Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • DasItMan91
    DasItMan91 Posts: 5,753 Member
    Did 275 lbs for 12 sets of 2 reps with 1 minute of rest between sets. Not heavy at all but I'm just working on my form and my work capacity. I also used the trap bar for my first time today, it worked out pretty well but I still gotta work on my form on them as my back was starting to round. Nothing too impressive but just going with the basics.
    https://www.instagram.com /p/BUfiB3eg27Y/

    https://www.instagram.com /p/BUfir6EA5Ds/
  • PowerliftingMom
    PowerliftingMom Posts: 430 Member
    Not my best form... but that's 100 kg or 220.5 lbs. New PR

    Congrats! Double over hand @220 is great! I've never tried that before.
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    220 double over hand is great!!

    I am betting you have more in you with an alternate grip as well (something to consider- unless you're doing hook grip- which I can't tell)

    Thank you. I'm very proud. Didn't start to deadlift until November 2016 so I'm extremely happy about this and I can't wait to do better.

    I'm using double over hand and no hook grip. I thought that was only used with the snatch grip? Time thread and learn about grips I think.

    Thank you :D

    Double overhand with that weight is even more impressive! At the end of your video, it looked like you were shaking your hand so I assumed that was because your thumb hurt from hook grip.
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    edited May 2017
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Haven't been on in awhile but looks like everyone is kicking some serious *kitten*. I feel like I halted on 5/3/1 do to a lack of weekly volume. Does anyone know of another percentage based program with with movements being performed 2-3 times a week? I was told to check out juggernaut training but all I can find are Ebooks with zero depiction of the programs or information in them. Thanks any recommendations are appreciated!

    I have tried to run 5/3/1 at least 4 different times using different templates and every time I feel like my strength has stalled on it too. I have made much more progress using a higher frequency, daily undulating periodization (DUP) style program. I'm currently in my 5th cycle of Layne Norton's PH3 Trainer, which is a free program on bodybuilding.com. It has you squat and bench 3 times a week and deadlift twice a week and includes a lot of accessory work after the big lifts.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    220 double over hand is great!!

    I am betting you have more in you with an alternate grip as well (something to consider- unless you're doing hook grip- which I can't tell)

    Thank you. I'm very proud. Didn't start to deadlift until November 2016 so I'm extremely happy about this and I can't wait to do better.

    I'm using double over hand and no hook grip. I thought that was only used with the snatch grip? Time thread and learn about grips I think.

    Thank you :D

    I've been lifting for years- never gone hook grip- I can't handle (I do not believe) that kind of pressure on my thumbs- I just do alternate grip and go with that.

    I don't do snatch grip DL to often- so nah- just an observation- no judgment- if you feel like you are starting to struggle with holding the weight you might consider alternate grip. (make sure you alternate though- it will/can eff your spine/shoulders/alignment up if you don't)

    I can pull double over for a little over that- and then that's it- so you may have some more in you yet with double over hand- I train as high as I can in a training session using double over- then switch to alternate.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I was curious about hook grip and rack pulled up to 500 a while back. It hurt, but I could deal with it. My hands are kinda big though. So If I ever forget straps, it's a nice option.
    DOH no hook is currently at 405 for maybe 2-3.
    I'd recommend trap bar for building grip strength. Mine is currently skyrocketing.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I don't think I even attempt DOH for warming up with 135 at this point... #lazy
    I never alternate hands either, probably why I'm "effed up" lol

    Mixed grip has really surprised me the last 8 months or so that I've been actually deadlifting heavyish. The first month or two I struggled a bit, I think I dropped 265 before lockout for a single. (crappy bar though, might have even been thicker than standard. I've since learned which bars are "acceptable" at this gym, but they still stink)
    Some liquid chalk had me pulling something like 265x9 last week with little to no grip problems. When I was doing lower reps I think I hit 300x3 fine too. I usually decide I'm too tired to keep pulling before my grip starts to give. I've never done any grip work, just kept grinding and eventually it caught up.
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    My DOH non-hook grip PR is 405 for 1. I think I've only tried hook grip up to 315, but I don't train it consistently enough to condition my thumbs.

    Yesterday I pulled 530x4 mixed grip with chalk on a crappy smooth bar and had no grip issues. I must be "effed up" too since I never alternate hands. Left hand over, right hand under for life!!! Or at least until I tear my right bicep...
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    ^ I have heard of people finding that one lat (etc) is larger/stronger from not alternating. Among many other potential problems.
    I can definitely see why it's a good idea to alternate.

    So far I just.... haven't.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Just a random note on hook grip, it took me six months using it every time I lifted to use it without pain/discomfort (it's not really an option to not use it for heavy oly lifting). I think its something you just kind of have to work through. Even though I use hook grip every day for snatches and cleans I still prefer and use a reverse grip for dead lifts.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    I'll add my $0.02 on hook grip. I've been using it exclusively in training (vs. mixed grip) and competition since 2011. Once I became accustomed to it and learned to trust it I began to use straps more to save my hands. I have yet to lose a lift for grip. The heaviest I've pulled like this is 147.5kg at 59kg. I think it allows me to pull more as my shoulders can roll down and forward lengthening my reach. I decided to switch when I developed a noticeable amount of windmilling on my supinated side.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I still pull everything double overhand. Its generally the 4th or 5th rep anywhere above 300 that my grip gets questionable. I try not to use chalk until the bar gets really heavy. Not sure if its a good idea or not just mentally I've been locked onto keep it natural as long as I can before supplementing with chalk. I own straps but so far I have never used them because I switched to mixed grip (alternating hands) on my heaviest sets.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hook grip sucks.

    OK, not really. I'm just having a hard time getting used to it. I'm fine until ~390. At that point, I can't even move it at all. I think I would have been fine today, but it might have gotten in my head. Additionally, I pull sumo for volume on squat day. I could only get 4-5 reps at 275 before my grip started giving out. I'm sure it'll be fine, eventually, but it's weird now. I even got a nice bruise on my knuckle today. eta: I just "really" started using hook grip (or trying) last week, FWIW./edit

    Oh, and good mornings suck. No, they really do. F those, even though I do them and they're (probably) good for me.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Grinding out new PRs... 280 lbs / 127 kg. Was very happy with the depth.

  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    I don't think I even attempt DOH for warming up with 135 at this point... #lazy
    I never alternate hands either, probably why I'm "effed up" lol

    Mixed grip has really surprised me the last 8 months or so that I've been actually deadlifting heavyish. The first month or two I struggled a bit, I think I dropped 265 before lockout for a single. (crappy bar though, might have even been thicker than standard. I've since learned which bars are "acceptable" at this gym, but they still stink)
    Some liquid chalk had me pulling something like 265x9 last week with little to no grip problems. When I was doing lower reps I think I hit 300x3 fine too. I usually decide I'm too tired to keep pulling before my grip starts to give. I've never done any grip work, just kept grinding and eventually it caught up.

    I started focusing more on double OH this year when warming up because I came to realize that I was WAY stronger with mixed and almost felt like I wanted to play catch up because my DOH strength was nearly 100lbs less than it. I usually warm up for deads with 135x5 DOH unbroken, and then do 185x5 DOH having to reset my grip around rep 2 or 3 lol. Yesterday, I attempted 225x1 DOH. It moved off the floor, past my knees, and then my grip was like "nope!" so then I just switched back to mix. Soo yeah, I have no idea how people can pull so much DOH with no straps or anything, but it amazes me!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I don't think I even attempt DOH for warming up with 135 at this point... #lazy
    I never alternate hands either, probably why I'm "effed up" lol

    Mixed grip has really surprised me the last 8 months or so that I've been actually deadlifting heavyish. The first month or two I struggled a bit, I think I dropped 265 before lockout for a single. (crappy bar though, might have even been thicker than standard. I've since learned which bars are "acceptable" at this gym, but they still stink)
    Some liquid chalk had me pulling something like 265x9 last week with little to no grip problems. When I was doing lower reps I think I hit 300x3 fine too. I usually decide I'm too tired to keep pulling before my grip starts to give. I've never done any grip work, just kept grinding and eventually it caught up.

    I started focusing more on double OH this year when warming up because I came to realize that I was WAY stronger with mixed and almost felt like I wanted to play catch up because my DOH strength was nearly 100lbs less than it. I usually warm up for deads with 135x5 DOH unbroken, and then do 185x5 DOH having to reset my grip around rep 2 or 3 lol. Yesterday, I attempted 225x1 DOH. It moved off the floor, past my knees, and then my grip was like "nope!" so then I just switched back to mix. Soo yeah, I have no idea how people can pull so much DOH with no straps or anything, but it amazes me!
    something to consider for your grip strength is just hanging from a pulp bar. when I hurt my back late last year one of the only ways I could find relief was getting my spine to decompress. when I would do this for as long as I could my grip although pretty good was definitely the weak point in my ability to hang. just hanging until near failure a few times seemed to improve my hanging time. I couldn't translate that directly to deadlifts as it was a long time before I went heavy again but the theory seems good.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    Haven't posted forever, but had a good bench day this morning.


    290/131.5x6,5,4. First set was a rep PR. Trying to accumulate as many reps in the 260-315 range as I can in the next few months to build for a new 1RM.

  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    edited May 2017
    lsutton484 wrote: »
    I don't think I even attempt DOH for warming up with 135 at this point... #lazy
    I never alternate hands either, probably why I'm "effed up" lol

    Mixed grip has really surprised me the last 8 months or so that I've been actually deadlifting heavyish. The first month or two I struggled a bit, I think I dropped 265 before lockout for a single. (crappy bar though, might have even been thicker than standard. I've since learned which bars are "acceptable" at this gym, but they still stink)
    Some liquid chalk had me pulling something like 265x9 last week with little to no grip problems. When I was doing lower reps I think I hit 300x3 fine too. I usually decide I'm too tired to keep pulling before my grip starts to give. I've never done any grip work, just kept grinding and eventually it caught up.

    I started focusing more on double OH this year when warming up because I came to realize that I was WAY stronger with mixed and almost felt like I wanted to play catch up because my DOH strength was nearly 100lbs less than it. I usually warm up for deads with 135x5 DOH unbroken, and then do 185x5 DOH having to reset my grip around rep 2 or 3 lol. Yesterday, I attempted 225x1 DOH. It moved off the floor, past my knees, and then my grip was like "nope!" so then I just switched back to mix. Soo yeah, I have no idea how people can pull so much DOH with no straps or anything, but it amazes me!
    something to consider for your grip strength is just hanging from a pulp bar. when I hurt my back late last year one of the only ways I could find relief was getting my spine to decompress. when I would do this for as long as I could my grip although pretty good was definitely the weak point in my ability to hang. just hanging until near failure a few times seemed to improve my hanging time. I couldn't translate that directly to deadlifts as it was a long time before I went heavy again but the theory seems good.

    I actually did isometric holds for a while. I also did farmers walks and managed to do 100lbs/handle for 45 feet or so. I mean all the grip work helped a smidge for deads but didn't really help my grip strength to skyrocket. I guess the only way to truly get stronger with double overhand for deads is to continuously practice with it and maybe incorporate static holds at lockout and pause DLs with it. I also saw some coaches like to use suicide grip during deadlifts to train it. Sounds like no fun but maybe I'll try it with 135 at some point bleh.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ^ I have heard of people finding that one lat (etc) is larger/stronger from not alternating. Among many other potential problems.
    I can definitely see why it's a good idea to alternate.

    So far I just.... haven't.

    I have a subtle shift in my spine/lats b/c I ONLY did one way for several years. I now alternate regularly and it's made a difference. but I did some damage never shifting back and forth. :(