

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lisa – You have done so much, so the goals you made did not match what reality handed you… you still did TERRIFIC!!!! And the restaurant is doing so so much better than it would have without you. If the GM/Owner/or any other yahoo says you are not doing amazing, just let us lose on them….

    Katla - Thanksgiving with DSIL, do you know what would be helpful for her… for example I have a friend that loves pie and doesn’t make them so bringing pie would be a big help… my thought would be to ask if you and family could come with the caveat that you would bring … or write her a check for a bit of a cleaning service (before or after) something that would mean adding you guys to the mix would be less not more stress.

    Cynthia – it is hard to accept that this is something we will have to maintain forever! Especially if there are folks around who seem to do nothing and stay slim… hang in there.

    Becca - bring your laundry down here and you can do it here. No charge, no date restrictions, no nothing… just come.

    Heather - do you know the kids book about the train, I think I can, I think I can….. you can do this… I have cooked for my birthday a few times, and while I sometimes wish someone else would do it, I know I will get just what I want…. BTW Happy Birthday to you! Great picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Irish terri – in the states (maybe other places) Wednesday is sometimes referred to as “hump” day as it is the middle day of the work week, so you are over the hump and sliding into the weekend…

    Debby from N.Cal. – I read your post and blog…hang in, could you meet with a dietitian? Someone who might be able to take what you like, dislike, and the amount of prep you are comfortable with into consideration…

    Miriam – 15 cats! Wow!! They are cute but as I am so allergic, I love to just look at others kitty pictures….

    Mindy – that is a big list! I just found a yoga class with the right price (cheap!) it is a easy yoga class but great for a beginner, and it is offered at our senior center through the city recreation department… just $3 a session…

    Janetr – welcome home!!!

    September Goals: So this was not a good month...but October is here...
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles (dog is injured- will skip this this month) Did 140miles - which for me without Levi is a huge win...

    Log everyday – total lost cause

    Twice a week do floor exercises - tossed this one out the window!

    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking, went to nephew’s football game
    W3 – went hiking, football game!
    W4 – hiking, football, quilt show
    W5 - football, a SF walk, taught a pie class
    Kim from N. California

    October Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday - increase over 140 - would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited October 2015
    Mary This takes me back to when our girls were little and money was tight. We bought an huge old frame tent and camped all over Ireland. Cook outs and campfires were our favourite entertainment in those days.

    Penny In this case it's the language :lol: Not quite up to dancing yet, but I will be soon. We dance twice a month, Ballroom and Latin. We learnt Argentinian Tango on our first cruise in 2009. My mother was a dance teacher. As a child, I thought everybody had a roll-up dance floor behind behind the couch.

    Janetr Way to go! You will be back on your feet before you know it.

    MNMargaret I agree with you. If we begin to regard these terrible tragedies as commonplace, it will trivialise the suffering they cause.

    Yvonne Beautiful evocative poem. It made me feel tranquil just reading it. Nature has such power to soothe the trouble heart.

    Dr Katie DH travelled a lot when we first got married so I looked after our family finances. I taught Accounting when I first qualified as I had so much practical business experience (I went into teaching in my thirties). My childhood left me with a fierce desire to stay out of debt, and save a portion of every penny we earned for a rainy day. Now we don't need to worry so much, as we have good reserves and pensions.

    Sylvia We have a good thrift store in our local small shopping mall, so I am using it as my interim go to store until I reach goal weight. Then I will start buying clothes that better reflect my new persona.

    You can express your thoughts with us. Your concern for your husband is very real. It's better to get it off your chest than let it simmer inside.

    Heather So glad you enjoyed your birthday. You look radiant.

    My day was very full. I managed translation better than I expected. We are studying the poet, Horace. I started a new project in Parchment Craft. I am supposed to finish it before the next meeting at the beginning of November, which is good, because my DD#1 has her birthday in November.

    I have nothing planned for the weekend except designing a short PP presentation for my art history group on 13th. I can't actually present it myself as I have an appointment with my surgeon that day, so I will have to produce notes for one of the other group members to present it for me.

    Glad that that hurricane off the ESB has blown itself out.

    (((Hugs))) and prayers to those that need them. I :heart: this thread! :grin:

    g2cub32kscli.pngIrish Terri
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited October 2015
    Mia - thanks for asking on the column - unfortunately, the column is only available consistently if you pay for a subscription to the e-edition of the paper. They just don't have the staff to all the columns up separately on the web page, and of course, as a small paper, need the subscription cash, as well. They do put one up occasionaly on the opinion page at http://www.fortstocktonpioneer.com/, but a subscription to the e-edition is $32 a year. Probably worth waiting for the book!

    The newspaper publisher is going trying to publish a quarterly lifestyles magazine in January, as well, and I, along with my writer's group members, will all have one or two pieces in it each quarter. Probably stick with submitting one in my usual opinion column format, and then see if they'll take a photo essay on the seasons in the desert. I've got a ton of photos that would look great in a color publication. We'll see how that goes. They have to get the advertising lined up, of course, in order to make a go of it.

    Irish Terri - thank you for the Celtic knot image. I've always loved them, and love the shamrock shape of that one.

    Heather - you look lovely and serene.

    Found out a number of the folks at the restaurant descended en masse on the General Manager's office this morning to complain about the new manager--on the day I stayed home. The new manager's an interesting cat--certainly somewhere on the Asperger's spectrum, and while I can get through to him, he's brusque and unlikely to explain his changes to people, and we've had to do some massive changes to try to stop the cash hemmorhaging again out of the restaurant. And there are more to come.

    Kind of wonder what was said, but also know that he is pretty much the last gasp for the restaurant. If he does not make a success of it, they will shutter the place. The owners have more money than God, and have empty buildings standing all over the world that AREN'T losing nearly $600 a day. Won't bother them to stop pouring money down a rathole. *sigh* We did, at least, get an 'A' yesterday on the first health inspection since I stepped in the place. Possibly my only true, unalloyed triumph.

    Found a recipe this morning for slow cooker chicken calling for lemon-lime soda, brown sugar, soy sauce, onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and apple cider vinegar, mixed together and poured over chicken breasts, and on high for four hours. Didn't have 7-up, but had grapefuit-flavored One soda (no sugar), which my DH drinks, mixed a half bottle of that with all the rest of the ingredients except the brown sugar, and it smells amazing in my house right now.

    The kittens have the run of the living room and have figured out how to scale the couch. Funny to have six-inch tall creatures running around. We are probably going to get them up to the point where they're eating dry food and then give them to some folks who want a couple of barn cats. My DH is already getting stuffed up and having a hard time breathing every evening. Was kind of hoping that, until they got their adult coats, he'd be okay, but not so much. Will enjoy them while I can and give them to people who need them. All the mice and rats they can eat and a warm place to sleep at night, plus room to roam. Nothing to sneeze at! (sorry, bad pun).

    Best from West Texas,
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Friday!! I am working the long shift today 6-5:30 and then I am off for 4 days. Have a lot I want to get done. Tomorrow we are taking DD and two DGD's and going to an all day georcashing event at SASC air force base. Looking forward to that and a day full of walking. Tonight is our CMA group meeting and going to have nomations for officers for 2016. I am so looking forward to being just a regular member and not an officer next year. Then on Sunday we are having a biker's church and dinner our group is hosting, have to make some cupcakes for that. So going to be busy over the weekend. Use Monday and Tuesday to get things done around the house.

    Betty--Are you going on your trip for business or pleasure?  My advice is just take it One Day, One meal at a time.

    Chris in MA--Great NSV's. I remember when I first saw my collar bone. I found myself looking at it everytime I
    passed a mirror. I was afraid it would go away again. I also have the fitbit flex and love it. It does make me think about how many steps I have and pushes me to improve.

    Cheryl--Thanks for sharing the picture. I do think both you and the horse look good.

    Karen--Welcome, this is a great group for support and friendship.

    Barbie--I agree we need to see the positive and leave the negitive.

    Katla--Glad you got your haircut the way you wanted. I have the same problem, I have in mind how I want it to look, but can't get it expressed enough to get it done that way. Right now I am letting it grow out. DH and DGD want me to so I will see how long this will last before I just get it cut. Part of my problem is my hair is so thin. When I was young it was so thick and long that my ex had to comb it out for me everyday. I agree about the shooting. I do think the police not wanting to name the person is good, maybe the next one will think twice as they will not get their minute in the spotlight. I pray for all the families and friends.

    I just had a NSV here at work. The lady in the foundation came out and ask me to try on a new fitbit band she got. It is a new kind that goes on like a watch band. She said she wanted to see how the small fit my wrist and it was alittle big. She said I knew you had small wrist but not that small. Made me smile.

    Joyce--Congrates on your MRI NSV and the good report. Your DGD sounds very caring. Also glad to hear Charlie is doing well with his eating.

    Heather--Happy Happy Birthday! Good looking people in the picture, thanks for sharing and glad you are having a nice birthday.

    Janetr--Home a day early, good for you. I hope you keep doing so well.

    Sylvia--You did nothing wrong, this is a place to voice whatever we want and are concerned about. You have a right to how you feel and I understand with where your DH works it is a concern. Hope you are feeling better and does not become a full blown attack.

    Well I am done for the day and about ready to go home. Rest a little before we go to our meeting. I am so glad to be off the next several days. Please ladies take care of yourselves and know this is a safe place for each of us.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND- NE
    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Mary~ love the bonfire love sitting around those. we dont do it here at our house as we one dont have anymore trees to burn and we dont have a place for a firepit...
    I love fall weather and we are in for a bunch of rain....dont know if we will get the hurricaine or not.. but we will be prepared..
    well my dad called last night .. so funny he asked if I had made stuff yet for his birthday as I told him I would make his favorite stuff once a month usually the first sunday of the month they have Pot Luck at his church ,he called and asked if I would bake him a cake to take up ... so I am thinking maybe I will make it and take it up there myself and visit with him at his church, cant stand the pastor up there ,that is a long story.. but for my dad I would do it..
    I apologize for things I said earlier (about my fear regarding the school shootings) that may have sparked the political discussion. It was inappropriate on this thread.


    No need, we all are in shock n need to vent. There isn't a answer that's why it is so hard to understand n do anything to prevent. Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Mary This takes me back to when our girls were little and money was tight. We bought an huge old frame tent and camped all over Ireland. Cook outs and campfires were our favourite entertainment in those days.

    Penny In this case it's the language :lol: Not quite up to dancing yet, but I will be soon. We dance twice a month, Ballroom and Latin. We learnt Argentinian Tango on our first cruise in 2009. My mother was a dance teacher. As a child, I thought everybody had a roll-up dance floor behind behind the couch.

    Janetr Way to go! You will be back on your feet before you know it.

    MNMargaret I agree with you. If we begin to regard these terrible tragedies as commonplace, it will trivialise the suffering they cause.

    Yvonne Beautiful evocative poem. It made me feel tranquil just reading it. Nature has such power to soothe the trouble heart.

    Dr Katie DH travelled a lot when we first got married so I looked after our family finances. I taught Accounting when I first qualified as I had so much practical business experience (I went into teaching in my thirties). My childhood left me with a fierce desire to stay out of debt, and save a portion of every penny we earned for a rainy day. Now we don't need to worry so much, as we have good reserves and pensions.

    Sylvia We have a good thrift store in our local small shopping mall, so I am using it as my interim go to store until I reach goal weight. Then I will start buying clothes that better reflect my new persona.

    You can express your thoughts with us. Your concern for your husband is very real. It's better to get it off your chest than let it simmer inside.

    Heather So glad you enjoyed your birthday. You look radiant.

    My day was very full. I managed translation better than I expected. We are studying the poet, Horace. I started a new project in Parchment Craft. I am supposed to finish it before the next meeting at the beginning of November, which is good, because my DD#1 has her birthday in November.

    I have nothing planned for the weekend except designing a short PP presentation for my art history group on 13th. I can't actually present it myself as I have an appointment with my surgeon that day, so I will have to produce notes for one of the other group members to present it for me.

    Glad that that hurricane off the ESB has blown itself out.

    (((Hugs))) and prayers to those that need them. I :heart: this thread! :grin:

    g2cub32kscli.pngIrish Terri

    Love this!! Last name Gallagher
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    October Goals:

    -eat between 1000 and 1200 calories
    -continue eating more whole grains and whole wheat things...no white fluffy nothingness
    -Begin only weighing once a week
    -no late night TV viewing
    -try not to stress out about sons coming to visit middle of month! All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all things shall be exceedingly well.....
    -To not let my TOPS friends stress me out, just go with the flow, and know that stressing can have a power all its own.
    -To love myself, and my awesomeness!

    Excellent goals, Annr! MFP recommends no less than 1200 calories per day for an adult woman. I followed their recommendations while losing and the weight came off in dips and plateaus. So far it is staying off and I am healthy. I recommend following the MFP site advice because I had success with it. :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: You jostled me into getting in touch with DSIL. I've been considering texting her, but I think a phone call would be a better idea. YOUR ideas are very positive and I'll keep them in the front of my mind for the call.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    a quick hello, and it is chilly and rainy here. about 50 degrees.. will go snuggle in bed and read..
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Evening Ladies!
    My thoughts are scattered and for that I apologize. I'm just going to type and see what comes of it. I managed to take piggy for a walk yesterday though my inertia screamed at me all day "start tommooorrrooooowwww". But I've said that for how long. I swear I never would have made it without realizing I would have to be accountable with all of you (forgiven of course but still it bothered me enuf to dawn my reflective vest and go). The vest was needed BC I had procrastinated till dark. Same argument w myself tonight...with my convenient excuse that it's wiinnddyyy and wet. I don't melt! This time I braved it and took both girls at once. This can be tricky at times BC they are both big and too excited to walk calmly by my side. I think that will improve as a daily walk becomes routine. Anyway Winny Pig can't make it very far she isn't old but 110 pounds of short stocky English Lab. About thirty pounds overweight, plus a couple of years ago she had a knee rebuilt and has always been stiff since. I think that will improve too w weight loss, excersize and I started them on glucosamine last week. Anyway her round trip is about 2500 steps. Technically I didn't meet my 5000 step goal but I'll take it for now. I'm already drumming up the excuse that I work a full day tomorrow and surely I don't need to add to my pain by walking the dog(s)? Why do I agonize over this? I love it when I get out there! I hiked 2000 miles on the Appalachian Trail after college! Walking used to be my THING! Idk but I did love the walk and am proud of myself for going.
    As far as holidays go, I'm glad the topic came up (last week I know I'm behind). The last few years have been awful. My family always had huge celebrations of thirty plus at my parents (which is now my house). They were good times though lots of work. Then my parents got critically ill and our downstairs was transformed into a hospice ward for about five years so no get together so just quiet visits. Culminating in my sister dropping dead Dec 23 three years ago (also my Dads bday) and my mum dying Dec 12 two years ago. That year we had no Christmas. No tree no meal no church service and no presents. I was in a really bad place. Last year I rallied a bit. We had Tday and Xmas meals with just my kids and we included their Dad as he was alone. Few presents but a brand new nice quality fake tree. Better. This year a third of my downstairs is home to my two excersize machines leaving much too small of a place to resume the Clan gatherings..they have all gotten old enough to have their own homes anyway...when I brought it up to one of my extra kids last night..he said their foster mother didn't do holidays and they haven't had a Tday. I can't let that stand. Soooo counting seating/space I have tight room for ten. Myself my ex? My daughter, four extra kids their grandmother my old friend and her two sons. I'm going to run it by my daughter as I know the majority of the work (all will have to participate in prep and cleanup) will fall on Melly and me. If she's good with it I think I'm going to go for it. It's a huge undertaking for me but Heather (happy bday by the way!) has inspired me.. Wish me luck! Any thoughts? Will post menu next week.

    Heather....your pic was lovely! Happy Birthday Officially!

    Terri. Your poem about violence was beautiful and poignant. Thank you.

    Katla and Cheryl. Love the horse talk and pics. I have decided to fit in horse lessons once a week come April if I weigh 200 or less..currently I am 241.

    JanetR. Way to go PT Poster Girl!

    Sylvia. Please take care of yourself...could the worry about your GD have your "stomach in knots?" Not trying to pun...especially about such a serious issue..it just seems that there is a lot of truth in old fashioned sayings don't you think?

    Azurekat Welcome and I could NEVER stick to ONE fry!

    Joyce. Congrats on your loss! Your story about Charlie singing you More made me misty! My Dad sang my Mum little luv ditties every day until he couldn't speak. They were so in love.

    So many other well wishes, condolences and welcomes lurking in my clouded memory..it's been to long since I have commented about any of you. Thanks for putting up with me and my lengthy post.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Patceoh: did you go to Mary Yoder's? :-)

    Janet R.: glad to hear from you. As I need a new knee I will be monitoring your progress closely! :-)

    Heather: happy birthday!

    Pip: sounds like you're healing well.

    Sylvia: thinking of you. I don't think you made an inappropriate remark, by the way.

    Vicki: congrats on your small wrist!

    Still feeling feisty, alternated with hopeless. Not sure how to deal with this for a productive result.

    It's late and I should have been in bed a couple of hours ago. See you all tomorrow.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Beth - we bought this generator when we lived in PA. We moved it to NC thinking that NC probably gets lots of ice storms. But we really don't. Actually, we haven't used this generator in the 8 years we've lived here. To be honest, I don't even know if it works!

    Karen - welcome! You've come to a great place

    Just got back from seeing "Minions". To be honest, there were some parts that I thought were on the boring side. Vince really enjoyed it. The music is definitely for adults (things we listened to in the 60's and 70's)

    Did an hour of a DVD called "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme". It's aerobic, I wasn't crazy about it. It was to the music by (how is it spelled?) Bzorn. The plan for tomorrow is to do an advanced Strength DVD

    katla - I was going to suggest you take a pic with you to your hairdresser, but I guess I'm too late! Glad you got it cut the way you wanted.

    Carol in NC and DeeDee and DJ and anyone else in Joaquin's path - stay safe

    Becca - I love mushrooms, too. Portobella when they're on sale make a good sandwich. Right now the baby bella are on sale and I have to make something for Mexican Train Tuesday so I'll make these stuffed mushrooms (which Vince won't eat, but that's OK)

    Went to the eye MD today. No change which surprised me since there wasn't any change last year either. Then they installed the new microwave. Now to get used to it.

    Joyce - congrats on that NSV!!!! Glad the MRI was normal

    terri in Milwaukee - great find on the Fage. You only bought 12??? I got Pepsi 2 liter today for 79 cents and got 8 (that's all the store had)

    janemartin - so sorry for you. Sending virtual chicken soup your way

    Sylvia - sure do hope you're better real soon. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. You're honest with yourself and us. I would probably feel the exact same way if I was in your position.

    Heather - happy birthday. Lovely pic, you look so fantastic and so does your bro and his wife.

    Becca - love your goal about not stressing out about your sons coming for a visit. What will be, will be.

    Lisa - Kim was saying that if the owner/GM/whoever said you weren't doing a good job, just let him loose on us. Well, to be honest, I don't think they WANT to be let loose on us....lol

    Kim - I don't mind cooking on my birthday, at least this way I get what I want and what's within my calorie allotment

    Irish Terri - maybe I missed something (not new, really). Did you make that picture? It's fantastic

    Lisa - so sorry you won't be able to keep the cats. There isn't some sort of medicine that dh can take?

    Vicki - good job on the fitbit! WTG girl! You rock

    Mindy - congrats on getting that walk in. You have every right to be proud of yourself, we are that's for sure. So sorry about your sister and mom. You can do the Tday. Can't wait to see your menu

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hope this puts a smile on the face of all the cat lovers. This is Mars. He walks on a leash, or perhaps it's better to say his humans at the other end of the leash get to come along on his 'hunting' trips. Never know where we'll go. So fun. Fall colors popping up here. Happy Friday to all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Heather,this will be a day late by the time you get this greeting....your picture is beautiful...you are such an inspiration to all those who want to enjoy interesting eating and still lose weight and keep it off.

    smiley-happy110.gifjanetr, how wonderful that you are home and that your recovery is progressing well....you probably know that the most dangerous time in a recovery is when you are starting to feel recovered---it is too easy to overdo instead of continuing to rest appropriately.

    :)<3 I agree that this is a safe place to express fears and sadness over the news...it is equally important to stay away from opinions or strong generalizations about the reasons that things happen. We all need to be mindful of any comment that might hurt or offend another woman on this thread.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Love all the kitty pictures.

    Here are my daughter's cats. They live in a studio apartment with my daughter in Chicago. Albie is the "orange" cat and Minnie is the black & white cat. Their names have some sort of Harry Potter connection.


    Cheri in chilly NE Ohio
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Love all the kitty pics! They really put a smile on my face.

    My tummy has started feeling better now. I managed to eat a bowl of cream of wheat and it's staying down. So, my little crisis is over and no visit to the emergency room was required. My appointment with the specialist is on November 10th. I'm taking notes about when these things happen, what I ate before, how it feels and where it hurts, etc, so I can tell the new doc more than...my tummy hurts.


  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    A little NSV for me ... Drugstore had a coupon and I had reward dollars ... Could have bought 3 bags of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for a net total of 1.00. I didn't. Last week I bought one bag at regular price and had them eaten in an afternoon. Decided I want to lose weight more than I wanted to satisfy my candy craving ...

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited October 2015
    :)Sylvia, love your picture....one of the things I've done to reduce stress in my life is to make my cooking as simple as possible.....that recipe would be perfect for me except that we don't eat bread and sandwich thins might not hold up as well.

    :)Beth, It looks like you learned that "free food" is often dangerous....I had to banish candy from my house.

    :)Cherie, I love the cat pictures

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    16,000 steps
    121 minutes of dog walking
    taught the two hour beginner line dance class

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Love all the kitty pics! They really put a smile on my face.

    My tummy has started feeling better now. I managed to eat a bowl of cream of wheat and it's staying down. So, my little crisis is over and no visit to the emergency room was required. My appointment with the specialist is on November 10th. I'm taking notes about when these things happen, what I ate before, how it feels and where it hurts, etc, so I can tell the new doc more than...my tummy hurts.


    A friend of mine went threw the same symptoms. She had tests n number of different doctors, it turned out to be too much fish oil. I'm not saying this is it for you but who knew fish oil prescribed by her doctor. Gayle Minneapolis