

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday (that feels like Monday) ! ! !

    Penny – that wind sounds awful. I thought living in the valley of the Mississippi River was bad when the wind would blow, but yours sounds much stronger. But rofl thinking about the toys bouncing down the street to a new home.

    Heather – Hugs for your DDIL (and entire family).

    MNMargaret – Hugs ! My DD just told me her dad is back to being an alcoholic, in addition to his partner being one. So sad that I spent years in Co-dependency treatment, not to mention the thousands of dollars in co-pays it cost after insurance. I hope your DS owns that monster sooner rather than later.

    Chris in MA – Congrats on such a positive year. So glad you have become comfortable in your ability to participate in this group. Cheers for the future ! ! !

    – Happy dance with you ! ! !

    Joyce – Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs. I spent a few hours Monday at my Grandma’s new facility. This is her 4th move this year. She started in ElderCare, because her daughter was a PT/OT/Manager. Then that daughter was head-hunted to a different facility. They didn’t like that she delegated the book-keeping to someone who knew how to do it (even though she told them that from the start), so they let her go. So that daughter found a different facility, but Grandma was too weak to do a single-person transfer, so they moved her again, and she is not even a tiny bit happy about it. Plus, that same daughter is on the other side of the state with her own children and grandchildren, so my grandma is terribly upset about all of it. She was pleased to see me, but I hope she understands that I can’t drive that 45 minutes every day, especially since DS starts his sports again this weekend. // For those of you trying to follow that story: My Grandma is 92. My Dad is 71. I am 50. My daughter is 24. I have a niece that is 32, and she has a daughter that is 10. That is a total of 5 generations when we are all able to get together. // Anyway, Joyce, I am glad your DH’s facility is close, and I hope the transitions are smooth. I will keep you both in my prayers. And also thankful to Pandora !

    This weekend was absolutely the best, and yet almost completely opposite of what I expected. DS was unable to get a friend to go along to Wisconsin Dells, so he was pouting and crabby, and plain-old didn’t want to go. DH tried to make it clear that I couldn’t make him do anything he didn’t want to do, so I told him he could take the laptop to a bar and hang-out by himself. DD and our foster daughter were in great moods. They were in the mood to party, and to be away from the “boys” that had recently caused them heart-aches, and that’s exactly what happened. We got silly during supper, then wore the Moose antlers to the casino while DS played video games on the laptop and tablet in the hotel room. A few hours later I woke up and started walking the town trying to find cappuccino, failed, then walked with DD to a nearby café for coffee. Since check-out was 10:30am, we went back and woke-up everyone at 10:00am, then proceeded to get silly at a different restaurant during breakfast, wearing Viking horns and taking tons of silly pictures. Then, off to Mt. Olympus, for the waterpark and amusement park. DS and DH were still being crabby, so I walked away, and the 3 of us ladies hung-out in the Tidal Wave for much longer than my sunscreen was able to handle (yes, I re-applied). The boys rode some rollercoasters for awhile, then left and went to play some golf. Then the girls and I did a little “strip mall” shopping, I gave the ladies some cash, and we all headed for home. My pecs and shoulders are plenty tired now, but it feels good. And, it is a constant reminder of how much fun I had this weekend, even though it was only 1 day ! ! !

    Hugs to all the insomniacs. Luckily I am still a light-weight when it comes to medication, and since I have RA, it is never a struggle to get a doctor to give me either a pain medication or a muscle relaxer or something, so it is rare for me to not sleep. I also follow a pretty long routine of relaxation and unplugging. Again, Hugs for you all to get your needed sleep.

    My week instantly became busier. My Dad tripped at the movie theater, so I have to care for his stitches and bandages on his face (nose and eyebrow). It shouldn’t be too time-consuming, but it is usually a struggle to get the 2 of us on the same schedule.

    Today I used Pandora to entertain me during 2 work-outs of 20 minutes each. My RA is upper body today, so biking was not a problem. DS has come to terms with how early we have to leave the house, so he is ready to leave in time so I can work-out before work, which I really like. Now, it is time for my afternoon snack, which today is a peach and some yogurt. Tonight I'm planning to make pumpkin cupcakes for DS, with soft tofu and canned pumpkin instead of the oil and such. He loves anything pumpkin, so I'm going to sneak in a little nutrition, too. Sure wish I could get DH and DD to eat healthy, but, I can only save one person at a time, I guess.

    Now I'm doing a chair dance to "American Pie", so I better sign off and get some work done today.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Heather - Sounds like you have things under control for the birthday party. Glad DDIL is doing a bit better and hope she gets to come home today. I vote SPOIL yourself at the swanky hotel :)

    DrKatieBug - Wow hoooo, good job.

    DJ, Susan, Beth - You can set up MFP to not add the exercise calories back into your calorie limit. That's what I do and then I don't see them at all or even think about eating them back.

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a body pump DVD. I'm so glad I have my own collars, the ones at the Y are really lousey. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD for the rebounder then I have the general meeting for the Newcomers. TSO tickets are going on sale at 10:00 tomorrow so Vince'll be home buying the tickets.

    Exercised, then stopped at CVS to get the items on sale, then to WalMart since Vince needed milk, home to have breakfast, then went to my boob squeeze, picked up Loki's med (I could probably have gone another week, but since I was right there I asked Vince if he could call it in). Home and in the pool. Tonight is Rummikub, we're going to try again to have it in the spa.

    janetr - how nice of you to volunteer to bring extra food. 54 years! Wow, what an accomplishment! Give them my best

    Joyce - ((((HUGS)))) Remember that we are in your pocket all the time

    Becca - I saw this cartoon and just had to share it with you. It was a pic of this woman (elderly) and she had a tan line as if her boobs were really dropping. In the picture she was wearing a push up bra so you could see the tan line and her husband said "I guess you were sunbathing nude again, right?" I just thought it was funny. Yes, thank you for being you.

    Kim - when Denise is here, I'm thinking that one night we're going to have beer butt chicken, I have some corn frozen that I'll defrost, the hardest part is that I have no clue whatsoever what she'll eat. I'm thinking that I'll have sweet and white potatoes, but I should probably have another vege. We will probably have a salad, too. The other night I'm thinking that we'll go out to eat. I'll ask them if they like sushi, there's a good place here. If not, I know that they like Texas Roadhouse, or maybe we'll take them to Golden Corral. As for when Jess is here, we'll probably do eating on the run, at least the day of Vince's surgery and the next day when he'll probably get out of the hosp. She's leaving Thurs but coming back Fri (please don't ask me to explain that). She's almost (but not quite) as pickey as Vince about her food. I know one time I made a lasagna and I used ricotta cheese, she didn't care for it. Maybe I will make a lasagna and use mozzarella. I guess I can find something for me to have. Loved the diaper story. So male

    Alison - isn't the tops of your feet being burned the pits? That happened to me once, now I've learned not only to put sunscreen on my legs but also the tops of my feet.

    Betty - now that your appliances had a Labor Day off, hope they're back to working properly

    pip - be thinking of you this weekend. Know you'll do great on the ride and then the surgery..... Hope you get that shot

    Chris - congrats on being here a whole year. It's good to look back and see how far we've come, huh?

    Heather - that season ticket is going to be such a good gift for dh

    Yea Katie

    Linda/IA - what if your brother were to promise that he'd get tickets but HE has to be the one to take your parents? when he realizes all that it entails, that would certainly quell any desire for him to get them for a popular game again.

    Mary, Gail and Margaret - have a wonderful meeting and share with us as much of it as you can.

    terri - good thoughts for your dad and you

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    DDIL texted me to thank me for the Turkish rice pudding I left behind. I texted back to ask how the 12 wk scan went and if she is on a catheter.
    She is off the catheter, but says she has to go back in tomorrow for another check on the baby. I sent hugs. So I don't know if there is something wrong or not. Doesn't sound good to me, but I can't probe any further. My thoughts are with them. As I had a stillborn baby I guess I feel for her. <3

    Kim - I nearly always tell DH exactly what to buy for me and he is delighted about that. :D I ordered it and he put the money in my account. He will get me a few tiny surprises to open on the day in bed in the morning. :D

    The reason I am so pleased about the hotel is that I have been trying to summon the courage to tell my friend who owns the apartment that I don't want to stay with her. ;) Complicated, but she can be very difficult. I am pleased I managed it gracefully. o:)

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Sharon - My daughter is not a tattoo artist, but would like to be. She has given herself about 1/2 of the tattoos she has right now. And has given numerous to friends. In Minnesota it is almost impossible to become established without doing an internship, and the artists in the small town where she lives are NOT willing to take on interns. She has also done body piercings, so I'm certain she could be successful.

  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Rita The Charge HR is a Fitbit. There is a Charge and a Charge HR. The HR also records your heart rate. The Charge does not.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    My poor little Dad
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    no luck, can't get a shot, it will interfere with the healing process so he doesn't recommend it. so I gotta suck it up. :0(

    the good news is that I haven't gotten those pains while I've been in the riding position. :0)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Well I missed yesterday but have now caught up. DH is at a PT appointment for his back so house is nice and quiet. We had company from Rapid City,SD yesterday and had a nice visit. Fixed ground turkey sliders with zucchini in them and had fresh corn on the cob. We were able to eat out on the gazebo. DD and I worked on the shelter part of the barn that attaches to the paddock. We found a mouse in the feeder that built a nest there and then couldn't get out because the sides are too slick. Fed it mouse bait and hopefully will be able to scoop it out of there tonight dead. We bought hay and unloaded truck so got my strength training in too.

    Terri - Hope your dad gets better soon.

    Pip- Good luck on the ride.

    Joyce - Hope rehab goes well for Charlie. Sometimes that transition can be a bear.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Janetr......I haven't had this "lifestyle" all my life, and in fact grew up quite Lutheran, my-mom-would-dress-in-her-closet upbringing. Hopefully my Mom is looking down at me and not freaking out too much during the summer... My eldest sister, I SWEAR had a prayer circle going for me, because I had become a nudist and started my evil ways. I would state simply, "I just like to walk in the sun without my clothes on sister". It is now a topic we don't discuss.. hahaha.. I suppose you COULD drag the bottle of TIDE and have at it, jumpin up and down washing those clothes ya have on!


    That's funny. Its not the the idea of being nude, its seeing all that body there :) With my clothes on I can ignore it more easily. You keep us all looking for the next laugh on here. Thanks for being Becca, we wouldn't have it any other way.

    Janetr OKC

    aw.....rushing you and hugging ya........lets sit and have a cuppa!!!
    Becca luvin ya all in Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Good afternoon. Just a quick check-in to say I've lost another lb and a half. Happy dance!

    Congrats!!!! Mentally doing a cartwheel for you!
    Becca (actually just propelling my body into the grass)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    MIKESMOM - GREAT JOB on your last year!!

    drkatie - congrats on your loss too!!!!!!!!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Congrats to those losing weight - achievement!
    Becca - how did you gain that confidence in letting go of coverups? sounds like great inner peace!
    Beth & others avoiding exercise - BOOT, go love yourself and do some activity for you FIRST before you start doing stuff for others. Found if I didn't get out and exercise, me first, excuses and life got in the way. And it helps thinking you've upped metabolism for the day (can always hope).
    Day 2 of no sugar!
    You gals inspire me so much to keep it up, thank you!

    what is a coverup??? hahahaha. Well that first time we attended, we took the free tour, and then went to the car and left our clothes there....so um like 5 minutes of acclimating... I remember (and this was when I was 265 lbs) when I was sitting on a towel eating an orange. The sun was just right, the orange was the sweetest ever, and I was just looking at my arms, legs, belly thinking, "I really do like this body I am in"...I think I gave myself a hug, and thought, "I am perfect in all my glorious imperfections". I mean how can we change ourselves for the better, (for me its all about moving thru this world easier and with willowy grace), if we don't totally accept ourselves now?

    and yes I walked around the aquatics centers womans changing room with nothing on.... A lady asked me where I got my great tan. I replied, "um here". Then I told her about a lady once asking me what nationality I was in California.... I replied to her, "Um Lutheran?" hahahahahaha
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GodMomKim "we are all nudists under our clothes" I had a shirt once...(which really doesn't make sense because um its CLOTHES but anyway, it said "Garden Naked, it puts color in your cheeks!"
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Terri ... what ran into your dad? ouch!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @exermom Cute! Saggy boobage can be a blessing as I have put my coin purse under "it" (it was a cloth one)....wait did I type that outloud???? oh for Petes sake.....from brain to hand that is ME!!!

    Becca keeping it REAL in Oregon...