Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Thanks guys! @jimmmer @McCloud33
    My programmer and coaches are absolutely amazing at getting results. I know @juliewatkin knows at least one of them.
  • smurfbus
    smurfbus Posts: 27 Member
    Same here. I got 20 kilos last year but that was muscle memory. Now I'm at my Peak so gains are really hard. I would be happy if I could keep my level and cut some weight at the same time.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,543 Member
    Got some catching up to do. Stupid job...
    Finally! Broke past a forever stall at a double at 100lb for push press and nailed 105lb for a triple!

    This is amazing! Nice press @Iron_Miss_Canada

    @piperdown44 your bench is super smooth!!
    @smurfbus sorry about the injury. That chin-up and dip was impressive though. That chin-up from an absolute dead hang must've been tough. Nice!
    @McCloud33 those pulls were nice man. I know about that back strain you're talking about. It's why I pull sumo now. Nice work.

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,543 Member
    Powercleaning this morning and got a new PR of 275lbs. That's a 30lb jump from the beginning of December. Stoked to say the least! I hope to clean three wheels one day (315lbs).

  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    Strong bench @piperdown44

    Is that your basement?

    Thanks, still working to improve it some. Main focus this year is legs though. Too imbalanced on strength.

    Actually that's my work gym. Not a big space but there's only a few of us that use the weight room. It has a small basketball court and a stage area with aerobic machines.

    Next video you post must be Flashdancing on the aerobic stage. Oh what a feeling dancing on the ceiling!!!!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting

    The difference in both bench examples is palatable. Still, the top earlier example you can see what a great understanding of that lift you had.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2016
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    This morning's 5/3/1 Deadlift 5+...got 315x8. Not my smoothest. Was really hoping to get 10+ and I probably could have if I really pushed, but I could feel it in my back and stopped before I pulled something or form really went to hell. Down to a BW of 185 from my high of 190+ at the beginning of Jan. Hopefully I can keep my strength through the rest of my cut through the end of March.


    That's why I detest touch and go deadlifts, you lose tightness in your back and explosiveness off the floor is not achieved and your back has a tendency to progressively round as the reps increase.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    Powercleaning this morning and got a new PR of 275lbs. That's a 30lb jump from the beginning of December. Stoked to say the least! I hope to clean three wheels one day (315lbs).

    Sweet! Nice shoes too!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So- given the conversations that were had here- and the fact the gym moved the lift they as a group were going to attend- I'm switching up programming and going to go for max size and I'm gonna do the 20 rep squat program.

    You all made me do it. I swear. Excited but- FML. HE HE HE
    They call me Thighly Cirus.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So- given the conversations that were had here- and the fact the gym moved the lift they as a group were going to attend- I'm switching up programming and going to go for max size and I'm gonna do the 20 rep squat program.

    You all made me do it. I swear. Excited but- FML. HE HE HE
    They call me Thighly Cirus.

    Have fun. I did Smolov a couple of years ago and I swear to god I'm still recovering from that.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So- given the conversations that were had here- and the fact the gym moved the lift they as a group were going to attend- I'm switching up programming and going to go for max size and I'm gonna do the 20 rep squat program.

    You all made me do it. I swear. Excited but- FML. HE HE HE
    They call me Thighly Cirus.

    Have fun. I did Smolov a couple of years ago and I swear to god I'm still recovering from that.

    I've done it once before. it was miserable about half way through. It was the most mentally nauseated I'd ever been going into a workout. Figured everyone needs a gut check every once in a while. LOL
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2016
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So- given the conversations that were had here- and the fact the gym moved the lift they as a group were going to attend- I'm switching up programming and going to go for max size and I'm gonna do the 20 rep squat program.

    You all made me do it. I swear. Excited but- FML. HE HE HE
    They call me Thighly Cirus.
    Hello Miss Thighly.

  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So- given the conversations that were had here- and the fact the gym moved the lift they as a group were going to attend- I'm switching up programming and going to go for max size and I'm gonna do the 20 rep squat program.

    You all made me do it. I swear. Excited but- FML. HE HE HE
    They call me Thighly Cirus.
    So you'll have to post some videos and your progress for inspiration for if/when I try it. I'm still struggling mentally on the 5/3/1 BBB when I do my 5x10 squats :-P body just says why don't you stop already!

  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    This morning's 5/3/1 Deadlift 5+...got 315x8. Not my smoothest. Was really hoping to get 10+ and I probably could have if I really pushed, but I could feel it in my back and stopped before I pulled something or form really went to hell. Down to a BW of 185 from my high of 190+ at the beginning of Jan. Hopefully I can keep my strength through the rest of my cut through the end of March.


    That's why I detest touch and go deadlifts, you lose tightness in your back and explosiveness off the floor is not achieved and your back has a tendency to progressively round as the reps increase.

    @nakedraygun how do you do hi rep sets? Do you reset after each and every lift?
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2016
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    This morning's 5/3/1 Deadlift 5+...got 315x8. Not my smoothest. Was really hoping to get 10+ and I probably could have if I really pushed, but I could feel it in my back and stopped before I pulled something or form really went to hell. Down to a BW of 185 from my high of 190+ at the beginning of Jan. Hopefully I can keep my strength through the rest of my cut through the end of March.


    That's why I detest touch and go deadlifts, you lose tightness in your back and explosiveness off the floor is not achieved and your back has a tendency to progressively round as the reps increase.

    @nakedraygun how do you do hi rep sets? Do you reset after each and every lift?

    Yep. Make every rep a rep no matter how long it takes. By trying to race through it, one is more prone to programming their body wrong and thus affecting future performance.

    The only time I speed through deadlifts are RDLs because the ROM is rather reductive meaning less cues your body needs to perform the lift efficiently/safely.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    @incogneato sweet!

    @JoRocka @McCloud33 you go have fun with 20 rep squats. I'm grateful that I won't have them in my future, although I do know what squat program I've got waiting for me when we go full steam on my squat. And having run smolov, I think I might prefer smolov again. At least it would be easier.

    @nakedraygun the funny thing is that at the time of the first video I had almost no knowledge of bench technique. It was lie down and try and move the barbell. Guess it kinda goes to show how much bench is a natural movement to me despite these long monkey arms.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    @incogneato sweet!

    @JoRocka @McCloud33 you go have fun with 20 rep squats. I'm grateful that I won't have them in my future, although I do know what squat program I've got waiting for me when we go full steam on my squat. And having run smolov, I think I might prefer smolov again. At least it would be easier.

    What squat program are you running?
  • smurfbus
    smurfbus Posts: 27 Member

    Live feed of local fire fighter trying guiness record For most chin ups in 24 hours. Hes trying 6000.

    Four hours gone and 1500 chin ups done

    Makes one humble
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    @incogneato sweet!

    @JoRocka @McCloud33 you go have fun with 20 rep squats. I'm grateful that I won't have them in my future, although I do know what squat program I've got waiting for me when we go full steam on my squat. And having run smolov, I think I might prefer smolov again. At least it would be easier.

    What squat program are you running?

    Currently tapering for bench only Nationals. What I do directly after depends on how I perform. If I earn my spot on the team for worlds, then staying on bench only programming until mid June. After that, once I have reloaded to the point that it actually makes sense, I know I'm getting handed Armenian squat. I ran the bench version as my last extensification block prior to commonwealth and it was intense.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    @incogneato sweet!

    @JoRocka @McCloud33 you go have fun with 20 rep squats. I'm grateful that I won't have them in my future, although I do know what squat program I've got waiting for me when we go full steam on my squat. And having run smolov, I think I might prefer smolov again. At least it would be easier.

    What squat program are you running?

    Currently tapering for bench only Nationals. What I do directly after depends on how I perform. If I earn my spot on the team for worlds, then staying on bench only programming until mid June. After that, once I have reloaded to the point that it actually makes sense, I know I'm getting handed Armenian squat. I ran the bench version as my last extensification block prior to commonwealth and it was intense.

    Good luck making the team. Are you open still or masters?

    I'm taking a bit of a break from nationals for a year or two. Maybe I'll think about it the year Worlds is in Calgary; 2018.