so why is it so hard to get going and get it behind me?

    Mae: I loved your story about enjoying the neighbors' air conditioning. I don't do it at home but I like to sleep in a nice cold room with lots of blankets, so whenever I stay in a hotel I make full use of their A/C to crank it down! My husband has learned not to ask if it's "too cold."

    Allie: Ouch, the tops of the feet are so easy to forget when putting on sunscreen. Hope the burn tapers off soon!

    I'm doing better today. Still super weak and a little queasy, but I'm able to keep down solid foods and sit up at my desk for a couple of hours at a time. I think I'll continue to eat what sounds good for a day or two without worrying about calories, but I'm tracking just to stay in the routine.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited September 2015
    So far things seem to be going ok up in London. DS not good at details! They hope to get DDIL home today.

    I have been sending out DH's emails to my family about the food choices etc for the bday meal.

    My present from DH arrived yesterday. It's a white towelling wrap/dressing gown with a hood that I asked for. My birthday isn't until October, but there was an offer and it's an expensive brand. :D
    Also received DGD 's outfit. :love:

    I also received a little extra I ordered for DH. A flashing/strobing beer glass. :laugh: Will give it to him on the Friday of the weekend. His actual present is 2016 season parking at the cricket ground. :D

    Lots of love, Heather UK

    PS - looks like I have successfully negotiated not staying with my friend in November when our group of 4 schoolfriends meet up again. I will bow out of crowding into the flat and stay round the corner in a hotel. Can't decide whether to treat myself to a ridiculously expensive, but unique heritage hotel or just go for a normal modern place. Hmmmmm. >:):*B);)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good afternoon. Just a quick check-in to say I've lost another lb and a half. Happy dance!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Katie - :drinker:
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    edited September 2015
    Heather and other UK'ers..... Are you all rugby fans ? Or newly adopted rugby fans now that the World Cup is days away in your fine country ?!! My husband I were supposed to go over for the games, but it's not going to work out .
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    As soon as I get to hospital I get met with the nurse telling me that so far his precerticstionnto nursing home isn't going throu because he is doing to much for himself. He has never bathed himself, dressed himself, only walk around half of the unit, never tried stairs but he can push himself up off the bed to use a walker with 1 person standby. EEEEEEEK GRRRRRRRRRR }*#%*%*}*+]£}*#€*}{+ I am about to throw that Apple again but at insurance and all the politics of Medicare and rehab and everything else. It is my favorite nurse though so I won't throw it at her. But the cardiologist doesn't like his heart status just yet so he isn't willing to discharge. Husband is beginning to see how tired I am and some of the cognitive problems I have said he has. I am going to lay down.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    DJ and Susan ... For me, exercising means something like the gym or weights ... My average day without taking a walk specifically. .. Is around 8-9000 steps by 1:00 pm. (I'm a housekeeper for a large church). MFP tries to add those calories from counted steps back in. I'm not eating them! But then by 1:00 I'm already bushed ... So making a concerted effort to move more is hard as I'm lazy by nature! Lol!

    I have never had problems with sleeping until this past week when DS started driving!! I feel for all of you insomniacs.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    2191610q208gshr57.gif Walking is a great way to start exercise for anyone who can't imagine doing pushups or going to the gym or anything else. There are so many ways to listen to something while you walk so it's entertaining and the time passes without your even noticing. At first I walked listening to music, then moved on to podcasts, and recently started audio books which is perfect for someone who never seems to get enough time to read. This week Jake is doing most of the dog walking while my hip/back heals and he's listening to an audio book that he checked out of the library. It has inspired him to walk the dogs longer than he would have ordinarily and the last few days he has gotten over 14,000 steps each day.

    September resolutions (with week one comments)
    *walk an average of 15,000+ steps a day ( not even close because of my injury)
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day (every day)
    *strength training twice a week (none at all due to my injury)
    *15 minutes a day organizing photo files on computer and phone (15 minutes or more each day)
    * meditate for five minutes four or more days a week (every day so far)

    <3 Barbie
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Congrats to those losing weight - achievement!
    Becca - how did you gain that confidence in letting go of coverups? sounds like great inner peace!
    Beth & others avoiding exercise - BOOT, go love yourself and do some activity for you FIRST before you start doing stuff for others. Found if I didn't get out and exercise, me first, excuses and life got in the way. And it helps thinking you've upped metabolism for the day (can always hope).
    Day 2 of no sugar!
    You gals inspire me so much to keep it up, thank you!
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Well, I only checked in briefly one time this weekend and I think others must have been busy too. I’m only 258 posts behind and I didn’t think that was too bad.

    I need to vent and I know this is a safe place to do that. I love my mother and I’m very happy that she is healthy enough to still be able to come visit me and my family. But… she called my brother a month or so ago and told him she wanted tickets to see the ISU vs. UNI football game which was this past weekend. There were over 60,000 people at this game (sold out crowd) and parking near the stadium is impossible unless you have season tickets and donate the big bucks for a parking pass and I have neither. And to make it even better, it was 90 degrees and humid on Saturday. My mom is 78 years old with a bad knee and her husband is 80 years old with a bad back, so they both have issues walking distances and climbing stairs. So of course, my brother says sure he’ll get her tickets. And of course, my mother decides that she needs to stay with me and not my brother. And of course, that means that I spent the day on Saturday making sure we got to the game early enough to find a parking spot within a couple miles of the stadium and trying to find a spot where my mom and her husband could sit in the shade while we were tailgating and then making sure they did not get overheated and they did stop and rest when needed. Needless to say, I was a hot, sweaty, crabby mess by the time the game even started. Anyway, I have told my brother that in the future, he is never to agree to get her tickets for one of the most popular football games of the season. If they want to come down to a game, there are other games where she would not have to deal with the crowds and the heat. OK, I’m done and tossing that one in the pile in the corner.

    Other than dealing with the above, I had a fabulous weekend. My DD#1 is playing flute in the UNI marching band. The ISU and UNI bands combined to do a joint half-time show at the football game. It was great to see. Then, I got to bring her home for the rest of the weekend. We moved her into college 3 weeks ago and this was the first time I got to see her. We spent Sunday just relaxing, watched a couple of movies, and I made her pasta with meatballs and garlic bread (her request). If you haven’t seen Hot Pursuit with Reese Witherspoon and Sophia Vergara and you want a good laugh, go rent it! On Monday, we spent a couple of hours at the pool before I drove her back to school. I think it was harder saying good bye to her this time than it was three weeks ago. A weekend is just so short.

    Mary/MN wrote “We should post what we do when uncontrollable hunger strikes!” – For me, the uncontrollable hunger usually hits me mid-morning when I didn’t eat a good breakfast and then I end up snacking most of the day away. I would love suggestions for something I can keep in my desk at work to satisfy that hunger and keep me from snacking away all my calories for the day. (And I really don’t like celery.)

    Lisa – Thanks for posting about the Fitbit Charge HR. I’m using a Jawbone UP24 right now. I’ve had it for about a year and I fear it is going to die any day. So, I’ve started my research for a new fitness tracker and your post was very helpful.

    Sylvia – I’m so sorry about that defective scale. 

    Pip – I love the orange nails and the pumpkin snacks! Adding both to my TO DO list.

    Sharon – Congrats on paying off our mortgage! Woo Hoo!

    Heather – Your DGD is going to look adorable in that pink jacket with the rabbit hood! The t-shirt is very cute too. My grandmother had a mulberry bush and we used to pick the berries right off the bush and eat them when we were young. Brings back pleasant memories.

    Mae – I’m so sorry for all you have been through the last few years. We will be here to support you as you move forward in your journey.

    I’m to the bottom of page 15 and see I’ve got another 4 pages to go. I guess 258 posts is a lot to catch up on. 

    I’ll post more later as I catch up. Thinking of you all.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    400 some posts and 13 pages just since last Thursday! No way am I going to have time to read them all! Skimming though.

    Love the pictures, swimsuits, elks, flowers, wow about the shoulder pics, the Becca is Queen pic and the golden shoe with it, Moosejaw Pizza! – LOL! The mousetrap table is a great idea! Yummy tomatoes and pretty little girl on the trunk of a Ford from California! Skinny girls vs. curvy girls – love it! Love the nail color Pip! Fiber One pumpkin bars, YUM! I like the ‘Mine’ cabinet! Helipad on boat – scary to me! Love the sailor/mom pic! Nice kitchen where someone had a blue hat and blue shirt on by miriamwithcats! Loved the quote ‘in between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed.”

    Loved the poster that read “I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.”

    Allison, where in N. H. did you go? Love the pics of the beach you posted on FB. The cruise you mentioned sounds like a fantastic way to recharge! Peach ice cream and fresh blueberried----yuuuummmmm!

    Charge HR versus Fitbit ---hmmmm, will have to research both.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    I haven’t posted any goals b/c I am having a very rollercoaster-type of emotional season. My DS accused me of being racists b/c I was asking his GF about Columbia where she is from. He then blocked me from her and his FB so now I have no way of knowing what is going on with his life. He had a bad accident a couple of weeks ago where he received a concussion, whiplash, and back injuries. They gave him pain pills which has me worried b/c he has just made 9 months clean from drugs. I think his attitude has to do with the accident and drugs mostly. Will have to wait and see. Next, my mother’s husband of 6 years was buried on Saturday. So spent the day with her and my sibs. An hour and a half drive up at 7 AM and back at 3 made for a very long day. Sunday was good. My DH and I did groceries, I replaced my blue-tooth headset at Best Buy. While I was taking care of replacing my broken headset, my DH decided he was going to upgrade his phone! This after my nagging him about his old phone for the last 3 years! So spent the evening Sunday getting that set up for him. On Monday, we went to the mall to look for a case fitting my DH’s standards for the new phone and again, he did something unexpected. He walked into a Sprint store looking for a case, where they spent a half hour telling us why we needed to switch from AT&T to them. They did have a pretty good deal, but I heard bad things about their coverage. Well, will have to think on this some.

    This post is long, sorry about that. This is what happens when I fall behind!

    Rita from CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    pwrfl1 - don't recall your name! Yes, my DH will be watching as much rugby as he can on ITV. That means it is on broadcast TV, thankfully. If it is just on PayTV then he can't. Maybe highlights. Luckily the terrestrial won the contract this time. :) I am more or less totally uninterested in sport, but I know enough to have a moderately intelligent conversation about it and cheer and commiserate as required. >:) I think DH appreciates my attempts. ;)

    Think I'm going for the cheaper hotel as I won't be in the room long enough to really appreciate it. Still thinking. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. :ohwell: I won't have time to use the "Club Lounge" . :sad:

    Love Heather UK, thinking about the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel, but not really wanting to go there. Arrrrrrgh!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    edited September 2015
    pwrfl1 - don't recall your name! Yes, my DH will be watching as much rugby as he can on ITV. That means it is on broadcast TV, thankfully. If it is just on PayTV then he can't. Maybe highlights. Luckily the terrestrial won the contract this time. :) I am more or less totally uninterested in sport, but I know enough to have a moderately intelligent conversation about it and cheer and commiserate as required. >:) I think DH appreciates my attempts. ;)

    Love Heather UK, thinking about the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel, but not really wanting to go there. Arrrrrrgh!
    My husband plays rugby. He will be in a tournament later this month up in Aspen, Colorado. ( that's up in the mountains if you are not familiar ). The sport is not as big in the U.S. As it is in other countries, I hope the U.S. team will not be too embarrassed .....they played the All Blacks last year in Chicago and lost big time....they just played a international friendly game with Australia last weekend, they hung in there for the first half.....at least. I too have a moderately intelligent conversation as well...hoping to increase my savvy on the sport. Lol. Have a wonderful day.....I missed what and where you are going but it sounds wonderful !
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    Looking forward to meeting with Gayle and Mary tomorrow. :smile:

    :heart: MNMargaret

    I am so excited to meet with you and Gayle! I will be leaving here around 330 today and go down to my daughters in elk River for the evening. The menu at the restaurant that we are meeting looks very Delicious and healthy!

    I have been very busy this morning getting my weightlifting and walking in as well as packing for my trip down to the cities. My sister is also going to be having hip replacement surgery while I am there. I will be meeting with her in the morning before surgery and staying with my other sister while we wait until she is out. Then I will go out to lunch with Margaret and Gayle. A busy day ahead but I am looking forward to it.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Susan - the hoops we wives have to jump through! My ex was a uni rugby player and I have to admit to ogling the thighs of his team. :noway: I played cricket, reluctantly, at school and have had football crazy sons. I make all the right noises. :laugh:

    I have now booked the normal hotel. I wouldn't have time to avail myself of all the wonderful extras with the posh one as I will be spending all my spare time with my friends. It is in London. My friend has a fiendishly expensive apartment in Kings Cross, but only 3 bedrooms. There are 4 of us. I prefer my own space and the chance to get away. >:) She wasn't happy, but came round. The hotel I have chosen is about half a mile away, but is brand new with triple glazing. Noise is a major factor for me. Reviews say it is very quiet. :) I am only staying one night, the others are staying for two. My relationship with the flat owner is complicated and I prefer to be in charge of my choices. I am proud I made a stand. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello Phat Chatters! <3 sending love and hugs to you all.

    I've been following along since last posting from Vegas in July. I strapped on my seat belt and let life dictate while staying in the moment. So much happening and new feelings to process, some happy some losses...have been maintaining weight loss. Travelled to North Carolina and back. Saw some Beautiful country! Loved the rain. So Cal sees none. Slowly getting back on my plan. To sum up- got side tracked by life responsibilities!!! Sh$t. Lol

    Rosie in So Cal
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Betty I use a Fitbit. I like it a lot. Better than a pedometer.
    Maryann in Michigan
    Annr wrote: »
    @skuehn48 I never tan in a suit...lol I just use a suit so I don't get kicked out of the Aquatic Center when I lap swim. I have no tan lines....ok tmi.

    Your MFP token nudist.

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Still tracking and reading too tired from new job to post.its going well love to everyone.
    Mindy Boston
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    got a call into the doc to see if he can give me a shot that will numb the nerves
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hiked today 16,000 steps by 11am..yeah!!!

    Becca – I’m not as comfortable as you, but am plenty comfortable to not wear anything under my swim suit, and take a shower or bath naked…

    Heather – glad DDIL is doing better… how scary! What a great present for DH and were you supposed to know about your B-day present or were you peeking? I think you should save up the $$$ for the awesome hotel and spend it on a time when you will fully enjoy the hotel…

    Lisa – with a clean restaurant, and stable staff, maybe the reputation can be made better so “butt in the seats” will come easier.

    Katie!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joyce – oh dear, I am sending ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

    Linda – ok my mom is a nut job, but she ONLY goes to her grandson’s High School football games – thank goodness!!! You are a saint to make that work out.

    Pip – things a really bad if you are looking for a shot… take care – thinking of you.

    September Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    Log everyday –
    Twice a week do floor exercises
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking
    W3 –
    W4 –
    W5 -
    Kim from N. California