

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin - 45min, 88ar, 98aw, 10-14g, 19.5mi = 557c
    walk - 9.57min, 3.9amph, .6mi = 105c
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited October 2015
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Rori - Mars is absolutely adorable!

    Cheri - your daughter's cats are amazing, too.

    Sylvia - so glad you're feeling better. So cute gingerbread house!

    Beth - big congrats on not getting those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. You know, if it had been me, I probably would have bought them but then donated them to the soup kitchen since I don't care for RPBC.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sylvia I was referring to what the leader of our country said and what I believe was poor choice of words. Rather than saying routine I wish he would have said these events are happening too often. This is a statement we all can agree. I agree with you and think saying prayers for all is appropriate for this thread because these tragedies effect us all.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Liz, what kind of freezer meals are you looking for? Do you mean something you can cook and freeze or store bought? Many of the ladies in here have wonderful ideas on many things food related.

    Joyce, what a wonderful NSV! That had to be nice. I don’t know what kind of weird MS you have, but it has to be good that the MRI was negative. With all that you have been going through you are still thinking of others. You are a very special lady. (((Hugs)))

    Rori, a big congrats on your loss with all that traveling. Good for you!!!! Wish your travels brought you to the SC coast sometime. Well not right now while we are having floods.

    Joyce, wonderful new on your loss. I hope it wasn’t just from stress, but a loss is a loss no matter. Congrats.

    Lindy, welcome to a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. Also we ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. Come often. This thing works.

    Irish Terri, love the poem.

    Allison, that is so sweet to cook for your Dad to take to church. It would be nice if you delivered it and got to visit.

    Rosie, have a marvelous time with your friend. How special to have a friend for that many years that you can go through life’s trials and tribulations with. I had a very, very close friend for over 10 years that went into a deep depression and cut me out of her life. I’ve tried numerous times to reconnect but she won’t have it. I feel like I’ve been in morning for 10 years now and miss her terribly.

    Janetr, welcome home. Why am I not surprised that you are their “poster child” and got to go home early? So glad all is going well and will keep sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    Lillian, why don’t you stop and eat when you travel alone? Do you take food with you or just skip meals??? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Heather, again, Happy, Happy Birthday!!! On the subject of DH’s niece and his party, why in the world would someone want to go someplace they are not invited and not wanted???? I can’t even imagine! If her parents are so worried about her, maybe they need to stay home with her. (Ok, I know that was really snotty, but I can get that way when I get my dander up.) I’ sure it will work out. You just have a great day today.

    Barbie, I love your list about the hook! Was this from a school for fish??? smiley-gen002.gif

    Chris, I used to go watch my parents square dance when I was a kid and loved it. Have fun. Congrats on your loss and I agree in not wanting to derail it.

    Pip, that is one problem with the pain killers. Ya kinda have a choice of “do I want to be in pain and able to poop” or “do I want to go without pain and poop?” The stool softeners will work eventually. Lol Glad you are healing.

    DrKatie, good advice for those that need it. And good for you in getting to the place you are in now.

    Sylvia, great score at the garage sales. Have a fun trip to Lawrence.

    Jane, sorry to hear you are under the weather.  Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Sylvia, sorry the gut monster attacked. Hope it left quickly. I don’t think your comments had anything to do with the discussion about the school shootings. No need to apologize.

    MNMargaret, glad the funeral went well.

    Heather, so glad you had a good day. Lovely picture and I love that smile on your face!

    Vicki, great NSV! Enjoy your days off and I hope you get everything done on your list.

    Mindy, your holiday plans sound fantastic. I’m sure everyone would enjoy it.

    Michele NC, congrats on the microwave. I know you are happy to finally have it in.

    Poerava, I love the picture of Mars. I’ll bet he can take you on some fun walks.

    Cheri, pretty grand cats you have. Thanks for sharing.

    Sylvia, love, love, love the Gingerbread House!!! Glad tummy got better.

    Beth, way to go on saying NO! Keep it up.

    Wow, it has rained all day long and is really pouring down now. badday.gifOn the news I saw where a number of areas are flooding with streets closed. Ocean Blvd. is under water in lots of places so people can’t get out of the ocean front resorts. It looks like it will only get worse the next two days. Other than our back yard being soaked with a shallow lake now in it, we are fine. No street flooding here.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today goal was to walk for 30 minutes but only got 20 in. It was a good day at work. So ready for The weekend. Going to catchup on house work but looking forward to some R&R too. Going to the Y tomorrow love getting in the water.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Beautiful photo, & you look gorgeous! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :star:

    Rori: Mars is a handsome fellow. :smiley:

    Mindy: Horseback riding lessons are what triggered the level of determination I needed to lose weight. DH gave me riding lessons as a birthday present. I developed bursitis in my left knee posting during a riding lesson because I was too heavy for the knee to handle the load pushing my chubby self out of the saddle repeatedly while posting. I found MFP and started losing weight before I finished that round of lessons and then it was a long time before I counted myself healthy enough to try riding lessons again. I'm taking them now and loving every minute. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: You're smart to keep notes to share with your doctor on your next visit. Maybe you'll be able to discover a pattern and find a way to deal with it. I love your gingerbread house. :wink:

    Beth: WTG!!!!! Deciding not to buy that candy is a HUGE NSV! :flowerforyou:

    We invited neighbors over to play Mexican Train this evening and had a lovely time. I hope we'll do it again. I'm willing to host if they're willing to play again. :bigsmile: Riding lesson in the morning and son is coming our way. Yay! :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited October 2015
    Michelle If you mean the Celtic Knot Shamrock, then no. I found it on google. If you mean the wedding card, then yes. I made it for my DBIL and SIL's silver wedding anniversary. It took about 10 hours of work but they are worth the effort. I have reposted that below.


    Mindy Good on ya for deciding to restart Xmas celebrations. It's lovely that you feel able to jump back into the festive water.

    Molly Glad your gut has settled a little. It's a great idea to keep those notes. I love your Christmas recipe. Can you make it with wholemeal bread instead of the White? :innocent:

    Beth You remind me of my niece. She has a file that she takes with her when she goes shopping. All her friends collect pass on coupons etc to her. We went shopping with her one day when we were visiting. She actually came out in credit. Her whole shop cost her around $3 and then they handed her a $5 off coupon for her next shop.

    I have a fairly relaxed weekend ahead of me. I have a short PP Presentation to prepare for Art History on 13th. I can't give it myself as I have an appointment with my surgeon that day, so I will do out an instruction sheet for one of the others to give the presentation.

    The spell of fine weather seems to be at an end this morning. No rain yet, but dull and overcast. I have been having a lie-in so must shift myself to have breakfast.

    (((Hugs))) and Prayers to those who need them.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning ladies~
    Tom is off for bloodwork has a Dr's appt this weds, I did drop a note off to his dr last week telling him he has been off for quite awhile now and as his physician maybe he could get to the bottom of it.. cant hurt to ask...
    have dads birthday cake in the oven,load of laundry in the dryer and another in the wash..
    will go take care of DFIL and then out to take care of Faith Sean and Jean should be home this afternoon, so that will end my watch ...
    new pellet stove will be here between 12-2 today...
    Cold and rainy here the temp is only about 45 degrees, so we already have the heat on in the house.. he isnt worried about me, he doesnt want the dogs to get cold :s
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thank you all for the well wishes. The swelling in my left leg has gone down dramatically this morning. Visiting nurse and physical therapist both came by yesterday. Was not happy with the nurse as our appointment time was 10:00 am and she showed up at 12: 30. PT put me thru some exercises nothing too bad and will now come 3 days a week. The pain meds work great, only problem is they make me horribly nauseous. I'm trying cutting the dose in half, it does help with the nausea now I'll need to monitor the pain control. It all makes me sleepy no matter how much or how little I take. Doc gave me a patch and a script for nausea. It does seem to take the edge off.

    Janetr OKC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Janetr ... I've never been able to take oral pain medication due to the nausea. Hoping you don't need the meds too long!!

    Alison ... Hoping you can have a good day. It's cold and dreary here too. Not expected to get above 45 and the furnace is definitely on.

    DH and I picked the apples from our one lone apple tree. It's a Fireside. Huge apples! We don't spray and end up getting what the deer and our black lab miss. The lab has learned how to pull on branches to knock off the apples. The critters left us about a bushel this year ...

    Off to breakfast with s friend visiting from Nashville. A little garage sale-ing and the apple peeling!

    Have a good day!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Love weekend mornings... and loved the day at home yesterday so much. And, sorry, just overflowing with it, loving the cat pictures.
    However, ran across something the other day that I found really interesting - I'm sure y'all are aware that pregnant women should never clean litterboxes, right? If I'm telling you something you already know, skip this, but if you didn't know why, it's because there is a parasite that most cats have without major visible effect, called toxoplasma gondii. Prenatal infection with Toxo is connected with higher risk of schizophrenia and psychoses in the child once grown. A third of the human race is infected by this protozoan, and the vast majority have the "latent" form, and don't have apparent symptoms. However, more than 40% of schizophrenic patients have tested positive for the antibodies to the active form, as opposed to a bit over 10% of the control population in the studies. The human body's inflammatory response to the infection may be the cause of the schizophrenia, rather than the parasite's changes to the brain. (Here's the link to the NIH information if you want to look at the original info.)

    And yes, this particular parasite can actually change brain chemistry, and that's the fascinating bit for me. Toxo is one of the parasites that, in affecting the brain, also may well affect behaviors other than those along the schizophrenic/psychosis spectrum. In rats and mice, Toxo apparently alters their brains to the point that, while they keep all the other usual rodent fears, they end up attracted to the smell of cats, well, cat urine, specifically. Seriously--here's a less-dense piece from National Geographic 2007 that talks about it. Toxo can only, by the way, sexually reproduce in the feline gut, so the changes it makes to rat brains are driven by the parasite's reproductive instincts.

    A number of studies have been conducted on humans infected with the parasite--and yes, the latent form may well affect human behavior as well. Strangely enough, it affects men and women differently. While both men and women, according to the study, show higher incidence of being guilt-prone ("tend to be more apprehensive, self-doubting, worried...insecure... and self-blaming"), Toxo women show higher intelligence, are more "warm, outgoing, attentive to others, kindly, easy-going," and have stronger superegos, ("rule-conscious, dutiful, conscientious, conforming, moralistic, staid"). Toxo-infected men, however show "lower intelligence, superego strength, and novelty seeking (rigid, loyal, stoic, slow-tempered and frugal)."

    OK, so if we step outside all the scientific gobbledy-gook, what if Toxo makes us also seek out cats, in the same way that rats and mice do who are affected? Well, interestingly enough, it does apparently have that effect on men, but not on women. (How Your Cat is Making You Crazy, The Atlantic, March 2012)

    Protozoans are those microscopic entities that always reminded me of paisley patterns when we had to draw them in high school science. I find it utterly intriguing (and admittedly a tad creepy) that something that small can affect our brains to the point that it changes who we are and what we do at very basic levels. It literally stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain to achieve an aim that it cannot achieve in humans, but can in other warm-blooded mammals who are part of the cat's food chain. And since rats and mice are cat prey, the food chain is immense.

    On a more pleasant note, most people with strong immune systems who do have the parasite, or contract it, will simply never know they have it.

    However, from the CDC, if you do have a compromised immune system, and you do have cats, you need to know that, first, "cats only spread Toxoplasma in their feces for a few weeks following infection with the parasite." So, it's not like they can give it to you their whole lives. However, they also say:
    • Ensure the cat litter box is changed daily. The Toxoplasma parasite does not become infectious until 1 to 5 days after it is shed in a cat's feces.
    • If you are pregnant or immunocompromised:
    • Avoid changing cat litter if possible. If no one else can perform the task, wear disposable gloves and wash your hands with soap and warm water afterwards.
    • Keep cats indoors.
    • Do not adopt or handle stray cats, especially kittens. Do not get a new cat while you are pregnant.
    • Feed cats only canned or dried commercial food or well-cooked table food, not raw or undercooked meats.
    • Keep your outdoor sandboxes covered.

    OK, I'm going to go wash my hands. A lot. And, now that I've spread all this joy, I've got some work to do, so I'll leave y'all to it. :)

    Stop looking at your cat like that, it's too late anyway... bahahaha! (evil laughter commences).
    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member

    Wow, it has rained all day long and is really pouring down now. badday.gifOn the news I saw where a number of areas are flooding with streets closed. Ocean Blvd. is under water in lots of places so people can’t get out of the ocean front resorts. It looks like it will only get worse the next two days. Other than our back yard being soaked with a shallow lake now in it, we are fine. No street flooding here.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif


    Stay safe and dry Janet! :smile:

    The weather shifting to cold and wet always affects my eating, so I am going to try to be more mindful, cooking hearty things with lentils may help. Is it too early to worry about Halloween candy? Is this borrowing trouble, our neighborhood is very big on Halloween. My plan is to buy halloween candy I would never eat, you know the sour/hard/sticky candy that the kids love. I will not bring chocolate candy into the house, but I am not going to hand out pencils or stickers!

    Karen from NY

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thank you all for my birthday wishes and comments on the photo. Poor DH had many goes at it before I felt I didn't look too awful. :laugh:

    Rori - When I was a child I had a Siamese that I adored. I tried to get him to walk on a leash, but he never took to it.

    DH had a email from his brother this morning that required careful replying to. I think he did a wonderful job. He wasn't an English teacher for nothing. ;)
    Just to clarify the situation - the woman in question, Lucy, who must be nearly 40, is his brother's elder daughter. They live in Australia. Because DH's brother couldn't/didn't want to come over for the party and Lucy was going to be over here for the rugby with her boyfriend, the brother and DH's sister somehow though Lucy would be a worthy substitute at the birthday feast. We had already booked the accommodation for 24 and a catered meal for 26, which is the maximum who can sit around the table. Lucy has not been in touch herself and it was all just mentioned vaguely by his sister a couple of months ago when everything had been finalised. DH hardly knows Lucy, does not like what he has seen of her and has never met the boyfriend. She is welcome to come on the Friday night for the potluck party.
    We think Lucy has been inviegled into this by his guilty feeling brother and his sister has got caught in the middle. In my opinion, when numbers are all taken, you can't just send someone else as your 'representative' at the last minute. DH has had to exclude a couple of very good friends because of numbers. Grrrrrrrr! Families, eh! :sad:
    Sorry to vent, but reading about a lot of your troubles with families has been a great help over all this. Personally, if I were in their situation I would be quite happy to put in an appearance at the potluck. DSIL is lovely but she is very attached to family and is inclined to complicate things to please everyone. It is not just a "family" party and DH has invited those he most wants to be there. Lucy means nothing to him.
    Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:

    DH is going to the local football this afternoon. I will draw breath and watch a bit of recorded TV.

    Irish Terri, - I did Latin to A level at school. With Roman History. I have forgotten most of it, but some stuck. :flowerforyou:

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lillian, why don’t you stop and eat when you travel alone? Do you take food with you or just skip meals??? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    yesterday I had my serving of almonds and an apple and drank water every time I got in the car. I don't normally get to the city by myself - so when I do I like to go to stores that DH doesn't enjoy going to. Sitting down in a restaurant wastes precious time and I had a long list of places to go. Kind of annoys me when DH asked last night when I got home what I did all day in the city - and I point blank told him - I went to all the stores I wanted to because I could. He knew exactly what I meant and he didn't say anymore. He doesn't like to look around stores unless there is something he is looking for... well some new chain stores opened up and I wanted to go to them so I did.

    So sad about the shooting in Oregon, so sad.

    Heather - happy belated birthday. You looked so relaxed in the picture.

    Will need to find little gloves for my walk today, it is overcast and windy. I think our warm weather is gone for another year. :(

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, we have many teachers and professors in my family, and everyone was posting on Facebook the same thing you said. No apologies needed.

    Lisa, I have kept track of all that research for years and find it so interesting. As a kid, my job was to clean the litter box. My mom ended up with a lot of cats at one time too. I grew up with two Siamese- Bartok was mine. Beethoven hated kids. My mom was a cellist in the Nashville symphony- hence the names. But she went to a shelter once and brought home three and two ended up pregnant. Anyway, I know I am infected- just look at the "symptoms" and look at my personality and you can see a direct correlation! I have had Siamese many times- Shalimar lived to be 20, Mia and Sharmei both died fairly young of breast cancer which is common in female Siamese, and now I have Queen. Queen was a the shelter and was too scared so she hissed and scratched at everyone. Not adoptable. She spent the first month here under the bed before she started coming out a bit more each day. The shelter manager had to put on thick leather gloves to her elbows to grab her to put in a carrier to bring her to my house! I still can not hold her, but she does beg for petting and some nights will sleep with me depending on the level of chaos during the day!

    Yesterday afternoon, the neighbor girl came over to tell me that there was a kitten stuck in her tree- could I get it out? So I had to climb the extension ladder and coax the kitty out of the tree. It is all white with a blue eye and a yellow eye. It may be deaf- some are. Anyway, someone on Facebook had already posted about it being in the area and needing a home so hopefully it doesn't stay with us long. Of course, the girls, especially the older one, want to keep it. I am tempted to. It would be fun to have an all white cat since I already have an all black cat! Yin and Yang. It is very affectionate and purrs loudly.

    Janet, so glad you are healing quickly!

    Love to all!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - Happy Birthday, I believe it was The 2nd and I missed it. I loved the picture. Thanks for sharing. Mine is very close behind, I will be 66 Nov. 5th.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited October 2015
    This is the walk we went on the other day when we picked all the sloes for the sloe gin. This is a view north across the River Hamble. In the other direction is a marina and the motorway in the distance.


    Heather UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Saturday ! ! !

    The clinic is open today, and not very busy, so I hope to get plenty of work done. I was able to arrive early and rode the bike for 15 minutes. I may also have enough energy to ride a little after work, too.

    Michele – yes, they only had 11 cherry fage, and I don’t know if I like pomegranate, so I bought all 11 of the cherry and 1 pomegranate. They officially expire today, but I don’t care.

    Beth – what a great NSV. Peanut butter cups are one of my favorites.

    Heather – I see this Birthday party no different than a wedding; You invite those people that you want in attendance, and if someone can’t attend, they do NOT get to choose a replacement. You DH should enjoy his party, not worry about anything so trivial. Hugs !

    – Proud of you and your 20 minute walk. Baby steps. You can do this ! ! !

    Lilian – my DH and I are quite similar to your description. He hates shopping, except in and out of the grocery store or WallieWorld. I like experiencing new things, and finding unadvertised deals. We shop both together and separate depending on the needs of the excursion. Sometimes I make him go places with me because “you can’t know you don’t like something if you haven’t ever tried it”. Yet sometimes it is not worth the frustration of his boring attitude. Being unafraid of being alone is very important to me. Keep up the great work ! ! !

    Most of this weekend’s plans have been changed. I will go to the grocery store alone again, which will be good because I can take my time and bargain shop. DH and DS are staying late at bowling, because another boy and his Dad want some private lessons (who in their right mind would turn down $20 for an hour of watching and correcting?) . But then they have to hustle home to watch the Minnesota Twins on TV, because today is a “pivotal game”. Then DH wants a haircut. DSiL and DBiL are not coming this weekend, so we will watch DH's nephew at the University Bowling match for just a short time later tonight. Tomorrow is still a bowling tournament for DS. Since he won last weekend, there is less stress, so he is just bowling for scholarship money, fun, and practice.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member

    morning peeps -
    damnit - u would think after a week the poop pill softer would work wouldn't you? well, no they don't. i have even double dosed it.
    last nite i tried sleeping on my back with pillows behind me to make sure i don't roll over on the bad shoulder. gotta tweet the pillow situation but it's nice to sleep on my back.
    hi cynthiat60 and the rest!
    type to ya later.