

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DDnL just called. The storm has diminished in strength and they're going to be released back to their condo in an hour. They do not have Wi-Fi it will not be able to contact anyone. They are planning on leaving tomorrow at 1 PM. Thank you for your prayers and support!

    DJ - it's a 1000 calorie plant based diet. Macro breakdown is 55% fat, 35% carb, 10% protein. On the DrOz website he has a video explaining the diet, food, and health benefits. Google Dr Valter Longo. It is based on his research. My DH loss 10 lbs and I loss 6.8 lbs. today is the final day and I will weigh tomorrow.

    Have a great night everyone! Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin at home- 60min, 128ahr, 145mhr = 503c
    walk dome 2 hm- 40min est, 3.8amph/pace, 104ahr, 148mhr 2.5mi = 275c
    total cal 778
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,778 Member
    edited October 2015
    Carol!! Have fun on your date. I find that when I'm expecting nothing is when something happens... Just saying

    Mary ... Glad your son will not be in the thick of the storm ... It looks like a doozy!

    So ... I hid Halloween candy so my husband and son (aka sugar hounds) would not eat it ... In my china closet. I went to sneak some (bad, bad) but realized that they would hear my dishes rattle when I opened a drawer and my hiding spot would be revealed! Decided not to take any! In a convoluted way, this is an NSV for me! :smiley:

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @terri_mom I have realized that if society or the world in general tells me to be quiet I tend to be loud. Today on my walk I sat on a bench midway and just sang my opera. I think of my voice as a friend I don't talk to that often, but when I do sing she's always there. I am hoping to attend a group singing of the Messiah this holiday season. I studied in college and had a vocal coach. I envision doing a bit of "lounge lizard singing" in my far future. The fact that I sing at the local indoor pool just doesn't give me that stage Zing. I do like the echo if I sing directly into the water intake filters along the sides of pool though!
    Opera Diva
    Oregon... :-)
  • Franky489
    Franky489 Posts: 596 Member
    Awe! thanks for all the welcomes! I love the fact that someone is keeping this support group alive! You can call me Fran or Franky. Either ...I will respond to both! <3 I live in S. Ga.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    Welcome new ladies! <3

    Mary - what a relief! I am up in the middle of the night because I wanted to check on the latest news. :flowerforyou:

    Carol - I met my husband through online dating. I had to meet a lot of frogs first! :laugh: Don't give up!

    I've just posted a book on Paris to my DSIL for her birthday. It's a bit early, but I want her to read it before they go at the end of November. I have already sent them a guide book. So excited for them! If we weren't going to Montpellier around then I would be arranging to join them. Did I mention I love Paris! :laugh: I calculate I have been about 17 times! :noway: Isn't it wonderful what you can accomplish in the middle of the night!

    Now I must go back to bed.

    Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- thanks! I didn't sleep at all last night and will hopefully sleep tonight! I hope you get a good nights sleep!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, I can not believe that before picture is you! You are such an inspiration along with so many others here.

    Sylvia, did you ever see the movie 'The Help"'? I can't recall the actual words this colored maid always told this little white girl that was her charge but it helped her believe how important she is. But you need to get that and just watch the first few minutes of the movie and you will here those words. You are such an inspiration for all Grandparents and even parents to look to at being a good 'parent'. You are so selfless and give of yourself so willingly. I see now why you are and that is really you trying to prove something to yourself about how important you are because you have been told something else.

    I don't know why I have been so silent lately but I have. I do read several times a day and always think of my family here. You are all so precious to me.

    Well we are now in our Medicare enrollment period and we wend and signed up. We were hoping we could get Charlie into Medicare F but it doesn't look like it. The advantage plans pretty well take anyone but the Medicare F has qualifications. I don't feel I need it but Charlie really could benefit. But his heart attack, recent hospitalization, option for open heart surgery, etc make it impossible. So he is just staying with his present plan and I am going on it also. I will go from $64 to $29/month premiums with better medicine copays. And I got a free back scratcher for being a new member of United Health Care/AARP!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did 45min of Elle Glam Fitness Cardio DVD. I wasn't real impressed with this DVD and probably won't do it again. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD by Chris Powell

    Had my physical today. The MD feels that I should see a podiatrist about the plantar wart. Got my flu vaccine and will go back in a few weeks to get the shingles vaccine. I really didn't want to get both today since if I had a reaction, I wouldn't know which vaccine I was reacting to. Then went to donate a DVD and 5CD changer to the Y only they didn't have a receipt for me so I'll take it there another time. Then went and made a donation to the Salvation Army, then went to get my bangs trimmed. Unfortunately, I need to get another hairdresser, probably at the same place but I really need someone who is there more frequently. She's there only every other Frid, Sat and Mon, and I can never get there on a Mon. I need someone who will be there on the Wed and Fri when I'm in that area. I think I may go with the owner of the salon, she will most likely be there all the time unless she opens up another salon.

    Then came home, the guy doing some of the landscaping stopped by to put down weed killer, gave him coupons to give his mom. Vince started putting out the stakes for the "fence" for the Halloween decorations. We will go to the The Green Room tonight to see Southern Fried Funeral. I saw it at the dress rehearsal, and it is funny

    Mary - I used the Harris Benedict formula to determine my daily calorie need. AFAA felt that this was the most accurate formula. Prayers for your son and his family. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad that the brunt of the storm will hit south of them

    NCCarol - ouch! More damage. But glad you're back to your other exercises. Good for you getting out there and dating!

    Sue in WA - that's one good thing about if you get your hair cut too short...it does grow. I got my bangs cut way too short a few months ago and now I've gotten them cut a few times, they grew in

    Franky - welcome. Congrats on the great loss. Just don't get discouraged if you don't have that kind of loss every week. Some weeks you will, some weeks you won't. That's just how it goes.

    Sharon - why not save your "before" photo to your computer and then upload it here? Good luck to your dh, I'm sure things will work out well

    oh, Sylvia - I can personally attest to the fact that the things you make are absolutely gorgeous.

    pip - you look so much younger! Honest to goodness, when I first looked at the first pic of you at a heavier weight, I thought "oh, this must be her mother" In a sense you're lucky you escaped the dreaded "stretch marks"

    terririchard - have fun at the Murder Mystery. Do you need to dress up?

    frostflower and moonlight - welcome to a great group!

    kimses - welcome!

    DJ - I always make those pumpkin spice muffins in the minimuffin tins. The other thing is that you can have one to see how they turned out. Preportioned for you. I'm sure they'll turn out well for the Moose. I've put vanilla frosting into a tube, used a large star and put just a drop of icing on the top of them. Sometimes I do that, sometimes I don't. Kind of depends if I can have them out flat or not. I'm sorry about your BF's grandson. Do you have to give Max special food (softer foods)? Update: So glad they turned out so good for you. I knew they would. And with the pumpkin they are so very moist.

    Lenora - I like the way you stick up for yourself

    Mary - thank the good Lord that everyone's OK and returning

    Just got back from seeing Southern Fried Funeral. Even Vince thought it was funny. Tomorrow night we go to the Hickory Community Theater then Sun a friend is coming over to watch the episodes of Downton Abbey.

    Michele in NC
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Mary - I've been praying for your family. It must be such a relief that they are okay. Wishing them a safe journey home.

    Sylvia - I think most artists are very self critical. I love your pottery.

    Terri - The apple pie looks divine.

    Carol - How exciting! Are you nervous?

    Franky - Welcome

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DSIL & DBIL are visiting. "The girls" had a lovely walk today. :bigsmile: The news windows are keeping the col air outside, but the trim hasn't been put back. They're coming back Monday afternoon to complete the work. I doubt they will have enough time. The workers are great. The guy assigning them time for tasks is an idiot. :grumble:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Heather wrote - "Carol - I met my husband through online dating. I had to meet a lot of frogs first! Don't give up!"

    Carol - Jack and I too met thru online dating. We had talked long enough before we actually met we pretty much knew we would get along as at least friends. That's coming up on 9 years ago and we have been together ever since. Like Heather says you may kiss a lot of frogs first, but sometimes you find your prince. Hope you at least had a good time out.

    Mary - what wonderful news that they are all okay. I've watched every news channel available for information. Praying now that you can relax and sleep like a baby tonight. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Sylvia~ the quote from the help is You is kind, You is smart, You is important!!!! and thats the truth...
    I met Tom online also....
    up and off to work.. have my window bird feeder up now have to get the birdseed..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    I am typing on my new tablet! :drinker:
    Still got a lot to do to get it how I like it, but I have grasped the nettle! Don't know why these things make me so nervous. ;)
    Nearly all my photos and videos are on Dropbox, but I want them on the tablet. Still got to transfer the micro card.

    I feel I have made a good start.

    Photocopied my tax form this morning and also all the forms for the yoga Christmas lunch. Unfortunately I won't be able to be there this year as I will be in France. Bad planning on my part. I always enjoy it and wear something that flashes, like earrings or a headdress! :laugh:

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Thank you all for you kind words. This has to be the best group on the Internet.

    Last night hubby and I attended the memorial service for my friend who passed away. It was very nice. I was afraid there wouldn't be many people there but the room was practically full. His wife and I had set up a large display of his work at the front of the room (there was no casket as he was cremated) and there was an easel that held a big collage of photographs. His wife asked that people come up to share their memories of Greg, and many did. His wife is from France and she had a laptop set up "skyping" so her family could watch. Part of the service was even in French, which I didn't understand a word of but thought it was beautiful.

    Later it occurred to me that technology is amazing - to be half a world away but still able to be part of the same service. Of course, it was 2:30 am there, but they were still watching.

    I got up and spoke a little, in spite of being terrified by speaking to a room full of people. I forgot half of what I meant to say, and finished with a joke that got a big laugh, but when I got back to my seat my friends said I did a good job and hubby held my hand again. My friend Debbie later told me that hubby was beaming with pride. Our pottery group was well represented. Many potters came from Joplin. After the service hubby and I packed up the pottery to take it back to my gallery (I have a lot of his work there) and then we finally went to supper about 8:45 pm. That's awfully late for me, but I didn't have breakfast (out of milk) and just a slim fast for lunch, so I was starving.

    And the Royals won!

    And my headache stayed gone.

    So, it was a good night.

    Today, after swimming, I have to go trim a bunch of bowls and then we will go to the lake. The kids are with their mom this weekend (fingers crossed that she behaves and doesn't have any new boyfriends). I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    OMG Pip - first I would never know that those pictures are the same person and second wow for the bikini picture. About what I'm looking for it's going to have to be a house or duplex where I can keep our Lucy dog. I don't want to take her away from the boys too. She is about 65lbs and most apts only allow up to 30lbs. I also have to have a place where DGS#1 can practice his Euphonium (like a mini tuba).

    Katla thanks for the info on where you live. I have granddaughters in the Hillsboro area but the rents seem to be way up there from what they were not long ago. Of course that is true all over due to the housing bust that put many more people in the rental community either because they have not been able to buy or they lost their homes. I have actually been paying a couple of hundred dollars less than what the market currently demands so I'm having sticker shock right now. I know I will find something it just may take a little time.

    Thanks to all of you for your well wishes it means more than you can know.

    To all of you who are new welcome! You will find that this is a very supportive and motivating group of women not only for getting physically healthy but for LOTS of hugs when life smacks you in the face.

    I am loving all of the before and after pictures. Keep them coming!

    Hugs to all who need them and well wishes for those under the weather.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    By the way...I stopped at a garage sale yesterday and found two nice pairs of jeans, one Levis and one Lees, both were size 14, for $2 each. I held them up and thought, yeah, I think I can fit in those. Brought them home and yes! They fit! I'm wearing one of them now. The Levis sit a little lower on the hips than I'm used to, but I think I can still wear them. I just love a bargain. Showed them to hubby and he said he hates that I am buying clothes at yard sales. I told them it was $4 vs over $50 in a store so then he loved the idea. So I just tripled the number of jeans I have.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    No time to read right now, just stopping in to offer hugs and prayers to everyone, especially Mary and everyone with friends or loved ones in the path of Patricia.

    Make wise choices.

    Hugs ! ! ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Getting ready to go biking with a friend. Had a good nights sleep so it's a great morning. dH working in the evenings and wanting to talk when he gets home has been throwing my sleep/morning exercise routines off.

    Reading in "Confronting Chronic Pain" that raising Omega3 intake helps w/pain.