

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    125347fa3fzrtcfh.gif We are about to light candles for the last night of Hanukkah....the dogs and cat love Hanukkah because they get a treat each time we light candles
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Happy Hanukkah Barbie~
    Well all I can is I am sooooooo glad to be here lying down in my jammies and ready to sleep..
    it is getting harder and harder to drive that distance and without cruise control on the highway your foot and get get real tired..
    Praying the weather stays nice...
    will catch up with everyone in the morning <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Happy Hanukkah Ladies!

    Allison - I'm glad you made it! Enjoy every moment!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Ugg I totally can't get it..anybody? Downloaded Dropbox onto iPad. Had previously created a Dropbox account on desktop. It uploaded all my pics on iPad. Then I went on my phone which is what I used to take today's pics and put five into Dropbox. Then I got back on iPad opened Dropbox and moved today's pics to photos. Now when I get on MFP and u can reply and post a pic it doesn't come up. But it is on photo file. Is there an easier way?
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Cherie, lovely display.

    Happy Hanukkah! Happy Diwali too! Lights are such an important part of our winter solstice celebrations, whatever the religion! I have not hung any lights this year because I cannot remember where I put them away last year! I thought they were in my walk in attic, but no, not there. Big sigh.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Allison, I'm so glad you arrived safely....that's a long trip.....enjoy your time at your destination...you deserve good times
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Happy Hanukkah. I completed all cards and online gift orders, so now just need to deliver a few goodies to colleagues at my home office. Leaving for New York and Midland, TX tomorrow. (Lisa, this is quick trip but in future will plan it so I can be free to meet you for lunch). Our corporate party is Tuesday afternoon and will include dancing and Karaoke. I usually dance to all the latino music. The weather is supposed to be warm, so I'm looking forward to walking thru Bryant Park and down 5th Avenue to ogle all the store windows and Rock Center tree. Christmas in NY is spectacular.

    DH saw his plastic surgeon on Friday. Margins are clean so now we are just waiting for skin to grow over the entire wound bed. He has a hole on his forehead that would fit a silver dollar. We'll be back to the doctor next Friday so she can monitor his readiness to take a skin graft. I really hope we can keep the next surgery date of Dec. 23rd. She is the first doctor who has suggested to him to get a primary care physician from their senior center. We stopped in and got the forms and number to call to schedule an appointment. I will be so thrilled if he does go through with having a full physical. He's avoided doctors for well over 25 years and is behind in all the tests we normally take to benchmark health.

    Friends, I wish you lots of strength as the stress of the season starts to set in and tempting treats turn up everywhere we look. Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Sylvia, looks like the party was a success. I like the plates and turtles,too but I do feel sorry for that dead dog someone made.

    Heather, those are the cutest Grands and at such a fun age!!!

    Vicki, sending good thoughts for the lump on DH’s neck to be “nothing”. I’m like you in that I’d want a doctor to see it and tell me.

    Kimese, good for you on those exercises. You will be lookin’ good in no time! Keep up the good work and hopefully the soreness will disappear.

    Pip, love the pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Joyce, the gingerbread competition sounds like a blast. Have fun.

    Beth, I thought I was the only one that bought the hooks that put all ornaments on the tree backwards. smiley-laughing001.gif I think those star shower lights are cool if put up correctly. Just don’t blind any pilots with them.

    Heather, love hearing about your day and the markets. Hope you feel better! (((Hugs))) Strolling with DH sounds wonderful.

    Karen, sending calm thoughts for you as you bear the stress of the family plus your own. (((Hugs))) Ya gotta love it when the DHs won’t do what the doctor tells them. Ppffttt Hang in there and know we are here for you.

    Elaine, great pictures. Hold on to those good memories.

    Katla, each day I hope to read that you and DH are on the road to recovery and feeling much better. So sorry for all of you that are under the weather.

    CarolGA, good for you for eating right with all the goodies (actually bad stuff) around. You inspire me but a bit too late, I fear.

    Penny, I’d probably be looking over my shoulder for Polar Bears,too. Love the picture. Hope you had fun at the ginger bread bake.

    Linda, will you have to do all that work before you can rent the house again? Bummer…

    Barbie, we had a lady at our line dance party today that reminds me of you. She is in a different class from mine with the same instructor so we were at the same party. Happy Hanukkah to you and Jake.

    Allison, so glad you made it. I know that long car trips nearly do me in. When I drove with DD to California two years ago, we only drove 5 to 6 hours a day most days. It made for a long trip but didn’t kill me sitting in the car for so long.

    Mindy, I didn’t see any pictures??? 

    Cheri, Happy holidays to you, too. I hope it has been a good Hanukkah for your family.

    We had our Line Dance Christmas party this afternoon. OMG did I eat stuff I shouldn’t have!!! I need a swift kick! And then didn’t dance off too many calories because back was acting up. It was nice to see everyone. It seems like I just got home from my friend’s house and I’ll go back for two more nights on Tuesday. After that if she can’t stay alone, her daughter will take her to her aunt’s house.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    DJ, very funny. The dead dog is really another turtle but his legs were so fragile he has to dry upside down. Probably has to fire that way too. They were using up scraps of clay making little animals and stuff. One of those things is a tadpole (I'm told) and one is a stingray. One girl made a deer, but it promptly fell apart.

    Today it rained all day long. I went to Joplin to do some shopping but it was raining so hard I finally gave up. The only gift I got was a kareoke machine for DGD#1. I wanted to get her a sewing machine but my son said she would hurt herself.

    We took the dogs out walking even though it was raining and Spot had so much fun running through all the puddles. The other two think he's nuts. They want no part of getting wet if they can help it.

    Well, I hope you are all having a great weekend.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of an advanced pilates DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one more segment of the Butt Lift DVD I have, hold my plank and then take the etremepump class.

    Karen - best wishes for your daughter and hubby

    Lenora - I can only think that if someone isn't aware enough to hear the train, they probably aren't aware enough to feel the vibration

    Elaine - I don't know if a day goes by that I don't think about my father and mother

    Remember I was saying how my foot was a bit swollen and I believed it was from the smoked turkey (high in sodium)? Well, the foot is down now.

    Early this morning went and got a gift certificate for Denise's bf, got a new blender (a Nutribullet) for Jess (what I thought I'd gotten was just the glasses so I returned those. Unfortunately, I lost my Kohl's cash, then went to Target for milk for Vince since I could have sworn that was where I saw a shirt for him only it was at Sears. Not sure if I'll still get it or not. Went early this a.m. since that's when the stores aren't crowded. I was surprised at how many people were in the stores, tho

    Karen - Vince was the same way about the ablation as your hubby is about his pacemaker. Vince really didn't want the ablation, but when the one medication stopped working and the only other one that he could take he couldn't take for the long term, he was forced to do the ablation. Now he's really happy that he had it done.

    Becca - that is such a neat train. It must have been a long time ago, Vince used to work for Mars and I don't remember him ever mentioning it. He's into trains, so I'm sure he would have gotten it.

    Well, went to the Newcomer holiday party. At this I was good. I had just a SMALL piece of beef and the rest was just roasted veges. Fortunately, there wasn't any sauce on it, but there was some sort of spice (pepper?). Just had water to drink and then a cup of tea.

    Cheri - beautiful menorah.

    Mary - ok, you have me. What is the "roll of shame"?

    Alison - you don't have cruise control???? I don't think I'd be able to drive to FL if I didn't have it. Enjoy your time down there

    Rori - so glad that the margins are clear for hubby

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I love everyone's day today. So much going on, choirs singing, wannabe people singing and being appreciated like they should be. It takes courage to get up there and do that. So many parties, some of you super duper good and some like me not so. Glad Heather and Katla are feeling better. Rori, so so glad DH margins are clear. Plus he is going to get a physical!!!

    We had our children's/youth Christmas program tonight. I'm not sure if all the kids have a say into writing it or just one teenager. She wrote last years also. Her little sister had a major role and she is just amazing at how her part is perfectly memorized and when the person next to her falters she helps them. She not only is perfect in memorizing, she is perfect in how she presents the part. She truly sounds like she is jsut talking to some one. I love to watch her while we are in choir practice. She is in the sanctuary with us and is the only child. She usually brings a doll or book but she dances all around the sanctuary. She has taken ballet and dance and she will make up her movements to our songs. Plus she is just as cute as a button. I don't know if anyone has ever listened to Adventures in Odyssey or not. It is on our christian radio station and it's a children's adventure show. So I think this play was based on some of that and then some of Dr. Who. They used a Tardis to take them back into time to see events leading up to and including the birth of Jesus. Now on Adventures of Odyssey they take a machine to go back into time but this machine wa a replica of the Tardis. Plus they had breaks that a radio broadcaster brought them news of the NFL game which was the pastor's favorite team and another. The pastor's team lost dreadfully. Then we had our annual Ginger bread competition. The rules this year was that there were no rules. so the most creative was a house made of 3 pieces of toast made into into a lean to with a spice jar of ginger sitting in the house.

    Well tomorrow is Charlie's appointment with the hand specialist and it is at 8 AM. I wish I could capitalize 8 to emphasise it but you can't. We do not do 8 AM. I don't know how you girls get up at the hours you do. We are just getting to sleep at the times you are getting up.

    Love you, Joyce, Indiana

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Happy Hanukkah!

    Long day and now ready for bed. Didn't eat anything nutritious today at all! My own fault and pretty certain I'll toss and turn tonight.

    Vicki ... They sold out of the star shower lights here too ... I bought them directly from the manufacturer ... No tax or shipping.

    DJ ... We wondered about the strength of the lasers and pilots ... Hoping we have them angled right.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - the roll of shame is a move to protect you when you don't have a spotter during a bench press. If you start to fail you gently lower the barbell onto your chest roll it down to your hips and as it gets to that point raise your feet off the ground to swing upward then back down to get momentum to raise your torso off of the bench to continue to roll the barbell onto the floor. Google it. Every lifter should know how to do this. I plan on practicing with an empty bar then I will slowly add weights. I lift at home with usually no spotter. How did your cake tasting go?


    Mary from Minnesota

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: Good luck with the Christmas fair. I hope everything goes well.:heart:

    Cheri: Your menorah is lovely. :heart:

    Barbie: Enjoy your candle lighting. Happy Hanukkah! :heart:

    Alison: I'm happy that you've arrived in Florida and can get some rest. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: I'm so happy that the margins of your DH's surgery site are clear & hope the skin graft process goes smoothly. :flowerforyou:

    DH & I have been sick for the past couple of days & aren't quite over it yet. We had planned to have a fun weekend with DS and DDIL but the flu kept us home. We missed out on fun, and also missed taking them their presents so well have to ship them to her parent's home in Kentucky where they will celebrate the holiday.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon


    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Good Morning everyone~
    slept 10 and a 1/2 hrs... and boy did I need it..got up around 6:30 which is late for us.. but Tom went for a quick walk came back and had tea..then we both went for a walk together.. it has been quite awhile for that..we did 2 1/2 miles all around the park...really nice ,really humid,but I think that is helping with my cold.. this darn thing is just hanging on....
    right now I am sitting in the rocking chair in our bedroom looking out the back will take a picture.. we are at the back of the park and there is a fence that runs the length of the whole park to keep the wold hogs and other critters out, but a sneaky armadillo has dug under the fence..
    the land behind is state owned wetland that will never be built on. so nice and quite..
    you go walking here and alot of other people are walking too, everyone always says hello..
    supposed to be partly cloudy today ,but will still go to the pool, and the hot tub!!! there is even a suana here in the park wondering if maybe I can sweat the cold out lol...
    Tom will go down and get a new sticker for the gate so we dont have to go through the guard station when we go in and out..
    had some yogurt and tea, and now a big glass of water...
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Celebrating the last (8th) night of Hanukkah in our home. Love surrounding our menorah with my smowman collection, especially the ones that have candles. From our home to yours wishing all a happy and healthy holiday season!

    Cheri NE Ohio


    Absolutely love your photo. It captures lots of love and warmth.

    Best wishes to you and everyone on this fantastic site.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Barbie... hope your last night of Hanukkah, as all the other nights, was lovely.

    Kim... hope your craft fair is an enormous success.

    Rori... so glad on the clean margins for your husband's site, and yes, please let me know when you'll be in M/O for long enough to get together, I'd love to meet you.

    All... hope your holiday season is going well, non-stressful, with a few moments where you can be peaceful.

    Am at the warehouse. Decided to come into town yesterday and check on things, as it rained Saturday night. The DH's hard work paid off, only a couple of very small leaks inside the warehouse, so we're getting there. He helped me rebuild the bed frame I built, which was a little tall and a little shaky... Then I stayed, while he went back to the ranch, as last night was the end-of-year dinner for my writers' group. It was lovely, with amazing people, and I was fairly good--grilled shrimp, sweet potato fries (less calories than you might think) and skipped the "bed of rice," which looked about as edible as my bed frame at the warehouse. Did have a piece of cake.

    Slept like a baby...but only for about five and a half hours. Oh well. My head is trying to tell me I can do a "light workout" and I know better. I promised myself I'd take a week off, but actually doing is it is harder than I thought it would be. Once the post office is open and I can pick up the package that's waiting, I'll probably head back to the ranch. There's a hunting group in, but other than an hour or so where they're sighting in their guns, and a few hunting buggies roaring past, they're not usually a lot of bother for me. They're only a bother for the DH if they get stuck, wreck or otherwise disable their buggies, and that usually happens at least once with each group.

    So, I'm just going to chill and read for an hour or so, talk to the DH, see if I need to pick up anything else in town, and swan back off to the ranch. Peaceful, non-stressful, non-beat-up-on-this-body and see-how-far-it-can-be-pushed day. Non? :)

    Lisa in sunny (74 today!) West Texas

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    The gingerbread bake was a washout, I'm afraid. It was at the home of someone I don't know. I had the address (sort of) but didn't manage to find the house. I couldn't call either, because I didn't know her last name and couldn't look it up in the online directory. I wandered along the entire road – admittedly only half a kilometer long – but no luck. In the end I got cold and went home.

    On arrival I checked the thermometer and found that it was just as cold outside as it is in my freezer, so no wonder I got cold! Four years I've lived here and it still throws me a bit when the outdoor temperature approximates freezer temperature. smiley-gen125.gif

    I did a good deed, though. o:) You remember the new choir member who was so negative about everything? She had misplaced her water bottle, probably at choir practice last Wednesday. We suspected somebody would have put it in the kitchen, but the church kitchen wasn't open during the concert. Ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem: she could just wait till next rehearsal, but she's moving on to another position in England, flying out today. So she'd resigned herself to losing her trusty Nalgene water bottle with stickers from the sailing club and the running club back in California. No great loss, she said, though of course she griped at length.

    After the concert I wished her Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and have a good life. But I lingered for a while (trying to figure out where the gingerbread bake would be) and lo and behold, someone opened the kitchen! I went in and there was the bottle. I grabbed it and dropped it off on my way. (I knew exactly where she lived.) She was overjoyed.

    Heather – I really liked your description of bliss: doing nothing much with the man you love. That's what I want for Christmas!

    Allison – Good to hear you arrived safely and are taking a break. (At last!) I get what you say about needing cruise control. That's definitely an asset in the US where people often drive for miles and miles. But in Europe it's mainly the top-of-the-range cars that have cruise control. You can drive great distances in Norway too – the roads often follow the fjords so to get to your destination you have to drive twice as far the bird flies. But since the roads are so crooked you're constantly adjusting your speed and cruise control doesn't really help much.

    I enjoy driving in Norway. It's like a tame version of rally cross and no matter which road you choose, it's the scenic route. ;)

    Mary - Thanks for the description of the "roll of shame". Fortunately the bench press I have access to right now has cross bars that would keep the barbell from crushing me if I dropped it. But I guess they don't all have them and I ought to learn that maneuver too.

    Here's a bit more Christmas stuff for y'all. Norway's main dairy company pulls out their special milk carton design this time of year. Around mid-January we'll get back to the usual packaging, which features specific dairy farmers, their families, and their cows. But for now we've got Santa's elves.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Morning ladies! I will be doing kettle bell swings today! Then I have lots of Christmas wrapping to do. And then normal household chores. We are holding off on anymore renovations until after the new year. We did go out and purchase granite tile for the kitchen and bathroom. So, we are ready to roll!

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota