

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Back much worse today. Very difficult night. When anything on my body hurts, I want comfort food and comfort food for me is not healthy. Mac n cheese, hot dogs, sloppy hoes, ice cream, anything chocolate, pizza. Comfort foods are not good. But they are comforting.

    Watching PGA golf right now. Our Evansville guy is doing well again but some how he never has a good weekend. He can go from tied for 2nd to last place in a couple of hours.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Janet...prayers to you and your family. I can't even imagine what you are going through.
    Mary...what an incredible gesture for your DH to give a kidney to someone who wasn't even family. He is an extraordinary man (even if he is a bit jealous of the attention you give to Shep).
    Lisa...finished your book last week (This Little Pig) and enjoyed it. You are very talented and looking forward to the next one.
    Penny...lowest weight!! Congratulations!
    Teri_mom.good luck to your DD. I'll be looking for her on The Voice.
    Kim...Levi is soooo handsome and the daffys make me long for spring. He is very similar to my Jake who is a Brittany.
    Lenora...what can I say, cute, cute, cute Cacker.
    That's all I can remember but I think of you all.

    We got some snow yesterday, not as much as Allison or Kim but it got me out shoveling and burning calories. I took Jake for a walk after the snow stopped, around dusk and the sky was absolutely beautiful, pink and baby blue.The snow was wet and heavy and clung to the trees.

    Everyone have a wonderful day.
    Chris in MA
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    KJLamore I'll investigate more into tapping. I do love aroma therapy. A little orange oil rubbed between your palms and through your hair in the morning is very uplifting. I had taken a workshop in aromatherapy that explained how bad things like scented candles are for you and the plug-in air fresheners (unless using essential oils) and I stuck with that for a while, but will confess to going back to the scented candles. I will, however, still put oils in the water container on top of our wood stove.
    I've used tea tree oil often as well as eucalyptus for colds. Both my kids had little lavender pillows inside their pillow cases.
    The best reference book is:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hey, ... that was a lot easier than I thought it'd be. Now to wait until she falls asleep on her back. She's hysterical. That and throwing up her toys into the air and catching them. She makes me want to do a "happy dance"; and, she makes my moods improve. Great companion. She talks to us, too! I don't know if I can post a video (with sound) of her 'vocalizations'.

    Becca - I went to WW for about a year; never exercised much, and never lost more than 5lbs at the most the entire time. One of the instructors ... skinny really; ... (5' 7 - 5'0"; nor more than 145lbs) never would show her 'before' pictures. She looked 'gaunt'. I've weighed 145lbs before and I am only 5'4" - and I looked gaunt until I put on another 5lbs. I had been Lithium Toxic - almost died ... and it showed. My goal, at the moment, is 150lbs. If I can believe my MD's scales from the other day ... I'm about 158 or 159 lbs. now. But, that might mean that the 'bowling ball' feeling that was pressing on my bladder; and, I've rid my body of it, might just be a different kind of weight. Another one, lost to a good size for her; and, she always had her 'before' and 'after' pictures to show to others. The WW meetings here were pretty cliquish. They kept changing the times and days for the meetings. Then the one instructor that I liked transferred back out of this meeting place to another. Then they really changed instructors around. The days and times just became unworkable for me. If you lost a lot of weight ... maybe you'd fit in. I never could understand the 'new' points system. Now I see they are advertising yet another way to do things with Oprah being the spokesman. Hasn't she already been the spokesperson for one weight loss program before? Started off keeping a calorie count, went to the point system; then, they changed it all up and you had to buy another book to be able to keep tracking it. A lots of drama and it seemed like several that came were the ones they centered around.

    Hey, I know about social networking 'drama' on FB - one reason I ended up 'deleting' my account was because of DDnL#1 (next door). She'd post things for all the word to see, yet would not even attempt to have a 'face-to-face' conversation with the 'other' person. She is a big know-it-all. Doesn't understand why people get so mad at her. People really don't want you to take sides in a marital issue ... and certainly don't want you to 'post' opinions and posting on their Wall. Not sure if more can see things depending on settings. Whenever she posted something (if she had become a friend of a friend) ... it showed up on the friend of a friend's Wall. My sister really put her into her place when something that sister did NOT think was appropriate on it showed up all over the place and to HER fiends. After I deleted her as a friend, all I had to do was to go to a mutual friend's wall and read her posts there, if I had wanted to. I made the ultimate decision to 'delete' my account. I tried setting up and 2nd one so that I could start over with making friends. They caught me and closed out both accounts. They want too much 'personal' information to re-open an account and I am not going to send them information that I don't normal give out to others in the first place. So it stays closed. What I miss most are the pictures. Oh well. Maybe the ones I get through my cellphone are enough. At least my DDnL#2 send me pictures of them all the time.

    Mmmmm, not here - we have all types and sizes and journeys going along here; and, a lot more encouragement and support. I'm glad that I am on a 'social networking site' that is made up of only other like-minded ladies. I'm so happy that I found this thread. I don't know if any of you have ever gone to some of the others. It was almost being a fish and being trolled ... some of the posting got down-right sexual in nature. I deleted all of them from the ones that I bookmarked. Now I know that the only one that will show up is this one.

    Have a GREAT weekend. It's took chilly to go out and the wind might kick up later. Might be having soup tonight. A 'my version' of the WW soup. Becca - please share you recipes for you soups with me. You can send them to my PM ... or I can post my email address to you. I love soup, no matter the weather.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115/120, 5X5X 122
    Sumo squats-5X5X107
    OHP-1X5X45/50/55, 5X5X60
    BP-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 80
    BR-5X5X 85
    DL-1X5X 145

    Today I am up to my max amount on all Lifts except Deecell. I was even able to do five sets of five reps at 60 pounds for the overhead press which I have never done before! Victory!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca congrats on the weight loss, you are rockin it!! B)

    Did a nice cleanup of the inside of the fridge this a.m.-- always appreciate when this is tidied up, probably the way some of you feel about a shiny kitchen sink! I love a clean fridge...

    Well dd was a bright shiny star last nite for her senior year in the h.s. musical; she has a lot of stage presence both dh and i dont know where it comes from, but it is a gift to enjoy. Another milestone as we speed towards graduation. I remember what started me on mfp, the goal was to be healthy, fit and trim by her graduation day and i am aware that it is going to be a reality as long as i stay the course!

    Karen from ny
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I could not stand it. It is 40 degrees out and sunny, so I went out in my yard to do some spring clean up- cutting off asters, day lilies, cone flowers, etc. My son was here so he hauled off the huge tree limb that fell a month ago (luckily missing everything important). It felt so good. I think I quit before it would hurt.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited February 2016
    Mswolf wrote:My husband walked out unexpectedly about a year and a half ago. Thanks to the physical shock, I lost about 25 pounds, seemingly overnight. As I've put my life back together, the weight has creeped back on. My February goal is to lose five pounds. I'm trying to be reasonable and gentle on myself. [/quote]

    I'm so sorry for what you are going thru, this has also happened to me. My anger got me on the elliptical and I sweated off the horrible feelings rather than eating them. I slowly incorporated other good habits and am now over 40 lbs. lighter, 4 sizes smaller and apparently look at least 10 years younger. Success is the sweetest revenge.
    We are hear to help.
    Good luck.
    Chris in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Lenora - It was so great to finally see a pic of your beloved Cracker. I know how important your pet is to you. :love:

    Katla - I still think I'm HOT, but I rarely meet anyone who agrees with me! :laugh: Actually my nice friend does. <3 DH does on a good day. :laugh:

    Enjoyed my sea bass, rubbed with Madras paste, mushy peas and cavolo Nero (kale). Yummo! My local chain sells 3 ×2 sea bass for £10. I decided today was a 4 units day so I am now feeling pretty "fuzzy"¡¿¡¿¡¿¡¿ Only got tv to watch this evening. In Italian. :D With subtitles. :D:D

    Feeling good about my on line research for Spain. Will go by train to Cordoba, stay two nights and then get a taxi to Granada. Two nights in Granada and probably a bus to Malaga again. Thank goodness for the internet. What did we do without it!

    Right now I think DJ is at the port, waiting to board her ship. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Does anybody know how to figure out how many calories are in something you cook, when you don't have the label that gives you this? We have some tamales and we eat about 3 of the at the time. I guess I could weigh them; but, that doesn't do anything about the calories. There made of venison and corn meal. Probably 1/2 or then are corn meal and the other is the venison. I'm not sure how I can make this my recipe. Maybe I need to go to 'my meals' instead. Any help would be appreciated. I know that I save a couple of recipes. It's been awhile since I've done that. I've tried finding something that would be close. Not having much luck.

    Fixing to have a fire in the fireplace and watching a movie. Hope the DVD Player won't act up. Keep telling DH to go ahead and buy one. They are relatively inexpensive. Tired of he getting pissed when it sticks (in the best part, usually. :'(
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I'm doing my usual Saturday chores today. I had a great chat with my BFF this morning--we love our Saturday morning chats but she's been going out of town to see her new fella most weekends, so it was really special this morning.

    I was playing around on the dating sites yesterday and said "maybe " to a suggestion that popped up. I had been saying no because he lived too far away. Turns out that he is only 30 minutes away and we are meeting for dinner tonight! I'm looking forward to meeting a potential new friend. We'll see how it goes.

    I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!

    Carol in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My DDnL#2 told me to buy some 'coconut oil' ... it has so many purposes. Eating, drinking, cooking with it. Maybe in a 'hot' cup of 'something'. Does not melt in cold water ... DUH! I've heard not to pour it or put it in your sinks because I will stop them up. Rubbing in hair only takes a 'smidgen'. If you use too much it makes it greasy; so I have not tried that. Cracker was smelling pretty 'doggie' on Thursday night, so I rubbed a little in her coat. She did not smell doggie until I had the chance to bathe her yesterday. I had to get Louis to come in and rinse, while I held, her. She's gotten a lot stronger and I can't keep her from trying to jump out of the tub. Too cold to wash her under the garden hose. Maybe when it gets warm(er) she will enjoy being washed with water from the hose. He does a better job at washing and making sure there is no soap left on her. I didn't put the soap right on her. In my hands; but, she had a soapy spot that was on a side that I could not hold her and hold the watering can in my left hand. DH washed and rinsed and I held her. I think her running and playing with DOS's dogs have given her a lot of strength and I think getting taller can a problem for me to try to wash her alone. She'd grab at them trying to get her to run after her. She's fast as the wind. Can already outrun his Lab.

    Oh, good, DH has rented a 'zombie' movie. I guess, I'll be reading instead. This movie will probably NOT stick. Sometimes he picks movies from the 'not so well-known actors/actresses - they do fine, no sticking; but, if her rents one that we REALLY want to watch ... it sticks. I keep telling him - buy another one.

    Thanks for all the comments about my "Cracker". She is so funny! Now throwing her toys.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello everyone: Gloomy day today so not working outside with DD. She is working on a project for her Secret Sweetie at work. Doing well so far with food. DH and I are going to a concert tonight in Everett. It is part of a fine arts series at a Presbyterian church there with an instrumental trio playing baroque music.

    Kim - love the picture of Levi. He looks like a proper gentleman with his hair parted in the center. Things are just starting to grow here, no flowers yet.

    Pip - Nice fence.

    Katla - I second the light-weight saddle idea. My DD has a Cordura that she sometimes uses. You might also consider a trail saddle as opposed to a western saddle as they are sometimes lighter. Also check with 4H in your area. They hold a huge used tack consignment sale in Snohomish county and I know they do the same in other areas of the country to raise money. I would not buy a saddle without getting to sit in it first.

    Everybody have a good weekend whatever you do. Sue in WA
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Lenora - Cracker is so cute! Our little Lacey pup is part Jack Russell terrier and even though she is a"wild child" we love her! Smart little dogs! Lacey weighs 9 pounds now and is learning to follow instructions. I too was a WW member for a few years. I lost 43 pounds then they changed the program. Never made it to goal after the program changed....... I think part of the reason was my favorite group leader retired and then I could never find another class that was not click-ish. I've gained back around 15 pounds. Need to lose 20 pounds. That will make me 155 which is a good weight for me. Still working on that goal.

    Becca- congrats on the successful weight loss!

    Kjlamore - I'm with you on prepping food for the week. It makes it so much easier to stay on plan.

    Going to Olive Garden this evening for grandson's birthday. I'd rather stay home and eat soup. Lots of calories at that place

    Donna in WV
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora~Ohh I love my tub of coconut oil! I put a small finger full in my hand, then cover it with the other hand to melt it. Then I start from my face and massage, (this body takes about 7 finger fulls!) all the way to my toes. It's a mini massage really. If I have dry eyes I put a smidgen on the inside lower lid and blink. I put it up my nose when I feel dry from the weather. I have yet to ingest it though. They say that if you put a small spoonful in your mouth and "Pull" it between your teeth and gums its suppose to be as beneficial as brushing your teeth. But you had to spit it out in your garbage can. It's really only beneficial after doing it for about 20 minutes. And they say, by then, it can dribble out of your mouth a bit....I have things to do darnit! No time for that. hahaha! I like how it soaks into my skin fast. Not just sitting on the surface, like any of the after shower oil based products. I have bought lavender oil (pure) and mixed it with almond oil for a nice after shower deal. It doesnt soak up as quickly as the coconut oil though.
    I have yet to cook with coconut oil either. I love my olive oil !

    For a great experience put almond oil in your bath, and add some herbal tea packets...(I tie 4 bags altogether) and float in the water. Every so often I squeeze them. Its a great anti-inflammatory remedy. Once when I had a sunburn I used teabags and the pain went out of my skin really quickly. I have also used quick oats in a handkerchief when I had a lot of mosquito bites. Makes for a funky scented bath, and I got a bit hungry smelling oatmeal, but it worked!

    So I bought an old wooden tennis racket. My idea is to put my earrings on the face of the racket, and then the handle will be horizontal with little nails to hold my necklaces. The only issue is my post earrings. Not sure how to incorporate those into the deal. Any ideas?

    Thanks for all the encouragement regarding my journey! Glad to know I'm definitely not alone in this.
    feeling grateful in
  • VeraWatkins1
    VeraWatkins1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Vera and I'm new to this post. At this present time, I have not made any resolutions for 2016. I try to take one day at a time and see how well I do that day. Right now I doing very well as working out in the gym. Just recently retired...trying to fit in different routines. I volunteer at one of our hospital here in Louisiana one day out of the week. My weight is good...down to 138. Always on the go moving or walking. I enjoy walking very much. Participate in different walking around the city.

    I'm looking forward in reading and contributing to this post.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - beautiful pictures! That would get me out walking.

    Katla - have a fantastic time!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you for the welcome! I think it'll be nice to have a group to support and be supported by!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Vera - Welcome! Sounds as if you have got a good routine going! :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK