Men: Oblivious to Flirting.



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Good lesson then ladies - Go obvious to avoid oblivious.

    Just pull your tits out and shake em around a bit. That'll get 'em.

    I save that for the date. Obvious flirting would be something like licking his lips.

    Yup, that would work.
  • megabyt23
    megabyt23 Posts: 580 Member
    Good lesson then ladies - Go obvious to avoid oblivious.

    Just pull your tits out and shake em around a bit. That'll get 'em.

    I save that for the date. Obvious flirting would be something like licking his lips.

    ahahahaha i guess that would do the trick :laugh:
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good lesson then ladies - Go obvious to avoid oblivious.

    Just pull your tits out and shake em around a bit. That'll get 'em.
    It works every single time.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Men notice flirting when it's a woman they're interested in.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Er-yep... these 2 pics just about sum me up:
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    That's why I tend to go with the "Hey you! Get your d!ck in me now!" line.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I simply say " look at your boner!"
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I was that way for a long time. I think most people have a feeling when someone is flirting with them, but you don't want to be presumptuous and risk being wrong, so you just pretend to be clueless and hope that if they're really interested, they'll be more obvious about it at some point.

    These days, I just try being honest. If I find someone attractive or funny or interesting, I tell him that. If he picks up on it and follows through, great. If he doesn't, I assume it's because he's not interested, clueless, or missing a set of testicles. In any case, not that big of a deal, especially if it's someone I just met.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I can tell sometimes, but most the time I completely miss it.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Admit it, you just clicked because of the blanket statement, didn't you?

    Yes I did.

  • playgun
    playgun Posts: 163 Member
    I never notice when women flirt with me........Maybe it's because they don't!
    Now I'm really depressed! :frown:
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'll admit it, I usually suck at realizing it until after
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good lesson then ladies - Go obvious to avoid oblivious.

    Just pull your tits out and shake em around a bit. That'll get 'em.
    It works every single time.

    Nope. I just think they're crazy but still not hitting on me. Seriously, a woman could throw herself at me and I'm just like, "she seems really nice". It's a bit of an issue. Lol
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I don't know, though. Because some guys mistake a girl being nice and smiling for flirting when that was not the intention. I get asked out a lot for that reason, I think.

    Yep, I am completely oblivious to if it is being friendly or flirting. If any of it flirting. I'm pretty sure none of it is.
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    I don't know, though. Because some guys mistake a girl being nice and smiling for flirting when that was not the intention. I get asked out a lot for that reason, I think.

    Yep, I am completely oblivious to if it is being friendly or flirting. If any of it flirting. I'm pretty sure none of it is.

    How YOU doin'? :smooched:
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    Good lesson then ladies - Go obvious to avoid oblivious.

    Just pull your tits out and shake em around a bit. That'll get 'em.
    It works every single time.
    Not e every single time, I do it and men still think I'm just being nice, I need a new strategy
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I'll admit it, I usually suck at realizing it until after

    This! Though, as rml said, I was much more likely to have noticed if there was interest on my part.
  • christinabennett756

    I'm too shy to notice I'm being hit on.

    Eyes usually cast down

    it's an issue I'm working on!
    see...and look at that.
    My very first post

    *peeks out from the sidelines and waves*