Does milk count as water?



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    a) You don't need 8 glasses of water a day,

    b) You need to consume enough FLUIDS to keep your body hydrated.

    c) If your urine is pale yellow you are hydrated.

    d) Any kind of liquid will hydrate your body. Coffee, tea, milk, juice, soda, soups, etc. An apple is 85% water.

    e) There is no proof that drinking large amounts of water has any effect on weight loss beyond making you feel full.

    THIS. Holy S, people.

    "All drinks count, but water, milk and fruit juices are the healthiest. It is best to avoid alcoholic drinks."
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I think it strange that proponents of "pure" water say it is ok to flavor water with fruit such as lemon , limes, etc. and some advocate ice tea, but yet coffee and other liquids don't count. I get coffee has caffeine , but so does ice tea and water flavored with fruit also has citrus or some other additive. I think hydration is the main thing, if you can do it with just water, do so, it is the healthiest means. If not, just be sure to get plenty of fluids, preferably without calories.

    there's more caffeine in 2 Excedrin than a cup of coffee. so if you have a headache and swallow 2 Excedrin and use a glass of water to wash them down, then that glass of water must not count either... assuming these people want to be logically consistent. it doesn't make sense to me.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    My dietician advises me that all liquids count as 'water'..your body will use them as such. She ALSO states that there is a lot of misinformation out there, such as the 'soda doesn't count'...caffeine thing. There isn't enough caffeine in soda/coffee to negate the effects of the water, but that myth persists.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you have doubts, ask a dietitian :)

    Good post however, on a side note there are things in Soda that are hard on the body and it should not be used as a method of hydration -- actually, it should be avoided by anyone trying to lose weight -- and diet is not better.

    But then why do I feel like such crap if I have too much caffeine and why does water or another non caffeinated liquid make me feel better?

    Same goes for alcohol, what about hangovers?

    You feel like crap because you have too much caffeine, not because of anything to do with hydration. Alcohol *doesn't* count because it is dehydrating, but caffeine is not.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh, and would someone please post the Mayo Clinic caffeine study, please??? The myth that will never die...

    As long as you don't over consume (more than 500 - 600mg of caffeine) you can also count your sodas, coffees and teas.

    Bolded for emphasis since it is possible with certain high caffeine content coffees in large quantities.

    Okay so diet coke count. Venti latte with 3 shots....drink extra fluids? or Just don't count as water?
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    I was told by Docs in chemotherapy that any liquid is fine towards the 2 litre a day target. Whilst milk is actually food with calories it is still also liquid. I was drinking 2 litres of water and then all my milks, teas etc on top .It washed out my electrolytes as demonstrated in the blood tests that day. I was told in no uncertain terms to stop over hydrating and flushing out those essential electrolytes.

    Hope this helps

    I imagine this was specifically to do with your chemo though. It's very dangerous to go round telling people "any liquid is fine". It quite clearly isn't. Should I drink two litres of Strawberry Yazoo a day instead of water? Vodka? Kerosene?

    The fact is that water is way better for you than any other liquid because

    a] It gives you more energy. Milk is not as effective as this. Alcohol certainly is not.
    b] It hydrates you skin and improves your appearance
    c] It hydrates your organs, helping to optimise them and improve your metabolism, therefore aiding weight loss
    d] It regulates your body temperature
    e] It allow nutrients to reach the cells in your body more effectively
    f] Helps remove waste matter more effectively

    So no, any liquid is not fine. For YOU yes, in your current situation, but everyone else cannot cheat and drink whatever they like and pretend it's as good as water.
    milk is actually food with calories

    What does this even mean?
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I only count water as water. Milk and all it's calories goes towards my macros. :noway:
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    It does matter. 8 diet cokes do not equal 8 glasses of water. Ever.

    Slippery slope...just sayin.

    True, since a can of diet coke is 12 oz... 8 cans would be more like 12 glasses of water :)

    I don't believe I specified 8 cans of diet coke...did I? :P

    This thread has devolved into nonsense. Juice? Instead of water? Please. And regarding lemons, limes, cucumbers in your water. Acidity is good for your gut and your ph. Lemons have a cleansing effect and are good for your liver. They ENHANCE the water - not detract from it. And if they don't enhance it, they certainly are "neutral" in terms of nutrition.

    By all means, drink pop, juice, milk instead of water. And get back to me on how much weight you are losing.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Okay so diet coke count. Venti latte with 3 shots....drink extra fluids? or Just don't count as water?

    If you really just want to push the counter up, you don't have to rationalize it. Do it. Click! Up a glass!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I think it strange that proponents of "pure" water say it is ok to flavor water with fruit such as lemon , limes, etc. and some advocate ice tea, but yet coffee and other liquids don't count. I get coffee has caffeine , but so does ice tea and water flavored with fruit also has citrus or some other additive. I think hydration is the main thing, if you can do it with just water, do so, it is the healthiest means. If not, just be sure to get plenty of fluids, preferably without calories.

    there's more caffeine in 2 Excedrin than a cup of coffee. so if you have a headache and swallow 2 Excedrin and use a glass of water to wash them down, then that glass of water must not count either... assuming these people want to be logically consistent. it doesn't make sense to me.

    this is what I do all the time. so i guess, you're saying that glass does not have to be a wash (which is exactly how I count it) but can be counted toward my daily water total?
  • Nicktheicequeen
    Does a large coca cola count as water?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My dietician advises me that all liquids count as 'water'..your body will use them as such. She ALSO states that there is a lot of misinformation out there, such as the 'soda doesn't count'...caffeine thing. There isn't enough caffeine in soda/coffee to negate the effects of the water, but that myth persists.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you have doubts, ask a dietitian :)

    Good post however, on a side note there are things in Soda that are hard on the body and it should not be used as a method of hydration -- actually, it should be avoided by anyone trying to lose weight -- and diet is not better.

    But then why do I feel like such crap if I have too much caffeine and why does water or another non caffeinated liquid make me feel better?

    Same goes for alcohol, what about hangovers?

    You feel like crap because you have too much caffeine, not because of anything to do with hydration. Alcohol *doesn't* count because it is dehydrating, but caffeine is not.

    Ok. that makes sense. Caffeine not as dehydrating as alcohol unless at higher levels. Still make-feel-like-crap worthy though due to too much caffeine though. So still back to the old saying....wait for it....."MODERATION!!!" HAA BLahhhhh HAAAAAAAAA!!!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    a) You don't need 8 glasses of water a day,

    b) You need to consume enough FLUIDS to keep your body hydrated.

    c) If your urine is pale yellow you are hydrated.

    d) Any kind of liquid will hydrate your body. Coffee, tea, milk, juice, soda, soups, etc. An apple is 85% water.

    e) There is no proof that drinking large amounts of water has any effect on weight loss beyond making you feel full.

    This. Pee pale and everythings ok.

    i hardly ever pee clear and i've survived 45 years with dying even once. the "pee clear" thing is broscience perpetuated by trainers.

    No it's moscience since it's a mommy idea perpetuated by me to my kids. It seems to be an easy to understand concept that keeps them interested in drinking fluids and checking on their pee's when I'm not around. I'll also note that the pee does turn super dark yellow whenever I don't have enough fluids. I've noticed and my grown kid who I taught this as a kid agrees.

    And the only thing I'd change about the above post is that coffee is like anti-water because it actually dehydrates you so that and alcohol are the only ones where now you actually have to consume an extra glass of water per serving of caffeine drink or alcoholic beverage to offset any dehydration those may cause. This I heard from a neurologist cleaning me off caffeine so unsure what the "broscience" term would be for this....neuroscience? Noscience?

    personal trainers almost universally tell their clients that they MUST drink enough water every day until they see clear pee. that's broscience and overkill. when your pee is clear, it's actually a sign that you are over-hydrated. of course that won't hurt you, your body just clears the extra water out of your body as quickly as it can.

    OH! Now I see. Well, I didn't have trainers back in the day so I didn't hear it from them but I heard it from someplace back in the day and it appears from your reply that it has been extremified since I heard it. I was never under the impression the pee should be "clear" like water but just that it should be lighter yellow and that dark, dark yellow pee pee was a sign of heading toward dehydration and a cue that drinking more would be good. I'm glad you clarifiied that because NO I would not advise anyone to drink until pee pee is CLEAR just see thru yellow. Not clear like water. Anyways I think a person might naturally stop from just sheer bloating or potty visits before that point but who knows I remember that story of the lady who died from too much water from some competition or something.

    here's an example of a typical personal trainer pushing the "pee clear" broscience. i found this page in 15 seconds with a google search. i'm sure there are zillions more just like this one.
    Whenever people ask me how do I stay fit I point to one thing in particular that NOBODY really takes seriously that I think is a major factor....

    WATER!! I drink 2 gallons a day. Most people drink half a gallon or less.

    You will die in 3 days from dehydration. Whenever you don't drink water from 7am to 2pm because you were "too busy" the body begins to biologically set itself up to protect it from possible death.....up to and including slowing down the metabolism to conserve energy and water.

    Drink at least a gallon a day and make sure your pee is clear all day everyday for optimal body function. Which means calorie burning!!

    it's rubbish. it won't hurt you so long as you don't drink so much that you have to worry about water intoxication, but it's overkill.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    a) You don't need 8 glasses of water a day,

    b) You need to consume enough FLUIDS to keep your body hydrated.

    c) If your urine is pale yellow you are hydrated.

    d) Any kind of liquid will hydrate your body. Coffee, tea, milk, juice, soda, soups, etc. An apple is 85% water.

    e) There is no proof that drinking large amounts of water has any effect on weight loss beyond making you feel full.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    no it does not.

    i am fully aware that almost everything has water molecules in it. but i have never said "man, i'm thirsty, i could sure use a hamburger right now."
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Does a large coca cola count as water?

    Except yes. Why wouldn't it? Because it has calories?

    Hit the water glass AND log the calories. Easy.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Okay so diet coke count. Venti latte with 3 shots....drink extra fluids? or Just don't count as water?

    If you really just want to push the counter up, you don't have to rationalize it. Do it. Click! Up a glass!

    Yeah, if I'm being honest sometimes at the end of the day I just sit there after logging all my cals and just start clicking and thinking "i feel okay I think I"m hydrated, my lips don't feel chapped my mouth doesn't feel dry, my pee didn't look like egg yolks" click, click, click, Click, Click, CLICK, CLICK!!!! It's so cute when the little water glass overflows. That little pic alone has gone a LONG way in my giving a *kitten* about being hydrated or not. Give that guy a raise.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It does matter. 8 diet cokes do not equal 8 glasses of water. Ever.

    Slippery slope...just sayin.

    True, since a can of diet coke is 12 oz... 8 cans would be more like 12 glasses of water :)

    I don't believe I specified 8 cans of diet coke...did I? :P

    This thread has devolved into nonsense. Juice? Instead of water? Please. And regarding lemons, limes, cucumbers in your water. Acidity is good for your gut and your ph. Lemons have a cleansing effect and are good for your liver. They ENHANCE the water - not detract from it. And if they don't enhance it, they certainly are "neutral" in terms of nutrition.

    By all means, drink pop, juice, milk instead of water. And get back to me on how much weight you are losing.
    :noway: You're right, this thread has indeed devolved into nonsense.

    (85 lbs btw)
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    a) You don't need 8 glasses of water a day,

    b) You need to consume enough FLUIDS to keep your body hydrated.

    c) If your urine is pale yellow you are hydrated.

    d) Any kind of liquid will hydrate your body. Coffee, tea, milk, juice, soda, soups, etc. An apple is 85% water.

    e) There is no proof that drinking large amounts of water has any effect on weight loss beyond making you feel full.

    This. Pee pale and everythings ok.

    If you take a vitamin B supplement, you pee neon yellow! Just sayin' !
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    If it has water in it, yes.

    So yes, coffee, tea, crystal light mixtures, koolaide, etc counts as water. Just because you mix something with it doesn't magically change it.

    Thank You! I've been trying to figure out why water ceases to be water after being filtered through coffee. ...even though it's still 99.9% H2O.]
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    It does matter. 8 diet cokes do not equal 8 glasses of water. Ever.

    Slippery slope...just sayin.

    True, since a can of diet coke is 12 oz... 8 cans would be more like 12 glasses of water :)

    I don't believe I specified 8 cans of diet coke...did I? :P

    This thread has devolved into nonsense. Juice? Instead of water? Please. And regarding lemons, limes, cucumbers in your water. Acidity is good for your gut and your ph. Lemons have a cleansing effect and are good for your liver. They ENHANCE the water - not detract from it. And if they don't enhance it, they certainly are "neutral" in terms of nutrition.

    By all means, drink pop, juice, milk instead of water. And get back to me on how much weight you are losing.

    9 pounds since May 7th, thanks for asking.