

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Joyce – From what I understand, you need to make the food the Charlie will eat, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat all of it. You are doing a great job of taking care of him. The trick is to also continue to take care of you. You can do this, and we can help (from hundreds of miles away through online supportive words).

    Carol – Hugs for your job situation. Keep being ethically, and you can hold your head high saying you did the right thing in the face of deception. I hope you find a replacement job promptly.

    DJ – I don’t know any doctors that will offer a second opinion without meeting the person. Looking at Xrays only tells them a part of the story. However, being told to see the first doctors friend for a second opinion sounds deceptive. I would personally check my level 1 providers with the Insurance Company and choose from that list.

    Pip – My experience with a sling : button-up shirts are good, snap up shirts are not. Pull up over your hips sports bras may work, too. Always put things on your “bad” arm first so you don’t need to use it as much. Hugs ! ! !

    Allison – I sure wish we could have seen you on the TV yesterday. Nice job with DH. Keep strong, and keep taking care ! ! !

    Lisa – You go, Wonder Woman ! ! !

    Today I start my “white” diet. I can pretty much only eat white foods, + spinach and well cooked gentle meats. So, I brought 2 servings of cream of rice (only ate 1 with breakfast, in case I get too hungry later today at work), spinach and lamb for lunch, and a peach and a banana for sometime later. I’m not really sure if I’m allowed to eat the greek yogurt I brought, but I plan to eat it. Tomorrow is more of the same, then Sunday is only clear liquids. I am hoping I can still donate blood tomorrow (my hemoglobin was 12.4 last Saturday), so I will wait until Tuesday for my flu shot. Since I’m sure the house will not smell pleasant by Sunday, I think DH is planning on taking DS to a Junior Gold Tournament in West Bend on Sunday.

    All you Minnesota people : I think DH is heading to Red Wing for a bowling tournament the weekend of October 24. We will likely stay both nights at the Hotel in the Casino, but I can ditch everyone and meet up if anyone has time. I think my GPS can get me to the Mall of America. Or, feel free to suggest someplace else. It has been at least 8 years since I have been North of Red Wing, so I’m open to suggestions. I am also considering staying behind to volunteer at the next honor Flight with my Dad, but it would be easy to change my mind.

    It’s almost time to try to win Garth Brooks tickets.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    patceoh wrote: »


    That is a great phrase. I need to remember that when I think about my sister that lives not 2 hrs from me. She called me on my b'day in June and that is the last I have heard from her. I leave messages but nothing. Doesn't she realize that I wish to grow old with my middle sis? Yes I have told her how I feel, but it doesn't sink in. Yep I need to let all that go, but its really hard sometimes...

    annr - I went thru the EXACT same kind of thing with ALL my 6 bro's and sis's. I used to call on everyone's b-days, anniversaries, holidays, give cards, blah blah.... no give and take, took YEARS of pain and heartache. I was hoping for them to react the way I was acting towards them.. you can't make that happen, it has to be in them to feel it., I don't give cards, don't call on their anniversaries, I "retired" from Christmas so to speak... I could write a book about this subject...
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. I couldn't get on the site all day yesterday and it kept freezing up my computer! Hope you are all doing well. I think I am back on track now after two days of being semi-comatose here! I can't believe how exhausted I have been. OK well time to get back on the wagon! Take care and chat soon, Meg from Omaha where I totally appreciate the traffic compared to nashville!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - we are already planning to meet up on October 25. Are you able to meet that day?

    Pip - I have no advice for wearing a sling. I am thinking of you and your upcoming surgery and hoping the best for you. I know that you should heal very quickly with the healthy shape that you are in.

    Sylvia- you're such an awesome grandmother!

    Lisa - wow! What an amazing resume you have!

    DJ - your friend is very lucky to have you in her life! You're such a loving and caring person.

    Joyce-that food that Charlie loves sounds delicious but very dangerous! Something that I would love to eat. Stay away though! Unless you measure and count calories it sounds like it is very high in carbs and fat. Continue to take care of yourself as well. We are here for you.

    Allison - Beautiful kitchen! We had a $4000 granite countertop put in that they messed up on the counter around the stove. We rejected it and had them do it right so we had to pick out a new slab of granite on their dime. If you are not satisfied with the sink tell them to get you a new one.

    Carol NC - i'm glad that you are healing up well.

    Michele- I am glad that Vince did well during his surgery. My prayers are with you and your family.

    Barbie - it sounds like your hip is healing well. Are you pretty much back to normal as far as being able to walk your dogs in the morning? How is line dancing going? It is hard to stop a routine that you have been doing for such a long time. I'm sure that you will be back to normal ASAP. Especially with your determination.

    Not much going on here. We have had rain off and on so have not been able to paint. We need to have dry weather for 48 hours in order for the paint to dry properly. We are hoping to rent a sprayer on Saturday and do our cabin and garage. I had started on the cabin but it is covered with cedar shakes and could not get the paint between the shakes with a brush. I only got one Side done in over four hours time. My DH told me to stop and he would do it with a sprayer. I didn't complain! My shoulders and arms were so sore just from that four hours. We are going to go and pick up Wood flooring and tile and the underlayment for that as well as an oak pantry and cupboard for the kitchen. We ordered everything because Home Depot had us sign up as a business and gave us 20% off. We couldn't pass up that savings! Now we have several projects for the winter that will keep us busy! I think of our new house as an art project!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    morning pees - 6 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

    exermom - certified therapy dogs are evaluated and are insured before they are able to go to hospitals. the program that we were thru was very strict. had to be re-evaluated every 2 yrs. they only go to particular floors.

    fanncy - nice walking trail

    jmkmomm - my arteries were clogging up reading your meal :0/

    miriamwithcats - yeah, i knew that part about putting the messed up arm in first, it only makes sense, i don't have any zippered pants or use belts. i will probably use pull on skirts, those are easy.

    grandmallie - i think you should start packing.... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, can i have your autograph???

    terririchard - yeayyyy for your 7lb loss!!!

    gloworminwa - sorry to hear about your son, i was molested by my best friends grandfather before i was a teen-ager, can't remember the exact age right now.

    i don't have a recliner anymore so i can't sleep in that. i heard propping up pillows and sleeping as upright as possible will help. i will keep your suggestion in mind lhannon, thanks! OH and utube video says try putting a pillow under the arm when you sleep too.

    lhannon - yeay for your vaca lb loss!!

    auntiebk - i watched your line dance video.. it was cute. i don't know who josh ritter is or am familiar with the song (don't listen to country music) thanks for sharing.

    I was spinning and one of the spin instructors was spinning on another bike. we were talking before I left and I was telling her about my thought of asking the Y if I could borrow a spin bike for 6 weeks. they just replaced them with some newer fancier bikes and they had sold the bikes that were there to anyone that wanted to buy one. she said that she had one of the older ones that she could let me use if I wanted, she would take it to my house this weekend if I wanted. the only reason I thought of getting a spin bike was if I use my bike on a trainer, i'm going to have to be really careful crossing my leg over the top of the bike to get on it and even though it's attached to the roller in back it's not as stable as a spin bike. if you've never been on a bike trainer then it's hard to describe to you as to what i'm talking about. I am going to talk to Kirby and might take her up on it!

    typt to ya later.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all nice to see some of the old faces and many new. Just zoomed through the last page.
    For me i'm doing great but do need to smarten up. So I'm looking for your help.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    patceoh wrote: »


    That is a great phrase. I need to remember that when I think about my sister that lives not 2 hrs from me. She called me on my b'day in June and that is the last I have heard from her. I leave messages but nothing. Doesn't she realize that I wish to grow old with my middle sis? Yes I have told her how I feel, but it doesn't sink in. Yep I need to let all that go, but its really hard sometimes...

    annr - I went thru the EXACT same kind of thing with ALL my 6 bro's and sis's. I used to call on everyone's b-days, anniversaries, holidays, give cards, blah blah.... no give and take, took YEARS of pain and heartache. I was hoping for them to react the way I was acting towards them.. you can't make that happen, it has to be in them to feel it., I don't give cards, don't call on their anniversaries, I "retired" from Christmas so to speak... I could write a book about this subject...

    I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers....have gone through the exact same thing. If we aren't all getting together at my parent's, which doesn't happen often at all, I don't see or hear from them. They all see and chat but not with me...it has been many years of self-loathing as to what went wrong then I figured it out. I am emotionally, mentally, physically and financially independent in all ways of my life. A therapist told me that I have to accept living on the "rim" of the family circle. We are getting together for Thanksgiving this year at my parent's and it will be the first time seeing all my sibs in 4 years (last time was father's 80th bday) and first time seeing my parent's in 2 years. Sigh.....

    Cheri in sunny NE Ohio
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    My line dance teacher choreographed Josh Ritter's new song. His team picked up Cef's videos, and here's the result: http://www.thebluegrasssituation.com/read/watch-josh-ritter-getting-ready-get-down

    WTG Cef!

    Great dance....are you one of the dancers in the group part of the video?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hi all nice to see some of the old faces and many new. Just zoomed through the last page.
    For me i'm doing great but do need to smarten up. So I'm looking for your help.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario

    Hi Linda, I've missed you

    Two suggestions:
    *come to this thread every day and read everything whether you post or not
    *seek every opportunity to be active

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited September 2015
    Mary – I am so sad to say I will NOT be joining my DS and DH when they head to Minnesota that weekend. My Dad JUST sent me an e-mail wanting to volunteer for the Honor Flight on that weekend. Since he didn’t get to do it last weekend, he feels very strongly about participating, so I’m not even going to tell him about Minnesota. Hopefully soon ! ! !

    Meg – Yesterday and today I can post in the boards, but get kicked out when I attempt to log my food, so I’m doing that through my phone.

    I both do and don’t understand all this “not talking to siblings” thing. I text with my youngest sister (mostly because I can’t memorize her fluctuating work schedule) and she likes it that way, too. My middle sister lived with us until her passing last year January, but she was also a fan of texting. The people in my family that I “dumped” are my Mom’s siblings. They were downright mean with the things they said both when my Mom passed, then again when my sister passed, so I am done with them. They will be in for a rude awakening when (hopefully not for many more years) my Dad passes, because they all think they are getting “their share” of the estate, and of the items that they labeled with post-it notes with their names. They were sometimes too rude to my Mom, because “she married well” and the rest of them did not. If they had just treated me the way they want to be treated, none of this would have happened. I don’t need them for anything, so let them live in their co-dependent, poor behavior world, while I take care of mine. I offer the biggest, longest, empathetic Hugs for Everyone who has to tolerate this type of immaturity from family. ((((( hug )))))

    Almost time for lunch break. Today I probably won’t ride the bike, because a Miller employee is taking me “shopping” at Beer Sales. I am going to get DH a few cases of Coors Light. I probably won’t get myself anything, because I still have a few 6-packs of a few items in my fridge, and I rarely drink more than 1 of anything per month, and I like variety. But sometimes they have good sales on accessories, so we’ll see.

    Hugs again for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I have visions of being retired and actually getting a chance to read all your posts. What an interesting fun group of ladies.

    Anyway, finished the first 10 days on the Dr. Phil 20/20 diet. Down 7.2 pounds. The first 5 were brutal, the second 5 not so bad. My first morning on the last 20 days and I didn't have time to make sure I had all the ingredients I need. So I essentially had Chocolate raisin oatmeal for breakfast (since the only whey powder I had was chocolate). Haven't kicked in exercise yet although I do go two flights down whenever I need to use the restroom at work (which is often) and run back up.

    Back to work. Hope to ride this weekend and have pictures of me on my horse soon. ('cause I'm sure you're missing them) :)

    North of Chicago
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Cheryl, I too won't be able to read everything till I retire -- this is a chatty group!
    Net loss of one half pound this week. Going to the nutritionist on Monday and the numbers should be better than last time but unfortunately a team work lunch that we won LAST YEAR was recently scheduled for that day as well. Why oh why?
    So many new people I here I cannot single them out, but welcome!!!
    Sylvia, my heart goes out to you and your DGD!!!
    Betty in WNY

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Oh such mixed emotions ! Since my Dad's Dad survived Normandy, my Dad feels VERY strongly about volunteering for the Honor Flight on October 24. But I am so sad to miss the weekend with DS and DH, and EXTRA sad that I will miss meeting a group of you in the Minneapolis area. :'( I will be thinking of all of you while walking the halls and parking lots of the airport (I was at a close exit last time, so only walked 3 miles. Hopefully I can be at a busier exit, to get more steps in next time).
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Carol/NC – So sorry that you have to add job worries on top of everything else you are dealing with. Good luck with the job search.

    Joyce – Praying that you stay strong and are able to eat healthy even while faced with the challenges of caring for Charlie and cooking the things he will eat.

    DJ – That sounds a little fishy to me as well. He may have had to see her in person for insurance purposes, but why couldn’t your friend choose who she got a second opinion from? My experience is that the primary doc usually gives you a list of a few people who would be qualified to give you a second opinion and you choose from there.

    MN Ladies – Oct. 25… Maybe I’ll be able to find an excuse to go visit my sister in Apple Valley that weekend. :)

    Cheryl/Betty – Add me to the group that will have to skim and skip my way through the posts until some day when I’m able to retire. :/

    It’s not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as expected. I just choose to be HAPPY and GRATEFUL no matter how it all turns out.

    Today, I am grateful for my oldest daughter who is off to college this year. She has grown into such an amazing, mature, young lady and I’m very proud of her. She is coming home tonight because it is our high school’s homecoming celebration. I’m excited to see her but I know this weekend is about spending time with her close friends that she has not seen in over a month.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Hi folks!

    I'm up in London with the grandchildren. Just waiting for DS to return with our takeaway curry. I have 940 calories left for tonight so I'm happy. My choice was Goan Fish Curry and okra. DH doesn't like okra, so I don't cook it at home.

    I have MASSES of goodies in the fridge and freezer for tomorrow as they ordered a delivery which has just arrived. Runny cheese and soft cheesy baps. :sad: :sad: SMALL portions are in order. :ohwell: Won't be doing any formal exercise tomorrow, but will be run ragged I'm sure. :)

    DDIL seems in good form. I hope they have a wonderful time. <3

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lillian, as I as reading your post about making your pear pipe, you have mace listed as an ingredient. I thought mace was used to spray in the face of some one who is attacking you. Is there an edible kind also?

    Well Charlie is now at home. He ate a good hearty lunch and is taking a nap. One of the first things he asked for was his billfold, which I took with me so he could get it at the rehab place, then he asked for his car keys. That I didnt give him. That will ever a couple of days. Miss Melody, the cat was glad to have her human home. When I got there to pick him up, he was all packed and he almost unpacked himself when we got home. That was a test I have him last night just to see how much he could do. It will be hard to walk as slow as him when we are out somewhere.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Joyce - thinking of you! <3

    Came under calories as I didn't eat the sauce and hardly any rice etc. Grilled broccoli was delicious. :D
    Tomorrow will be a bigger test. :ohwell:

    Lin - nice to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    Feeling a bit apprehensive about tomorrow. Hope I sleep. Always find it difficult in a strange bed. At least tonight I won't have to worry about the kids waking up as the parents are still here. B)

    Been having LOTS of email discussions about my group of friends' trip to London in November. Finally we've decided on having dinner the first night in the posh hotel. Not so much for the food, which will be pricey, but mor for the decor. High Victorian Gothic. :laugh: At my suggestion we are having an early dinner menu deal on the Friday at a nice French place. Much cheaper and I will be able to slope off for the train home. :D Ouffffff! Much as I love my friend, who is hosting, she is hard work. She is still asking for "culture"suggestions. Personally, I just want to walk and talk and maybe do a gallery.
    I think it is sooooooo wonderful that the four of us, who were great buddies in senior school, are still seeing each other. One of us lives in Scotland! ! ! ! ! <3

    DDIL and DS are running around packing and printing out bookings etc. We are just sitting on the sofa relaxing. :)

    Speak tomorrow!

    Heather in North London UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    517049zmdkjrcqj5.gif I'm home eating my lunch after teaching the beginner line dance class. It is an interesting challenge because there are intermediate dancers who come for fun and hope there will be interesting dances that they like, others who who have been dancing for a few years but don't want to be challenged too much, many who come irregularly so many dances are brand new to them even though the class has been doing them for weeks, and today we had a brand new dancer who struggled even with the easy ones and sat down during the hard ones, but told me at the end of class that she loved it and nothing could keep her away. It is always a lot of fun :)

    smiley-laughing024.gifI am retired and some days I still don't have time to read the posts.....we all just have to do the best we can....sometimes reading for five minutes is the lift I need to move onto the next challenge of the day.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Just got back from court. The parental rights for my girls are terminated so we can proceed with the adoption!