

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    In the good news category, I have lost 12 pounds of regained weight since my surgery. Also, I should have a date coming up this weekend. The guy and I have been talking on the phone regularly for a couple of weeks and I am loving talking to him. He sounds like a good old country boy hick, but the more we talk, the more his intelligence shines through. We'll see...

    Good night, all!

    Carol in NC

    Sorry your trip wasn't what you needed. Congrats on the 12 pound loss. And I hope your date is good.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Just took him s a shower. Workout in itself for him an me and the shoulder! They moved him to another room
    Nite peeps
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kim - I recently fell in love with spaghetti squash! Would you be willing to share your homemade marinara sauce recipe? I count my calories backwards like you do! Dessert first then whatever fits in. I usually fast until supper!

    CarolNC - I'm sorry you are going through a difficult time. Congratulations on losing the 12 lbs. Your up coming date sounds interesting!

    Pip - progress! Be careful with your shoulder though! Kirby is looking good!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Mary - i'll pm it to you tomorrow, but it takes all day so you have to make it at a time you are home.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: Enjoy the tropics! :star:

    Sylvia: Yay for the DGD and the clothes that fit! You are an exceptional grandmother. :star:

    Becca: You have the best sense of fun and humor. I like that! :laugh:

    Kim: Your Thanksgiving advice is wonderful & wise. :bigsmile: I especially like planning the dessert first. If our "diet" is all about deprivation, we won't be able to endure it long enough to lose any weight, let alone keep it off. :noway:

    Carol: Hugs. I'm sorry the weather didn't cooperate during your getaway. Congratulations on losing 12 pounds!!!! I hope your upcoming date turns to be fun. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: :heart:

    DS & DDIL have gone home and we're settling in for the night. I'm looking forward to a good week ahead.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Mary - i'll pm it to you tomorrow, but it takes all day so you have to make it at a time you are home.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm kind of the opposite with my holiday dinners. I know I am going to have pie but I only have slivers. Pumpkin is to common so I skip that one. So I have a sliver of apple and pecan. I don't have mashed potatoes or rolls because I can have them anytime. I don't have them but I could anytime and I don't see anything special about mashed potatoes or rolls. Also turkey is common enough that I don't have a lot of that. If my nephew has brought his ham, I would rather have a piece of that. But my niece only comes here once a year and I have to have her fruit salad, I have to have my corn casserole, and sweet potatoes and marshmellows, sorry. I don't go back for seconds.

    I think Charlie's expensive medicine is beginning to help. All the info I am reading says he should notice a difference in 72 hours. But he is having less pain. He was able to take a short walk on the mall, it was slow, and then do one of his favorite things to do.....go to a car dealership on a Sunday. And he didn't have urgency when he got home like he usually does. Tomorrow is his infusion. He asked me if i was going to bring my iPad so he could listen to his music.

    Michelle told me tonight one of her friends ran into her ex this weekend and asked if she was still single and if not may be up to him calling her. I told her that if he called her I would throw some of Charlie's infected poop at him. Unfortunately I think that is illegal.

    Pip, Kirby looks really good. Of course we all knew he would be a star patient. Why is he wearing a heart monitor?

    Heather, love that jacket you are wearing!

    Yes, that respiratory bug that is going around is a monster. Some people I know, especially the older ones have had it several weeks.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Glo- Fingers crossed for a decent rental soon.

    Miriam - You are a talented lady and the embroidery is wonderful. It's good to hear your son is doing better. My heart hurt for you when I read your story about the dog. That was certainly cruel to subject your son and you to. I'm glad you are away from that terrible situation. You are so courageous.

    Mindy - Time for some extreme self care.

    Pip - I'm glad that your friends and neighbours are helping you. Did you make the quilt ? We have a trunk that looks remarkably like yours. It has been in Larry's family forever.

    DJ - Born to be a model!

    Sylvia - HaHa

    Joyce - I hope Charlie's new medication starts working right away.

    Lillian - The picture of Aiden is delightful. We need our toques out here on the prairies. Lol

    Lazy start to the day. Lots of back pain. Sucked it up and got ready for the shower. My lack of planning showed up at the shower where I succumbed to the please of Baileys and coffee, Cheese and crackers and a cupcake.

    We went out for supper and I didn't eat much but spinach dip and pita chips weren't a stellar choice. On to shopping night at the store. The 3 littlest are done for Christmas although I need to get a birthday present for DGS . I also forgot about DGGS. Sheesh.

    Tim Horton's for coffee and a shared fruit explosion. My sister dived into it before I even sat down. We had a good day but a combination of bad choices has left me suffering acid reflux and afraid to lay down. tomorrow will be better. I'm going to attempt to plan out meals for the week. I am not good at that. I usually decide on supper a few hours before the main event.

    I took a short walk before and after the shower. The baby received mounds of presents and more clothes than one little gaffer will be able to wear. One aunt gave 20 outfits. I felt it was showing off but I guess that's my problem.

    Tomorrow is day off so laundry, dishes, cleaning and planning.

    Trying my luck at being flat
    -Sharon is sunny southern Alberta
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    So much reading so no time left for comments. I loved all the embroidery photos. As others have said, the talent of the girls on this thread is inspirational. So much creativity and good homespun advice, too. I feel very blessed to know you all.


    I stepped on the scale this morning and it seems that my refocus is paying off. I have gone back down and another pound below my lowest weight. I have now lost 55lbs since starting on this journey.

    Pip Kirby is a 'diamond geezer'. His determination shines through, and as you so right say, he is one handsome dude, even all beat up by his accident. Healing thoughts to you both. Remember that you need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of him. You are an amazing woman.

    Janetr So sorry that you have been suffering so much. I feel an affinity with you and Pip because we had our ops round about the same time. I am glad that you finally went to the doctor and got some help. Sometimes we tend to be a little too independent, but we need to ask for help sooner rather than later.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    had a bit of sleep issues last night.. then finally got settled and slept a good 8 1/2 hrs
    working at 10:30 this morning and having my cup of tea now...
    I feel so bad for all of you that have been feeling under the weather. will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery..
    Tom leaves thursday morning and wont be back until the 21st , gives me time to myself and time to think...
    My brother called while I was sitting watching the nascar race and Tom was sitting in recliner a foot or so away. and Sean was arguing that I have to start getting things straightened out,or he will come down and say something to Tom... he I know is worried about his big sister and I will handle things directly with Tom dont need Sean getting into the middle of things
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Morning all!

    Joyce - I'm the one in the black raincoat with the red bag. The one in the tan jacket is the friend I see most often. The one in the purple anorak lives in Glasgow and the one behind her is the difficult friend. She actually lives quite near me, but I very rarely choose to see her. :*

    Still waiting to hear about exchange and completion. If it's not this week, then it will have to be the end of the following as we are babysitting up in London on Monday. The DGD is starting at a new childminder and her mum wants her to start with half days. Then we will pick up DGS from school. Leave at 6.40 pm. I so wish this selling business were all over. :sad:

    This time of year I always feel like retreating into myself. Will pop down to the shops with DH today to buy easy stuff to prep. Can't get excited about anything. A passing phase I'm sure.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • phyllis115
    phyllis115 Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning all,
    Sylvia-Thanks for the chuckle about your “nap” in the Doctor’s office. I can totally relate. I’m so glad it FITS, you are the best Grandmother !

    Becca-Onederland is in my future also. I can’t wait to see what it feels like

    Penny- Your description of the ice cave almost makes me want to visit one and I’m extremely claustrophobic
    Mia-Your ornaments are incredible !!

    Kimses- Praying for your work situation. You have such a positive attitude about it, I’m sure it will turn out ok.
    Irish Terri- I LOVE your new health affirmations. I might have to “borrow” a couple of them

    Miriam - Your Needlework is awesome. You must have a lot of patience.

    I love the support that the women in this group give each other. I've been coming to this board instead of the boredom eating I've been known to do. I guess we call that a NSV.

    Told DD (Dear daughter?) that I would watch DGS after prayer group tonight if necessary. I've got to stop putting aside the things that give me strength just because someone asks me to do something. She really doesn't need me to watch him tonight, her 2nd job is as an assistant coach for a high school JV basketball team but she also attends varsity functions. Tonight is the varsity practice so I'm going to my 1 hour prayer group and then I can pick up and he/they can spend the night with me.

    I'm also planning my holiday meals and trying not to get overwhelmed by the "expectations" of others. I love reading the advice and suggestions of all of you. It's given me a lot to think about.

    Time to get to ready to work. Prayers and hugs for all of you. I hope you each have a good day.

    Phyl in Cincy
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, so glad the leotard fits! It is tough on little girl's egos when clothes don't fit. I remember how I felt as a kid. I was NOT fat, but have this German peasant build bone structure and am very short. So if things fit my shoulders, upper arms and thighs, they were too loose everywhere else and WAY too long. And shoes. I have MEN"S EEEE width feet. I can rarely find a woman's shoe that has a foot bed as wide as my feet are. I hate to shop, and I am certain that it is because I always feel awful about my build when I do try to. Switching my photo to the one that shows how I was not fat, but had to make my own clothes at 12, so you can all can see.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Dr. Katie, thanks for your organizing advise. I mostly sell vintage costume jewelry and what you see in the pic is just a part of it. The upstairs bonus room has shelves that I originally used to store but I got lazy and brought a lot down to the office. The large box of handbags were some that belonged to my mom and "may" be sold online if I get around to it. I have already donated at least a dozen 30 gal. bags of her clothes to the thrift (she loved clothes). Now I have some very nice and expensive coats that no one in the family can wear and will probably end up donating. I just need to get off my lazy behind and organize. Sadly, I'm one of those who can clean everything up so it looks great and within hours it is a mess again. If any of you love vintage jewelry message me and I will send you my ID.

    Rain, rain, and more rain here. Think it's going to clear up toward the end of the week.


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    About Thanksgiving Food.....Please tell us about your traditions as I know they vary as to what part of the country you live in.

    Do any of you prepare Southern Cornbread Dressing? I use Paula Dean's recipe and it is wonderful. Of course, I grew up on this. We cook the dressing in the oven not in the turkey. Make giblet gravy with chopped hard boiled eggs. Instead of the green bean casserole, I use drained canned asparagus instead of green beans. My sister-in-law brings a strawberry pretzel salad that is to die for. Google strawberries, pretzels, cool whip, and cream cheese.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Carol- I have made the same thing ,but only with cherry pie filling rather than strawberry.. we have made it for years lol
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited November 2015
    Such talented human beings you all are--and Miriam, you need to write a book, if you haven't, about your experiences, both with the abuser and with your experiences as bipolar and with the condition in your family. I started a small publishing company with my first book, and can get you going on publishing it, if need be. You are enormously articulate, and understand how words impact the heart. Sounds like a writer to me.

    Heather--I no longer keep people in my life that make me feel like your 'friend' makes you feel. And yes, I agree you to need to say what's on your mind, and risk her absence from your life. There are too many amazing moments to be had yet to waste time feeling angry and uncomfortable.

    Carol in NC--so glad to see you intrigued by someone! Hope the date goes well.

    And Pip, that's the first time I've seen Kirby without his glasses. Be still my heart! What a truly gorgeous man, even when he looks like he lost a fight with a lion.

    For all of you--I just read through four pages, and far too many to answer all individually, but yes, this is the place I, too, go whenever I possibly can, to just warm my hands over the fires we build--whether signal fires for help with hurts physical, mental or emotional, or celebratory bonfires to share our triumphs and happy moments. To those in pain and ill, you have a place in the healing part of my heart, and to the joyful, a place in the sunniest rooms of my soul.

    Busy weekend, and the DH is wrapped up in a massive effort to prepare three massive aviation gas trucks to supply C-130s with fuel at the military training camp on the south part of the ranch. He's often exhausted and stumbling through the evenings and falling in bed, and I've actually been cooking whenever I can, so he'll have a few moment's relaxation (ordinarily, he's the cook in the family). The training center is part of the ranch, but literally an hour and a half away, whether on ranch roads or highway. Another massive training is coming up November 30, as well, but as he puts it, as long as the vehicles are working, he's just facilitating, not participating. He does love his job, which is a good thing.

    I'm here instead of writing this morning, and have some catch-up work to do on that. Haven't been good about tracking, and I'm usually quite faithful, so back to that this morning, as well.

    Hosted a write-in for the writer's group at the ranch yesterday, and took them on a quick, chilly buggy ride up and over some of the nearby hills. Only the youngest came--and treated it as an adventure. They inspire me, and I hope the day inspired them. I'm the one on the bottom right in the buggy selfie. :) The panoramic view was looking to the south from the hill that overlooks the ranch, so the western sky is actually at right, as the sun was setting.

    The ribboncutting at the warehouse is one week away, lots to get done this week.

    Happy Monday, peeps!
    Lisa in chilly West Texas



  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    Miriam, when I took her home yesterday after trying on the leotard she rushed in and told her dad how happy she was. She said it made her feel so pretty! And also she said that now she won't be the only one in class without a leotard. That part made me especially happy. I always hated being the only one that was different when I was young.

    When I was a teenager I was anorexic but still I had huge upper arms. I used to buy long sleeved shirts and cut the sleeves to short sleeved length, then take the extra fabric and make a triangular gusset under the arm so they would fit. Even in the Air Force I did that with my uniform shirts. My grandmother had huge arms, so it may be a family thing, but I'm the only one who got them. Lucky me. My wrists are a lot like yours too. Bigger than most women. I wear a large man's band on my Fitbit. And they are bony too, so I don't think I'll be losing any more from that area. I used to have a roll of fat around my wrist and remember how happy I was when one day I suddenly noticed it was gone.

    My horrible ex killed a couple of pets too. One because the dog (a boxer) was protecting me from him. The other was a tiny kitten he threw from a second floor window. He was horrible in so many ways. Good riddance.

    Katla, that is the lake where we have our cabin. It's actually a Kansas State Park, built by the CCC back in the 30's. After it was built they sold lots around the lake for fishing cabins. Later it became a state park and the lots remained privately owned. It's kind of an odd situation, but the lake is really pretty and well taken care of. It's a smaller lake, great for canoeing, but that doesn't keep people from racing up and down it with power boats. One end is a "no wake" zone, so it's peaceful down there. We get in our canoe and make a mad dash down there past the marker, then it's heaven! So many birds! Yesterday we saw a Pileated Woodpecker, which is fun. We don't see them that often.

    I don't have to take the kids to school today, so I'm busy being lazy. Later I'm going to the ticket office on campus to buy tickets for a lecture by Bill Clinton, then I have to run around getting copies of medical records to hand carry to Kansas City tomorrow.

    Well, gotta go get hubby his breakfast. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member