

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, I wish that food wouldn't just leap into my mouth like that!!! >:)

    Heather, loved the picture of the kids. Their Dad sure loves them. You can see it in his eyes, actions. Good Dad.

    Tomorrow evening we are having our annual Gingerbread competition at church. Although we all know who will win..our preacher. He always makes an elaborate display and outdoes himself each year. Some one saw a house that trees and limbs had fallen down and really crushed the house. Now that maybe I could make. I also thought of getting the kit and just putting a ribbon around the box. They give out several different categories of prizes. The fellowship always follows the children's play. This is a pretty talented group of kids and group of leaders. they write the whole play and all the music. Last year was the first year I had seen it. It isn't the typical children's Christmas play. The whole birth of Jesus was worked into it but mainly it was about the big issue of bullying. Charlie get's upset that I have gone to so many church events. Well first, that's just to bad and second, it is only at this time of year hat a church has more events than normal. They have supper every Wednesday evening except summer and I have never gone to any of those. I really want to but I know it would crush him and make him more mad at 'the church' if I did that so I just swallow that hurt and have a 'nice' supper with him.

    This week was Michelle's 35 birthday. She works the evening shift so we went out tonight. WE knew she would want to go to either a family owned and operated place or Chili's grill. Charlie hates both. But he always tells her to pick where SHE wants to and don't think of us at all. But then he makes us all miserable when we get there. And he didn't let us down tonight at all. He was miserable.

    Miriam, I love all your celebrating of your girls adoption. Seems like the whole town was part of it. I'm glad you also make a big deal out of the day they came to your house. I hope they know how special they are.

    Sylvia, love the plates. I really like the one turtle that is upside down. That kid chose to look outside the box. The others were just turtles, this one though can be a container that looks like a turtle.

    Pip, you two are such love birds. I would say 'get a room' but it seems as if you did.

    katla, so sorry both of you were to sick not to go to your family. I remember the entire family that lived here in town was sick except my sister and I. They were OK enough to be by themselves so my sister came over here and we had a delightful Christmas meal of PB&J sandwiches.

    Love you all. Got to get to bed early tonight so I can tolerate that alarm clock going off at 8 AM. I would hate to have to throw that thing at the wall. Joyce, Indiana
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    edited December 2015
    Carol, have you considered celiac? LOL Both going too much or not able to go are symptoms... lol

    This just cracked me up! Which is a clear indication I'm overtired. It's been a long day.

    So ... Sent DH and YS to get a real tree ... Umm ... Let's just say it's a little rustic looking. DH said he figured I could fill in the holes with ornaments and lights ... Which I did for nearly five hours. They purchased the tree from a man who lives down the street. His trees have become too large over the years and he and his cousin cut the tops off and sell those as Christmas trees. There are better tree farms in the area but I'd rather give this man our money. He seems to be quite lonely ... Suffers from some condition that has grotesquely disfigured one side of his face.

    Anyways ... I didn't say anything about the tree... It's our second tree with tchotchke type ornaments and things the kids made over the years. More formal tree with antique ornaments is in the living room on an artificial tree. I am now done decorating.

    But I have a question ... Is there some unwritten Law that says all ornaments, regardless of how you place them on the tree ... Must end up backwards? Sigh.

    I've generally been staying within calorie allotment, but haven't been losing. I noticed this past week I've really fallen off on drinking water, so trying to get that back up to better levels.

    We stood out in the rain this evening repositioning our new Star Shower Christmas projectors ( as advertised on tv). They work better than I expected and look pretty good. But I don't use drapes on the front of the house, so these things are throwing red and green light points all through the house and the lasers were in our eyes in the living room. Got that pretty much fixed. We generally don't buy faddish things, but we were bored with our outdoor decorations and YS was very persuasive....

    Well I'm done for the evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Wanted to check in before I got too far behind. Been uber busy right now, which is why you haven't seen me. Been logging, tho. Will probably skim posts right now.

    Friday did an hour workout in the water. Then came home to make the broccoli casserole to take to the mahjongg christmas party. Honestly, I in a way didn't want to go, but I also felt obligated to go. I had to leave early since one gal was in a car accident and totaled her car and I said that I'd pick her up. Went to the party. One lady said that she was going to have turkey catered. Well...I thought it was regular turkey. turns out it was smoked. Had just a little, a little of the broccoli casserole I brought, some of the cornbread stuffing one gal brought, lot of raw carrots.

    then in the evening there was a party for some of the people who go to ceramics. I'd never gone to one of their parties before. It was definitely funny. One of the games was called "hump the balloon". What is is is you pin a balloon on your pants, then you hold onto a chair while a person behind you "humps" you to break the balloon. It was hilarious. I had a bit of cheese, some of the sausage cheese balls someone brought, a piece of what I think was turkey, lots of raw carrots and tomatoes (which surprisingly weren't very good). I admit that I did have one chocolate mint. Stayed away from the desserts.

    I know that I totally blew it today. Did most of the baking for Christmas eve. I am a believer that you need to taste the dough to be sure you have enough spices and then you do need to at least sample the finished product to see if you need to bake it longer, etc. Made ginger cookies for this gal at the Y, magic cookie bars for the gal who I reserve the conference room for Newcomers, 3 other types of cookies from this mix which I honestly didn't think was all that great, chocolate chip cookies for Vince. I also made turkey meatloafs for next week and chicken. Didn't realize the chicken needed to marinate so I'll cook it tomorrow.

    My heel is still hurting. Not sure if the voltaren is helping or not. I figure it can't be hurting! Wish I could see the doc sooner.

    Alison - I THOUGHT I felt a wave as you passed by!!!! Thanks

    Rori - good luck to you

    A friend at the ceramics party gave me a recipe for a different type of fudge. I'll give it a try, maybe after the holidays.

    Heather - hope your tooth gets better fast

    Penny - breathtaking photo. Actually, everyone's is, barbie's, pip's, everyone else's

    Tomorrow there is a holiday dinner for the Newcomers. This gal has gone all out, she's gone like $200 over budget, and the budget is almost 1/2 of the social budget.

    Lenora - I didn't know this, but Vince is into trains and he's on this train forum. There have been stories of people walking on the tracks and getting hit by a train. The thing we thought of was "didn't they hear this big thing". Then he found out that up so close you really don't hear the train. Interesting, huh?

    Margaret - good thoughts being sent for your hubby

    Carol in NC - there was a lady from this place called "2-1-1" They are an agency that provides services to needy people. One gal in Newcomers who I know is very involved in her church and has lived here for years never heard of it. Thought I'd pass this on to you in case you need it. You might look them up online

    Welcome everyone new

    Did a Gilad cardio DVD only I didn't realize that the second half was all kickboxing. That I'm not crazy about. The plan for tomorrow is to do an advanced pilates DVD

    pip - so do you do your planks with your arms straight or the forearms on the ground just not locked together? Good for you using that elliptical for your shoulder.

    Throwing confetti to Miriam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Becca - what a sweet hubby you have. At the ceramics party we had a gift exchange. I gave someone a cookie jar and filled it with cookies that I'd made. I went to open this gift and said "well, they say good things come in small packages so I'll take this one". It turned out to be a pewter picture frame. Not that I was crazy about it. No one "stole" it either. But after everything was done, the person who brought that gave me this really really nice flower arrangement she'd made. I just said "I told you good things come in small packages". Truthfully, I'm going to donate the frame, but the arrangement is on my dining room table as I write

    Becca - I think I missed your video. I'd love to see it. If I can't find it, can you repost it, please?

    Lisa - how I agree with you. Every time you go to the MD they are constantly saying "take this, take that". And then you have intereactions! I remember MIL was at one time on 10 different meds. My father felt the same way I do and I think he was only on about 6 when he was taking the most meds he'd ever taken.

    katla - so sad about missing your trip. I'm sending my wishes for a miracle, too

    Becca - just saw your video. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it. Janetr - thanks for telling me. Leonora - you're in good company, I never thought of clicking on the pic to start the video, either

    kimses - which college did you go to?

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi gals,

    I decided to read any only respond generally – it’s quicker! However Pip mentioned me sewing with a pot of coffee next to me, and I thought I’d share a now 30 year ago experience… I went to the doc for my annual girl stuff and he did a breast exam, and was very concerned about all the lumps and bumps (I thought that was normal- I had always had them) we talked about it and he asked about my caffeine consumption when he found out I generally had 12-24 cups at work and 5-10 at home (yes that is up to 34 cups a day --- I love the flavor) he gave me two choices, biopsies on 5+ of the worst lumps or no caffeine for 4 weeks and a re-check… I gave up caffeine and in 4 weeks was completely clear! So then we tried easing me back,- welcome back lump-land-- well I now do one (once in a great while 2) cups a day, limited chocolate and no soda. Something to consider if you have problems with lumps.

    I enjoyed all the pictures and videos tomorrow is the craft fair, I have the car packed, learned how to use the credit card do-hicky for my phone, have change, have my lunch planed and coffee to go cup and water out…. Hope it goes well, I am a bit nervous, I have spent so many hours on stuff that I don’t want to be too disappointed. I am looking forward to it being over though! I got my outside lights up today, and will put lights on the tree Monday so I can put up the ornaments…

    Thinking of you all.
    Love Kim, in N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Becca - I especially loved the M&M train. where did you get it?

    Kim - I have very "lumpy" breasts and was told to limit caffeine a while ago. It's not like I'm much of a coffee drinker, anyway.

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited December 2015
    Been out to market. Bought some fish for tonight and strawberries. Treated ourselves to a couple of fillet steaks for tomorrow as I won't feel much like cooking when we get back from Avignon.
    When you stand in the market sometimes there is a long conversation between the vendor and the person in front of you about their purchases - the cut, the cooking, the length it will keep etc. They take great care to give you exactly what you want. Good job we're not in a rush!
    Then we amble back with our wheeled shopping bag and have a discussion with the wine vendor underneath our apartment as to which wine will go perfectly with our purchases. :laugh: Everyone wishes you a Good Sunday.
    Unfortunately the museum I wanted to go go this afternoon is shut on Sundays so we will have to have a rethink. I am still very full of cold with an aching face, but feel better in the open air. :)

    Kim - here's hoping for a great craft fair for you! At least your goods are not perishable if you don't sell out!

    Katla - Hope you are feeling better!

    Love to all and have a Good Sunday! BON DIMANCHE! :flowerforyou:

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi Folks, coming off a busy work week and a very exciting week ahead, DD finds out about her top choice college and DH has a phone interview for a new job, excited, hopeful and helping them both stay calm! Just saying, things are a little tense around our house. To top it off, my SnL (aka the troublemaker) sends my DH a photo by text of his biological father, the one who abandoned him when he was a baby.....why would she do that? So painful to my DH, he has made peace that this man made no effort in his life to connect with him, yet she had to go and send a picture of him smiling away, she is such a pot stirrer; I know she just wanted to bug my DH.
    That topped off a week of him having to wear b.p. heart monitor all week, which ruined his sleep. We are awaiting news of that report as well because it is critical that his b.p. is controlled, may have to adjust his meds....he refuses to have a defibrilator surgically implanted in his chest which is something the Cardio docs are wanting to do.....

    Okay, vent is over.

    Thank you ladies for offering this place to let it all hang out, we women do handle a lot don't we?

    Did I mention, I am eating over my calorie limit most days but still exercising. :#

    Karen from NY
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member

    Afternoon everyone.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Having quiet thinking time.

    Photos of my mum and dad just before they were married. My dad taken a short time before he died.
    He died on 25 December 2000. Merry Christmas Dad, RIP. Memories last forever, especially the good ones.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, looks like a fun ceramics party!

    Carol, glad you got tested.

    Barbie, I am imaging your two dogs all wet and glistening with soggy bows! LOL

    Pip, you guys are just so adorable.

    Heather, hope you feel better. Loving hearing about your jaunts.

    To all who are sick this season, or hurting from old age, my thoughts are with you. I remember one Christmas when all three of my boys were so sick that they didn't even care that Santa had come. It is no fun being sick right now when there is so much going on and so much joy to share.

    Emily and I sing in choir at church today, and then we sing two songs in the Vespers concert that is community wide and rotates through the churches. This year we are at the Mennonite church. And we sing first. Ugh. It is fun to hear the different choirs from all the churches and also the Madrigal singers from the High School.

    Love to all! I am still a bit distracted by Friday's events, so not remembering who else I wanted to respond to! But you all are dear to me.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DJ: We made the right decision and stayed home. I'm still feeling awful, and DH is suffering from the same virus. The kids went to Leavenworth, WA and had a wonderful time. We went there with them last year. It is a lovely place, but not when you have the cold/flu from h*ll. :noway:

    Heather: Your grandchildren are darling! I hope you feel better soon and don't have what I have. It is bad enough to be sick at home, but so much worse to feel ill while on vacation. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Congratulations on the victory of Navy over Army. My dad was in the navy in WWII. He was actually a Sea Bee. DH enlisted in the Navy out of high school, but developed diabetes and was discharged because of his health. He had 89.5 days of active duty and does not qualify as a veteran. :ohwell:

    Barbie: "Thank you for sharing your lives with me....it's time for bed so no time for replies but please know that you are all in my heart."
    Same goes! Your good sense and great advice has been a blessing to me. Thank you. :heart:

    Pip: Great photos of you and Kirby! The street photo looks like a place where we watched a Christmas "Parade" last year. Was it taken in Bellevue? :flowerforyou:

    Elaine: I miss my parents, too. (((hugs)))

    Miriam: Congratulations again on your adoption of the two girls! You are a blessing to those girls. :heart:

    There is an organization of boaters in the Portland area called Christmas Ships. Every year they light up their boats & hold parades in various locations along the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Last night they held their parade in front of our house. Many boats have been here before, but some of our favorites were not here last night. We enjoyed the parade from our upstairs window. Tonight they'll have their parade along the Multnomah Channel as they head back to Portland. We would have preferred to be well and spend this weekend with DS & DDIL, but the boats were cheery and we enjoyed seeing them.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Pip - very nice pictures, glad to see Kirby is better.

    One Christmas Party finished and three more to go.... People will start to leave around noon today. Hopefully they eat up some of the leftovers. I will start my turkey soup this morning .... and clean up after they all leave. We will brink in our Christmas Tree and set it up tonight. I ,might even get some decorations on it.

    Just enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning peace and quiet.

    Lillian in west central Saskatchewan
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Sunday Morning to All!

    Thanks to all of you for sharing your pictures. Penny, the moon over the village. Heather, the street scene from your window. Becca, your wonderful decorations. Sylvia, the pottery the children made. Pip, the happy photos of you and Kirby. And to anyone else I missed....Thanks!

    Went to GD's first 4 yr old dance recital yesterday and they were so cute. Dressed in kind of what I would call "flapper" costumes and did their little tap. Then, I went to lunch with some of my 50 yr long friends from college. Was very good and only had a small bowl of shrimp gumbo and a salad. The salad had blue cheese dressing on the side which I tried to limit.

    Going to do a little cleaning today and trying to stay away from some delicious iced brownies one of my DH's antique dealer friends gave him.


  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Congratulations to your little family Miriam. What a wonderful new tradition you'll have to kick off the celebrations in the Christmas season!

    I was at a friend's 60th birthday party on Friday. She had invited people she's known and loved throughout her life and — being who she is — that meant a lot of people. The party was held at the extreme southern end of town in a building called Huset ("The House"). We live way at other end of town so it took us nearly 40 minutes to walk there (which gives you an idea of how big the town is). A lot of the other guests walked up too. One of the women had never been in Svalbard before. She said she'd been nervous the whole way – constantly looking over her shoulder into the darkness, expecting polar bears any moment.

    The hotels hand out maps of town with a thick pink line marked "polar bear safe area", but the woman wasn't entirely convinced. "Yeah," she said, "but do the polar bears know that?" Actually there are LOTS of polar bears in town. For example this one, above the entrance to the grocery store:


    This afternoon I'll be singing in the annual Christmas concert at the church. My choir will sing only one piece, leaving plenty of room for others. At this concert essentially everyone in town who wants to perform is given the chance and the church is usually packed to capacity. We listen to nervous 8-year-olds playing the piano in public for the first time, seasoned performers with top-of-the-chart hits to their credit, the children's choir, Longyearbyen Big Band, the bluegrass ensemble – you name it. Sometimes the performers have more enthusiasm than talent, but everyone applauds politely nonetheless. After a particularly excruciating rendition of O holy night by one of our regulars, the minister/emcee thanked him with the words "Now we can all sit back and wait for next year." How's that for diplomacy?

    Right after the concert, I've got to rush home and change and head out again for another Christmas tradition: the women's gingerbread bake. The only rule is No Men Allowed (though male dogs are okay, and we make exceptions for human boys until they can crawl). I really, really, really don't need to be exposed to gingerbread dough, or cookies, or mulled wine, or any of the other calorie-containing appurtenances. Still, it's a fun social occasion, so I'm going.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good Morning All!
    This month has been so crazy that am now trying to get back on a routine. Came across some journal notes from 5 years ago and it was all the same issues as going on now. I don't want to stay on that same hamster wheel going forward.
    Tenants moved out last week from my family's old house and it needs an incredible amount of work done (roof, windows, flooring, kitchen and a bathroom, landscaping front and back). $$$ :neutral:
    Yesterday out w/my mother for Chinese buffet for lunch and at a potluck last night - time to walk the dog and start on heading off the sodium bloat.

    Linda in Calif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Oooooohhhh, just had a lovely long nap while DH went out for a walk. Sleep is always healing. It's the first nap I have had since I have been here. :) My tooth is uncomfortable though. Hope it doesn't get impossible before we get home. :ohwell:

    Will struggle out through town after a cup of tea. Got to get some steps in. :noway:

    Have a great half Pip!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    Does anybody know how to copy pictures here from Pictures in Windows 10? I'm not having any luck doing so. I'm doing good to copy them from my cell phone to my computer, UGH!

    exermon - if they can't hear the train; you'd think they'd feel the vibration of one. They seem to have a distinctive rocking whenever you are sitting at a crossing as if they are rocking.

    First full day without DH at home. Looking around at my house and deciding to 'clean it' so it won't be messy (or cluttered) when he comes home. That will be a pleasant surprise. Then I plan to tackle our filing cabinets so we can 'find' things in it. RITFLMAO - like I will really get to it; but, I will try. Still wish my DOGD will volunteer to come over to clean house for money. I know she wants money to pay for Christmas presents. Wrote out the last of my December bills.

    I don't expect to have lost anything this 2 week period, did not exercise very much either; other than counting my shopping as slow walking each time. I figured I walked a total of 20 minutes while doing so; but, it doesn't matter; I don't eat by my 'extra' calories that I could take by doing so. Still trying to keep my 'caloric intake' at the level I need to be in order to lose weight.

    I'm going to find my 'dance' DVD and try that for a little while. I've grown tired of the treadmill. But, I need to exercise. Or find my DVD's for my WII machine. Then I will have to figure that one out. LOL! I have not used it in a year or two. Or just pull out my "Paula Abdulla DVD and just move to it according to the beat. I used to walk with it and it made the time go by faster. Need to straighten house first and then move some furniture to dance.

    Cracker still sleeping a lot; but, when awake she is totally non-stop. She really enjoys her play toys and will play with them all the time. She has a cow that will 'moo' if she hits it in the right spot (on the front hoof). She is so excited and curious that it only does it a few times. She'll *kitten* her head right and left while she does it and then she will attack it and throw it around. She still likes her 'duck' the best.

    cityjaneLondon - get some Ambesol (sp); that will numb you gums around that tooth and you won't feel the toothache.

    Peach1948 - I always order my salad dressing on the side; barely use a Tbsp. when I do. Much better than the 2 ounces that come in those containers. I really like Olive Garden salads with their dressing; and that is only 140 calories.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    Annr - will you post all the short little blurbs about the Advent story; please post them here or private message me; so I can catch up and type them out to keep them. I think they'd be nice to use with my Advent wreath next year. I did not put it out this year. Hoping that you have them written down. It is like a story that tells when things occur when the shepherds and Wise men started following the star. o:) <3 o:)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Annr - see my previous post (2 up from this one).