Anyone fancy doing a juice detox?



  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    I did it last year and kept it all off for 7 months then went on holiday and got back into old habits... I was not starving and actually felt amazing :)
    This is just a kick start and it really helped me with food management and cravings last time.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You may not have felt starving but your body was

    Protein is important ..every day ..the body does not synthesise proteins but uses it every day for cell build and repair

    Fats are important ...every day

    Eliminating both for a few days let alone 60 is nutritionally unsound and dangerous

    Please read up about this then make your decision...your body...your choice, but this drastic restriction in important macro nutrients is extremely unhealthy
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    Thanks for the info, I did not use any paid products, it was just fresh fruit and veg, and to be honest I felt amazing, the healthiest I have felt in years, I'm not trying to sell anything, I'm just going from my experience as someone who has actually done it. I do agree lots are trying to profit withe detox powders and such.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You missed the point entirely

    There is no such thing as detoxing the body with food or supplements

    Because your body already does the job

    Please do read up on the importance of fat and protein and a healthy rate of weight loss

    And with that I'm leaving this thread alone..there's no more to add really
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    What toxin are you allegedly removing that your bodily processes don't already handle?
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    Don't get me wrong I really appreciate the feedback and I will read into it more but I did it and I know how healthy it made me feel, my skin condition disappeared for almost 9 months, I felt great.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Correlation does not mean causation.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2015
    How is a 30 day juice fast not a VLCD? I believe MFP has rules about not promoting VLCDs.

    Anyway, too low on protein for me for 30 days -- seems unhealthy. Plus, I like eating and want to keep the muscle mass I have. No sense losing the last few pounds if I would look worse afterwards.
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    What toxin are you allegedly removing that your bodily processes don't already handle?

    Maybe calling it a detox is putting it in a box with all these scam powder things that have popped up, I did it and can happily say it's the healthiest I have felt in many many years.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    What toxin are you allegedly removing that your bodily processes don't already handle?

    Maybe calling it a detox is putting it in a box with all these scam powder things that have popped up, I did it and can happily say it's the healthiest I have felt in many many years.

    The word "detox" puts it into a box based on words meaning things.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I like healthy skin, hair, and nails too. It's too hard to get that back after starving your body of protein.

    Nope, no juice fast.
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    Seems to be a lot of hate for this from a lot of people that have not tried it, it's a shame really. I WILL be doing this starting tomorrow, if anyone has any questions about it I will happily answer them from experience, maybe I should blog or start a new dedicated post about it...
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You said you're doing a detox yet cannot name a toxin removed. What you describe is a VLCD that lacks one, probably two macronutrients.

    Noting that isn't "hate". It is common sense.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    It's fundamentally flawed from a daily nutrient requirement standpoint

    No rational person could approve of a 60 day zero protein, zero fat VLCD ...that's just pro-ED territory

  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    What toxin are you allegedly removing that your bodily processes don't already handle?

    Maybe calling it a detox is putting it in a box with all these scam powder things that have popped up, I did it and can happily say it's the healthiest I have felt in many many years.

    The word "detox" puts it into a box based on words meaning things.
    Well toxins can be specific to people "technically" could be many things...

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    Seems to be a lot of hate for this from a lot of people that have not tried it, it's a shame really. I WILL be doing this starting tomorrow, if anyone has any questions about it I will happily answer them from experience, maybe I should blog or start a new dedicated post about it...

    Dude, I tried and I hated it. No shame here. You start tomorrow and lose your weight, muscle mass and hair. Please blog your process but it still does not change the fact that juicing for health and weight loss is an oxymoron and is not healthy. You say you have gained your weight back because you fell into bad habits. Well there you go, you did not learn how to eat for the rest of your life. You've got this!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    What toxin are you allegedly removing that your bodily processes don't already handle?

    Maybe calling it a detox is putting it in a box with all these scam powder things that have popped up, I did it and can happily say it's the healthiest I have felt in many many years.

    The word "detox" puts it into a box based on words meaning things.
    Well toxins can be specific to people "technically" could be many things...

    No they can't

    If you have a toxin you can name it and it's effects and measure it and it's removal
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    I like healthy skin, hair, and nails too. It's too hard to get that back after starving your body of protein.

    Nope, no juice fast.
    I'm not ruling out protein... I did last time mostly and my skin was better than ever :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    What toxin are you allegedly removing that your bodily processes don't already handle?

    Maybe calling it a detox is putting it in a box with all these scam powder things that have popped up, I did it and can happily say it's the healthiest I have felt in many many years.

    The word "detox" puts it into a box based on words meaning things.
    Well toxins can be specific to people "technically" could be many things...

    Yet you still can't name one of those many possible things. That is revealing.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    My take on it is this--you say you've done this before and lost a lot of weight, felt great, wonderful skin...... BUT you gained it all back. This is not what the majority of us want to do here. We want to lose the weight, feel and look better and KEEP IT OFF. Now that's the hardest by far. Good luck with your juicing. This sounds like yo-yoing to me.
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