

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Margaret: prayers!!!
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Okay finally. This is my best friend Becky and SIL. I am wearing glasses. We are at Worlds End Hingham Ma
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Sorry there has to be an easier way?503pvdcb7jmu.jpg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the Butt Lift DVD that I have, held my plank for 2 min 46 sec (hey, Mary, I took your advice and added one second. Next week maybe I'll add another second) then an hour of the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT on the elliptical. HIIT burns more calories and I sure can use extra calorie burn at this time of year!

    Joyce - good thoughts being sent for charlie

    Mary - she liked most of the cakes. She opted for the regular key lime layer and not the gluten free one which sort-of surprised me since she (supposedly) needs gluten free. Maybe her gluten-free need isn't that serious. I was surprised at some of the things that she had at Jess' at Thanksgiving. I would have thought she'd want something that she could have without it being real obvious. I know at one time she was talking about a cupcake for herself, but to me, that's just not right. I would rather have nothing than have to be picked out from the crowd. She chose the plain chocolate layer rather than the fudgy one. then instead of the angelfood/pineapple layer she asked if I could make a plain layer. I think she's thinking that people would prefer traditional. I do have to ask her if she wants a single layer or double layer for each layer. I have a recipe for a plain layer that I want her to try. I was talking to someone and she was telling me that there are these things that you can wet and put on the sides of the pan so that the cake won't rise in the middle. Gotta try it. She said you can use strips of aluminum foil instead but there is this restaurant supply place in Cocoa so when we go to FL in Feb I'll call and ask if they have them.

    katla - glad you're feeling better. Guess horseback riding and yoga have been put on the back burner for a while.

    Did a lot of vacuuming yesterday and Vince said that the filter in the back was full and needs to be replaced so until he gets a new filter in the vacuum he's asked me to limit my vacuuming, which is no problem since I did most of the vacuuming yesterday. All except for our closet, and if that doesn't get done, it's not like people go in and look at my closet.

    After exercising, went to pick up Loki's medicine, came home and got dinner somewhat prepared, then went to the soup kitchen, had to go to the bank for Newcomers, then senior bowling, after bowling Vince needed to get his blood checked so went and did that. Made an appt for getting our shingles shots this Wed., came home and finished preparing dinner, ate and went to ceramics. Then mahjongg. I'm almost finished with my sign (it's about time). Next I'll work on my catepillar.

    Penny - so sorry you didn't get to the gingerbread bake. It sounded like so much fun. How nice of you to get that water bottle! What a cute milk carton. Somehow, I thought of Norway as being like Switzerland where most people don't have a freezer. do you have to go food shopping frequently? I know all they have in Switzerland is a pretty small refrigerator so they need to go shopping frequently. But on the plus side, you get FRESH bread

    Sylvia - I hear ya about your concerns about the kids. Let's hope that your son is wrong. Listen to miriam. She is very wise

    Welcome everyone new!

    janetr - we do most all our packages by printing out the shipping label and paying for it, so when we get to the post office, all they have to do is scan the label. We found out that you can even do it internationally. And this saves $$$$

    Heather - that paper catching fire must have really been scary

    barbie - how scary about your legs! Let's hope they stay better

    After exercising tomorrow, I'm thinking that I'll stop at WalMart and then buy gas, then stop at the Y to fill out this chart that says you exercise. the "prize" is some sort of FitBit, but I wonder if that's ever going to happen. Then I'm thinking I'll come home and make this fudge for Vince. It's a different recipe than I've had before so I'm going to give it a try.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Michele- my DH recommends these commercial cake brands, R& H or Dawn Baking because they are real moist cakes and not crumbly. DH never heard of the things you put on the pan. It's been 12 years since he owed his restaurant and bakery.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, my heart cries for you. You have told us before of some of his dramatics but yet we have no idea how it feels to have that disease and have such a feeling of loss of control. As for him firing the doctor and the doctor cancelling his infusion. I don't know whether to be mad at the doctor or not. I know that in order to get on the list to get that infusion, some other person with the disease has to either receive his transplant or die. In order for him to receive the transplant, a healthy person has to die. So some one has to really deserve that medicine. I did not know of his previous drug problem. But you are emotionally dealing with the massive things right now, your son and him dieing one day and you becoming Grandma/Mom. Both are huge. I wish it were possible to just deal with one. Please allow yourself a good cry. But as your husband has told you, it will work out. God will make it happen. those kids love you so much they would sleep in the broom closet and be happy just because they know in their time of need, you are the one who is holding them. As Mary suggested, there may be times you need some help. You have a good group of ceramic friends, let them help with errands, maybe they can play with the dogs while you play with the kids until the dogs are more used to them being around more. Dogs have this wonderful intuition of some one in need. That is why they use dogs as service animals.

    Heather, love your scarf. That is your color, that is until i see you in another color. Glad you have enjoyed your wonderful stay and also brought it so eloquently to us in pictures and travelogues. Wish you could have stayed in wonderful health though. Have a good trip home.

    Pip, I have been in a wheel chair going through traffic and it is awful. But it does make you more aware when you aren't in a wheel chair and you see one. When we go to an amusement park, I rent a mobility scooter and people are just downright rude to you.

    We did make it to the hand doctor this morning at 8 AM. The usual instructions are to arrive an half hour early to fill out paper work. Well they sent a whole packet in the mail so we couldn't imagine what else they would want. When we got there at 7:30, there was about 3 cars in the parking lot. They don't even open until 8! There was some one there to let us in and take the paper work. So the doctor was Johny on the spot for us. He examined Charlie's hand, pressed down on several nerves and asked him to do several things with different fingers, had him squeeze this gauge type thing. So a nerve conduction study is ordered. I guess our doctor's office let them know to try to get everything done this year so he has the study tomorrow afternoon. I am so glad because he will see his neurologist. His appointment to see him was Jan7th, the same day as my physical. I don't know how you girl's family doctors are when it comes to a physical but I sit in the lobby about an hour, wait in the exam room the same time. Of course if he needed to spend 2 hours with me he would. at the expense of all the other patients out in the lobby! Anyway, my physical on one side of town was 2 hours before his appointment with his every 6 month visit with his neurologist for his Parkinson's. So now there is no problem! I know he shouldn't be doing this but he is. He is on this Prednisone taper for his ulcerative colitis. When he was on the max dose, he was having wonderful results. But it is a taper, you gradually go from max dose down to 0 dose. But his diarrhea is so much worse at night and that means until around 10 AM. So knowing he had this 8 AM appointment today and going to see The Blue Man group tomorrow, he has bumped himself back up to the max dose again. as a nurse I want to say a big NO but as a wife of a man who is desperate I totally understand why.

    So Barbie, you think about Charlie tomorrow around 2 when he has this nerve conduction study.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    DJ - You are indeed a very good friend to her, she is blessed to have you and I'm sure she would do the same for you too.

    Barbie - Oh my, I wish the leg problem would up and leave as quickly as it appeared. Unfortunately, I doubt that will be the case but I'm certainly glad you were able to join in at the next two places.

    Mindy - great pictures, you're just a baby yet!!! Thanks for sharing.

    Michelle - Yes, it is so convenient to send packages that way, I do that too. I was sharing with DJ how easy and time saving it is. :)

    Thanks everyone for the kind words on my recent success. The hard part is still ahead with Christmas and company being here through that weekend and then gone from home for five weeks. I know the answer lies in planning for success and I am definitely doing that. This is too important to me not to make it top priority. I have stocked up on good foods for me to take for meals and an emergency stock of protein bars and shakes, yogurt, etc. You all are my inspiration and I love you for caring.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Barbie, Sylvia, Joyce and Charlie, Rori, Margaret and any others - big hugs and lots of kisses. <3

    My gum is very swollen this morning, but pain killers seem to work. Looking forward (!) to seeing the dentist when I get home. :*
    DH is pretty wheezing and breathless, but he hasn't got a temperature, so I guess he'll live for now. Quiet day today. I want to go to a small museum, but he doesn't have to come with me.

    My great coup this morning was writing an email, in my stumbling French, to the taxi driver who brought us here from the airport. He gave us a card. I could have phoned him, but sometimes it's more difficult to understand people on the phone. So I bumbled my way through an email and I got a reply! So we are meeting him just a bit down the road tomorrow at 12.20. You can't drive into our square.

    Mindy - Nice photos! As someone else said, you look so young! :flowerforyou:

    Pip - I remember when my knee was bad, how intimidating a crowd of people was. I couldn't get out of the way when people marched towards me. Scary! It does give you more sympathy for others who are struggling.

    Heather, on her last day in Montpellier.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    janet i will bet you can handle the holiday eating. Nothing feels better than knowing you've made such healthy changes. Sounds like you have a plan in place, stop and remember how good you've been feeling, Keep it going! Karen from ny
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sylvia - you are amazing... I'd be in the fetal position in the corner.

    Love y'all, Internet's still down at the ranch... except up here at the cantina. And the hunters are about to come in, so I'm headed back down to our house. Fingers crossed they come fix it today. Reading a lot, but not writing much.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Heather~ may I suggest until you get to the dentist rinse after every meal with warm salt water, and to me if you gum is swollen ,sounds like you got a little bit of food impaction..(sp)floss around the area if it is not to tender ,and use the warm salt water.. a pinch or 2 in a small glass of warm water should do the trick....
    just my years at the dentist and trying to help ;)
    Sylvia~I wish there was something I could say to help you deal with all that you are dealing with..all I can say is I love you and we are here for you to vent..
    Heather you look fantastic and so glad your having a good time ,but so sorry the hubby is not feeling well..
    Joyce~thinking about Charlie, that poor man has had his share of issues ,hoping the Dr's can get him on the up and up..
    muggy and 73 at 6:30 this morning.. Tom is out on his walk, I will try later just dont want to overdue on the ankle..
    Mindy~ lovely picture of you and your bestie....
    we have good friends coming over tomorrow from the east coast for a few days. and trying to figure out what to feed them and do with them is gonna be a chore..
    Pip~enjoying all the lovely pictures of you and Kirby <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thank you Alison. I have just had a go at that. Here's hoping!

    We both walked all round town this morning looking for a specific shop we'd seen several times on our wanders, which sells toy vintage cars. Couldn't find it anywhere and all my Googling came to nothing. :'( We want a "holiday" present for DGS and thought an old Citroën might be nice. We got a necklace for DGD, made locally. So I managed 90 min of walking! We'll go out again and buy something else if we can't find it.

    Heather x
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    I found out what happened with the gingerbread bake. The friend who told me where it was had given me the wrong street number. smiley-laughing002.gif No wonder I couldn't find the place! Turns out the party was just a hundred yards from my house - and I was looking at the north end of town! My friend felt terrible about her mistake and promised that next year she will rent Svalbard's only stretch limo and personally deliver me to the right place.

    Busy day today. My husband volunteered our house for the annual Christmas buffet tomorrow evening. It's a sit down dinner and everyone at his workplace is coming so in addition to cleaning up, I've got dig out all the plates and serving dishes I can find. And gather up chairs. And try to fit everyone at some kind of table. Crikey!

    They're having it catered, which is good and bad. I couldn't possibly cook the traditional Norwegian Christmas buffet (partial list of dishes below) so that takes a load off me. It also minimizes the ego involvement: when I cook stuff myself I tend to eat it so my effort doesn't go to waste. (Hey, what a useful mnemonic that conjures up: Food can go to waste or it can go to waist!) But there's likely to be an awful lot left over...

    The Norwegian Christmas buffet has a bunch of cold stuff and some hot dishes.

    Cold section
    Smoked salmon
    Cured salmon
    Roast beef
    Head cheese
    Boiled ham
    Pickled herring
    Cold cuts
    Waldorf salad
    Potato salad
    Beet salad
    Scrambled eggs (yes, cold!)
    Various condiments (mayo, mustard, remoulade, sour cream)
    A few measly veggies
    Bread and butter

    Hot section
    Steamed mutton (which has first been salt-cured and dried)
    Spare ribs
    Pork burgers
    Stewed purple cabbage
    Stewed apples
    Stewed prunes

    Creme caramel (Flan)
    Rice pudding

    My husband's secretary has generously offered to provide extra cookies, candies, chips, chocolate and soda pop. (As if we need them.) She adores the Christmas mutton and has promised to take all of it that is left over. Her mother doesn't like it so she never got enough as a child. I'll just have to find other people who like other dishes and are willing to adopt the leftovers.

    All this precludes me going to choir practice, and the next rehearsal was considered so important that the only legitimate reason to miss it was your own funeral. :noway:

    Must run!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, I cannot imagine your pain of your son's approaching death, much less adding the ambivalence that his addiction and addictive behavior must be adding to your emotions. We are all here, holding you up and standing behind you, all day long. So when things get tough, just imagine all of us standing around you holding you up- fat ladies and not fat anymore ladies all around!

    Love the photos!

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Just popping in for a moment...I can't keep up with everyone!!! :smiley:
    Week 1 of P90x3 done. I like that program. It would help if I added a 30-minute walk or something in addition. I'll think about that this week.
    I haven't lost a single pound in...like...forever. I will have to confess to little self-sabotage moments where I got off track, but it drives me nuts that so little can keep me from losing. I'm feeling pretty frustrated so will go off and do my workout routine and drink a lot of water today. Just had oatmeal, raspberries and soy milk so I'm off to a good start.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sylvia ... Hugs and prayers. I agree with your husband ... One day at a time.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Miriam ... I am unfamiliar with the effects of being glutened. Two weeks of what?

    Pip ... Looking at your photos, you would never know all that you and Kip have been through!

    Wheelchairs ... My son has been in a chair since he was 5 (special strollers before that). Things are "better" than they used to be! When smoking was the norm in public places, I had to watch that people didn't swing their cigarettes into his face! "Accessible" still seems to be a negotiable term ... A power chair cannot get over a four inch threshold. Don't even get me started on parking, curbs, etc.! Eating out can be a nightmare. It goes on and on... The reality is there is no adequate replacement for good health and an able body ... Which is why we are here trying to be the best we can be.

    Which also brings me to the boot. Would somebody strap one on and deliver a swift kick! I have to get my eating under control!

    Off to another day!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Penny ... I am of Norwegian descent (biological grandfather 100%) ... But my adoptive parents are not. I only learned of my heritage in my late 30's and love reading your posts and your photos. Just wanted to say thank you!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth :s BOOT KICKING YOU, Stop and drink some water before you chomp on that cookie! Take a long hot bath before you nibble on niblets! Deep breath and count to 10, and walk away from the treats....walk away from the treats....walk away from the treats........... Remember how good it feels to fuel your body...not feed the monster.

    Karen from NY in holiday eating solidarity...