

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret - thank you for sharing your time with the children! Let us know how your DH does it his appointment tomorrow.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Margaret - that is lovely! We do a lot of that in the UK too. Respect for everyone's beliefs and customs. Of course, it also means we get more celebrations!
    France has just had the second round of its elections. Lots of hand wringing on the TV. Unfortunately my French isn't good enough to understand all the discussions.
    One thing that I do not like about being in France is the smoking. Although statistically they do not come too high up the European smoking stats it does seem to be a much bigger problem than it is in our part of the UK. MUCH higher than the USA. In the UK it is very related to social status and income - where we live in the prosperous south you rarely see a smoker, but in France women smoke a lot and higher income people smoke. Lots of young women smoke. This makes sitting outside at a café an uncomfortable experience. They swathe the outdoor space in plastic walls and heat it in winter. But they are still allowed to smoke! Smoking is banned indoors, but to my mind that is indoors. :'(

    Tonight I almost burned the apartment down! I was unwrapping our selection of French cheeses for our dessert, when the paper cover of one caught fire on the candle! ! ! Whoops! We have a lot of ash on the table, the sink and the hallway in between. :laugh:

    Love to all. Just for Janetr - another photo, taken from the bridge, of the Palais des Papes.


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- 4 pounds! Congratulations that is quite an achievement!

    Grits - thanks for the information on making out a will. I know that I have been talking to my DH about doing that for the last five years and still nothing has been done.

    Heather - you look great! Your pictures are fantastic. Thank you for sharing.


    Mary from Minnesota

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HUGS from Il
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - Wow, it takes my breath away. That is gorgeous and thanks :)

    Mary from MN - Thank you so much. I am just so determined to keep this 125 lbs off. Four more pounds and I'm back to my lowest at the doctors' office. I am really enjoying working out and it has just given me so much more energy. Thank you so much for your encouragement.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    Mary from Minnesota - Drag his 'kicking and screaming' - especially if you have children or own any property. Otherwise it will be 'expensive' for the one left; or for others, such as children. They'd have to advertise it in he local newspaper before they can sell anything. I know that my DH has tried talking to his brother about making one and he says that he doesn't own anything; he has a huge collection of coins; but, he only has one son. Still, I am sure that he would rather that his oldest granddaughter get everything. She is the daughter of his son that died 2 years ago from cancer. Caused by the contaminated water tables at Camp Lejeune in the 70's.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Beautiful pics ladies! Heather you are quite a classy looking lady may I say! There are ladies that carry themselves with grace and a confidence and you, friend are one of them :-)

    Grits~ My advent calendar has a daily story that runs until Christmas Eve. My sons used to love it, but after awhile they had the thing memorized so it has been just a tradition for myself. I have tried to match my different "felt ornaments with the story, like when the story talks about the stable with the cows and sheep, well I have a cute head of a cow. Unfortunately some years the cow would end along with a picture of a"difficult" family member in the pockets! If you are bull-headed you will end up with the cow is my thoughts! hahaha!

    MFP Advent Calendar

    Dec 13th~ Before the wanderers went the star, it stopped at Bethlehem
    and now they knew the miracle would be revealed to them.

    Dec 14th~ They searched throughout the City,
    for a place high and grand
    that would be fitting for a King
    who was to rule the land.

    Today I chatted with a bunch of new people. My thing is always to meet a new person every day. So today I chatted with the two ladies I have met in past pool visits. Then met Nancy from Texas, Dale that was a Seabee, and Ray who was in the Navy for 33 yrs. Hot tubs are great for conversation! Lee and I have our best chats there, plus I make him give me a back rub.

    Oh good deal, my neighbor Prudence just arrived back from her trip to California. She is in her eighties, and I worried so much about her driving from Oregon to California on hwy 101. Had visions of her off the side of the road somewhere. But, she proved me wrong and made it there to visit some of her architect partners, and back home again. Yes I admit, I get into peoples business, but you have to know your place in this world. When I was single I used to leave notes to myself, " Dear Me, I am going for a walk on such-and-such path, its 10 AM and I should be back by noon". I was worried that people would not know where to look. So now, I keep track of people if they wish me to. It guarantee's that they will look out for me I suppose.

    So we have bought two gifts for son along with a gift card to a gaming site he loves. I have one present, and husband has one. Christmas is difficult for me, because I know my son remembers when he received 10 presents each. Maybe having a couple of "slim" seasons can be a good thing. We gave him $25 in cash, then a $25 to that gaming site that he loves...last month for his birthday. Then had to borrow $30 for milk and bread. We have paid him back....never want to be owing your children! Especially when they are just 17 yrs old for gosh sakes!

    Last night I pried him out of his room to help me make chicken fried rice. I wanted him to know just how labor intensive it is! Plus all the great things I put in it. He is looking at the rice cooker, the pan of cooking bacon, the bowl of 5 eggs ready to be scrambled, AND the chicken sauteing in another pan. He exclaims, "This meal is like 4 meals all put together!" He had 3 huge bowls of it. This Mom smiles.

    "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and we all shall be exceedingly well!" (my Aunts quote on a poem)

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Healing thoughts to you @Katla49
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @janetr7476 4 lbs!!!!!! Mentally doing a cartwheel for you!!! That is amazing considering the time of year, the rotation of the earth, and all the sweets people seem to put out in front of us! Congrats friend!!!!

    Still at the same weight, maybe its a plateau of some sort? No, its me just eating too many carbs!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca - I love fried rice! I haven't made that for years.


  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I just accidently glutened myself. My mouth and throat already feel raw. Ugh. Not going to be a fun couple of weeks. And no one to blame but myself. Forgot to read a label. Ate about four bites before I realized something was off. Darn!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    evening all~
    took another walk.. but did something to my ankle.. hopefully a nights rest will help...
    miriam~ gee I hope you feel better..
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grits - my son (yes, my only child) has a thing called Alpha 1 Antitrypsthin Deficiency which destroys lungs and liver, and he is in the latter stages. There is no cure. I know that much is true, but often I worry that he milks it for all he can get. I never know if he is truly as bad as he pretends to be.

    Now he says that the doctor cut off his meds. He says that same doctor prescribed some kind of decongestant which caused a false positive for methamphetamines at the ER, but the doctor wouldn't do anything to correct the test results, so my son got mad at him and fired him, so the doc called the pharmacies and voided his prescriptions, so he doesn't get the weekly infusions that he desperately needs. Now, I am reluctant to believe the false positive thing, because he used that excuse a lot several years ago when he really was on meth. I suppose it's possible, but his track record plus the fact that he has seemed to be strung out a lot lately, makes me worry. Every time I drop off the kids I feel the need to check his pupils. I honestly don't feel good about leaving the kids with him, but what can I do?

    And he has no insurance. He lives on disability, food stamps, Medicare, subsidized housing and handouts from anybody he can mooch off of. Including me. Primarily me.

    Supposedly he is going to see a new doctor in January if he makes it that far. I'm just at the end of my rope, hanging onto the knot.

    Tonight was DGD's last choir performance. We took her out for supper afterward.

    Good night everyone.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    @janetr7476 4 lbs!!!!!! Mentally doing a cartwheel for you!!! That is amazing considering the time of year, the rotation of the earth, and all the sweets people seem to put out in front of us! Congrats friend!!!!

    Still at the same weight, maybe its a plateau of some sort? No, its me just eating too many carbs!

    Thank you, Becca, artly my loss is because I started back to the pool when I hadn't gone for a couple of months due to the knee replacement surgery and then the darn sinus infection that wouldnt go away. Thanks so much for your cheerleading. You all keep me going, onward and upward, um...er....downward :)

    Janetr OKC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Sylvia ((((Hugs)))))
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Terri, how nice of you to win the Bucks tickets to give the Trainer. I’m sure he appreciated it. I do the same with raffle tickets but rarely win. You must just have the luck of the Irish.

    Heather, that is so sad that DH is really feeling poorly. Beautiful picture!!! Enjoy your last day.

    Pip, I agree about us able-bodied people. Even without a wheelchair, if you have a hard time walking it is sometimes hard to stay on your feet with all the bumping and shoving.

    Janetr, thanks for the reminder about sending packages. I knew that but so rarely send any that I had forgotten. Congrats on the great loss this month. Wooo Hooooo

    Margaret, interesting info on the different customs. Thanks.

    Miriam, I hate that you glutened yourself. It will take two weeks for the effects to go away? Wow. Sorry!!

    Well I don’t have to go stay with my friend until Wednesday but she needs me for 3 nights and again for 2 nights next week. Her doctor doesn’t want her staying alone at night. We laughed because she is up and doing more during the day when she could fall or something. At least I can leave during the days and get things done. I know she would do the same for me. *At least I think?* lol

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Sylvia: my heart feels for you!! So sorry!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) This afternoon the line dance performance group danced at an assisted living home and two rehab/convalescent hospitals. I had a real scare. My legs were really hurting and I thought I might lose my balance at the end of the second dance so I sat down and didn't dance the rest of the program. Everyone was worried about me. I took two ibuprofen and when I got to the second place I felt fine and danced there and at the last place.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Popping in just to say hello. I am sorry that I've not had any time to read and catch up with each and every one of you ladies. Welcome to any newbies that have joined our group. Stay with us for as long as you like. This group of Phat Chatters really works!

    Holiday plans are going full steam ahead! My DS got home from college on Saturday night safe, sound, and looking so handsome <3 Also, added wreath's across America at Fort Rosecrans to our holiday things to do. It was wonderful, and we met so many nice people including young Navy Sailors.

    Getting my steps in each day but drinking more then usual. I'm sure egg nog is not on my plan. I'll have to be more careful recording my food this week. That is the only thing that works... Just write all food down, own the extra calories, and move on :D

    Wishing you all moment of peace in your day and all the beauty of the season.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Grits - my son (yes, my only child) has a thing called Alpha 1 Antitrypsthin Deficiency which destroys lungs and liver, and he is in the latter stages. There is no cure. I know that much is true, but often I worry that he milks it for all he can get. I never know if he is truly as bad as he pretends to be.

    Now he says that the doctor cut off his meds. He says that same doctor prescribed some kind of decongestant which caused a false positive for methamphetamines at the ER, but the doctor wouldn't do anything to correct the test results, so my son got mad at him and fired him, so the doc called the pharmacies and voided his prescriptions, so he doesn't get the weekly infusions that he desperately needs. Now, I am reluctant to believe the false positive thing, because he used that excuse a lot several years ago when he really was on meth. I suppose it's possible, but his track record plus the fact that he has seemed to be strung out a lot lately, makes me worry. Every time I drop off the kids I feel the need to check his pupils. I honestly don't feel good about leaving the kids with him, but what can I do?

    And he has no insurance. He lives on disability, food stamps, Medicare, subsidized housing and handouts from anybody he can mooch off of. Including me. Primarily me.

    Supposedly he is going to see a new doctor in January if he makes it that far. I'm just at the end of my rope, hanging onto the knot.

    Tonight was DGD's last choir performance. We took her out for supper afterward.

    Good night everyone.
