November 2015 Running Challenge



  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited November 2015
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    I don't have a specific bucket list of where I want to run, other than I want to run in different cities when I travel. Going to Europe next summer for 30 year anniversary so plan on running in all the cities we visit. Husband doesn't run so now sure how excited he will be for me to be gone running, but I'll make it so that he'd rather deal with that, than me being cranky not running.

    A bucket list... I don't have one.. I am just looking forward to running in a few 5 and 10k races next year :smiley:
    Most of the popular races around here fall between March and August. There are a few here and there outside of those months though they are a bit further away than what I can get to right now.

    How awesome to plan to run around Europe too! :smile: You will have an amazing time!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Today's run was bad all around. I was on the treadmill, kept getting the urge to go to the bathroom and my legs felt like lead. They didn't hurt at all, just felt heavy and tired. I planned on running 6 miles today and made it just over 3 1/2.

    I've had a few of these days too.. I'm having down weeks now every 3-4 weeks where I only run 5-6k per run for that week.. It was meantioned here, possibly by @Stoshew71 ? I've found that my runs this week (5x5x4k) have all been slow and sluggish but yesterday (the 4k) I felt really good and even managed to throw some sprints in! :smile:
    The idea behind it is to give your body time to adjust and absorb the distances you are running and any new mileage that you have added recently. So gives your body a rest while still running.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    edited November 2015
    kareF wrote: »
    Today's run was bad all around. I was on the treadmill, kept getting the urge to go to the bathroom and my legs felt like lead. They didn't hurt at all, just felt heavy and tired. I planned on running 6 miles today and made it just over 3 1/2.

    I've had a few of these days too.. I'm having down weeks now every 3-4 weeks where I only run 5-6k per run for that week.. It was meantioned here, possibly by @Stoshew71 ? I've found that my runs this week (5x5x4k) have all been slow and sluggish but yesterday (the 4k) I felt really good and even managed to throw some sprints in! :smile:
    The idea behind it is to give your body time to adjust and absorb the distances you are running and any new mileage that you have added recently. So gives your body a rest while still running.

    I was thinking about that today. I'd like to incorporate shorter runs into my training since the 10k app has me doing 5-6 miles every time I run (since I'm in the last 2 weeks of the training). Today I barely managed to make it 3 1/2. I seem to remember seeing the down week discussion, also. I'll go back and take a look - thank you!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    Going back a couple of days to catch up and comment on some of what I have read:
    @skippygirlsmom - love the picture of Skip flying!
    @9voice9 - I buy my shoes based on how they feel and not so much on price. I have had expensive ones that didn't work out (Brooks) and less expensive ones that became a favorite (Altras) so I base my decision on fit and feel. I won't buy based just on the sales person's direction - in my experience they are there to sell and want to sell what will give them the best commission. Like @skippygirlsmom and others, I will look for the ones I like on sale, at expos, and online to get the best price and often will go after older models that I like. I also keep several in rotation - I have 3 active pairs now, with 3 others in standby, including my expensive Brooks that seem to make my knees and hips ache.
    I also think you definitely need to sign up for the Peachtree road race! Yes, we are all a group of running enablers! as @kristinegift said - the best kind of enablers :)
    I don't have a running bucket list yet, but I would like to run a race (HM or 10k) in all 50 states.

    @rogue024 - oh my gosh! I read about the pumpkin pancakes and thought how good they would be with maple syrup and started to drool! Sounds so delicious I am going to have to try some!
    @snha - love your lake route pictures! I am also SO busy. I keep telling myself it is a good thing to be busy and to be happy I don't have to travel right now too!
    @Stoshew71 - love the 'You know you're a runner...'
    @emmab0902 - do you swim competitively?
    @juliet3455 - I also have HMs on those same weekends in February. Granted mine will be in much different conditions from yours so probably easier :)
    @7lenny7 - Does Kody hunt with you?
    @aarar - Ouch! Hope you are ok! I have fallen hard a couple of times and continued on and felt ok until the next day. Hope that wasn't the case for you!

    Had the best run this morning than I have had in a while. It was an inauspicious start and I thought it was going to be a really tired run but my legs kicked in and I was able to get in a progressive tempo run (12, 11, 10, 9.5, 9.5, 10). I even drove my HR to 148 - the highest I have been able to get to.



    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    11/21/15 - USA Invitational Half, San Diego, CA
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/15 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/15 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @5BeautifulDays -Don't get too hung up on the idea of not having your long run be too high of a % of your weekly total. Unless you are running a huge amount of miles, it's inevitable when you get in the later stages of your training. If you can add a few miles here and there to balance it out, then great, but don't let it stop you from training the way you think is right for you.

    Actually, keeping your long run within 25-35% of your weekly miles prevents overuse injuries from developing.

    Very true re: overuse. This is the first time I haven't had an overuse injury of some sort a few weeks out from a marathon, and this is also the first time my LRs have been in that 25-35% range.

    However I think that reddit link is a bit too conservative. I make the LR cut-off ~3 hours, not 2-2.5 for a marathon. I think you'd want to have some idea of how difficult the race will be and how tired you'll be so you can prepare mentally. But I'd agree that not everyone needs to do 20 because that may take too much time and be too difficult to recover from (though I'd also gently suggest that if a 20 miler leaves you hobbling for days, perhaps your training for 26.2 hasn't been so great). Personally, I think it's up to the individual, their training load, and how they know they can recover. I ran for 3 hours and 20 minutes on Sunday, and I managed to run my regular miles the rest of the week unimpeded. But that's because I've trained to be able to do that and because that 22 miles was only ~35-40% of my weekly mileage. There's no way I'd be singing the same tune a year ago when my marathon training mileage topped out at 38 mpw.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I missed who started the topic but as far as a bucket list of races, most are local:

    1. Lake Wobegone Marathon - May 2016. A small Minnesota race on my list only because it will be my first marathon.
    2. Twin Cities Marathon - local race, likely in 2017
    3. Portland, OR Marathon - I love that area and my sister lives out there. Same weekend as the TC Marathon so maybe 2018.
    4. Grandma's Marathon - Duluth, MN, in my favorite part of the state.
    5. Superior Fall Trail Race - up past Duluth on the Superior Hiking Trail. Options are 100mi, 50mi, and 26.2mi

    At this point I have no desire to do one of the big marathons. but that could change.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    Today's run was bad all around. I was on the treadmill, kept getting the urge to go to the bathroom and my legs felt like lead. They didn't hurt at all, just felt heavy and tired. I planned on running 6 miles today and made it just over 3 1/2.

    I've had a few of these days too.. I'm having down weeks now every 3-4 weeks where I only run 5-6k per run for that week.. It was meantioned here, possibly by @Stoshew71 ? I've found that my runs this week (5x5x4k) have all been slow and sluggish but yesterday (the 4k) I felt really good and even managed to throw some sprints in! :smile:
    The idea behind it is to give your body time to adjust and absorb the distances you are running and any new mileage that you have added recently. So gives your body a rest while still running.

    This one????

    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Somebody_Loved I agreed with @ddmom0811. New doc. When I started out I couldn't follow a program. I had to "run" by time and gradually add. I'd repeat weeks until I was comfortable moving to the next. You have some respectable mileage going on. Maybe cut a few days to 2.5 miles and have a long 5-6+ miles run once a week. Pain is a warning to back off. It takes me a good 2 miles to get in the groove. They are my warm up miles. I know they'll suck, so I don't fret over it. Run by feel, not a program.

    Happy running!

    We call these cutback (or down) weeks. That is the biggest lesson I learned recently. Plan about 1 week each month where you will run about 20% less mileage to absorb the training. If your body says you need one sooner or longer than a week, I highly advise you to listen to your body. This past spring I screwed up my 10 miler race and like 4 weeks of training because I refused to take a down week after increasing mileage for like 6 weeks. I paid for it. Something I won't do again.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @5BeautifulDays -Don't get too hung up on the idea of not having your long run be too high of a % of your weekly total. Unless you are running a huge amount of miles, it's inevitable when you get in the later stages of your training. If you can add a few miles here and there to balance it out, then great, but don't let it stop you from training the way you think is right for you.

    Actually, keeping your long run within 25-35% of your weekly miles prevents overuse injuries from developing.

    Very true re: overuse. This is the first time I haven't had an overuse injury of some sort a few weeks out from a marathon, and this is also the first time my LRs have been in that 25-35% range.

    However I think that reddit link is a bit too conservative. I make the LR cut-off ~3 hours, not 2-2.5 for a marathon. I think you'd want to have some idea of how difficult the race will be and how tired you'll be so you can prepare mentally. But I'd agree that not everyone needs to do 20 because that may take too much time and be too difficult to recover from (though I'd also gently suggest that if a 20 miler leaves you hobbling for days, perhaps your training for 26.2 hasn't been so great). Personally, I think it's up to the individual, their training load, and how they know they can recover. I ran for 3 hours and 20 minutes on Sunday, and I managed to run my regular miles the rest of the week unimpeded. But that's because I've trained to be able to do that and because that 22 miles was only ~35-40% of my weekly mileage. There's no way I'd be singing the same tune a year ago when my marathon training mileage topped out at 38 mpw.

    Yeah, I also am guilty of sneaking a few in just a little over 3 hours. :open_mouth: I try not to do it too often now.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - Does Kody hunt with you?

    @shanaber, Kody is indeed a hunting dog and that was the main reason we got him. I'm not exaggerating when I say hunting is the highlight of the year for him. He's been watching me get ready for this trip and going crazy wanting to get in my truck and GO! I may be biased but Kody is by far the best bird dog I've ever hunted over. He points, he flushes, he retrieves, and he'll do it all day long if you let him. All with incredible obedience.

    Here's a picture of my boys & I after a day's hunt last year (*dead animal warning*).

    And here's Kody waiting for the command to start hunting the next field.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited November 2015
    kareF wrote: »
    Today's run was bad all around. I was on the treadmill, kept getting the urge to go to the bathroom and my legs felt like lead. They didn't hurt at all, just felt heavy and tired. I planned on running 6 miles today and made it just over 3 1/2.

    I've had a few of these days too.. I'm having down weeks now every 3-4 weeks where I only run 5-6k per run for that week.. It was meantioned here, possibly by @Stoshew71 ? I've found that my runs this week (5x5x4k) have all been slow and sluggish but yesterday (the 4k) I felt really good and even managed to throw some sprints in! :smile:
    The idea behind it is to give your body time to adjust and absorb the distances you are running and any new mileage that you have added recently. So gives your body a rest while still running.

    Found these 2 as well:
    kareF wrote: »
    Yes, I'm trying to figure out if there is a "better" plan for where I'm at. I've done two 5k and two 10k races, but this will be my first half marathon. I'm 44 and was never athletic before, so I don't have a "base" I'm building from. I've been running since January/February when I started something rather like C25K. I've been running 20-25 miles per week since mid-late summer, but since then I've mostly been working on increasing my speed little by little, rather than distance. Now I need to work on both! I think what makes me question the whole "do what I'm already doing, just add a mile to my long run" approach is that it makes my long run such a giant portion of my weekly miles, and the consensus around here seems to be that that is a bad idea. On the other hand, it would mean that I don't have to modify my schedule all that much, so it's good from that perspective.

    Anyway, I appreciate your perspective. I think I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and just inch up the long run, unless and until I find something else that stands out as a better way to do this.

    I am stuck in a similar place. I am introducing a forth running day, as hard as it is I'll see how I go at first.. Depends if the kids have anything on during the week etc but I'm going to try!

    I'm going to give this a go..

    Week 1- Run your usual distances this week.
    Week 2- Run 10-20% more than week 1.
    Week 3- Repeat week 2.
    Week 4- (Down week) Run 15-20% less than week 1.

    In the next week, for week 1- Run 10% more than the previous week 1. This is how you increase slowly.

    It's slow.. But I'm just using this is a base as I really like running 5-10k at the moment and don't want to push too hard too fast above the 10k mark. I'm only increasing 10% weekly to see how I go for now. I got this idea from an article in runner's world here:

    I added an extra week in my little plan so it's 4 weeks rather than 3 though.
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    I shared these 2 posts on my FB Running page this morning. Thought I share it with the group.

    This is is all about cutback weeks and a prospective from a great marathon runner Ryan Hall:

    And this one is abour runners over 40:

    My FB page:

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited November 2015
    snha wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ beautiful picture, i take it you live near to farms?
    @snha I haven't seen a farm house yet, but given that there seem to be cows and all kind of fields (grain and sunflowers and wine) wherever I go, they must be hiding somewhere nearby :)I recently moved from a million-people-city to a village with less than 10,000 inhabitants (and it's by far the largest village in the area). Strangely enough, I find it quite hard to find good running tracks, at least for workdays when I have to run in the dark. Country roads without lights and sidewalks seem super-scary to me, and once you move away from the residential areas a little, it really gets pitch black. I'm sure it will be fine once I know where the nice flat path between fields are and don't get cought up on the wrong side of fences and trenches anymore, but it takes a bit of getting used to.@ddmom0811 Glad that the car accident didn't hurt you! It's quite possible that the bike rack helped if it crumpled and absorbed some of the shock. In any case, your line about the good thing about the accident being running in daylight made me smile. What a great way to look at things!

    @Stoshew Nice list! The "you get jealous when you drive past runners" is on to something. Although I'm missing a combination of the 2nd last and 6th last points: "you own more running shoes than regular shoes" :8

    @siddles11: no need to apologies! Welcome fellow kilometre tracker, there's actually a few of us around ;)

    @gaelicstorm26 Oh no, that's really frustrating. Hope the knee gets better soon!

    @kareF Now I'm curious - what did the magpies do to you?

    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Actually, keeping your long run within 25-35% of your weekly miles prevents overuse injuries from developing.
    I've read that a lot, but how does this apply when I only manage to run three times per week? Then I would already be at 33% of the weekly milage if my "long" run is exactly the same length as the other two runs.
    From January to September, my short runs were 4-6 km, and my long runs with 10-15km easily more than 50% of the weekly milage, and I never had any problems. Maybe I was just lucky, but I always figured as long as I stuck to the other advice and increased the long run distance by no more than 10% (and never more than 1 km) per week and inserted a cutback week after three "normal" weeks, I'd be fine.


  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    This one????

    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    We call these cutback (or down) weeks. That is the biggest lesson I learned recently. Plan about 1 week each month where you will run about 20% less mileage to absorb the training. If your body says you need one sooner or longer than a week, I highly advise you to listen to your body. This past spring I screwed up my 10 miler race and like 4 weeks of training because I refused to take a down week after increasing mileage for like 6 weeks. I paid for it. Something I won't do again.

    Bingo! :smile:

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - Does Kody hunt with you?

    @shanaber, Kody is indeed a hunting dog and that was the main reason we got him. I'm not exaggerating when I say hunting is the highlight of the year for him. He's been watching me get ready for this trip and going crazy wanting to get in my truck and GO! I may be biased but Kody is by far the best bird dog I've ever hunted over. He points, he flushes, he retrieves, and he'll do it all day long if you let him. All with incredible obedience.
    @7lenny7 - Kody is so beautiful and sitting so attentively! Growing up we had a golden who lived for hunting season too and he had the softest mouth. The only problem was afterwards and getting all the barbs out of his tail and hind leg feathers (mostly with pheasant hunting). But even for that he would lie patiently while we worked them out. I would love to run field trials with Hobbes but they don't run them much here. I think he would love that and lure running and also be very good at it.
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    @Somebody_Loved and @shanaber you will love the trader joe's pumpkin pancakes! Everyone who has tried them all say the same thing!

    @7lenny7 I love the picture of Kody! What a beautiful dog. Wait, he flushes?? Haha are we talking about toilets or something else lol!
  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm in for 50! (Been running since January, down from 18 min miles to 12!!) Also would love to have more running buddies, so any fellow runners feel free to add me, it keeps me pushing =)
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member

    @kareF Now I'm curious - what did the magpies do to you?

    It's breeding season, so any cyclists, walkers and runners are a threat. It's quite disturbing lol.. All you can see most of the time is a big shadow on the road of something flying from tree to tree following you.

    Here's a video that's a bit evil but gives you a good idea of what we're up against!
    Makes me laugh with tears because we all fear being swooped and hit :lol:
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    11/1: 5.62 miles (3.18 running, 2.44 walking)
    11/2: 5.13 miles walking + weights/TRX with trainer
    11/3: 2 miles easy jog, even slower than usual glacial pace
    11/4: 5.45 miles (3.1 running, 2.35 walking)
    11/5: 5.8 miles walking (active rest day)

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    I'll take "How many miles in November" for 50, Alex

    Nov 04 - 6.1mi
    Nov 14 - HALF MARATHON (prelogging)

    2015 500m
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    edited November 2015
    kareF wrote: »

    @kareF Now I'm curious - what did the magpies do to you?

    It's breeding season, so any cyclists, walkers and runners are a threat. It's quite disturbing lol.. All you can see most of the time is a big shadow on the road of something flying from tree to tree following you.

    Here's a video that's a bit evil but gives you a good idea of what we're up against!
    Makes me laugh with tears because we all fear being swooped and hit :lol:

    Wow! I've never had to deal with magpies and it looks like I never want to! I like birds, but that's scary

    I'm super happy with my run today. This week is a cut back week which is good because it happened to be scheduled during a week my back decided to hurt a bit. Got some medication from my provider yesterday so I felt better this morning. I did 5.25 miles in 62 minutes and its been a LONG time since I've done 5 miles in less than an hour, so that had me pretty stoked!! :smiley:

    I used to be able to run 6 miles in an hour in college so maybe I can get back to that at some point. And while I don't really care about my pace, its nice to see progress and it means I'm getting better/stronger/more efficient :)

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - Does Kody hunt with you?

    And here's Kody waiting for the command to start hunting the next field.


    I love that picture of Kody! He looks so proud and focused.