

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce, Indiana -
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    I can't remember, is it Miriam with all the needlepoint, etc? Thsoe are as breathtaking as Sylvia's ceramic and Mia's blown glass. My Mom did all sorts of needlepoint. All I could do was counted cross stitch, I couldn't even do regular cross stitch. There were some of the pictures that I did that had some needlepoint in them and I would have to take them to her to finish. Some day I will have to take pictures of the grandma sweatshirts I made for her. Made the patterns and then made the sweatshirts.Haven't done any cross stitch i a long time. You have inspired me to maybe start back????

    ALL you could do was counted cross stitch???? There are plenty of people who cannot manage that so say it with pride. I'm amazed at just how much talent all of us have and we don't see it in ourselves. And yes, I do acknowledge the irony of me saying this since I too am one of the ones who has expressed insecurity in my abilities.

    You ladies are helping me to change my tune and look at my work with a sense of accomplishment.

    Mia in MI

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Monday. I was off the weekend, but was sick. I have this darn cough and been keeping me up at night. I am so far behind on reading posts, will do my best to get caught up. I am working 7-3 today and then have a meeting with my director. Guess they are starting where every two months we meet with the supervisor or director. Not sure what the point is. Tomorrow is weigh in day and not sure how I will do. Been all over the place with my eating.

    Our friend that had the metal breakdown was sent home last Tuesday, but whatever meds they gave her was causing her to fall. So Saturday I get a text that they are in the hospital ER. So been up visiting her and sounds like they are sending her home today. So been lining people up to make meals for them for a couple weeks. I am making something for tonight since I get off early.

    Kimses--So sorry about what happened at work. I know how it feels to do your job and have someone undermind you. Pray it all works out.

    DH and I cleaned out closets out Saturday. Took to large boxes to the church as they have a free giveaway every Thursday. I got rid of everything that does not fit. Feel good about that.

    pip--Glad to hear Kirby is doing well. Saw the picture and he does look good for what he has been thurough. Both of you take care of yourselves. Hugs-sometimes the memories come back and we just have to remember how lucky we are this time. Hugs! Love the get well message from the kids.

    Katiebug--you can come to my house anytime. Love your closet and book shelves.

    Meg--So sorry to hear about Benny. Pray things calm down for you soon. Boy, this year has flown by, DGD's first birthday all ready.

    Sylvia--Sending prayers and hugs. Beautiful sun raise. Happy Dance they fit!!

    Miriam--Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing.

    Mindy--You have nothing to be sorry for. We all have our times when life overcomes us. Sending Hugs and prayers. Important thing is not to give upl

    DJ--You are looking really good in the modeling outfit. Glad you had fun.

    Gloria--Sending prayers and hugs that it will all work out.

    Barbie--Love the picture of daddy and the puppy.

    Irishteri--Congrates on the downward movement of the scale.

    Well time to finish up this day and get ready for my meeting. Not sure what the point is, will see. Have a great rest of the day and thank each of you for your friendship and support.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    November Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less--Pray more
    4. Write down something each day I am Thankful for
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Miriam and Gayle, I have a couple of hundred pieces just sitting around not listed. Weiss, Hobe, Carnegie, Trifari, Coro, Napier, Tullia Both, and Eisenberg to name a few plus many unsigned. When I retired from teaching in 2007, I started listing on my Dh's account and then started my own. At first it was lots of fun but over the past year I have lost interest and just dabble. My best find ever was two sets of Pools of Light rock crystal necklaces and earrings in their original boxes from the 1920's. I am hoping that someday the market will open up again for good sales. Right now, I think folks are loving the imported from China fancy stuff that you see in many of the antique malls and department stores. Please forgive if this is too much info.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited November 2015
    @Katla49 Its because I lived with comedians in the 1980's check out Susan Rice and Art Krug



    Enjoy, sorry for some swear words in their videos, it happens.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! been MIA for awhile I guess,just read 21 pages.Been taking care of a sick hubby.fun,NOT.Now I feel lousy.Hugs to everyone.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Oh Vicki, you have me in tears! My entire career as a mental health advocate, trying to reduce stigma for folks with mental illnesses, one thing that came up over and over again was that mental illnesses are not "casserole illnesses". Most people when they come home from the hospital NEVER get any support or help from friends or family. They come home instead to people not wanting to talk about what happened to them, being ashamed, and never ever a card or casserole or visit a the hospital. Bless you! When I think about all the people I have worked with that just wanted someone to acknowledge their pain and offer some help and support, I am weeping that they don't have you in their lives.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2015
    Quote: "Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite!" Posted earlier (I think by Margaretturk); however - whoever . . . LOVE IT! So true in my case. I see the point of the hook; and 'if' my DGDs are wrapped around it to disguise the pain I will endure if I 'bite' ... I still don't bite; but, I have to get it out ... but, not like trying to beat the bubbles coming up from a 'dive' out in the ocean. That causes the 'bends'; but, I get them whenever I try to deal with DDnL#1. She has become so caustic since DDnL#2 joined the family. It is almost like she is looking to 'pick a fight in the family' and so far, nobody has taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker. After her initial attack on DDnL#2 and then texting DYS - she found out the they had double team tagged her. DYS had called DOS to find out 'what the HELL was going on with his wife (DDnL#1) and then DDnL#2 sent her response to the numerous texts that had been sent, but, not seen. She is a tight little package; but, she can take anyone on toe-to-toe and she told her (DDnL#1) to 'never' send that sort of text or email to her again. DOS, got both barrels, but he was prepared. DDnL#1 apparently 'apologized' saying that she had been having a bad week. That is no excuse for being downright meaner than a rattlesnake who has been disturbed. With her "Good Morning" subject line in an email to me later (not knowing that all this had been going on). I was almost literally 'blown away' with her comments. Last night I wrote in my 'journal' for 3 hours straight; today I re-read my journal and the email and sent it all to my PsycheMD. Before it had just been me 'telling him' that she is a 'stressor' for me - now it is in writing and maybe when I go back for my normal visit we can talk about ways to handle this sort of outburst.

    She's home today, came down earlier to get the key to her house - 'supposedly' locked herself out. Car still down there - so she apparently did not go to work for some reason. Inside me is a gnawing biting feeling that she is down there and I won't call to check on things. Thanks ... just found out I did not have to when DMGD brought the key back (after school) without any prompting she said that "Mama and Emilee" were playing hooky today for no real reason. OooooKkkkkkkkkkkkkk. That works for me, no questions asked and got the answer without feeling like I was prying. Just glad they are all 'ok'. I have really started worrying about what she is capable of doing if she feels backed into a corner. I have stepped back - it has become apparent that nothing I say will ever make her believe that we don't love DYS and DDnL#2 more than we love them (DOS and DDnL#1) - I have no control over that. I just 'hate' that she seems to 'poison' those babies that love me. They're old enough (except for the youngest one) to realize that the troublemaker is her and not us. But, that 'is' their mother/step-Mom insofar as the oldest 2 DGDs. She has used very divisive tactics; but, now we are 'on to her' and we don't take it any more. Burst her bubble of being able to 'tell us, especially me, what and how we/I should be and/or act to solve our/my issues', Mmmmmm, being someone who has been and is Bipolar I'm not going to allow her to put me into another tizzy. I've learned that place when to step back, holding back my hands and letting her make the next move and I don't have to apologize about it. Just step back out of the picture and back into my surroundings.

    I could (and apparently) have written a book on how to deal with a 'crazy person'; but, being Bipolar does not make you crazy - only makes you 'feel' crazy, especially when someone is telling you that. No MORE! I've taken my Rx's as ordered and they are working for me - I just need to avoid as many 'stressors' as I can. Even though I know I will have to deal with some head-on. I don't care to be 'left hanging' ... I'd like to believe there is a 'creek' down there somewhere before I just 'let go'. But, I am learning how to 'let go, and let God' ... :oB)<3o:) Faith is 'knowing' that a net will appear when you let go.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,382 Member
    edited November 2015
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Checking in quickly and without reading. I'm in the airport lounge in Bangkok waiting to board the flight to Singapore in about half an hour. Meanwhile I'm gorging on fresh papaya with lime juice. :yum: Somehow I'd forgotten all about tropical fruit!
    /Penny, on the way from the emoticon-object-026.gif to darn near the equator. My oh my...

    You do get around! Love the idea of the tropical food.

    Heather Woo Hoo! Congrats! I bet that's a relief!

    I'm off to Craft in the morning, and I'm bushed, so having an early night!

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Heather, I never wear beige either and wouldn’t but it is what the store picked for me to try on so I went with it.

    Dr.Katie, cool tea box. I’m not a tea drinker, except for iced tea, but that is what I’d want if I were.

    Katla, you are right about developing new Christmas traditions for when it’s just the two of you. Last year was our first Christmas with just the two of us and I have to say it’s different. We need to do the same and come up with a plan. I do hope your blood tests show positive results.

    CarolNC, so sorry to hear the mountain trip was not what you wanted or needed. smiley-sad012.gif You know that we all wanted it to be as good as the beach trip. (((Hugs)))

    Penny, it sounds like you will really have culture shock or at least location shock. Have a safe trip.

    , smiley-laughing002.gifso glad the leotard fit DGD!!!! Too cool.

    Betty, downsizing is good. I know it’s hard for us to give up some things even though we know we don’t need them, but I feel so much better when I thin things out.

    Kim, thanks for the Thanksgiving dinner suggestions. I did already warn my guests that we would have lots of roasted veggies and no green bean casserole. As far as what I eat, I’ll forgo the mashed potatoes for a little extra dressing. I only make it at holidays, after all.

    Joyce, so glad that Charlie’s new expensive meds seem to be working. Still sending prayers your way. (((Hugs)))

    Sharon, when you said,” Lazy start to the day. Lots of back pain. Sucked it up and got ready for the shower. My lack of planning showed up at the shower where I succumbed to the please of Baileys and coffee, Cheese and crackers and a cupcake.”, the first thing I thought of was, “Hell I don’t even have that stuff in my bathroom much less my shower!!! confused.gif Then I came back down to earth and figured out what you were talking about. Hope you had fun. I have to agree with you on the 20 outfits!!! That is a little over the top for a shower gift.

    Irish, woo hoo on your weight loss. Fantastic results from the refocus! Keep up the good work.

    Allison, you know that all of us want to be sure you are protected whatever happens in the future. Has he said anything more about what he is thinking or if he’s thinking??? (((Hugs)))

    Heather, I hope they will schedule the settlement soon. Are you trying any of Miriam’s suggestions for getting out of the blues? ((((Hugs))))

    Phyl, congrats on not boredom eating and yes that’s a NSV!!! Another one is doing what you need to do for you and not drop everything to help someone else…even our DD. Good for you.

    Miriam, I know we are always our own toughest critics, but your picture looks perfectly normal to me.

    Carol GA, we are getting rain, rain and more rain too. The ground is so soggy already. I do think it should end by mid-week if the weather people are right. We also do cornbread dressing an giblet gravy. We never had mashed potatoes with the meal but my DH had rice. He grew up in Louisiana. Most of the time has some type of fruit salad, which I’ll miss this year as I’m preparing a green salad.

    Lisa, you stay so busy!! Love the pictures and it sounds like a fun time.

    Sylvia, listening to you ladies I see just how mean I am. diablo.gif If I were doing the poster for the potters group I’d do it with pictures from the three that sent theirs to me and the others would just be left out. I find I have little patience with adults that want to be treated like children. It’s nice that they think you do a great job but that sounds like a ploy my DMIL used to use. She used to have one dish (that she didn’t like to make) that she would assign as each person’s “specialty”. Anytime we were going to make that dish, the special person would make it because they did it the best!!! Mine was fried chicken. Sorry you didn’t get the tickets.

    Karen, fantastic news to get off the BP medicine!!! Congrats!!!! I have the guests bring dessert too since I don’t want to get too involved with it. Plus that way they get what they want.

    Tracie, what do you mean you have been slacking???? Shame on you!!! Just start now and no more slacking. Great that your DD will coach you. It really helps to have hands on support. I know she doesn’t want to have to scold, so if it’s needed, just let us know and we will do it for her, but I’m sure you will be staying on point from here on out. Just start reading the posts from here or you will spend the rest of the month trying to catch up. Lol Congrats on the pound loss. Glad you are heading in the right direction. We are with you every pound of the way.

    Terri, any steps for DH are better than none. I did laugh at your description of him eating only twice as much as a normal person rather than 5 X more. smiley-laughing005.gif

    Vicki, so sorry you have been sick. I guess it’s getting that time of year. Hope you feel better soon. Congrats on cleaning out closets. That always makes me feel so good!

    Jane, I hope DH is better and you don’t get sick. ((Hugs))

    On the weather this morning they said we could get up to another 3 inches of rain by tomorrow night. Gosh I hope it is less. Everything is so saturated now. It’s been so gray all day that I haven’t done too much. DH and I are going to watch a movie. You ladies are the best and I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    hey peeps, I just got the call and I will b able to pick up Kirby's bike. it will be interesting to see what's left of it.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather congrats on your apartment finally settling. Also sorry I got you mixed up. My favorite store, Christopher is having a sale and you get 50% off one item. They have some lovely leather jackets, one of them red. I just can't see putting out that much money for a red coat that can only be used with certain outfits. So I didn't buy it. But as I was checking out a little old lady was buying it. I'm sure she will look chic in it.

    I think I spoke to soon on Charlie's medicine. He has gone to the bathroom way to many times today. About 8 last night and about that same time during the day. I also have had some suspicious stools today. Gone several times, each one looser than they one before. Our Sunday school class is having their lunch tomorrow. I am hesitant in going and possibly exposing these old ladies to something like C Diff.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    UPDATE: while I was on my way to pick up the bike I got a call from somebody at good Samaritan hospital in Puyallup. St. Joseph Hospital refused him not thinking that he qualified or was a good candidate. Good Samaritan what they were and so I guess he's going there once they confirm his insurance information
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member

    Amazing, still in one piece!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary: I've never had blood pressure issues other than it was sometimes too low. It was low enough to make me dizzy if I stood up too fast. I do have problems with acid reflux and have been taking medication for it for decades. Acid reflux gave me a burning sensation behind the point where my bra crosses my chest, and occasionally acid burps. It was quite painful. I've been taking medication every day for years that keeps it under control. I took Nexium for many years until my insurance company decided it was too expensive and substituted pantoprazole. It works well enough if I don't eat stupidly. The over the counter Nexium is about half the strength of the dose I took.

    Heather: CONGRATULATIONS on the exchange. At last! :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: Good luck at Costco. DS and DH shared a card for a long time but were eventually caught. They have the same first and last names. The cards have your picture on them but nobody seemed to notice that my son didn't look like his picture for a very long time. If you look like your friend & pay cash it might work. If you go with your friend there would be no problems getting in, & you could pay her back for the things you purchase. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Thanks for the laugh! :laugh:

    Grits: I love this, "Faith is 'knowing' that a net will appear when you let go." Thank you for sharing it. :heart:

    Pip: Kirby's bike looks undamaged. I wish he wasn't hurt in the accident, either. I'm keeping him in my prayers. You're there, too. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Blood draw and spin tomorrow. The lab opens at 7:30 so I think I'll go there first and get it out of the way. I'm hoping that changes I made were effective at lowering the amount of calcium in my blood. In a perfect world, my bone density would be better, or at least holding steady. I won't find that information out until the next time I have a bone scan in a year or two. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    Going to take the bike to our bike shop and have it evaluated 2c if it's safe to ride (there r dings that u can't c in the pic) and its repairable. Then they will tell me the cost and I will c if it's even worth fixing even if it is safe to ride, if not, Weill have to junk it and keep the good parts. We will c
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    :) Night everyone

    in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    edited November 2015
    Pip – the bike looks great – you’d never guess! So is Good Sam closer to home than where Kirby is now? I can only think that St. Joe’s thinks he is getting better too quick and they will not get enough insurance money….

    Good plan on the bike, and if they can give you an estimate the crud who hit Kirby’s insurance should have to pay.

    Joyce – C.diff is nothing to play around with a friend had it and was in isolation at the hospital for 5 days… I think staying home while not fun is the appropriate thing to do.

    So I have been working on things for the craft faire and will post pictures in time, but today did the front of a pillow and it came out better than I hoped so am posting a picture of the embroidery, this was done on my machine and is about 7inches x 7 inches… So you who are into horses should I make more than one of these? and as a 14 inch square pillow how much would you spend?

    Smiles Kim
    November Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday –would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 – football – we won! Working on craft show crafts
    Kim from N. California
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Sylvia - Sorry about your long and fruitless sitting in line. If it's any consolation, I attended an event in norther Norway a few years ago, and Bill Clinton - famous orator that he is - was totally upstaged by Hans Blix (who headed the UN commission that was searching Iran for evidence of weapons of mass destruction).

    Heather - three rousing cheers for exchange!

    Must go out shopping now. We don't go to events that require business attire very often and my husband's suits have a nasty habit of shrinking in the closet when he isn't watching. :lol:

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Just saying hello and good night.
    Staying in NYC right next to M&M World. What was I thinking?!


    Kimses in MA (usually)