
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Annr - I've 'face planted' a lot in my life; thankfully, now that I have lost a good bit of my goal weight; I move a lot better. For me, small things like fitting into 'skinny jeans' and not being self-conscious about wearing them in public has been a NSV for me. Got a book of pictures of the wedding pictures that my new DDnL#2 sent me for Christmas. She called last night to make sure the guys got home with no problems and told me she wanted me to open my package. Boy, she can really wrap a very neat package! It took me a while to get into it; but, it has to be the 'best' gift ever. I think she got "Papa Louie" a new toaster oven because ours burnt out; and we've just been using the regular oven. We are planning on buying one of those special coffee makers that you can make a cup or a whole pot in for our Christmas/birthdays/anniversary presents to one another. But, I did not start my diet until after the wedding (on 5/9/15); so I do have a picture of me at my heaviest that I can load (if I learn how) on this site when I get closer to my goal weight. as a comparison. My goal is 145 - 150lbs. Surprisingly, this came from the OB that had wanted me to weight 120 - 125lbs., just a few years ago. IF I got that low; people would be trying to guess if I was sick or not. I have not weighed that since my wedding day. My son told her that I looked really good. Both of them said they were proud of me (especially about the skinny jeans). I bought myself a pair of fleece lined leggings when I bought some for the DDnL#2, DOGD, and DMGD for Christmas. I hope they like them as much as I do. I know that the "S" will fit my DnL; but, I might have to take the DGDs back and get a medium for them. I forgot to check if they put that special tag on them that you have to have to take some things back for a refund. Oh well, maybe not at Kmart. So warm without being heavy! I hope you are feeling much better. I've nearly face planted several times during my heavy days. I'm still looking forward to you sending me the entire Advent story that you have been posting daily. You can private message me on it when you get it all written out (so I don't run the risk of missing that post).

    Pip34 - you and Kirby have a whole lot to be thankful for this time of the year. Like you said it could have been so much worse. Every moment he is alive is a miracle; and, the slow but steady progress he seems to be making is even more than a miracle. Even if he has to give up some things that he has liked doing. Both of you need to take it easy and not push things; that is a prayer that we all say for y'all.

    exermom - yeah, cats have a mind of their own. Yesterday, Cracker was very quiet and in the house when I called her ... I thought she had gone out on our glassed-in porch because I had opened the doors from our MBR. I checked to make sure she had not gone out there and pooped; and found a bird. I could not figure out how it had gotten there. The next time I let the dog out; ... here comes the cat to go out. He had brought it in; but, I never saw him doing it. Bad, bad, cat! Yeah, cats work on their own timing. We have an outside cat that is one of the lovingness cats I have ever seen. The vets are so surprised that when I take him in, that he goes to them without a fight; and then he will put his front paws around their necks and then just goes limp so that he feet are usually hanging down below their knees and purrs like a rocket. Everybody just loves him. We make him give us a "High 5" before we pour his food out for him. Cracker is staying seated until we tell her she can 'go'; but, then she hesitates not sure we really mean it.

    Cracker was so happy to see her 'human Daddy' home after a week; not as much as I did. She'd sit and lay down beside his chair about 1/2 of the time. But, she never whined like she does if I'm not here. She is still sometimes 'limping' on her left leg; but, not nearly as bad as she once did. Occasionally, when sitting down. Her toes do not seem as spread apart as they do on the other 3 feet. Every time my granddaughters come over they try to figure out who or what she reminds them of. "Wishbone" without the spot over its eye". The "Grinch" or the "Grinch's dog". She has those wild long hairs on her paws; and a JRT face, although she has the long legs of a Rat Terrier. We call her a 'Rat Jack'. They say that is actually a breed of 'mixed' dogs.

    I googled how to make those big fluffy bows ... and they take a special ribbon to do them. It is shiny on one side and not so on the other side. You make several loops (6 maybe) and then fold it again, in half and cut notches out on either side where you had folded it; and then let it back out (just that last fold) and then take the ribbon you had wrapped around the package and tie it to it at the notches; then, you can pull out from each side starting with the inner most fold; and wha-la - you have a perfect bow. They showed doing it with satin ribbon but it laid flat. We also looped that crinkled thin string and then tied a knot around it at the middle of the loop and then took my scissors and hold them open and drag them from the bow outwards to make them curl. I've even tied a knot around the flaps and then connected it to the package at the ribbon tied around it and cut more of the cut loops to make a total curly bow. I find the shiny paper a whole lot hard to work with than just the plain paper wrapping; even though they look pretty. I had to laugh at my 'new' DDnL#2 when she told me that she learned how to wrap presents really neatly when she had to do her 'community service'. Actually, she meant she volunteered to wrap presents when she was 'in school'.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,861 Member
    Ok ... This day is already going south... Can't get my post to edit ... And just write a long lost I lost!

    I'll try again later.

    Hope you all have a good day!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Just seeing if I follow the directions to see if ticker shows up in my posts. ...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Nope, did not work here. Must have forgotten one of the steps. Gggrrrr! :#
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Becca - Gracious! Watch out for yourself!

    Heather - I know exactly what you mean about being able to eavesdrop on conversations. That strikes me every time I go to Sweden (or the US) where I understand everything with ease, even if I only catch half of it. I understand Norwegian just fine if it's spoken clearly, but with the combined weaknesses of my language skills and my hearing, eavesdropping simply doesn't work in Norway.

    On the topic of stuff at nursing homes/extended care, when my mom was recovering from her various fractures, she was moved to the part of their retirement complex where they have extra staff watching over the residents. We found it best to keep it really simple, moving only the barest necessities. Mom wasn't exactly at her best then and often got confused and even paranoid. Several times she muttered about people "stealing her stuff" when in reality whatever she couldn't find was in the other apartment. Of course there was also the issue that we didn't want her to feel "at home". We wanted her back in her real home, and figured it might help to keep things spartan at the other place.

    Lisa - Sorry for your family's loss. It makes me really angry that insurance companies can refuse to pay out benefits because someone took their own life. (Except maybe if it's obvious that the whole thing was planned before they took out an insurance policy. Mary's story speaks against them doing that - or maybe speaks for the importance of getting help from a lawyer.) But those same companies that are so eager to collect your monthly payments too often turn cold and stingy when they're called on to play their part. smiley-angry004.gif I'd better stop here before I get too political.

    But it's good to hear that your week of forced idleness paid off, Lisa. I hope the effect lasts. And I hope the same strategy works equally well for Barbie. I feel for you (Barbie) about the sudden cut in allowable calorie intake.

    Allison - Ouch about the fire ant! I remember those from when we lived in Miami for two years. One day we had unusually heavy rain and all the streets were flooded. Unwisely, we went out wading in the lake that used to be our lawn. A fire ant nest had also been flooded and those critters were MAD! We beat a hasty retreat.

    Betty - Gorgeous tree! I especially like the hand-cut paper snowflakes. They give it such a personal touch. The blue and white color scheme appeals to me too.

    My husband is color blind and can't tell the difference between red, green and muddy brown, or between lavender, pink, powder blue and gray. Once he came home and proudly showed off the neon pink vacuum cleaner he'd just purchased. (Luckily it was actually gray, but I didn't need to tell him that.) He seizes every opportunity to select bright colors - whether they harmonize or not. Actually, since he can't see many colors, he doesn't understand the concept of harmonizing them. But he's also very sensitive about the issue because as a child he was teased by both classmates and teachers. :noway: So I've given up. For his sake, I never press the issue. If our home is a disaster area, colorwise, that's a light cross to bear.

    Lenora - Nice story about the expert gift wrappers! My mom is another of those. One year she gave us a big down comforter in blue silk. It wasn't wrapable - in fact it was already on our bed and we used during our entire visit. So she made a little replica of the comforter on her sewing machine and put it in one of those wide flat matchboxes, then wrapped the matchbox beautifully in a way so it would still open. The card read "This represents the one you're using..." That was about 25 years ago and I still have the matchbox. :heart:

    Oh Pip I can see how Kirby not running would shake both your worlds. He appears to be putting a good face on it. Still, I hope the nerve damage heals with time. They used to tell us we got one set of nerves at birth and that was it - but they know better now. We get new nerves all our lives, just not very quickly. Good to hear that you are back in the same bed. smiley-love010.gif
    DJ wrote to Karen: Congrats to your DD on getting in the college of her choice. Brace yourself for the costs and that “empty nest”. It is what got me when our only child went off to college.
    When both my kids flew the coop within a few months of each other, what I found staggering was the same, but opposite! Empty nest, check. But the costs plummeted! Swedish universities are tuition-free, so we didn't have to pay for that. And it was incredible how much money we suddenly had left over when those two left home. It wasn't as though we gave them huge allowances or paid for their hobbies. The only real difference was the amount of food I bought!

    Joyce - Your story about your mother's passing and your reactions is touching - and so honest! Good for you for acknowledging not just the positive feelings, but also the negative ones. Even though they feel forbidden, they are natural and need an outlet. (((Hugs)))

    I'll have to get back to you with a report of the aftermath of that storm we had, but I don't have the heart just now.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Let me try this again. Went to a different page ...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Nope; ticker still not showing up here. Boo! Can someone give me those instructions again?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    Lagopus - now your Mother had a very ingenious way of showing you your gift. I would have never thought of that. I know I wrapped pillows in the box they came in last year; but, ended up having to piece the paper at the ends of the boxes.

    Talk about listening to conversations: When I was younger we had an 'operator' that connected calls (most were party lines) into one of those boards. A friend and I went up there and would sneak into the office so we could hear the conversations she was listening to. When 'private' lines came to town, since my Dad was an attorney he was one of the first to get a private line; but, if someone called using a 'party' line he said, "Helen, disconnect the DAMN line!" He would go to the PO across the street from her office and would not stand and talk to anybody unless they crossed the street and went around the corner so she could not see them talking to one another. It did not take long for the attorneys and MDs to learn to walk off from someone and tell them to meet them across the street and around the corner.

    Weirdest thing that has ever happened to me was going outside on our deck where there is a 'hot spot' and having voice calls showing up on my phone that were actually recordings of 2 calls made by one MD (on call) talking to another (not on call, and obviously rather drunk) talking about a patient but using a 'code name' for this particular person. I'd yell into the phone; but, they apparently could not hear me ... they would continue to talk and laugh and it made my phone where I could not use it until they got off. Same two MDs the two times it has occurred. I haven't tried it lately on my 'new' smart phone. Don't know if they were local MDs or what; but, it was sort of strange to me; although I have heard others say that sometimes you 'think' your call is private when it really isn't. So, I don't 'gossip' on my phone. It is used specifically to ask a question (usually to DH) about what time he expects to get home; or to tell him I am in town and ask if I could meet him for lunch. I really don't use it much; most of the time it is 'off'. Actually, I only use it to pass along pictures.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    edited December 2015
    <3 and hugs to all :smiley:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,336 Member
    Heather I had a good laugh when you talked about the cookie exchange. My mother would make at least seven different kinds of cookies at Christmas. Her mother made all kinds of candies. That was one tradition I decided to discontinue. I never regretted it. I only bake one pan of of cherry bars and use the best ingredients. I have three neighbors and friends and ourselves I share that pan with. At most we all get a few to eat. One year I thought I would skip it and then was asked when are the cherry bars coming. Occasionally I might make another kind of cookie. When I do I only make one batch at a time bake a dozen at a time and freeze the dough that way I not tempted by over eating them.

    My mother was either sick or crabby at Christmas from over doing it. I made up my mind early once I left home that I love Christmas and I would pace myself so that I enjoy it. The cookie baking was an easy one for me to give up.

    :heart: Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,342 Member
    Nope; ticker still not showing up here. Boo! Can someone give me those instructions again?

    Even though MFP says that you can automatically add your ticker to your post, you can. You have to copy and paste the code on any post if you want it to show up.....you also have to click the box that tells them to make your ticker public.....go to your home page and click on "APPS". then click on tickers and there is a place at the top to click a box to say that you want your ticker to be public.....click in the square, then click on "save changes" and it will show up in your posts when you copy and paste the code.... I keep the code and some other stuff in a document so I can get to them easily when I want them.

    <3 Barbie

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member

    Now to see if it works the way I did it. This seems like PITA!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 530 Member
    One of the few liberating things about not having some family around at Xmas that I wish I had is that I no longer feel the need to use all the ornaments collected over the decades and I finally got to do the blue and white tree I wanted to do. So glad you liked it! The paper snowflakes were a lot of fun and I think I am going to make a lot more this week. It is a great relaxing thing to do, plus when you are done the floor looks like it really has snowed with all the bits that fly off when you snip away!
    Also the stockings we have were made by my husband's aunt who taught me how to knit even though she is a righty and I am a lefty. She is 90 now and makes these stockings for whoever joins the family. I think she has made over 200 of them.
    I am just blue about my second daughter being 10,000 miles away. It always gives me a start when I open the box and see her stocking nestled next to ours. This is our third Christmas without her. It did not help to see that she posted to someone else on FB that she is planning on raising her future children over there. No children yet, but the prospect of not getting to know my grandchildren well is almost more than I could bear.
    Sorry for being whiny...so many of you are dealing with life and death situations and I get a lot of strength from hearing your stories. Most days I can be strong too lately but every once in a while.....
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Ticker shows up on my profile page; but, apparently even copying it from there does not do so. Not on my Home page.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 19,306 Member
    edited December 2015

    Woo Hoo! Thanks Allison. Finally got my ticker to post.

    Beth 'Stomach is off ... So good time to be making fudge for last Christmas boxes. I'm not interested in even a taste!' I hope you have recovered. Just recovering from a 24 hour bout myself, so I know you can feel fragile for days after.

    Penny I hope you weathered the storm. That was some feast you put on. It reminds me of a visit we made to the lodge of a family of reindeer herders when we were up there to see the Aurora Borealis.

    Pip I see from your stats that you are not letting the grass grow under your feet (and the snow). You did mention that it was Kirby's tattoo when you posted.

    Janet Bravo, for letting the doctor know about his snotty telephonist. Some people have an inflated opinion of their own importance. I hope he gives her a right telling off. Hoping the meds will quickly resolve the shingles. Love the homily. I frequently burn lots of calories that way!

    Barbie I know how frustrating an enforce spell,of inactivity can be to someone like you. Good thinking to have projects to keep you busy. I would have gone stir crazy after my hip op if I hadn't done the same thing.

    Katla Hoping that by now you and DH are feeling a little better.

    Lillian Condolences. I have also had to clean out three relatives houses after their deaths and it is not a fun job at all, although, it can be quite cathartic.

    Got as far as Page 36 then had to jump to the end, so sorry if I have missed your post.

    I was laid up with a 24 hour stomach bug on Saturday, so feeling a little fragile over the weekend. I went out for coffee with my Creative Writers this morning. Afterwards, I had a little NSV. I called at the local thrift shop on the way home, and found a practically new waterproof Regatta coat in lilac (my fav colour) on the rack for £6.49 (about $12). It was a size 14, (I have been wearing size 20/22). It fits perfectly. I had no idea that a coat that actually fitted would make such a difference.

    I thought you might enjoy one of my Christmas poems.

    The Ghost of Christmas

    I wander through a childhood haze of Christmas lights and festive dreams;
    a trip to town, a grotto ablaze with pine trees wreathed in tinsel streams;
    a magic ride through time and space above a snow-capped wonderland;
    a red-cloaked man with smiling face, a gift for me held in his hand.
    Underneath the Christmas tree a pile of brightly parcelled shapes
    ignite anticipation of Christmas songs and jolly japes.

    Now, i rush through December days with lists of gifts, and things to do.
    I tick them off, my forehead creased, mind filled with where, when, how and who.
    I buy and decorate the tree so other eyes, wide with delight,
    will wonder at the spectacle of bauble streams and dazzling light.
    I remembers other Christmas days when I had but one, small chore,
    to set the table for the feast before guests came, knocking at the door;

    I sit and sort through Christmas cards, my mind filled with each Christmas past,
    and smiles to think of all the joys of those memories made to last.

    (C) 2013 Terri Richardson

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.


    Irish Terri harp.gif
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Got the BEST Christmas present that I can think of - a hardback book of my DYS and DDnL#2's wedding pictures. I will treasure it for my life! I'm sure that DDnL#1 will think she (DDnL#2) is trying to outdo them on Christmas gifts. I also think she has given us a new toaster oven since she knows our last one burnt out. Package is about the right size for one. Husband could not figure out what it is. She had asked me if we had gotten a new one.

    I can't wait until Christmas to see what my DGDs think of what they have gotten from us. Hope they like what they have gotten. All of them also got gift certificates so they can pick and choose something they really want. Just found out that my DOGD is going to TN with boyfriend's family beginning on Christmas Eve Day. DDnL#1 was a little upset about it; because this is the 2nd year in a row that she has gone with boyfriend near or at Christmas. They'll be home on Sunday. She'll get to see her half-sister while they are there. Doesn't want to go next year because her middle sister's 16th birthday. Special birthday! Hope they have a safe trip going and coming home.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,315 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Heather, I think (certainly don’t know) that the Christmas cookie tradition got started because of the custom of leaving cookies out for Santa. I have no idea of when, why or how that got started. So for some reasons, Americans just think they have to have cookies around at Christmas and many of them do get eaten. Thus the fat Americans…what can I say? It is just so strange to hear that you have no urge to cook!!! I’m not sure if that is a way to lose weight or gain? I’m sure things will work out with all the company but really hope you get a good visit with your DS! (((Hugs)))

    Joyce, don’t ya love the hubbies that interrupt every second when we are on the computer or trying to watch the news? My DH has something to say about every news story that comes on, so that unless I pause the TV, I miss the story for listening to him. Lol You know you are welcome to “go on” with us on any memories or stories that you care to share. ((Hugs))

    Penny, you are so right that in the big scheme of things, colors make so little difference. I’m sorry that your DH is sensitive about his color blindness as it seems so many men are. Love the Neon Pink vacuum. Lol I hope the storm didn’t do any serious damage.

    Margaret, you are so smart to discontinue the cookie baking tradition that your mom did. But you know, once you give friends or neighbors something twice, they expect it for the rest of your life. Lol

    , I think most of us would feel the same way about having our DD so far away and the prospects of being so far from any future grandchildren. That makes me sad for you. (((((Hugs)))))

    IrishTerri, glad you are over the bug. I love your Christmas poem. Have a good one!

    I need to get a little something else for DH but can’t think of what. I have to return something to Steinmart and then I think I’m finished. Yesterday I baked some bran muffins and we will eat light until Christmas. I’m even debating if I will try to log my Christmas dinner but will decide that day. I can’t believe Christmas is really this week. It just seems surreal for some reason. I love hearing about all your traditions and plans and hope this year is all you could wish for.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I've been keeping up although not posting much lately, alot has been going on in my life the past month. I see that we have some newcomers to the group, welcome. This group of wonderful women have helped me in ways that I never imagined possible especially since I have never met any of you in person...yet.

    My quick backstory, I'm 59, self-employed and single. In May 2014, I was squeezing into size 14's (I'm 5'3-3/4"), had a huge financial setback,the man with whom I was involved with for over a decade decided to end our relationship without warning, and I had stopped smoking the month before. I was a mess. In September 2014 I decided that my life was spinning out of control, but I did have control over what I ate and how much exercise I got. I let out my anger, hurt and frustration on my very dusty elliptical machine. I began logging on MFP, began to lose a little weight, got a fitbit, lost some more and slowly began to regain my life. I still had my financial problems, and no man in my life, but I was much better at dealing with life. I slept better, ate better, and was ready to tackle every day in a much better frame of mind. For the first time in years, I felt good about the way I looked and as I got smaller, had a blast haunting thrift stores for beautiful clothes at rock bottom prices.

    Many thanks to Mary in MN who is my strength training mentor and to Carol in NC who inspired me to try online dating because she had the courage to do it.

    Today I am 45 lbs. thinner and wear size 6-8. I've been told that I look 10 years younger and I feel 20 years younger. I stopped take blood pressure meds and hopefully my followup doctor visit today will confirm that all is well. The most surprising thing is that I met a man thru the dating site a couple of weeks ago and we are now dating. We are quite smitten with each other. He says I'm beautiful and have a great body. I say thank you, not letting on how huge a complement this is, how I never thought of myself that way, but now I actually can believe it.

    Does this work? You bet!
    Is it easy? Not at all. But...you will find all sorts of strength and support here. Sometimes we need a shoulder to cry on and sometimes we need a pat on the back. You will find it here along with tips, funny and inspirational stories.

    I wish each and every one of you a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season! Thank you so much for your help. I wish I could reach out and give each and every one of you a huge hug.

    May 2016 bring us all joy, health and happiness!

    Chris in MA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Chris ~ Congrats on how you have turned your life around. You are really inspiring.

    I have not gotten on the scale in over 2 weeks. I have been slowly regaining the weight I lost and am afraid if I keep this up I will be back up to 171 which is where I started 2 yrs ago. Last week I managed to eat a whole fruit cake that my Bnl sends for Christmas each yr. I don't even like fruit cake that much. I have not made any Christmas treats/sweets but have had some given to DH and of course I have to try them. Praying that I will get back on track soon and exercise. I want to join a nearby gym but am too intimidated to walk in there.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol, if you are too intimidated to walk into the gym, just start walking around and you will eventually feel less intimidated because walking around is all you really have to start doing! For me, I had to start by myself, can't deal with aerobic class or any kind of large group exercise program. Where I live, it is all young people and gymlunks so I never wanted to go into the gym, but once I started walking around my neighborhood I started to feel better. Once I started to feel better, I didn't binge eat like I usually do, slow but sure I started losing weight and feeling more energetic which equaled more confidence and I did go to the gym for the winter months. I do ignore the skinny young things and pay attention to the music I listen to on the treadmill/elliptical/stationery bike. Get moving, keep moving, this will eventually feel better than how you feel right now. Okay? :sweat: Karen from NY
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    It’s going to take me WAY too long to catch up, so I’m going to jump to the most recent page. Sorry to anyone I missed. Know that I have been sending telepathic hugs all weekend.

    Penny – My Dad handed down the color-blind gene to both of his grandsons. You can’t imagine my relief when, while meeting with a teacher whose class he was struggling in, the teacher said “I don’t understand why he doesn’t turn in his assignments, then I find them in his folder. He only needs to put the finished project into the green basket, then pick it up after class from the red basket”. Well, since the ONLY problem I listed on his sheet is color blind, I guess you will need to relabel the baskets (the remainder of the year the green one said “Payne, put your assignment here” and “Payne, pick up your graded assignment here”). As for my Dad, my sisters and I spent tons of energy buying him ugly ties and telling him they matched some completely ridiculous combinations of suits. I finally told him the truth a few months ago. Good thing both of them can take a joke.

    Grits – Many years ago when DD was still little, we used a baby monitor. Occasionally it would cross with a neighbors phone, and I could hear her discussing things with her husband, a high ranking police officer, and work or making supper or something. It came across both signals offered by that monitor, so I told them about it, so they could switch phone signals. They didn’t believe me at first, until I told him what he would be having for supper that night, and I never heard anything on the monitor again. Funny ! It amazes me how public and at the same time private we might think of our lives.

    Margaret – So intuitive of you, changing the direction of celebrating Christmas. Some years I’m sorry I didn’t continue my Mom’s celebrations, but most years I’m thankful to not have to work so hard to feed everyone and attempt to make everyone else happy. I worry about me, DS, and DH (and DD when she is available), and the rest can let me know how to squeeze them in, but no worries. I don’t miss cookies and sweets, and since DH was diagnosed Diabetic, it is best for all of us to avoid the temptations.

    Betty – so sorry to read about your DD and living so far away. Have you considered Skype or an equivalent? My niece’s ex just gave my Dad a top-of-the-line tablet and programmed skype, so everyone in Arizona can communicate and see each other at the same time. He doesn’t think he’ll use it much, but I know that once he gets to enjoy it, he will be using it often, and become more and more thankful for that option. Hugs for missing your family ! ! !

    I am finished with the currently final page, so I’ll post, and try to read the previous page in between getting my work done.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (where it is pouring rain today)
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I'm still here. Honest I am. Missed the November board completely and now it's almost time for January. We started doing hospice care for my mother in law which lasted 5 weeks. She passed on November 25th and we just had her service on Saturday, so all of that has taken me away from communication. However, not from dieting. I am down 25 pounds - 24 since I started logging again, but I'd already lost a pound before then. Love that the Dr. Phil 20/20 taught me new tricks to boost my metabolism. I was 196 pounds when I started and I am now 170,8. I can't wait to lose the next pound so I can say I went from the 190's to the 160's!!! And better still I have already gone from a size 16 to a 12. The 150's will put me back in my 10's where I hope to stay for the rest of my life. (And I bet my horse does too!)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,882 Member
    Hello folks!

    I'm feeling much more positive now. :D Thank you for being there for my vents. <3:flowerforyou:

    This morning I rang my old friend in London and we had a good natter. (Is that an American word?) Set the world to rights. :laugh: I will go up to see her in January and have a shopping trip. <3

    Then this afternoon we braved the atrocious rain and wind and went out to buy toilet seats, picture hooks, toilet brushes, rubber gloves etc. (How glam does that sound?) The awful glittery toilet seats were in the house when we moved in five years ago. :sad: It's taken us long enough and it's only because DH had a smart new shower put in that he finally noticed it. The guest toilet downstairs was commented on by DH's daughter when we first moved in as "the first thing we should replace" :embarassed: Well DH has just finished doing them. Nice, German, soft close ones. :D
    I can't wait to see my pictures back up in the kitchen!

    Then we braved more rain and wind to go to the supermarket. Phew! Got everything we need for our visitors and I picked up the last things I needed for DH's stocking. DH has decided on his menu. Tomato, red pepper and sweet potato soup, Moussaka with a veg, then a cheeseboard WITH my favourite stinky, runny cheese, :D and I bought some chocolate, tiny, nibbly things for those who have to have sweet. I don't think many of us eat dessert, so that should suffice.
    I'm going to do a beef and spinach curry for DS#1 on Sunday.
    So, I'm feeling far more positive. Hooray! Still don't know whether to tell him or not and that kept me awake for two hours in the night.

    Lisa - love to your suffering family. How awful!

    Becca - ouch! We are always one tiny slip away from an accident! Pip, Kirby, my friend in London etc etc. You are very brave and philosophical. :flowerforyou:

    Mikesmom - Great stuff! What a great story!

    Penny - sooooooo looking forward to seeing your homeland in the summer! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - that calorie count sounds a challenge! :'(

    Jane - hugs. <3

    Carol peach - Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! (Can you hear me?) Do NOT put that stuff in your mouth. It is bad for you and clogging up your arteries. Poison! Yuk! :laugh: <3

    Can you tell I'm feeling better! :drinker:

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    FINALLY got my Christmas lights up outside. I just drape them over the pickets on my picket fence, but with my cat bite had not done that yet. I leave them on day and night until spring, so make things more cheerful in the long winter days. I know one little girl that will be thrilled. The other doesn't care quite as much.

    Finished my meager Christmas shopping. I refuse to be drawn in to the consumerism of it all. I wandered through the toy section, and half the things there, I know would never be used after the first day! What a waste of resources. My girls are getting their Tae Kwon Do uniforms, new underwear (yeah, I am that kind of mom) and one "fun" present from me. The youngest wants a watch so I got her a purple one with Tinkerbell on it. The oldest is starting to fuss about her hair so I got her a curling iron and a round brush. They have a room full of toys and crafts thanks to the generosity of the community when they first came, and do not need any more playthings.

    I did order a new bed for the oldest. She has been a complete slob since day one, and FINALLY figured out that she needed to keep her room clean. So I am rewarding her with a new (cheap) canopy bed. The girls never had a bedroom before, just were given a corner to sleep in when the family wasn't actually homeless. So she feels that her bedroom is TOO BIG. I thought the canopy would help her feel enclosed and safe. It won't be delivered until New Year's Eve, so it is a new start gift.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    wessecg wrote: »
    I'm still here. Honest I am. Missed the November board completely and now it's almost time for January. We started doing hospice care for my mother in law which lasted 5 weeks. She passed on November 25th and we just had her service on Saturday, so all of that has taken me away from communication. However, not from dieting. I am down 25 pounds - 24 since I started logging again, but I'd already lost a pound before then. Love that the Dr. Phil 20/20 taught me new tricks to boost my metabolism. I was 196 pounds when I started and I am now 170,8. I can't wait to lose the next pound so I can say I went from the 190's to the 160's!!! And better still I have already gone from a size 16 to a 12. The 150's will put me back in my 10's where I hope to stay for the rest of my life. (And I bet my horse does too!)

    I'm down from that weight to that weight and I feel 'great'! Can buckle and tie my own shoes, can see my feet without hanging on to the door frame. Move a lot better and don't stumble as much. I bought my first pair of skinny jeans and went back and got another pair. Got a pair of fleece lined leggings and a pair of yoga pants and I am not embarrassed to wear them out in public. I'm about 1/2 way to my goal (or maybe a little less). Just got the book of the wedding pictures from my DYS and DDnL#2's wedding (taken BEFORE I decided that I had to do something about my weight). I told my MD that I was putting on 1 - 1.5 lbs a month; and, when he said, 'that's 12 - 18 lbs a year; I decided that I did not want to go to the next step. So I bit the bullet and went to the Medical Weight Loss Program he suggested/ordered and after the first week, I got into the groove of things; and, now sometimes I don't even eat the 'caloric intake' that was given to me in order to start losing weight until later in the day. The wedding pictures made me realize just how 'chunky' I had gotten! When DYS came home at Thanksgiving this year, he complimented me on my progress and then went back home and told DDnL#2 how good I looked and that I had bought the skinny jeans. LOL! Hearing that really made me happy.

    I don't cook sweets, rarely got them except at my Mimi's house. She'd have pralines, divinity, and something she had something she called 'crazy cake'. Made with fruitcake fruit, coconut, and a can of that 'thick' condense milk and nuts. I used to love it but I don't make it often ... really rich! My Mother could never make divinity; but, she did make good pralines and cheese straws. I love both of them, especially cheese straws. The closest ones I have found (to the way my Mother made them) is at the grocery store; they are Molly Mooks. I'll eat .5 - 1.0 ounce of them at a time and only once a day or so; depending on what I have had earlier in the day.

    I really try to stay within the suggested serving size when I eating rather than drinking my meal. Snack at night is 2 cups of coffee and a chocolate protein bar ... that satisfies my desire for chocolate, too.

    The end of this week and next week I am going to try to get my husband to finish the glassed-in porch. We need a glass door (probably a 9 or 12 pane window in it) and it needs insulation and finishing wall. He's painted most of the windows inside; and then we will need some shelves so I can put some of our books that are on our only bookshelf out there and put my large collection of flamingos out there as well. We already have some wrought iron furniture with cushions. But, I never uncovered them because of the dust when it was a screened-in porch; we live on a dirt road. I might have to buy some sheers to put up in the windows so it won't get too hot out there during the summer since it faces west. It would have faced east if the county had allowed us to flip our house. Even though we are off the road; they would not allow us to reverse it and not have the front door facing the road. Oh well! We have a front porch that we don't use now. I guess if we ever needed to; we could make it into another bedroom with a lot of work (well, maybe not a lot of work); but, a little more expense than I would be willing to put into it. I'm happy that I will have a place to go and read or watch my shows when DH wants to watch hunting, fishing shows and football games that I am not interested in. That and a few basketball games. I'll be able to have some of my nicer plants out there as well. Opening the French Doors to our MBR will heat and cool it sufficiently.

    Welcome to all the newbies as well as the veterans on this site. Y'all are an inspiration to me. ;)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,882 Member
    edited December 2015
    Grits - IMHO one of the secrets of a happy marriage is two televisions. :D We have four. :laugh:

    Heather x
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone --
    Betty I love the blueness of your tree. Beautiful.I always wanted one like that. Mine is a lovely hodge-podge.

    The dreaded cookie swap was very nice yesterday. I had some cookies but didn't do major damage.

    Here's the beet and goat cheese pizza recipie. It was great and quite festive looking. The only part that needed to be lightened up is the crust. But if it's too thin, the pieces will be floppy.

    Started a nasty cold last night so am taking it easy today. No exercise for me today. I'm just sitting by the fire with my computer and semi-working.

    Kimses in MA
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