If calories in-calories out is immutable...

...why such variation in resulting weight loss?

I am a very routine person and a logical thinker. I have needed to lose about 50lbs for about 4 years. I'm 37 & female, btw.

When I choose a diet plan, I seem to be able to shed 6-8 lbs...then nothing. I understand the things I may do to sabotage my diet...like not tracking accurately or "cheating". But what about when I do the same things, week after week, and one week I lose 2 lbs, then the next none.

It's so disheartening and it's usually the reason I fall off most diets after about 3 months.

I find it so hard to lose over 6-8 lbs, that I wonder if maybe something else is going on--insulin resistance or pcos?

I'd love some input and advice.

About three weeks ago I started alternate day fasting. I lost 6lbs in two weeks....now nothing. But this has happened with every diet I've tried.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Because weight loss isn't linear

    Calories in vs calories out is immutable but you forgot the over time part
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    The human body is an amazing, amazingly complicated, and amazingly frustrating "machine." Trust the process & give it time.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Stop chopping and changing diets. Just stick to calories in vs calories out no matter what way of eating you're doing..so if iF or low carb works for you do it, if not just the overview of CICO works without any of that

    Promise yourself you will do a rolling 6-8 weeks monitoring, so you average your loss over that time frame to get weekly loss rate

    Use a trend tracker to help ...I like trendweight.com, there's also apps like happy scale or libra
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Calories in/calories out is immutable insofar as lean tissue and fat is concerned.

    But there are other issues at play when looking at total body weight (primarily the amount of water retained by the body).

    Most people, when they say "weight loss" are of course primarily referring to losing fat...but using a scale as the only metric isn't going to tell the whole story, because water weight fluctuations do not mean fat or tissue gain/loss
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Normal body fluctuations. Inconsistency, most people give up trying to lose weight once they hit a little bump like not losing weight for a week.

    With weight loss you have to be patient, you have to be consistent, you have to have realistic expectations. There will be weeks where you will not lose, that doesn't mean you give up.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    mandy318 wrote: »
    ...why such variation in resulting weight loss?

    I am a very routine person and a logical thinker. I have needed to lose about 50lbs for about 4 years. I'm 37 & female, btw.

    When I choose a diet plan, I seem to be able to shed 6-8 lbs...then nothing. I understand the things I may do to sabotage my diet...like not tracking accurately or "cheating". But what about when I do the same things, week after week, and one week I lose 2 lbs, then the next none.

    It's so disheartening and it's usually the reason I fall off most diets after about 3 months.

    I find it so hard to lose over 6-8 lbs, that I wonder if maybe something else is going on--insulin resistance or pcos?

    I'd love some input and advice.

    About three weeks ago I started alternate day fasting. I lost 6lbs in two weeks....now nothing. But this has happened with every diet I've tried.

    You aren't going to lose weight every week. Eating fewer calories than you need to maintain is the key but the fat is not burned off the instant you choose to forgo the calories. If you lose 6 pounds the first two weeks and then no more for 3 months, you're eating more than you can to lose weight. It doesn't matter if you are insulin resistance and/or have PCOS. You're eating too much to lose.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Because weight loss isn't linear

    Calories in vs calories out is immutable but you forgot the over time part


    Do you eat a high sodium diet? Do you account for water retention due to your monthly cycle? Do you tend to start a new workout program when you start a new diet?

    All these things can cause your weight to fluctuate significantly from day to day, either masking weight loss or making you think you lost weight when you didn't.

    Are you logging your food and beverages consistently? Are you estimating serving sizes or using a food scale? It's possible that 6-8 lb loss was actually water weight every time, and you have simply been eating too many calories to lose the weight.

    I always "thought" I was eating less and couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing. Then I started using a food scale and logging everything and was surprised by how many calories I was eating. Some months i would lose 2 or 3 lbs. Some months I would lose nothing. But over the long term I finally lost the weight I thought was just a result of life not being fair. Patience and good data will help. Good luck!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited January 2016
    I gain weight at ovulation and when I'm premenstrual. Assuming there is nothing wrong with your logging, your "none" weeks could be due to your menstrual cycle.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Look, weight goes up and down even at maintenance...you're getting freaked by standard water weight fluctuations that might be masking a linear progression in weight loss
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I gain weight at ovulation and when I'm premenstrual. Your "none" weeks could be due to your menstrual cycle.

    Me too ..worse at ovulation
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Weight loss is not a linear function. It is calories in/calories out, but the equation is far more simplistic than the way our body works in reality. When I was losing I was set to lose 1 Lb per week...I had weeks with 1.5 - 2 Lb losses and weeks with 1/2 Lb losses and weeks with no losses and even weeks with small gains...but over time, as a general average trend over 9 months or so, I lost right around 1 Lb per week...actually just slightly more.

    The key is being consistent in the process rather than jumping on and off the wagon every time there's a natural weight fluctuation.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    The other obvious issue is that "Calories Out" is not a static, unchanging number day to day.

    Even if (theoretically) you consume exactly 1500 calories each and every day - some day's you'll burn 1700; some days 2,000; some days 1495.281 and so on.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    edited January 2016
    Why the variation? Because the human body contains a mixture of fat, muscle, connective tissue, bone, glycogen, glucose, DNA, bacteria, gases,food in various stages of digestion and water. When we are reducing CI and/or increasing CO to create a calorie deficit, we can and want to decrease some of the bodies content of some of these. A moderate calorie deficit combined with strength training and adequate nutrition will cause the body to rely on mostly reducing fat and glycogen stores. Those same factors frequently result in a rapid depletion of water followed by a retaining of water. As we continue to create a healthy deficit we will decrease mostly fat, some connective tissue and muscle. While weight loss will not be linear, mostly because of fluctuations in water. While it may be tempting to curse the water weight, it is a valuable tool that our bodies use to keep us functioning properly. CI<CO + patience = weight loss. More important it equals fat loss!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    Look, weight goes up and down even at maintenance...you're getting freaked by standard water weight fluctuations that might be masking a linear progression in weight loss

    Ya, I go up and down but the overall trend is down. I weigh everyday and since I do not have a smart phone, chart it in Excel.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    mandy318 wrote: »
    ...why such variation in resulting weight loss?

    I am a very routine person and a logical thinker. I have needed to lose about 50lbs for about 4 years. I'm 37 & female, btw.

    When I choose a diet plan, I seem to be able to shed 6-8 lbs...then nothing. I understand the things I may do to sabotage my diet...like not tracking accurately or "cheating". But what about when I do the same things, week after week, and one week I lose 2 lbs, then the next none.

    It's so disheartening and it's usually the reason I fall off most diets after about 3 months.

    I find it so hard to lose over 6-8 lbs, that I wonder if maybe something else is going on--insulin resistance or pcos?

    I'd love some input and advice.

    About three weeks ago I started alternate day fasting. I lost 6lbs in two weeks....now nothing. But this has happened with every diet I've tried.

    @mandy318 CICO is only valid in a lab setting technically speaking.

    Humans for example have about 50 hormones being produced and circulated at any given time. The levels of some of these will be a factor in weight gain/loss. What we eat and how much we eat often does have an emotional component.

    Two people who weigh 200 pounds each could each eat 2000 calories daily yet still have a different weight gain/loss.

    Because there are a ton of factors that determine our weight dieting can be hard to figure out. We are all different but in time we can learn what works for us.

    Yes insulin resistance or pcos are two REAL factors that can impact weight loss.

    It was only when I stopped dieting at the age of 63 (2014) and started to eat for better health did my fat start melting and my health markers start to moving in a positive direction.

    CICO is a factor without question but it is one of many factors.

    Just like all cars do not get the same miles per gallon when using the same fuel neither do we humans. :)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    mandy318 wrote: »
    ...why such variation in resulting weight loss?

    because the deficit varies ?

    you may have fixed the input if you get the logging spot on, but you don't precisely control (or know) the output.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Then you throw in that you can't rule out medical causes. The insulin resistance and PCOS people out there know what I'm talking about. The change in macros plays a HUGE part when it comes to how fast you lose the pounds. Even with those medical issues, the CICO rule still generally applies, but the way your body reacts to those calories will differ greatly from a healthy person.
  • piersonj
    piersonj Posts: 62 Member
    What I always have to keep in mind is that on both sides of the equation are estimated numbers. The amount of calories consumed is always an estimate. Things like accurate weight on the food help but there are variables that may not be in our control. A peach in season is going to have slightly different calories than an out of season one. What you think of as a medium peach may be different then the person that listed it or the scientist that measured the calories. The calories out have even more room for error on the estimate. Two people who have identical stats could burn different amount of calories doing the same task due to different metabolic rates. It is a matter of trial and error & giving yourself enough time to really see a difference and identify your personal trends.

    For me, the first time around on the weight loss trip i would loss weight but my measurements would hardly change. Then I would go through a couple of weeks where the scale didn't move but my body measurements changed almost daily.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's common to lose a bunch of water weight when you start and then seem to stall a bit as your fat loss catches up. If you start a new exercise program (as many do soon after starting out) it can cause water weight gain. Some people seem to lose in a whoosh pattern (nothing for a few weeks and then a big drop). And of course if you react to no loss by getting frustrated and eating more, then you blow the deficit.

    Best to be really consistent for a month and then if no loss check on possible logging issues or hidden calories (were you counting oil for cooking, marinades, are there things hard to estimate, do you tend to slack off on weekends) or drop calories.

    But of course we don't know what the goal is (harder if you are already lean) or the calories at issue.