

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited January 2016
    Katla, so sorry about the wrist! Hope they can cast it so you can ride...

    Joyce - your family celebration sounds amazing.

    So glad to be back at the ranch... and of course, the DH is going back to work today--it's one of the reasons I pushed hard for us to be back by Saturday night, so we'd have Sunday to get things together here. I knew darn well that, as soon as they knew he was back, they'd drag him into work and he wouldn't take today off, as scheduled. I was right. Go figure.

    Anyway, as soon as the DH is up and I can kiss him goodbye, pretty much at first light, I'll head into town (45 minutes away, for the new ones) and work out for the first time this year at the gym. It's actually a Wellness Center at the hospital, but well worth the monthly subscription, as they have the only truly decent cardio machines in a hundred miles, plus a full range of free weights. They have all the weight machines, too, but I've found that weight machines built for a 150-pound, 5'10" man are seldom adjustable to the point where I can use them without eventually injuring myself. So I stick with the free weights and my own routine...

    Boring exercise stuff, read at your own risk:

    For the interested, I run ten minutes on the elliptical, run a mile on the small, cork-floored running track, then repeat twice - so I end up doing about about three miles on each. Note that "running" for me would probably be a brisk walk for someone else--maybe 4 miles per hour, if that. Each round on the elliptical increases in intensity. When I'm done, I move over to the free weight section, do a full set of upper body lifting, curls, etc., two or three sets of each movement, with light weights, done quickly in time to music, but keeping my form.

    In between sets, I do super plie's, with weights in hand, in four foot positions - basically a six-movement squat, again in time to music. (skip if you're not interested--1) drop your butt down into the plie', 2) lift your heels up while you're still in the position, 3) raise your body, still with heels up, as high as you can, 4) back to the heels up plie', 5) drop the heels to the floor, 6) body back to neutral position). I have blinky knees and a damaged ankle from so many sprains when I was super heavy, so I'm not doing huge range of movements, but these keep my leg joints moving quite nicely, and holding onto the weights while I do them increases the effort without pain.)

    After I've finished two plie' sets (ten reps in each of the four foot positions) in between weight lifts, I switch to crunches in between, and do two full sets of those, ten with feet flat on the floor, ten with knees bent in an L shape, feet off the floor, ten with toes pointed straight up. With five different free weight sets - ten repetitions of each movement, and enough sets to work each muscle to exhaustion - it's a pretty good full body workout. When I'm done, I jog slowly to cool down... When I can easily do three sets of ten repetitions in each weight lift position, I bump the weight up, and start from scratch doing as many reps as I can.

    I do have a Fitbit, the Charge HR, and I average about 60 minutes of workout, 500 calories burnt, and am staying at an average of 85% of my heart rate for that time (140 beats, at 55 years old). It's one of the reasons why I wanted the Charge HR, so that I could level out my heart rates. My mother had her first heart attack when she was four years younger than I am now, so I keep a close eye on heart issues and keeping mine strong.

    I added that rolling stair stepper before I left on vacation, and even five minutes on that blinking thing was exhausting, so I'll start adding that back in when I'm ready. Probably not today. :blush:

    Back to real life:

    I'll stay in town for writer's group tonight, and tomorrow will be a manager job interview at Family Dollar. Debating on whether to stay in a second night. I have to be in on Wednesday for a business profile interview with the paper... but can decide that on the fly. One more cup of coffee, and I'll be ready to boogie... :smiley:

    Happy Monday, new peeps and old, hope yours was great for those on the other side of the ponds... and for the North Americans, hope it will be. Welcome to the newcomers - it's an amazing group of ladies, and helped me lose and keep off 32 pounds in 2015. This year, my goal is just to be lighter, both in spirit and in physique, than the end of the month before.

    Love y'all...
    Lisa from West Texas - back home where I belong

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :'(:'(:'(Katla, I am so sorry to hear about your wrist....I hope that you'll be able to ride while it heals...and what about knitting?????

    :)Allison, It's a step in the right direction for Tom to acknowledge some of his part.....now he needs to move forward with better behaviour....and you have to stop being the people pleaser...please take care of yourself.

    :)Mary Grace, you have walked through some huge challenges, now it's time to take care of yourself.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Now I'm off to walk the dogs.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Saw this today and had to share!


    Carol This is so great that I thought it was worth repeating.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    WTG! Vikings

    Katla hope your wrist heals quickly. OUCH!

    Working today.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Getupngo66
    Getupngo66 Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning! I love seeing all the international posts because i was hoping to plan a trip and was concerned i couldnt track :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    After Jack and I took the dogs for a long walk yesterday, we sat outside in 72° sunshine. I'm going to "bake" this cold out of my head. :) unfortunately I think it is moving to my chest. Ugh. Then watched my Denver Broncos win their game yesterday afternoon.

    After giving much thot to my 2016 goals, here is what I have decided.
    1) focus on getting healthy, eating mostly protien and carbless veges and fruit. I seem to have had one illness after another most of the year. I may be keeping my calorie intake too low in an effort to lose more weight.
    2) Maintain my 125# weight loss. I'm up about 4-5#s. My bariatric surgeon is happy with my current weight and thinks I should be too. I'd like to lose another 10-15#s. That can wait for now.
    3) log my food ahead of time daily and follow it without exception.
    4) continue water aerobics 4-5 times per week and ride stationary bike 30-60 minutes daily.
    5) keep sugar OUT of my mouth.

    Love you all, my friends.

    Janetr okc (currently soaking up the desert sun)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Katla ~ So sorry about your wrist! Hope you heal quickly.

    MaryGrace ~ Sounds like you have been through so much with you DH and mom. Wishing you a better 2016.

    Lisa ~ Your exercise program sounds exhausting to me.

    Heather and Allison ~ You are so lucky to have a DH's who help around the house. I am sorry to say that mine is of little use in that area unless we are expecting company. He will then help sort through the messes that both of us make.

    I have managed to stay on track for the last two days and have "moved" a lot more than usual. Must say that what I have eaten for these two days was very low in calories but that's what I need to get me started. It's funny that each of us knows what it takes for us to individually to succeed.


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    DJ -just couldn't resist the little OU remark, huh? :) OSU looked even worse :( Glad my Denver Broncos won. Denver is once again in love with Peyton!

    Katlla - I am so sorry about your wrist. I too hope it won't interfere with your riding.

    Mary/Heather - I agree, my cleaning lady is the best present I have ever given myself. She lives next door and has become like a daughter to us. Jack looks after her too and will fix her fence, lawn mower, etc.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Katla~ so sorry about your wrist~ that happened to my DMIL she wore the keds flat sneakers took the dog out for a walk and slipped on wet grass, God Bless this woman she was trying to peel potatoes with one hand..
    I had an epiphany ~ not going to bring the relationship thing up until the weekend as we are just both starting back to work..
    will ask him a big question next week... wouldn't it cost less to speak with someone, therapist, Dr , or whomever than go through a costly divorce? seems like an honest solution...
    trying to be aware of what I eat.. trying to do low carb.. and no sugar.. sugar is my downfall.. as was my darling grandmother who died of cancer . if I am going to get healthy and stay healthy I have to lose the sugar and gain the knowledge of how to eat right and get back to exercise..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Taking a break from chasing the grandkids and where do I go but HERE, to my rock, my support network, my refuge in life smiley-signs101.gif :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Joyce - Sorry about the wrist! I hope you get a proper cast soon and get the healing underway.

    MaryGrace - You've certainly been through a lot! You'll find all kinds of support here. Can we call you MaryGrace, to distinguish you from our Mary from MN?

    To all the other newbies a WARM welcome! I'm guessing you're all feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of posts and posters. But stick with us and keep reading. You'll soon find you start to recognize our voices and personalities and learn our life histories. We're so old we have a lot of history to share. old.gif But we're also old enough to know that different people can find widely solutions to the same problem . And we're wise enough to respect other people's solutions - however boneheaded they might seem. smiley-laughing024.gif

    ... or to paraphrase Oscar Wilde: We're not young enough to know everything.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    edited January 2016
    Did some writing this morning. o:) All about playing outside on the pavement (sidewalk) when I was a small kid.

    Lisa - thanks for the info on your workout. How often do you do that?
    My routine takes me 96 minutes, according to mfp. With gaps it actually takes me about an hour and three quarters. I do it every day, except for Tuesday, my yoga day, which only burns 236. My normal routine burns 600.
    The best thing we ever did is buy exercise machines. They are upstairs in a small bedroom. We first bought an elliptical and a rower when we lived in a rented house and had them in the lean to conservatory. They were not expensive ones.
    The rower is still going strong, but the elliptical was endless trouble with engineers coming out regularly. It was a pain in the #$. Luckily we had bought it from the most reliable supplier in the UK , so it was replaced after two years with a MUCH better one and we only had to pay the difference. This one has not given us any trouble. :) When we moved we bought a recumbent bike, so we now have three machines.
    We do our workout together, listening to the morning radio on the BBC, switching about as necessary.
    I then do 20 minutes in front of the TV in our bedroom on a yoga mat. Some yoga work, some core work, some balancing, some free weights, some strength training.
    All this considerable effort has kept me at maintenance for 2 years. :D Sometimes it feels too much, but I remember that I was getting on for crippled with my weight and lack of mobility. I now feel 30 years younger.
    By the way, I didn't start on 600 cals, I worked my way up to it. I used to think I would burst a blood vessel if I went over 200 calories. :laugh:
    Just putting this down for info for the newbies. :love:

    Tonight's dinner is spicy roast duck legs on a bed of melted leeks with roasted cauliflower. Yum!

    Oh, and I have lost my pesky pound I gained over the season. :drinker: So my ticker should read 57 lbs lost.

    Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather , good going on that pesky pound. I have got to lose my 4-5 ponds that goes up and down regularly. I wish I had the discipline to exercise as much as you do. But I have upped it considerally from not at all two years ago. I do have a problem with retaining fluid and can vary weight daily by 2-3 lbs.

    Some how it did not surprise me that you are as particular as me in your home. When my niece came to visit at my birthday in November she walked in to my living room and said "oh this is just too perfect". I didn't know from her tone if that was good or bad. Lol

    Janetr okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Knitting is currently beyond me because my whole right hand is wrapped in the temporary cast, which extends above my elbow. How do you like my penmanship? (computermanship?) I can attest that it is slower than usual.

    It is 6:30 am at the moment & I want to get in for a real cast asap. I want my fingers & elbow back! This temporary one goes from my upper arm to my finger tips of my right hand. Doing everything left handed is slow & awkward.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just a quick note before we leave for the art museum.

    When I was driving the kids to school my DGS asked, "Grandma, did you cut your hair?" I said "yes, I did! " There was a slight pause before he said (helpfully) "maybe you should have gone to a beauty shop." It's a good thing I wasn't drinking hot coffee. I laughed till I cried.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning ladies! I started reading another book on puppy training. It has to do with rewards,first food and then intermittent praise and food then praise alone. No punishment just training the dog to do what you want it to do. Different then Cesar in that Cesar does have the shoosh and a bite. This only has training praise and puppy timeout. I'll try it because it seems like I have to shoosh and bite him too often. And he seems to be biting harder.

    Margaret - go Vikings! That was a very exciting game all the way down to the last second! I am so glad that we do not have to encounter them in our very first game again!

    Allison - it does sound like your DH is trying to make amends to you. I loved it when my DH and I go to marriage seminars together. Maybe couple counseling might be something that Tom would agree to. I wish you love and happiness!

    Heather- yay on losing that pesky pound! You're very inspirational. I haven't weighed myself for a while. I know that I eat a lot that I shouldn't have over the holidays. Today I am back on track it hopefully I can accomplish what you did.

    Janetr - I think I am in the same boat you are with having to lose in additional 4 to 5 lbs. I don't want to step on the scale yet. Although, if I did gain anything it is not showing up in tightfitting clothes. My clothes still fit like normal. I know that my exercising really helps in that department.

    I am not planning on weighing myself until this weekend. That is when I am scheduled. I will be joining the BLC for January through March. Then I will begin to weigh myself weekly again. I enjoyed being a part of this challenge on MFP.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Heather- yay on losing that pesky pound! You're very inspirational. I haven't weighed myself for a while. I know that I eat a lot that I shouldn't have over the holidays. Today I am back on track it hopefully I can accomplish what you did.
    Mary from Minnesota

    Ditto! Ugh! :( Just got a tough lashing (a nice one) from my daughter who is also a MFPaller. I slipped down that slippery slope and I am now going to climb my way out!!!

    Cheri in SNOWY NE Ohio
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Just a quick note before we leave for the art museum.

    When I was driving the kids to school my DGS asked, "Grandma, did you cut your hair?" I said "yes, I did! " There was a slight pause before he said (helpfully) "maybe you should have gone to a beauty shop." It's a good thing I wasn't drinking hot coffee. I laughed till I cried.

    Sorry but I couldn't help but giggle a little. Out of the mouth of babes!

    Cheri in Snowy NE Ohio
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia- that was so cute! Kids say the darndest things don't they!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    My goals for the year are to eat healthy and exercise! I was doing very well for about 2 years and then struggled this fall and through the holidays. I am feeling like I am back on track though and have done well with my eating for 2 days and have been exercising also. :-)