Welcome to the November challenge!!! Wow...the year will soon be over...where did the time go?!

Tired of self-sabotaging by munching after dinner? Upset that you double your in-calories at night? Then it's not just me . To get some help (or inspire us by your good example), please join us in this challenge.

You set what you feel is late night snacking. For example, if you have extra calories left for the day, you can have a snack if it's small. Others decide not to eat at a past a certain time. It's up to you.

We go by the formula:
Me: "number indicating how many evenings you stuck to it"
LNS: "number of times late night snacks won"

Example: Me: 2 - LNS: 0 indicates I won the first two nights.

Some people also add a * to the latest number. In the example, that would be
Me: 2 - LNS: 1*
if LNS won the 3rd night.

It's as simple as that. Or as complicated, as you will discover. Nevertheless, the persistence and good results of some of our "old" members (and some people keep coming back) show that the battle is worthwhile .



  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I am jumping on board
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I really need to do this...I keep failing miserably!
  • lisa_roberts
    lisa_roberts Posts: 176 Member
    I'm joining we can and we will do this I'm not going to snack after 8. Water only x
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,762 Member
    edited October 2015
    4th month with this thread and I am back! :)

    In October, I maintained my streak right up to 25th then, :( weakened :( for 1 day. Returning with the same goals for November.

    November Goals

    I am leaving the element of choice in here as it seems to help.

    :star: Finish eating by 9pm, 5 days out of 7 days a week
    :star: Finish eating by 10pm, 2 days of my choice out of 7 days a week (I'm upping the element of choice here)
    :star: Post progress here (most important goal)

    :sunglasses: Going for a full 30 day streak in November :sunglasses:
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Great! This challenge has been a huge help with my weight loss. <3

    November Goals:

    - No eating after 7pm!
    - Have a "Me" streak of 29 days out of 30. (I'm going to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family.)

  • Fearless__mfp
    Fearless__mfp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!
  • QueenReemy01
    QueenReemy01 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in !!!
    No snack after 6pm.
    No dinner after 8pm.
  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    Okay... I really need this because I am prone to eat late in the evening. So, I am setting my cut off time at 8:00pm. I will allow myself a cup of sugar-free green or black tea and water.
  • mljh1970
    mljh1970 Posts: 61 Member
    I started at the end of October and found it really helped me. My goal is no eating after 7pm except for water and herbal tea. Hoping to meet 6 out of 7 days.
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    I'm in! Since joining MFP, I have discovered that I would never be over my ideal calorie goal if I was not late night snacking! This is a life habit that is going to change. Thanks for the board!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited October 2015
    OK, plan for November: Eating a light dinner no later than 9:30 p.m. (because I work until 9:00 weeknights). Will report in weekly on Sunday morning (my weigh-in day) beginning Nov. 8.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,578 Member
    Goals for November
    1. No eating after 8 6/7 days
    2. So far on a 10 day streak!!!!
    3. Be consistent with smart eating even on hubby's days off!
    4. Use fruit as something sweet, when need!!!!!
  • nikilincoln
    nikilincoln Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!
    No eating after dinner. Eat dinner by 7:00pm. Drink a cup of black tea in the evenings. This is the toughest time of the day for me.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,762 Member
    edited November 2015
    Many thanks to @lamlam2013 for setting up the November thread.

    October Results
    Me: 30*
    LNS: 1
    Streak: 6

    November Goals

    :star: Finish eating by 9pm, 5 days out of 7 days a week
    :star: Finish eating by 10pm, 2 days of my choice out of 7 days a week
    :star: Post progress here (most important goal)

    Be Stong! or7rsgox6vei.jpg Resist the temptation of LNS

  • runhappyfleetfeet
    runhappyfleetfeet Posts: 13 Member
    How do I join the group? New and can't work it out!
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    How do I join the group? New and can't work it out!

    After the first night tonight, just post here. Welcome! :)

  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
    Last night was a struggle with all the left over Halloween candy, but I did not snack after 8pm. Woo-hoo!
  • runhappyfleetfeet
    runhappyfleetfeet Posts: 13 Member
    CarrieA180 wrote: »
    How do I join the group? New and can't work it out!

    After the first night tonight, just post here. Welcome! :)
    OK, thanks! :)

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    WooHoo...welcome everyone! Let's make November a winning month!!! :D
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    Fresh November start!

    Me: 0
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 0

    Let's go! :)