

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »

    Anyone have input on weather in New Orleans in July? My FL friend is leading a tour in NOLA next year and has asked if I would like to come along as her assistant. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I don’t do well with high humidity and heat. So I’m waffling. I’m assuming that is a time of year when NOLA will be really hot.

    I've been there in July and it is very hot and VERY humid. Of course, that was 35 years ago, but I doubt it's changed much. LOL
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    I got it to work too! I must be magical as well.

    Didn't have time to read all your posts this weekend, so I've skipped all the way to the end and will try to keep up with all your news. Had a busy weekend. It was homecoming at our high school and my oldest daughter was home to see some of her friends. After a weather delay that caused the game to start over an hour late, the football team beat the team that was ranked #2 in the state in triple overtime. Woo Hoo! Saturday, my youngest daughter marched in a marching band festival in the morning, played in a volleyball tournament in the afternoon, and then had homecoming at night. We just got to follow her around and take pictures.

    Our high school is the one that was in the news because the AP Government class had a social media campaign to get a candidate to attend their homecoming and Donald Trump accepted. I'm not a Donald Trump supporter and don't want to get into a political debate on this forum, but I have three positives to say... First, the fact that these kids worked so hard to get a candidate to visit their school and they were successful is a great lesson in what can be achieved if you just set your mind to it. Second, these kids will all be old enough to vote in the next election so this was a great experience to get them excited about the process and to get them thinking about who they do want to support. Third and finally, the message from Donald Trump to the kids was very positive. He basically told them to stay away from drugs and alcohol if they want to be successful and he told them they should do something they love.

    Yesterday, I took a day off work. I had to take our remaining foster kitties into the vet to be fixed. They are now all ready for adoption but don't have room for them yet at the shelter. This weekend, I'll take them to a kiosk that the shelter has setup for adoptions at the local mall. If they don't find their forever home this weekend, they will probably have room at the shelter next week. For dinner last night, I had my daughter's volleyball team over for a pasta dinner. It's a tradition for the parents to host a pasta dinner on the night before game day about once a week and it was our turn to host. It was pretty easy and laid back. A couple of girls could not make it so we only had nine for dinner.

    Sorry for the long post. I will comment on other's posts next time.

    It's not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as expected. I just choose to be HAPPY and GRATEFUL no matter how it all turns out.

    Today I am grateful for my church. It's a UCC church and I think a couple of others have mentioned attending the same denomination. The theme for our fall sermons is "Every Story Matters". The sermon this weekend was about listening to the stories of others. It was a good reminder that sometimes all we need to do is to really pay attention and listen to what others are saying.


  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hi all: Well I am finally caught up with reading posts again. Weather here is good, did a lot of outside work this past weekend. Choir starts tomorrow evening and I am excited about that. It will be fun to sing again and get to know some people at church better.

    Pip - Hope your surgery goes smoothly and I am glad you have Kirby home to help you out.

    Joyce - Will Charley drink Boost or Ensure? Did the PT in rehab give him some home exercises or goals to work on? My DH was told to drink two Ensures per day when he would not eat after bypass surgery.He would open one and just drink a little at a time not all at once. You can also mix it with ice cream if he likes shakes.

    Cynthia - Welcome back.

    Sylvia - Hope you get things figured out soon. Gut pain is no fun.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »

    I did a ton of walking during my vacation. I credit that for my loss. Now to try to keep up with walking (or some other form of exercise) during my work week. That is my problem with having a desk job.


    I hear you with the desk job and lack of walking or exercise! I struggle with that as well. I look for ways to get more walking in during the day - I take the long way around to/from the bathroom and on breaks and lunch, etc. I am also trying to walk more by walking home (almost 2 miles) after work, when the timing is less of an issue. I usually take the bus in to work, so that frees me from having to take my car home. When I do drive, I look for the places to park (I don't pay to use the parking lot) that don't require paying the meters. That also helps get more walking in because those spaces are 3-4 blocks away from where I work.

    Elaine in Lansing
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Here's a hint for tracking water. I have a cup that is approximately 16 ounces at my desk at work. I then put 3 rubber bands around it at the beginning of the day and as I finish each full cup, I take off a rubber band. It helps me keep track of how much more I need to drink and at the end of the work day, if all rubber bands are gone, I know I've had 6 cups!

    Elaine in Lansing
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    so am I !!!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good Tuesday dear ladies. I have been off the last two days and time just flew by. Went to my cousins funeral yesterday. It was very large, but he had lived in that area his whole life and well known. Had a nice visit with my mom and sister. Now I work everyday till next Monday. I was down .1 today at weigh in and glad about that as not been a good week food wise, but have been doing alot of walking.

    Mia--Congrates on lossing 3 pounds on vacation. You Rock!!

    Kim--Great news about Levi. That machine scares me. It looks like it could hurt if you didn't know what you were doing.

    Carol--I so understand about your feelings about your one job. I get so upset when they think I should know something that no one has told me about. I also get told a lot that I need to smile more. What does that have to do with answering phones. When someone comes to my desk I do all I can to help them. But either on the phone or at my desk I do what needs to be done, I don't think I need to be their friend or joke with them. Not sure that sounded right, hope you know what I mean. Sending hugs. Also I see nothing wrong with the email you sent.

    Janetr--I agree I am worried not hearing from Sylvia.

    Penny--Congrates on the NSV of the dress. You need to post a picture it sounds beautiful.

    Lisa--Thanks for the story and I agree, when I was younger I did so very dumb things because I believed I was in love. Sometimes I wounder how I ever made it out alive.

    Sylvia--Sorry to hear you are back in the hospital. I pray they can find out what is going on.

    Mindy--Congrates on employee of the week. They know a good thing when they have it.

    Heather--Glad you had a good trip. I do agree I love my DGC and love doing things with them, but they wear me out.

    Polly--What a beautiful place to walk.

    Linda--Meeting bears on your walks, I could not deal with that. Glad you are safe.

    Terri--Love the pictures.

    Got an email at work today that anyone making atleast a dollar a pay day to the hospital foundation can wear jeans and Huskers shirts on Friday thur the bowl games. So I need to go get me a new Husker shirt. Starts this week so have to go shopping.

    pip--Glad to hear Kirby will be able to stay home and help you. I know you will do great.

    Barbie--Glad Jake is home safe.

    Well I am out of time for now and up to top of page 48. Love and prayers to each of you.
    Blessings, Vicki GRANDISLAND-NE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited September 2015
    Happy Tuesday ! ! ! (yes, it feels like Monday to me, but it really is Tuesday)

    Mindy – congrats on being Employee of the Week. Keep up the great work.

    Joanl – Congrats on your loss !

    TerriR – Lovely wedding gift. Thanks for sharing the picture.

    Janetr – Hugs and prayers for your sister and BIL !

    Cynthia – Welcome back ! Sometimes I get so involved with reading everyone’s posts that I forget to respond. Sometimes I just don’t have time to stop in. Sometimes the only “machine” I have available is my phone, so I can read, but posting is difficult and I try to keep it short (so it annoys me less). I never intended to hurt someone’s feelings - to make them feel invisible, by not responding. I hope you continue coming back, and reading, and asking for whatever it is you need. Please accept my sincerest apology ! ! !

    Lisa – I feel for you regarding the fingernail (everything really, but those fingernails bug me to no end). I cut and file mine down every weekend, because I can’t stand them too long or jagged. When they get too short (like torn off), I bandage them. I hope yours heals quickly for you. And hugs about the cockroaches. Those buggers ! There must be a better home for them somewhere.

    Janetr – at Honor Flight last week I met a man who was exposed to Agent Orange. He mentioned how miserable his life is from it, and how many friends he has already lost after coming back home. Hugs for you and DH !

    DJ – I almost never carry a purse anymore, just limit what goes in my pockets, or have a tiny wristlet if I am wearing a dress or something that does not have pockets. I like big pockets when I fly, and a purse that is as big as they allow as “personal bag”, so I can have some undies and crochet to work on during the flight and connections. Word to the wise: If you keep your driver’s license in your pocket, check on it often, as I lost mine once during a trip, and it made for very intimate trips through Security.

    NcCarol – Your response about the weather in NOLA 35 years ago made me laugh out loud. Thanks ! ! !

    Linda IA – I agree. It really doesn’t matter a person’s political views to want to experience a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I’m not Catholic, but one time a client asked me if I would go to a service with her to get our feet washed and anointed by the Bishop. I considered it a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and she and I had a wonderful evening. Having Trump as a speaker is a great experience, regardless of a person’s personal opinion of him.

    Elaine – what a brilliant idea for tracking water consumption ! ! !

    Vicki - I have been told numerous times that the person on the other end of the phone can hear my smile, so I always smile before I answer the phone (sometimes that means taking a deep breath and forcing a fake smile). Good luck !

    As they were sedating me for the procedure Monday, the doctor said “sorry for the delay today. The person before you was more work than I expected”. Everything for me was fine, and no issues. Today I am hungry and thirsty.

    I got to work early again today, so I could ride the bike. But then a man came knocking on the door and asking questions, and telling me all the wonderful things that a co-worker was telling him about the facility and employees, so I showed him around and answered his questions. Nice man. I hope he gets orientated and works out at the same time as his co-worker, and me.

    October 24 is the next Stars & Stripes Honor Flight, and my Dad and I have been accepted to volunteer with the Wheelchairs. He is SO excited he makes me laugh. I hope he can get through the evening with fewer than an entire box of Kleenex. His eyes are looking almost completely healed, he had the stitches removed Friday, and he isn't limping as badly, either.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Linda in IA - lol I'm sure you ARE magical!!!

    Gloria - love to see you twinkling :)

    Pip - Twinkling or tinkling? Ha!

    Terri in Milwaukee - that is so wonderful of you and your Dad to volunteer for the Honor Flight. I hope your Dad enjoys it as much as he is anticipating.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    janetr - twinkling AND tinkling!!

    i'm thinking i'm going to ride home since it will be the last time for awhile.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - Good plan, enjoy!!!

    Janetr OKC
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »

    Elaine – what a brilliant idea for tracking water consumption ! ! !

    Terri, I can't take full credit for it, read it somewhere, but it works!!

    Elaine in Lansing
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Becca - hope the soup is settling. You may have to otherwise sleep on the deck
    Wait @janetr7476..... but I LIKE making my comforter look like a huge "Jiffy Pop" popcorn container....hahaha!

    You all seem to be doing MAUVALOUSLY....glad to be a part of this great group!
    Tomorrow however I think I will be having a gain, but I am feeling lose in the clothes, so I am not letting it bother me. I am thinking its because of not getting enough water. I am still having a hard time with that. Its nice to be able to sleep through the night though!

    Confession time and Im not quite sure how to come clean about it. So last week I rec'd two loaves of Parmesan Garlic bread. I put both in the oven and heated them thru because I figured my son would be munching on them throughout the week. Anyway, we were having spaghetti and my husband sliced off a slice exclaming all excited, "Wow this bread has little bits of cheese just like the loaves we had in Japan". Well, I didn't have the heart to tell him those were the garlic cloves baked in and had the consistancy of a white cheese. The loaves are almost eaten up, and he hasn't commented on them. He doesn't care for garlic, so I find this situation quite comical. I think I will take this tidbit of info and take it to my grave....
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Here's a hint for tracking water. I have a cup that is approximately 16 ounces at my desk at work. I then put 3 rubber bands around it at the beginning of the day and as I finish each full cup, I take off a rubber band. It helps me keep track of how much more I need to drink and at the end of the work day, if all rubber bands are gone, I know I've had 6 cups!

    Elaine in Lansing

    Great Idea!! Can I shoot them at my husband when I take each off??...If you say its ok...then he can't blame me.
    Trickster in Oregon...