Squats and Big Booties



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I don't see the reason for all the hostility. If you don't like it, don't do it. Why bully people to agree with you? respectfully state your opinion and then allow others to respectfully state theirs. It's okay to disagree, and you can't moderate to what degree others are allowed to disagree.

    that's not me being hostile. not even close. and i have no control over your eyes so if you want to see bullying i can't stop you. i was calm, rationale, and every word i spoke was the truth. i'm all for disagreeing. heated debate is a good way for people to open their minds to other viewpoints and test their own conclusions. however, if someone wants to spout lie after lie after lie and can never back up what they say with science, experience, facts, or even pictures of themselves they should just move one because they aren't helping anyone.

    i'm not moderating what anyone is saying because i can't control them. she is free to keep posting as long as she likes. but i'm free to call her on her BS and i really don't care if thinks i'm not polite enough when i do it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    A BUTT thread and still no big bootie photos? :sick:

    lead by example.

    please. pretty please?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I was blessed with those thick thighs and an ample tush. I've done all that the others in this thread are suggesting to you.

    This was me before heavy lifting size 12 156lbs (on a good day):


    This is me after heavy lifting size 6 145(as of today):
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Nutritional Consultant/Personal Trainer
    Precision Nutrition Coach (Level 1 certified)
    Iron Edge Accredited Kettlebell Instructor (Level 2 certified)
    Australian Stength & Conditioning Coach (Level 1 Certified)

    OP: you are a noob. You know what works for beginners, ANYTHING! 5 reps, 10, 20. As long as the last ones are challenging and there is planned progression. If you are doing a million bodyweight squats, you are using the aerobic energy system. This will burn more calories but won't help much for retention of LBM. Lorinna Lynn's photos are the best example IMO of what happens when you do lots of aerobic exercises only.

    "the harder you train, the better your genetics become"

    I never said I was a beginner. I have began working out 20 years ago and strength training for 10. I was thin and fit my entire adult life, until I gained the last few years. But then I lifted weights to achieve a level of fitness, not to lose weight. I have found doing what I used to hasn't really worked for me. I have been a member of MFP for almost two years and while these forums can be entertaining, I find that some posters do believe in a one size fits all approach, ignoring the many variables at play when it comes to the body. Since I became a MFP member I did 3 rounds of Insanity, while tracking and while some had remarkable results with the program, I did not. My endurance improved, I dropped a few inches, no lbs and my pants were actually tighter in my thighs. A trainer friend of mine gave me a program which did involve heavy lifting for most of the moves and while eating at a calorie deficit, no significant change. I tried routines I used to do when I was thin, spent six days a week in the gym, following up my strength workouts with cardio, and nothing. I even went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked and found everything came back normal. I listened to many of you talking about BMR and TDEE and adjusted my calories accordingly only to gain and lose the same 5lbs over the course of a 1 and a 1/2. So what changed, three months ago I joined Weight Watchers and I started C25K and started to lose weight. I am actually eating more and exercising less and getting more results. Now there have been some weeks when the scale went up or didn't change, in spite exercise and a perfect diet that week. Why this happens, who knows. This is not to say MFP doesn't work or your advice doesn't work. It does work, but everything isn't for everyone. That is in the only point I've tried to make. As a trainer, if you gave everyone the same plan, what do they need you for. There is just one answer right? I fee like some not all, but some MFP members try to push there plan an their goals and their programs on everyone. If there really was only one way, then we would all be fit and there wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar fitness industry.
    You said you didn't lose weight....If you didn't lose weight, you weren't on a calorie deficit, which is why your thighs didn't shrink.

    Your goals were to have thinner thighs, everyone gave you a plan that would give you thinner thighs. You were informed that heavy weight low reps would not give you bigger thighs. They're all trying to help you and you just keep on ignoring everyone. If you have trouble getting a calorie deficit, do cardio so you'll lose weight. If you're eating at a surplus, you'll get bigger. If you don't have a problem getting a deficit, heavy lifting will get your legs thinner and firmer, like everyone else was saying. You asked for advice, you got it, you got mad at it. Do what you like.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You know what I learned after paying loads of money to trainers over the years that had me hopping around and doing ridiculous exercises? That I could achieve better results by ignoring them and doing squats, ohp, bench, rows and deadlifts. In half the time too. It really is one size fits all. Once I accepted that and focused on my diet...my awesome went through the roof.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Nutritional Consultant/Personal Trainer
    Precision Nutrition Coach (Level 1 certified)
    Iron Edge Accredited Kettlebell Instructor (Level 2 certified)
    Australian Stength & Conditioning Coach (Level 1 Certified)

    OP: you are a noob. You know what works for beginners, ANYTHING! 5 reps, 10, 20. As long as the last ones are challenging and there is planned progression. If you are doing a million bodyweight squats, you are using the aerobic energy system. This will burn more calories but won't help much for retention of LBM. Lorinna Lynn's photos are the best example IMO of what happens when you do lots of aerobic exercises only.

    "the harder you train, the better your genetics become"

    I never said I was a beginner. I have began working out 20 years ago and strength training for 10. I was thin and fit my entire adult life, until I gained the last few years. But then I lifted weights to achieve a level of fitness, not to lose weight. I have found doing what I used to hasn't really worked for me. I have been a member of MFP for almost two years and while these forums can be entertaining, I find that some posters do believe in a one size fits all approach, ignoring the many variables at play when it comes to the body. Since I became a MFP member I did 3 rounds of Insanity, while tracking and while some had remarkable results with the program, I did not. My endurance improved, I dropped a few inches, no lbs and my pants were actually tighter in my thighs. A trainer friend of mine gave me a program which did involve heavy lifting for most of the moves and while eating at a calorie deficit, no significant change. I tried routines I used to do when I was thin, spent six days a week in the gym, following up my strength workouts with cardio, and nothing. I even went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked and found everything came back normal. I listened to many of you talking about BMR and TDEE and adjusted my calories accordingly only to gain and lose the same 5lbs over the course of a 1 and a 1/2. So what changed, three months ago I joined Weight Watchers and I started C25K and started to lose weight. I am actually eating more and exercising less and getting more results. Now there have been some weeks when the scale went up or didn't change, in spite exercise and a perfect diet that week. Why this happens, who knows. This is not to say MFP doesn't work or your advice doesn't work. It does work, but everything isn't for everyone. That is in the only point I've tried to make. As a trainer, if you gave everyone the same plan, what do they need you for. There is just one answer right? I fee like some not all, but some MFP members try to push there plan an their goals and their programs on everyone. If there really was only one way, then we would all be fit and there wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar fitness industry.

    You are a beginner until you squat 75kg, bench 50kg and deadlift 100kg.

    That is assuming I want to squat 165lbs. I may be okay with 45 on the Smith machine. I didn't say I wanted to be a body builder, I am fine tuning a strength program for my fitness goals.
    I know a lot of other girls that can lift pretty heavy who look thinner then I do...to be a body builder they'd have to bulk. Once again, strength gain =/= mass gain. You've made it obvious you don't know how strength training works but it would be nice if you could get it out of your mind that strong people have huge-o muscles.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Nutritional Consultant/Personal Trainer
    Precision Nutrition Coach (Level 1 certified)
    Iron Edge Accredited Kettlebell Instructor (Level 2 certified)
    Australian Stength & Conditioning Coach (Level 1 Certified)

    OP: you are a noob. You know what works for beginners, ANYTHING! 5 reps, 10, 20. As long as the last ones are challenging and there is planned progression. If you are doing a million bodyweight squats, you are using the aerobic energy system. This will burn more calories but won't help much for retention of LBM. Lorinna Lynn's photos are the best example IMO of what happens when you do lots of aerobic exercises only.

    "the harder you train, the better your genetics become"

    I never said I was a beginner. I have began working out 20 years ago and strength training for 10. I was thin and fit my entire adult life, until I gained the last few years. But then I lifted weights to achieve a level of fitness, not to lose weight. I have found doing what I used to hasn't really worked for me. I have been a member of MFP for almost two years and while these forums can be entertaining, I find that some posters do believe in a one size fits all approach, ignoring the many variables at play when it comes to the body. Since I became a MFP member I did 3 rounds of Insanity, while tracking and while some had remarkable results with the program, I did not. My endurance improved, I dropped a few inches, no lbs and my pants were actually tighter in my thighs. A trainer friend of mine gave me a program which did involve heavy lifting for most of the moves and while eating at a calorie deficit, no significant change. I tried routines I used to do when I was thin, spent six days a week in the gym, following up my strength workouts with cardio, and nothing. I even went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked and found everything came back normal. I listened to many of you talking about BMR and TDEE and adjusted my calories accordingly only to gain and lose the same 5lbs over the course of a 1 and a 1/2. So what changed, three months ago I joined Weight Watchers and I started C25K and started to lose weight. I am actually eating more and exercising less and getting more results. Now there have been some weeks when the scale went up or didn't change, in spite exercise and a perfect diet that week. Why this happens, who knows. This is not to say MFP doesn't work or your advice doesn't work. It does work, but everything isn't for everyone. That is in the only point I've tried to make. As a trainer, if you gave everyone the same plan, what do they need you for. There is just one answer right? I fee like some not all, but some MFP members try to push there plan an their goals and their programs on everyone. If there really was only one way, then we would all be fit and there wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar fitness industry.

    You are a beginner until you squat 75kg, bench 50kg and deadlift 100kg.

    That is assuming I want to squat 165lbs. I may be okay with 45 on the Smith machine. I didn't say I wanted to be a body builder, I am fine tuning a strength program for my fitness goals.

    There are a ton of people who aren't looking to be body builders or pro-lifters that can lift 100lb + or who aim to lift heavy...goals of 200lb +.

    And there are a ton of people who don't. That is fine. Why can't one respect the other. You don't have to demonize anyone who chooses a different path than yours. And lifting twice your body weight doesn't mean your fitness journey or goals are any more valid than someone else's journey

    I'm not demonizing anything. You're the one insinuating that those who lift heavy or have goals to do so are bodybuilders. was just interjecting to let those who might be lurking know that this isn't the case.
    hey, I'm flattered really. My heads flying over being a body building beast lol.
    dolphin-rocket-o.gif <-me, flyin', wit my big ol built body
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What the heck is skinny fat?
    Me before I started lifting.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'd say keep the weight low, and the reps high to tone up, but not build up a lot of mass. But really, it sounds like you just hold some fat in your "problem" areas, so the key would be to get the fat down.

    Maybe I will stick with bodyweight squats and lunges for now.

    Your figure sounds a lot like mine. I too gain both fat and muscle very easily in my booty and thighs. I don't think you have to stick with body weight. I've had the greatest success with calorie control (not starving, but eating more to lose more did not work for me), cardio, both bodyweight and weighted squats, and plyometrics. I don't do really heavy weights though. I try to stick with something I can do at least 20 reps of. Higher reps seems to work better for me.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ummm..... there are no exercises that are going to make your muscles longer. Or leaner. Just sayin
    Yes, but there are exercises that will make your LEGS appear longer because you're legs are shaped, thinner and toned. One of the routines that can do that is barre workouts.
    Where on earth are you getting that idea? Last I checked there were no appearance lengthening exercises. Any exercise will do that over time with a calorie deficit.

    That's not true. Yes, you have to be low-weight to start, but there are some regimes that can make you look bigger. If that weren't the case, ballet students, who are selected for their long, slender, proportional builds, would be allowed to do any exercise they wanted outside of class. But they are usually specifically forbidden to do certain activities that will build up body parts and make their physical appearance less appealing for dance.

    I've also read many times that models and actresses who are concerned about gaining any inches on their rears and thighs don't use weights. These are people whose livelihoods depend on what they look like. They think it matters.
    Weird, I'm a dancer who has never heard of this and know of several professional dancers who lift.

    I've also heard that the fitness industry is surrounded by ignorance and that many try to scare women away from weights for ignorant reasons like the above since I've managed to stay pretty slim and dancer like.

    I also have a few professional dancers on my list...who lift. I also see that some other people in this thread agree:
    Go away. You know nothing about resistance training. Every comment from you in every thread is ignorant and completely devoid of science, logic and reason. There are people who have experience and training in this thing that are trying to help people. Among those people, there is still disagreement on what works best. But at least when those people debate, they are speaking from a foundation of knowledge. I'd say to go spout off this nonsense on a ballet site but I doubt if that discipline is still applying logic from the 1800s to their craft.
  • AllisonPlease
    AllisonPlease Posts: 48 Member
    you're talking about exercise when what you should be talking about is calorie deficit.

    and where are the damn photos?

    I am currently doing Weight Watchers for food. But still like to come here for the boards. I had tracked with MFP for more than a year and I just didn't get any results. I had trouble staying consistent with tracking, but in spite of trying various ranges of calorie deficits, I just kept losing and gaining the same five pounds over the course of a year +. Now since I have been doing WW and running, the weight is coming off, I am losing inches and feeling great. But I don't want to add something to my routine that will go against my goals.

    As for pictures, I have no idea how to post pics in the forum. But you can see my profile picture. This is after losing just over 15lbs. I haven't taken my measurements lately, but my pants are feeling loser. Can't say that was the case after doing things like Insanity, which made my clothes even tighter. Did three rounds of that. Or strength training programs that I have tried during my attempts to lose weight.

    Again stats, I am 5'10. Currently 185 lbs. Goal is to be 145-155. Heaviest 202. Former and goal measurements, 33/26/37. Which is around the 145-155 lb range. I feel I am more proportioned when I am that size. At my heaviest my hips were 46, an almost 10 inch gain, while my waist and bust only went up about 3 inches respectively. So my question concerning squats pertains to women who are blessed in the booty/hip area, but don't want any more blessings. So this is for women who are bottom heavy. Also, bottom heavy doesn't mean flab. My thighs and butt aren't flabby, but naturally firm and are very stubborn at when it comes to leaning or losing. I keep reading do squats if you want a big butt, well if you have a big butt, it doesn't seem like you should approach squats/lunges etc. as someone who is trying to gain one.

    I completely understand your struggle I have the exact same body type. I recommend a low weigh high rep regiment, which also continues to focus on toning while also giving you a great cardio base. Also the bodypump classes or something similar are good for this!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    you're talking about exercise when what you should be talking about is calorie deficit.

    and where are the damn photos?

    I am currently doing Weight Watchers for food. But still like to come here for the boards. I had tracked with MFP for more than a year and I just didn't get any results. I had trouble staying consistent with tracking, but in spite of trying various ranges of calorie deficits, I just kept losing and gaining the same five pounds over the course of a year +. Now since I have been doing WW and running, the weight is coming off, I am losing inches and feeling great. But I don't want to add something to my routine that will go against my goals.

    As for pictures, I have no idea how to post pics in the forum. But you can see my profile picture. This is after losing just over 15lbs. I haven't taken my measurements lately, but my pants are feeling loser. Can't say that was the case after doing things like Insanity, which made my clothes even tighter. Did three rounds of that. Or strength training programs that I have tried during my attempts to lose weight.

    Again stats, I am 5'10. Currently 185 lbs. Goal is to be 145-155. Heaviest 202. Former and goal measurements, 33/26/37. Which is around the 145-155 lb range. I feel I am more proportioned when I am that size. At my heaviest my hips were 46, an almost 10 inch gain, while my waist and bust only went up about 3 inches respectively. So my question concerning squats pertains to women who are blessed in the booty/hip area, but don't want any more blessings. So this is for women who are bottom heavy. Also, bottom heavy doesn't mean flab. My thighs and butt aren't flabby, but naturally firm and are very stubborn at when it comes to leaning or losing. I keep reading do squats if you want a big butt, well if you have a big butt, it doesn't seem like you should approach squats/lunges etc. as someone who is trying to gain one.

    I completely understand your struggle I have the exact same body type. I recommend a low weigh high rep regiment, which also continues to focus on toning while also giving you a great cardio base. Also the bodypump classes or something similar are good for this!
    ^this since if you have a hard time creating a calorie deficit, the high reps are a great way to create one. Skipping is probably the highest cardio but it's unsustainable over long periods. Running is popular and has a fantastic burn rate. But I like the idea of adding a bit of weights as well for a bit of resistance if your time is limited and cannot do heavy lifting as well.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    you're talking about exercise when what you should be talking about is calorie deficit.

    and where are the damn photos?

    I am currently doing Weight Watchers for food. But still like to come here for the boards. I had tracked with MFP for more than a year and I just didn't get any results. I had trouble staying consistent with tracking, but in spite of trying various ranges of calorie deficits, I just kept losing and gaining the same five pounds over the course of a year +. Now since I have been doing WW and running, the weight is coming off, I am losing inches and feeling great. But I don't want to add something to my routine that will go against my goals.

    As for pictures, I have no idea how to post pics in the forum. But you can see my profile picture. This is after losing just over 15lbs. I haven't taken my measurements lately, but my pants are feeling loser. Can't say that was the case after doing things like Insanity, which made my clothes even tighter. Did three rounds of that. Or strength training programs that I have tried during my attempts to lose weight.

    Again stats, I am 5'10. Currently 185 lbs. Goal is to be 145-155. Heaviest 202. Former and goal measurements, 33/26/37. Which is around the 145-155 lb range. I feel I am more proportioned when I am that size. At my heaviest my hips were 46, an almost 10 inch gain, while my waist and bust only went up about 3 inches respectively. So my question concerning squats pertains to women who are blessed in the booty/hip area, but don't want any more blessings. So this is for women who are bottom heavy. Also, bottom heavy doesn't mean flab. My thighs and butt aren't flabby, but naturally firm and are very stubborn at when it comes to leaning or losing. I keep reading do squats if you want a big butt, well if you have a big butt, it doesn't seem like you should approach squats/lunges etc. as someone who is trying to gain one.

    I completely understand your struggle I have the exact same body type. I recommend a low weigh high rep regiment, which also continues to focus on toning while also giving you a great cardio base. Also the bodypump classes or something similar are good for this!
    ^this since if you have a hard time creating a calorie deficit, the high reps are a great way to create one. Skipping is probably the highest cardio but it's unsustainable over long periods. Running is popular and has a fantastic burn rate. But I like the idea of adding a bit of weights as well for a bit of resistance if your time is limited and cannot do heavy lifting as well.

    Well, OP made a comment earlier that she actually wishes she could just slim down without any muscle tone. So to that, I say just go ahead and skip the weights completely and stick to eating at a deficit and light cardio. If you want to be soft and jiggly when you get to goal that's fine. If you are unhappy with that in the end, you'll need to get some muscle tone....but then you didn't want that so it seems you might just not be happy period...which then I'd say Mcb might be right when he mentioned body image issues.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    you're talking about exercise when what you should be talking about is calorie deficit.

    and where are the damn photos?

    I am currently doing Weight Watchers for food. But still like to come here for the boards. I had tracked with MFP for more than a year and I just didn't get any results. I had trouble staying consistent with tracking, but in spite of trying various ranges of calorie deficits, I just kept losing and gaining the same five pounds over the course of a year +. Now since I have been doing WW and running, the weight is coming off, I am losing inches and feeling great. But I don't want to add something to my routine that will go against my goals.

    As for pictures, I have no idea how to post pics in the forum. But you can see my profile picture. This is after losing just over 15lbs. I haven't taken my measurements lately, but my pants are feeling loser. Can't say that was the case after doing things like Insanity, which made my clothes even tighter. Did three rounds of that. Or strength training programs that I have tried during my attempts to lose weight.

    Again stats, I am 5'10. Currently 185 lbs. Goal is to be 145-155. Heaviest 202. Former and goal measurements, 33/26/37. Which is around the 145-155 lb range. I feel I am more proportioned when I am that size. At my heaviest my hips were 46, an almost 10 inch gain, while my waist and bust only went up about 3 inches respectively. So my question concerning squats pertains to women who are blessed in the booty/hip area, but don't want any more blessings. So this is for women who are bottom heavy. Also, bottom heavy doesn't mean flab. My thighs and butt aren't flabby, but naturally firm and are very stubborn at when it comes to leaning or losing. I keep reading do squats if you want a big butt, well if you have a big butt, it doesn't seem like you should approach squats/lunges etc. as someone who is trying to gain one.

    I completely understand your struggle I have the exact same body type. I recommend a low weigh high rep regiment, which also continues to focus on toning while also giving you a great cardio base. Also the bodypump classes or something similar are good for this!
    ^this since if you have a hard time creating a calorie deficit, the high reps are a great way to create one. Skipping is probably the highest cardio but it's unsustainable over long periods. Running is popular and has a fantastic burn rate. But I like the idea of adding a bit of weights as well for a bit of resistance if your time is limited and cannot do heavy lifting as well.

    Well, OP made a comment earlier that she actually wishes she could just slim down without any muscle tone. So to that, I say just go ahead and skip the weights completely and stick to eating at a deficit and light cardio. If you want to be soft and jiggly when you get to goal that's fine. If you are unhappy with that in the end, you'll need to get some muscle tone....but then you didn't want that so it seems you might just not be happy period...which then I'd say Mcb might be right when he mentioned body image issues.

    Why do you just make stuff up. The OP which is me never said any such thing. I said I would not be comfortable being then without muscle definition. Reading is fundamental. I also listed my goals, which included gaining strength, training for a 10K and said I have been doing strength training for 10 years with the exception of the last three months. I ask for advice about one exercise in my strength training regimen and of course the usual MFP trolls come along to degrade anyone who doesn't agree with everything they say.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I have decided on a routine that is a combination of high rep/low rep/ light weight heavy weight. I will see how it goes. Thanks for the advice that some of you offered. Many comments went way beyond the scope of the question. My post wasn't a question about diet. If it was I wouldn't have posted in the fitness and exercise forum. I have found what works for me diet wise. I just wanted to fine tune my routine for my goals so I decided to ask exercise advice from people who exercise, but then I have been around MFP long enough where I should have known what was going to happen. I am not against the idea of lifting heavy, Still many who promote lift heavy do a great disservice to this method of training by being so overbearing in trying to preach its benefits and attempting to discredit others who follow a different plan.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    A muscle has an origin and an insertion. These are fixed. You cannot "lengthen" it without surgery (or tearing it, not recommended).


    Hope that helps.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have decided on a routine that is a combination of high rep/low rep/ light weight heavy weight. I will see how it goes. Thanks for the advice that some of you offered. Many comments went way beyond the scope of the question. My post wasn't a question about diet. If it was I wouldn't have posted in the fitness and exercise forum. I have found what works for me diet wise. I just wanted to fine tune my routine for my goals so I decided to ask exercise advice from people who exercise, but then I have been around MFP long enough where I should have known what was going to happen. I am not against the idea of lifting heavy, Still many who promote lift heavy do a great disservice to this method of training by being so overbearing in trying to preach its benefits and attempting to discredit others who follow a different plan.

    Okay, I found a flowchart to help you track workouts.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    A muscle has an origin and an insertion. These are fixed. You cannot "lengthen" it without surgery (or tearing it, not recommended).


    Hope that helps.

    Yeah, it helps a lot. You have no idea how much.