Squats and Big Booties



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I just scratch my head at why, as women, we always see things as flaws that aren't.

    Instead of "I have big hips," why not, "I have a wonderfully tiny waist? I'm curvaceous and that rocks."

    Yeah, I have problems finding pants that fit properly. And that's a problem I've had my ENTIRE life, and it's just something I've come to accept as fact. Even as a child, a very skinny child, my mother had to add elastic to the back of all my pants because if they fit my bum, they gapped at the waist. As an adult, I either have to try on lots of pants to find a pair that fits, or buy what fits the biggest part of me and take the waist in. Two little darts in the back does the job. You can even sew it by hand.

    I'm an individual. Clothes are designed to fit the masses. That's not my fault, or the fault of designers.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I will consider incorporating heavy weights into my routine. However, many people on MFP constantly say you cannot get bigger with a calorie deficit, that is not necessarily true. Large muscles like quads and hams can appear bigger as they get more developed, that is why so many who lift find trouble fitting their thighs into pants. . While eating at a calorie deficit, my pants became tighter in the thigh area after doing Insanity. This is an issue some men and even women might not mind, but it is not something that is okay with me. One of the posters shows a picture where she dropped a size but her butt is higher, thus appearing bigger. That is what she wants, but I have a big butt. I have big muscular thighs and I while I love my curves, they are bit too much for me right now. So please keep in mind that not everyone has the same goals, and the results that may satisfy you or another MFP person may not be what I am aiming for.
    If your thighs went from being loose in pants to tight in pants you were on a calorie surplus, you were really really freakin' swollen, or it was water retention. I lift, and I have no trouble fitting thighs into my pants. And my goals are not to have big thighs, and I don't think anyone here is trying to make you get big thighs, they are telling you exactly how to do the opposite.

    And just for visual confirmation, these are my thighs:
    They actually got smaller with lifting. I have the opposite problem then you. I have twig thighs, and the lifting isn't helping. But hey, I think fitness and health is more important.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    We are very similar in our shapes except since I turned forty the fat from my legs traveled to my middle. I love running it burns calories and feels great. Lifting progressively heavier weight does change your body and helps to lose fat. It makes me really hungry though , while running drops my appetite for hours. Are you eating less with running? Best of luck
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I can't really show you what happens with a "pear shaped" woman lifts heavy on a deficit because well, I'm not very good at eating at a deficit.

    So here is what happens when a pear shaped woman lifts on a surplus:

    My thigh measurement increased an inch as did my hips.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My quads and glutes *ARE* a little bigger since I started lifting, but I've also gained about 13 pounds since I started lifting. So, well.. yeah, of course there's going to be a difference.

    If I compare what I looked like at 140 pounds when I was just doing cardio (and losing 20 pounds) to 140 pounds now, I've only gotten smaller.



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    My quads and glutes *ARE* a little bigger since I started lifting, but I've also gained about 13 pounds since I started lifting. So, well.. yeah, of course there's going to be a difference.

    If I compare what I looked like at 140 pounds when I was just doing cardio (and losing 20 pounds) to 140 pounds now, I've only gotten smaller.



    Bam. And there you have it.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You're still asking the same question as if the answer will change. You want an effective leg exercise? That means squats. And heavy squats. Bodyweight squats are a waste of time and needlessly hard on your knees. If you're in a calorie deficit you're not going to gain muscle mass and if you're not on a hypertrophy program it's really not a concern anyway. Plus it's not like women easily put on tons of muscle.

    If you continue to lose weight (read: calorie deficit) I promise you that your thighs will get smaller. There's plenty of fat to lose in those areas without worrying about how much muscle you're going to build

    If you take anything away from this thread, OP, take the bolded. This is all the information you need to make informed body shaping/sculpting/shrinking decisions.

    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, there is NO WAY any part of your body is going to get bigger, be it hips, thighs or anything else.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You're still asking the same question as if the answer will change. You want an effective leg exercise? That means squats. And heavy squats. Bodyweight squats are a waste of time and needlessly hard on your knees. If you're in a calorie deficit you're not going to gain muscle mass and if you're not on a hypertrophy program it's really not a concern anyway. Plus it's not like women easily put on tons of muscle.

    If you continue to lose weight (read: calorie deficit) I promise you that your thighs will get smaller. There's plenty of fat to lose in those areas without worrying about how much muscle you're going to build

    If you take anything away from this thread, OP, take the bolded. This is all the information you need to make informed body shaping/sculpting/shrinking decisions.

    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, there is NO WAY any part of your body is going to get bigger, be it hips, thighs or anything else.
    ^This. I can understand where peoples thought process come from when they think otherwise. But it's simply not true. And for those of you who think but MINE got bigger...then you haven't been observing your body very long. And that statement is ignoring normal healthy temporary body weight fluctuations due to changes in water weight from exercise etc, which dissappears within a few days. The general oberservation will be that things shrink. You're not going to be gaining muscle, or fat. To produce that kind of mass you need the energy and extra fuel supplies to do so. You can not continiously create large amount of denser mass on a deficit. It doesn't make sense. Some things will stay a similar size (I lost most of my weight from my stomach, my *kitten* stayed about the same for example).
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Strength training will not make u bigger, it will make u leaner, end of story.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You're still asking the same question as if the answer will change. You want an effective leg exercise? That means squats. And heavy squats. Bodyweight squats are a waste of time and needlessly hard on your knees. If you're in a calorie deficit you're not going to gain muscle mass and if you're not on a hypertrophy program it's really not a concern anyway. Plus it's not like women easily put on tons of muscle.

    If you continue to lose weight (read: calorie deficit) I promise you that your thighs will get smaller. There's plenty of fat to lose in those areas without worrying about how much muscle you're going to build

    If you take anything away from this thread, OP, take the bolded. This is all the information you need to make informed body shaping/sculpting/shrinking decisions.

    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, there is NO WAY any part of your body is going to get bigger, be it hips, thighs or anything else.
    ^This. I can understand where peoples thought process come from when they think otherwise. But it's simply not true. And for those of you who think but MINE got bigger...then you haven't been observing your body very long. And that statement is ignoring normal healthy temporary body weight fluctuations due to changes in water weight from exercise etc, which dissappears within a few days. The general oberservation will be that things shrink. You're not going to be gaining muscle, or fat. To produce that kind of mass you need the energy and extra fuel supplies to do so. You can not continiously create large amount of denser mass on a deficit. It doesn't make sense. Some things will stay a similar size (I lost most of my weight from my stomach, my *kitten* stayed about the same for example).

    A friend of mine did this, got on the scale after a week of lifting and freaked because she gained weight. I was trying to tell her to relax, but she decided to stop lifting because it was making her bigger. LOL.
    Sad story. It seems to be fairly common. The media has us brain washed and many have no idea how their body works...so when they start paying attention to it, they have mini strokes every time things don't immediately go their way lol and conclude sitting in a chair while eating like a bird well help them the most. Boy am I glad I know I can lift, get strong, and eat cheese cake. My poor gigantic thighs:
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I appreciate all the replies, but I think there is a lot of confusion on the my body part got bigger discussion. A body part could get smaller in inches, but bigger in appearance which may not be what someone's goal is. In my case, at my former size there was a 12 inch difference between my waist and hips. At my biggest there was a 16 inch difference. So obviously my thighs were bigger. Now if in my fitness journey I drop an inch in my hips and say 3 inches in my waist, then my thighs would be smaller in inches, but in relation to the rest of my body it would be bigger. That is the concern that I have and I think others as well. Also, while I do appreciate the replies and the comments about calorie deficits. I established early on in this post that I have been eating at a calorie deficit. I posted to ask about exercise tips for a specific body type, since there are so many options when it comes to squats. I asked about reps, frequency, pace, weight. I asked about a specific body type, since there have been countless topics devoted to getting a bigger booty through squats, so what should the frequency, rep, pace etc be for someone who doesn't want a bigger booty. Again, the bigger booty that many say they are getting from squats is in relation to their body, not necessarily bigger in inches. Again, I appreciate the replies and I know everyone here is trying to help, but I am really looking for exercise advice. We all have different goals, so while some may be happy or satisfied with one thing, others may not, so I don't need convincing that I should be happy with my thick thighs and big butt. I do embrace my curves, but I believe I look better when I am more in proportion, so that is what I am pushing for.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    You're still asking the same question as if the answer will change. You want an effective leg exercise? That means squats. And heavy squats. Bodyweight squats are a waste of time and needlessly hard on your knees. If you're in a calorie deficit you're not going to gain muscle mass and if you're not on a hypertrophy program it's really not a concern anyway. Plus it's not like women easily put on tons of muscle.

    If you continue to lose weight (read: calorie deficit) I promise you that your thighs will get smaller. There's plenty of fat to lose in those areas without worrying about how much muscle you're going to build

    If you take anything away from this thread, OP, take the bolded. This is all the information you need to make informed body shaping/sculpting/shrinking decisions.

    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, there is NO WAY any part of your body is going to get bigger, be it hips, thighs or anything else.
    ^This. I can understand where peoples thought process come from when they think otherwise. But it's simply not true. And for those of you who think but MINE got bigger...then you haven't been observing your body very long. And that statement is ignoring normal healthy temporary body weight fluctuations due to changes in water weight from exercise etc, which dissappears within a few days. The general oberservation will be that things shrink. You're not going to be gaining muscle, or fat. To produce that kind of mass you need the energy and extra fuel supplies to do so. You can not continiously create large amount of denser mass on a deficit. It doesn't make sense. Some things will stay a similar size (I lost most of my weight from my stomach, my *kitten* stayed about the same for example).

    A friend of mine did this, got on the scale after a week of lifting and freaked because she gained weight. I was trying to tell her to relax, but she decided to stop lifting because it was making her bigger. LOL.
    Sad story. It seems to be fairly common. The media has us brain washed and many have no idea how their body works...so when they start paying attention to it, they have mini strokes every time things don't immediately go their way lol and conclude sitting in a chair while eating like a bird well help them the most. Boy am I glad I know I can lift, get strong, and eat cheese cake. My poor gigantic thighs:

    I don't know what your starting point was, you look great. But you are not bottom heavy. No matter how much I lose I wouldn't be as small as you on the bottom. I get that you are being sarcastic when you make the comment "gigantic thighs" but for there are women who really do have gigantic thighs in relation to their body and perhaps they want to tame the beast. So how about support those who have different body types and maybe even different goals and also like to eat cheese and occasionally cake.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I appreciate all the replies, but I think there is a lot of confusion on the my body part got bigger discussion. A body part could get smaller in inches, but bigger in appearance which may not be what someone's goal is. In my case, at my former size there was a 12 inch difference between my waist and hips. At my biggest there was a 16 inch difference. So obviously my thighs were bigger. Now if in my fitness journey I drop an inch in my hips and say 3 inches in my waist, then my thighs would be smaller in inches, but in relation to the rest of my body it would be bigger. That is the concern that I have and I think others as well. Also, while I do appreciate the replies and the comments about calorie deficits. I established early on in this post that I have been eating at a calorie deficit. I posted to ask about exercise tips for a specific body type, since there are so many options when it comes to squats. I asked about reps, frequency, pace, weight. I asked about a specific body type, since there have been countless topics devoted to getting a bigger booty through squats, so what should the frequency, rep, pace etc be for someone who doesn't want a bigger booty. Again, the bigger booty that many say they are getting from squats is in relation to their body, not necessarily bigger in inches. Again, I appreciate the replies and I know everyone here is trying to help, but I am really looking for exercise advice. We all have different goals, so while some may be happy or satisfied with one thing, others may not, so I don't need convincing that I should be happy with my thick thighs and big butt. I do embrace my curves, but I believe I look better when I am more in proportion, so that is what I am pushing for.
    People are saying you should be happy the way you are because there is no solution. That's the advice. What you are describing seems to be your gene code. For example, my weigh stays on my hips. The more I lose weight, the more disproportionally small I am up top, and the more my thighs stay the same. 30lbs later and my hips were still the same...I'm a fairly large pant size but I have anorexic looking legs and upper body. Some people it comes off their thighs, some people keep their thighs. It's more of a genetic thing then anything else. It doesn't matter your body shape.

    Now for the how lifting works. If you are doing heavy lifting and a calorie deficit, you will likely lose mostly fat. If you aren't and are not exercising at all for example, you would lose more LBM then you were losing fat. If you are doing more cardio (ie more reps less weight) then you're not trying to maintain your LBM. That's why you see some complaining that they're underweight and still feel fat. I was in that situation. I lost all my weight and didn't retain my muscle mass and while I lost fat and weight I basically look like a smaller version of my flabby self. I don't keep weight on my thighs ever, so I won't keep weight on my thighs ever. Even 30 lbs up from what I was I still had stick legs. if you are lifting heavy at a calorie deficit, you are mostly going to lose fat. I highly recommend burning off the fat first. If you stopped exercising for example and keep the deficit, you may lose more LBM then fat. The thighs will still likely be larger then everything else because of your genetics. You're a pear, you're going to stay a pear and have problems trying to find matching PJs that are not giant up top. If you get to pretty lean with abs galore etc and want to do a body recomp, then when you do a bulk work the hell out of everything else while eating a ton I guess? But I'm pretty sure you have to be fairly lean to see benefits, and it would take a long time, and even then, pears well be pears.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I appreciate all the replies, but I think there is a lot of confusion on the my body part got bigger discussion. A body part could get smaller in inches, but bigger in appearance which may not be what someone's goal is. In my case, at my former size there was a 12 inch difference between my waist and hips. At my biggest there was a 16 inch difference. So obviously my thighs were bigger. Now if in my fitness journey I drop an inch in my hips and say 3 inches in my waist, then my thighs would be smaller in inches, but in relation to the rest of my body it would be bigger. That is the concern that I have and I think others as well. Also, while I do appreciate the replies and the comments about calorie deficits. I established early on in this post that I have been eating at a calorie deficit. I posted to ask about exercise tips for a specific body type, since there are so many options when it comes to squats. I asked about reps, frequency, pace, weight. I asked about a specific body type, since there have been countless topics devoted to getting a bigger booty through squats, so what should the frequency, rep, pace etc be for someone who doesn't want a bigger booty. Again, the bigger booty that many say they are getting from squats is in relation to their body, not necessarily bigger in inches. Again, I appreciate the replies and I know everyone here is trying to help, but I am really looking for exercise advice. We all have different goals, so while some may be happy or satisfied with one thing, others may not, so I don't need convincing that I should be happy with my thick thighs and big butt. I do embrace my curves, but I believe I look better when I am more in proportion, so that is what I am pushing for.

    So what you do NOT want is to increase the difference between your hips and waist?

    To me this is an odd goal. Why focus on how big your hips/butt are? Focus on how tiny your waist is. I have a 12" difference between waist and hips, and 24" thighs. Yeah, finding pants can be hard but it's hard for a LOT of women due to varying issues. Lifting weights has made little difference in my ratios. My waist stays the same and my hips and thighs barely change. They are now big and muscular with a little bit of fat instead of just big and fat. I'll always have fat on my thighs unless I get to a pretty low body fat percentage. They look better and feel better. I can see muscles when I walk. I'm not afraid to wear short shorts. When I sit down in shorts they don't just bloob out, they old their shape. My butt has gone from big and wide to big, round, and high. So yeah, my shape is still basically the same but I'm healthier, stronger, more confident and a little sexier I'd think.

    I think we are answering your question. Lift heavy. I'd suggest New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women, Starting Strength or Strong Lifts 5x5.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You're still asking the same question as if the answer will change. You want an effective leg exercise? That means squats. And heavy squats. Bodyweight squats are a waste of time and needlessly hard on your knees. If you're in a calorie deficit you're not going to gain muscle mass and if you're not on a hypertrophy program it's really not a concern anyway. Plus it's not like women easily put on tons of muscle.

    If you continue to lose weight (read: calorie deficit) I promise you that your thighs will get smaller. There's plenty of fat to lose in those areas without worrying about how much muscle you're going to build

    If you take anything away from this thread, OP, take the bolded. This is all the information you need to make informed body shaping/sculpting/shrinking decisions.

    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, there is NO WAY any part of your body is going to get bigger, be it hips, thighs or anything else.
    ^This. I can understand where peoples thought process come from when they think otherwise. But it's simply not true. And for those of you who think but MINE got bigger...then you haven't been observing your body very long. And that statement is ignoring normal healthy temporary body weight fluctuations due to changes in water weight from exercise etc, which dissappears within a few days. The general oberservation will be that things shrink. You're not going to be gaining muscle, or fat. To produce that kind of mass you need the energy and extra fuel supplies to do so. You can not continiously create large amount of denser mass on a deficit. It doesn't make sense. Some things will stay a similar size (I lost most of my weight from my stomach, my *kitten* stayed about the same for example).

    A friend of mine did this, got on the scale after a week of lifting and freaked because she gained weight. I was trying to tell her to relax, but she decided to stop lifting because it was making her bigger. LOL.
    Sad story. It seems to be fairly common. The media has us brain washed and many have no idea how their body works...so when they start paying attention to it, they have mini strokes every time things don't immediately go their way lol and conclude sitting in a chair while eating like a bird well help them the most. Boy am I glad I know I can lift, get strong, and eat cheese cake. My poor gigantic thighs:

    I don't know what your starting point was, you look great. But you are not bottom heavy. No matter how much I lose I wouldn't be as small as you on the bottom. I get that you are being sarcastic when you make the comment "gigantic thighs" but for there are women who really do have gigantic thighs in relation to their body and perhaps they want to tame the beast. So how about support those who have different body types and maybe even different goals and also like to eat cheese and occasionally cake.
    Hey, I'm trying to help you. And yes, the gigantic thighs was sarcastic. But my bottom is where I carry my weight, but around my hips, not thighs. I have a 28 bra band, a 25 inch waist, 21 inch thighs, but 37 inch hips. So instead of a size 25 pant I'm usually in a 29 because of my hips. When I buy matching sets of clothes usually I have to go 2 sizes up from what fits me up top just to go around my hips.

    I'd like to tame my hips.
    It's not happening. I'd show you some pics of where you can really notice the difference, but I only tend to add the flattering ones. But it is a clothes finding, digging into my hips in a non flattering way, problem.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member

    I don't know what your starting point was, you look great. But you are not bottom heavy. No matter how much I lose I wouldn't be as small as you on the bottom. I get that you are being sarcastic when you make the comment "gigantic thighs" but for there are women who really do have gigantic thighs in relation to their body and perhaps they want to tame the beast. So how about support those who have different body types and maybe even different goals and also like to eat cheese and occasionally cake.

    In my above post I was trying to show that while my butt is lifted I lost 2 full pants sizes. Squatting while on a cal deficit will not increase the size of your bottom half. All it will do is preserve the muscle while the cal deficit strips the fat off. The fat is what makes the thighs and butt look big. I understand the fear of being disproportionate but it is in this case an irrational one.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Don't lift weights. It'll make you look terrible.

    There. Happy?
  • KissMeImShtFaced
    I like this thread and I cannot lie...