
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    good morning again~
    Homer back from the groomers and he looks precious, will try and get a picture...
    went and fed DFIL and brought my Ipad with me, well we facetimed with Buddy's sister, first time before he ate, he was snoozing at the breakfast table.. then after breakfast we tried again, and he did say hello, but doesn't focus and pay attention..
    Mary doesn't look well at all, she is bloated from prednesone and she has COPD so she is tethered to Oxigen.(sp)
    but was thrilled to see and talk to him...
    wish I could take a nap, but the pellet stove people will be here between 12-3 so have to be alert and make sure the dogs are out of there way...
    I have to find my DGD 18" doll clothes, my daughter and Taliah's dad bought her an American Girl doll, but I will not pay 30.00 for an outfit ,I dont even spend that on me... and of course all of the ones on Walmart website are out of stock...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited December 2015
    Margaret - I was thinking of you as we walked round the excellent Botanical Gardens. The oldest one in France. The information on the specimen trees was very good. I learnt a lot. Of course it is winter, but one or two things were flowering.


    The glass house contains cactus. There was a tree from the Missisippi I think called a Maclure Apple with great big fruits.

    We then wandered round the cathedral with its very bizarre porch. Then we went looking for fresh milk and had a glass of mulled wine in a bar. >:)
    I have walked around for 3 hours today, so feel I earned it. :laugh:

    Soon to start my fish soup. :D

    Love Heather in the city.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sylvia, you are absolutely the best. The thing with inviting the grandkid's mother is that its what will make them happy, that's love. If she doesn't change, she won't be in their lives long and as they grow older they will come to know her for what she truly is. Big hugs to you for being so unselfish and loving them enough to ask her to the party for his sake even tho you hated the idea. Way to go!!!!

    Joyce - loved the fish story, I was laughing out loud. Had to read it to Jack.

    Heather - as always I love reading your descriptions and seeing your pictures. Takes me to a world I don't know and I enjoy it so much. Have a wonderful time.

    Mary - your are amazing. Do you ever sit down? lol

    We are waiting (inpatiently) for the plumbers to show up. We have had this work scheduled for 6 weeks or more, they have changed it twice and they are still not here today. There has been plumbing problems since we bought the house. We had the plumbing company run a camera thru the sewer line and they could see three places where the pipes are pulled apart. They will have to dig a trench and take out old pipe and install new. Hopefully they DO NOT have to dig up any part of the concrete patio.

    I didn't go to the YMCA this morning, was not feeling too well. It eventually went away and so I rode the stationary bike for 40 minutes. Will do that again this afternoon. Going to do some upper body work here in a bit. Have a terrific and successful day everyone.

    Janetr OKC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited December 2015
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    – I have to do the same thing when I cook anything. If I don’t set a timer, I will get distracted in a different room, and either boil out the water, or overcook or burn something. SO glad I’m not alone.

    MNMargaret – Prayers for the biopsy. Skilled steady hands that gets everything, and negative results.

    Mary – my RA started a terrible flare in the balls of both of my feet yesterday, so I went straight home after getting my tickets. But I think I will probably stop this evening before the show, to get tickets for the next drawings. I can get Powerball (Saturday drawing) and MegaMillions (Friday drawing) here in Wisconsin.

    Rosie – It does look like you got lucky with shingles. I hope the pain and itching is bearable.

    Mindy – Congrats on last month’s loss. I’m sure you will eventually find the time to get caught up on all those things. Envy : I wish I had a bike in the next room, I hope you enjoy it often. // thanks for sharing the story of your DD’s rapid cycling. My ex was the same, and sometimes I felt like the crazy one, trying to be prepared for whatever I was going to find from one minute to the next. // Funny story about the mouse. I’m so glad he was not rabid ! ! !

    Mia – Envious. Such lovely projects and yourself, too ! ! ! I remember enjoying watching glass blowers at the County Fair, but never had the nerve (or time) to try. Thanks for sharing.

    Miriam – thanks for sharing your sister’s story. I gently tell my DD to get outside, even just to walk around the block, but she still finds excuses to stay indoors or do nothing, or whatever. I hope she finds the determination soon (dating or friending people that work-out has not worked yet, either). Makes a Mom sad (but I will keep loving her and trying to help).

    Joyce – Thanks for the laugh ! ! ! I know my DS and DH take their phones into the bathroom, but I’ve never asked what they do with them while in there. Some things I just don’t want to know.

    Heather – Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures (and your hubby). I look forward to travelling some day (but likely only in the U.S.).

    Peach – Happy Birthday to your DH. My DH teases me similarly about our ages. He is 3 years older than me for 9 months, then only 2 years. At least we still make each other laugh.

    Pip – Hooray for your ponytail ! ! ! Marvelous NSV ! ! !

    Shingles and Shot – at my clinic I am taught to say we don’t recommend it until 60. It can be given early to people with “Co-morbidity” such as an auto-immune disease and taking biologics, or COPD, congestive heart failure, etc, but that is for the Provider to decide (and I am not to prompt them with that fact). If it is prescribed by a physician, it is considered preventative under Affordable Care Act, so no co-pay (I think this is a National law, not just Wisconsin, but I could be wrong).

    DS kept up the “no pants” thing during the field trip to Chicago yesterday. He wore his “baseball pants” over his basketball shorts (can you imagine the bumps and such getting loose shorts under tight pants?), then took them off as soon as he got on the bus. They spent the entire day at the Outdoor German Market. He said it was fun. He ate and brought home a lot of chocolate, and a pretzel (but refuses to tell me where any of it is, which is for the best). Then, after H.S. bowling practice he bowled for DH at league, because DH was having too much throbbing from his pulled teeth.

    Too much pain this morning to work-out, so I just have been sitting as much as possible, and moving around my waist, arms, legs, without standing. The up-side is that the pain is equal in both feet, so I'm not limping. Now I just need to decide if/where to have supper tonight. I was thinking buffet, but maybe try the Casino steakhouse, so I don't have to walk around too much (and eat what I pay for, instead of paying for a buffet then only eating a big salad and a little meat). // Looking around the kitchen and livingroom the last 2 nights, the only thing I ate in my sleep was a grilled cheese sandwich (DS asked for 2 and only ate 1) last night (unless someone threw it in the garbage). I think I'm getting this sleep-eating thing under control.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - we should all send you a couple dollars! For the Powerball. Sorry to hear about your RA flaring up. Maybe you can tie a string around your leg and your DH's leg so that he knows when you get out of bed. Or maybe put a security light in your kitchen that might wake you by shining brightly in your face as you enter the kitchen.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    The adoption hearing is definitely changed to Dec 11! That is just 8 days away! Yippee!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I've kept up with reading but am not trying to remember a whole lot. Just know I read and had the appropriate response when I did. :smiley:

    Update on my grandniece's dad: They did a second surgery to remove the ventilator and put in a trache. He is responding to verbal cues such as waving, thumbs up, and, being Alex, flipping the bird. Yesterday he was able to see fingers/hands in front of his face. That is a huge thing since his orbital sockets were crushed. He is still considered to be in critical condition but they are talking about moving him to Duke to begin facial reconstruction in a week or so.

    I am going to see the same guy for the second time tonight. We had to reschedule from Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. So much so that I managed to do a full regular "get ready" routine this morning, including drying and styling my hair. I have not attempted that on a weekday since before the surgery! And, the fact that I can actually dry and style my hair, even in the back, is a huge achievement for me.

    Physical therapy has been reduced to once per week beginning next week. They will assess how that goes and move it back to two times a week if needed. This means I will need to be extremely disciplined about doing the exercises at home. I see the orthopedist again on the 15th.

    On the 15th, I also see a new eye specialist. I'm not sure if he's a cornea specialist or a retina specialist but he is supposed to assess to see if I am indeed eligible for cataract surgery on my left eye. My regular retina specialist moved and I am certainly not attached to his replacement, besides which, I get free care at the new place. Just have to drive to Chapel Hill for it. The new doctor here said she would be able to correct my vision to only 20/50 (it's 20/80 now) so I'm hoping the doctor in Chapel Hill will give me better news. Once I see him, I will be able to determine which insurance policy to choose for next year. If he will do the surgery at the beginning of the year, I can choose a higher deductible one that will save me money for the rest of the year. If not, I will choose a lower deductible and have to pay more for doctor visits and prescriptions.

    Gotta go get some work done. I hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Trying to drop in Homers picture
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Here he is dressed for the Holidays~
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,088 Member
    cutie poocher grandmallie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol - so glad to hear that your grand nieces dad is doing so well. My DD's orbital sockets needed to have plates as well as her nose upper jaw and her mouth wired shut. The doctors can do amazing things these days. Have fun on your second date! Congratulations on being able to move your shoulder well enough to get your hair done!

    Allison Homer looks beautiful!

    My plans for the day were derailed by a severe neck and headache. I have been laying in bed most of the day trying to get rid of it. My DH came home and brought me a Mountain Dew, two Tylenol, and two Aleve. It is his headache remedy. I myself never take pills so haven't even done that yet today. But since he went through all the trouble I did take them along with the Mountain Dew which I normally only drink occasionally. I had to rewrite my food planned for today because of that. Oh well, if it makes me feel better that it is worth it!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hello friends
    I'm asking for prayers for my daughter today. I'm bringing her to ER to be evaluated and hopefully get a bed I for a bed inpatient psychiatric care. I've mentioned she has bipolar hers is complicated by youthful drama and severe pot use. I am not hardcore against pot use even though I am over twenty years sober. I never used drugs..but then alcohol is a drug. Anyway, my OP is that for some people medically like cancer patients need it ok, and I think there truly are people who can use it recreationally say a few times a month like recreational drinkers. However my daughter goes out every paycheck night at midnight when it clears spends her entire two weeks pay on pit every time and smokes most of it in three days. No money for groceries gas or cigarettes or even feminine pads. She wakes up and gets high goes to work high and goes to sleep high. She has been calling out of work I think BC she can't bear going eight hours with only the high she begins with. She is super depressed and can't contract for safety. Years ago she was hospitalized for six months for severe cutting. I need prayers for myself too please. As I struggle to care for her but also detach a little bit to take minimal care of myself at least and I hope to be able to get her somewhere safe so I can go to work tomorrow. And to not cry at work would be good too especially as I am on the floor w no privacy. McKay gotta go and get the ball rolling.
    Love you all
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy - I am so sorry to hear what you and your DD are going through. We will definitely be praying for her and you. Keep us updated we are here to support you!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did 50 min Gilad Ultimate Body Sculpt DVD. Pretty good DVD, I was thinking that it'd use weights but no weights are used. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Greg Sims Cardio DVD.

    Vince took his Outlook for inspection, I brought him home. Tonight we have Newcomer bowling

    I don't remember who it was, but someone on here was talking about what they can buy for a girl that is a building set (like an eretor set). I saw today there's a blurb in Time magazine (I'd never heard of this) that there is a a toy called Goldieblox. It's a lego-like building set targeted at girls (cost $10 and up)

    Joyce - I totally agree that you don't have to have all the fixins for a wedding. Vince and I paid for our own wedding since my father wanted to have total control over it. And that's not something we wanted. It's one day out of your life. And if you're married for 50 years, how many days is that? I mentioned the fire hall to Denise (since I remember going there for a swim banquet) and she didn't want anything to do with a fire hall. What I'm thinking right now is that Jessica has a friend (the one I'm making the cake for) who is getting married in May. Perhaps I'll ask her how much the entire wedding cost. Or else maybe I'll have to go up there one day, see how much renting that fire hall would be, how much having it catered would be, and tell her that's how much we're willing to spend. If she wants the reception somewhere else, she'll have to cut back on other expenses. I remember that my wedding dress cost $150. Yes, it was the previous year's model. But that's one way I saved money. I even suggested she take my dress and have it altered. How compassionate you are! Not only to people but also to fish! What a lovely story. Don't ja just love those calls from the bathroom?

    Alison - you always increase your walking when you go to FL, so I have no doubt that you will this time also. Hate to say it, but I agree with Mary. You're getting to used to the word "try". As Yoda would say "there is no try, only do". So DOOOOOOOOOO Hope you get that stove in. Homer is adorable

    Peach - I used to be terrified of horses. We lived next to Unionville (BIG BIG TIME horse country). I decided that I needed to get over my fear so I took horseback riding lessons. I explained to the lady my feelings. The first horse she gave me to ride literally was lame. Had a bandage on his foot so there was no way he could go fast. She had to keep reminding me to "breathe". I did get over my fear.

    Do you remember the horse Barbaro who won the Kentucky Derby (was it?). Well, his owner lived in the next city. After his fall he was taken to New Bolton Center. My daughter worked there at the time, she got to pet him. She knew his vet. Even the press didn't get close enough to pet him!

    DJ - one idea that I'm toying with for that gift is to get a gift certificate to a local restaurant. That's something that'll probably be used. I did find a recipe on SkinnyTaste for these Mini Spinach and Sausage Arancini rice balls. That's something that I can bring home. Glad I didn't get a dessert to have to make for the mahjongg party. I'm thinking of a broccoli casserole. Any leftovers I know I can donate to the soup kitchen. I would take the spinach feta pie, only I made that when we had the pool social at our house.

    Miriam - I'm so glad that the hearing might be moved up and not later. How wonderful! Later: Yippee!! It was changed!

    katla - I can take a fruit or veggie tray, I am just looking for ideas on a way to arrange it so that it's "holiday-ish"

    janetr - Mary is probably like me, the minute I sit down I fall asleep and I bet Mary is the same way. Glad you made it to the Y

    Mindy - prayers

    Michele in NC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    Mindy, it is really tough to be at work and feel like crying...have been there and do not have any advice except to find someone you can trust to be with. Sincerely hope your daughter can get the help she needs and that things will improve soon!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited December 2015
    Mindy - so sorry to read of your daughter's problems. <3 My son has been severely depressed for at least a couple of years. I count myself lucky that I live a long way away, but I still worry. If he lived nearby I would certainly feel it. He has got very fat with all his meds and developed diabetes 2. I hope to be seeing him after Christmas.

    The fish soup I made was delicious. I've gone over calories, but still within a maintenance allowance. Thank goodness for the walking.

    Miriam - delighted for you! :love:

    Sending loving thoughts to all the strugglers. I read and think of you often, even down here on holiday. You are all important to me. ❤
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Happy Wednesday! A new day, new start. I had a good evening last night and did get a lot done. Got packages ready to go to the post office when I get off work this afternoon. Also need to pick up stamps. DH is coming down with that darn cold I had. I just hope it doesn't last as long as I had it or that I get it again.

    Went over last eveing and checked out DGD's new house. Lot of room for them and the boys. I sure hope it works out, but $1000 a month for rent scares me. She has the DH that doesn't think working should be a full time job. So far he has stayed at this trucking job longer than all the others put together so hope it keeps up.

    Heather--Happy to hear you got your apartment safe and so looking forward to hearing about your trip. Since I have met you I have traveled more then my own life. Thank you. Your apartment sounds wounderful and the view. Just saw the pictures, How very relaxing.

    pip--Not surprised at how well Kirby is doing. You both are so fit. Bet your shoulder will feel better before long. Glad you are back riding.

    Becca--Love the start of the tree and looking forward to seeing as the pictures are added.

    Katla--I agree you and DH need to rest and take care of yourselves. Traveling always makes me extra tried.

    Rosie--Hugs. Take care and get lots of rest. Sending prayers for fast healing and no spreading.

    Boston Mindz--Thanks for sharing the mouse story.

    Mia--Your glassware is beautiful and so are you. Hope you had some good sales.

    Joyce--Love the fish story.

    Allison--Hope you feel better soon. Take care and pamper yourselves for a couple days. Glad you talked to someone and work and got the holiday pay worked out. Homer is so cute. Looks like my Toby only mine is all white.

    Sylvia--So glad you found you phone so quickly. I know how you feel about the ex-DDIL over the years I have attended lots of events with DH's ex for the sake of the children. Just hold your head high and know you are the better person for putting the feelings of the children first. But at the sametime I would not take my eyes off of her when she is around.

    peach--Happy Birthday to DH, hope you guys share a speical day.

    Carol--Great news about your DGN. pray things keep getting better everyday.

    Mary--Hope you are feeling better and up and around later today.

    Mindy--Sending prayers and lots of Hugs!

    Well ladies time to get off here and get things done. Take care and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    December Goals
    1. weigh less end of the month then at the first.
    2. log my food, every bite
    3. Take each day as it comes.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Allison - Homer is adorable

    Miriam - So happy for you. What a terrific Christmas gift you will be getting.

    Carol - Delighted to hear your niece's husband is improving. He has a long way to go.

    Feel better soon Mary.

    Mindy - I'll be holding you and your daughter in my thoughts and in my heart. Sending best wishes that DD gets the help she needs and that you find the comfort and strength to take care of yourself even as you do your best for her.

    Mia in MI
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh my goodness! Homer is ADORABLE!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mary - As long as I keep the "bad food" out of the kitchen should be good enough, but we'll definitely look into other options for waking me up before I get to the kitchen.

    Miriam - Yay ! ! !

    Carol - Prayers for the face reconstruction ! ! ! // I hope the date is great, congrats on the NSV of doing your own hair.

    Allison - cute pooch ! thanks for sharing.

    Minday - Lots and Lots of Hugs and Prayers ! ! ! I hope you find both Strength, Peace, and Comfort.