Men: Oblivious to Flirting.



  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    Even when single I feel in the female oblivious to guys flirting catergory. I've always been comfortable around guys and would be the guy to girl translator for my friends. I grew up a tomboy with three brother and parents who were the Boy Scout leaders for their troop. I got dragged along to many events because we lived in the country and my parent didn't want me to be home alone for the weekend in case something happened. I'm also an engineer. The only way I could ever tell if it was someone new and they were blantently obvious. If it was a guy I knew for a while, I totally didn't catch on. Ask my husband, he kind of thinks it's funny
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I don't recall ever being flirted with so either people don't or I'm oblivious.

    Well ok arguably once, in school. But I'm not sure her showing off her legs, staring at me and batting her eyes and a few minutes later arranging for me to receive a note along the line of "X thinks you're hot, do you like her. [ ] Yes, [ ] No" qualifies as flirting. I'm pretty sure if you get a questionnaire it's beyond that to an overt expression of interest.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I am oblivious to almost everything.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    When I am flirting, they're completely oblivious.

    When I'm not flirting, they're convinced I am.


    I thought I was just bad at it.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I must admit that I am totally oblivious to flirting or any kind of subtlety or body language. But in my case it's not just a "man" thing. =P
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    Back when I was in college a girl asked me out to coffee. I told her I didn't like coffee. I can't believe I was so dumb.
  • GermanicKnight
    What is this flirting you speak of? Is it a spell or some magic?!?! I must study this more closely!
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Good lesson then ladies - Go obvious to avoid oblivious.

    Just pull your tits out and shake em around a bit. That'll get 'em.

  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    Yes, I hear it all the time that I am.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    When I am flirting, they're completely oblivious.

    When I'm not flirting, they're convinced I am.


    I thought I was just bad at it.

    Ahh I have a similar problem sometimes. :P
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    It's not just men. Women are oblivious as well. I think it comes down to (to some degree) a person's individual 'level' of confidence. Perception is everything.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I realize it's not only a man thing, I just like heterosexism. :laugh: :wink:

    Anyway, it seems that a lot of men (and some women) are oblivious to it. But I agree, some people can misconstrue being nice for flirting!
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have never once noticed until the person either told me what they were doing or someone else did.
  • Jason3589
    Jason3589 Posts: 734
    Anybody ever find that flirting increases when either are married? Is it the thrill of the unobtainable ?
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I like to be upfront about flirting, so I just latch my vagina on to any area of exposed skin like a barnacle on a dock until they ask me out for dinner.
  • Jason3589
    Jason3589 Posts: 734
    I like to be upfront about flirting, so I just latch my vagina on to any area of exposed skin like a barnacle on a dock until they ask me out for dinner.

    Feel free to lock on anytime you want lol:devil:
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Nope, not oblivious. There are some benefits to studying pickup artistry. haha
  • __delete
    __delete Posts: 245 Member
    I always have no idea.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Nope, not oblivious. There are some benefits to studying pickup artistry. haha
    So you like women with no self esteem?
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Nope, not oblivious. There are some benefits to studying pickup artistry. haha
    So you like women with no self esteem?

    What do you mean?